262 research outputs found

    Collembola are Unlikely to Cause Human Dermatitis

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    There have been several unconfirmed case reports of dermatitis caused by Collembola (springtails). We recently investigated two nurses with dermatitis suspected to be caused by Drepanura Schött (Collembola: Entomobryidae). IgE antibodies to Collembola proteins were not detected in sera from the nurses and skin tests with the Collembola extract and crushed whole Collembola were negative in both the nurses and volunteers. This study suggests that the springtail Drepanura may not cause human dermatitis and that other organisms and organic matter that are also found in the moist environment inhabited by Collembola might instead be responsible

    Collembola are Unlikely to Cause Human Dermatitis

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    There have been several unconfirmed case reports of dermatitis caused by Collembola (springtails). We recently investigated two nurses with dermatitis suspected to be caused by Drepanura Schött (Collembola: Entomobryidae). IgE antibodies to Collembola proteins were not detected in sera from the nurses and skin tests with the Collembola extract and crushed whole Collembola were negative in both the nurses and volunteers. This study suggests that the springtail Drepanura may not cause human dermatitis and that other organisms and organic matter that are also found in the moist environment inhabited by Collembola might instead be responsible

    Effect of dynamic random leaks on the monitoring accuracy of home mechanical ventilators: a bench study

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    BACKGROUND: So far, the accuracy of tidal volume (VT) and leak measures provided by the built-in software of commercial home ventilators has only been tested using bench linear models with fixed calibrated and continuous leaks. The objective was to assess the reliability of the estimation of tidal volume (VT) and unintentional leaks in a single tubing bench model which introduces random dynamic leaks during inspiratory or expiratory phases. METHODS: The built-in software of four commercial home ventilators and a fifth ventilator-independent ad hoc designed external software tool were tested with two levels of leaks and two different models with excess leaks (inspiration or expiration). The external software analyzed separately the inspiratory and expiratory unintentional leaks. RESULTS: In basal condition, all ventilators but one underestimated tidal volume with values ranging between -1.5 ± 3.3% to -8.7% ± 3.27%. In the model with excess of inspiratory leaks, VT was overestimated by all four commercial software tools, with values ranging from 18.27 ± 7.05% to 35.92 ± 17.7%, whereas the ventilator independent-software gave a smaller difference (3.03 ± 2.6%). Leaks were underestimated by two applications with values of -11.47 ± 6.32 and -5.9 ± 0.52 L/min. With expiratory leaks, VT was overestimated by the software of one ventilator and the ventilator-independent software and significantly underestimated by the other three, with deviations ranging from +10.94 ± 7.1 to -48 ± 23.08%. The four commercial tools tested overestimated unintentional leaks, with values between 2.19 ± 0.85 to 3.08 ± 0.43 L/min. CONCLUSIONS: In a bench model, the presence of unintentional random leaks may be a source of error in the measurement of VT and leaks provided by the software of home ventilators. Analyzing leaks during inspiration and expiration separately may reduce this source of error

    Influences of Excluded Volume of Molecules on Signaling Processes on Biomembrane

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    We investigate the influences of the excluded volume of molecules on biochemical reaction processes on 2-dimensional surfaces using a model of signal transduction processes on biomembranes. We perform simulations of the 2-dimensional cell-based model, which describes the reactions and diffusion of the receptors, signaling proteins, target proteins, and crowders on the cell membrane. The signaling proteins are activated by receptors, and these activated signaling proteins activate target proteins that bind autonomously from the cytoplasm to the membrane, and unbind from the membrane if activated. If the target proteins bind frequently, the volume fraction of molecules on the membrane becomes so large that the excluded volume of the molecules for the reaction and diffusion dynamics cannot be negligible. We find that such excluded volume effects of the molecules induce non-trivial variations of the signal flow, defined as the activation frequency of target proteins, as follows. With an increase in the binding rate of target proteins, the signal flow varies by i) monotonically increasing; ii) increasing then decreasing in a bell-shaped curve; or iii) increasing, decreasing, then increasing in an S-shaped curve. We further demonstrate that the excluded volume of molecules influences the hierarchical molecular distributions throughout the reaction processes. In particular, when the system exhibits a large signal flow, the signaling proteins tend to surround the receptors to form receptor-signaling protein clusters, and the target proteins tend to become distributed around such clusters. To explain these phenomena, we analyze the stochastic model of the local motions of molecules around the receptor.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure

    Pichinde virus induces microvascular endothelial cell permeability through the production of nitric oxide

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    This report is the first to demonstrate infection of human endothelial cells by Pichinde virus (PIC). PIC infection induces an upregulation of the inducible nitric oxide synthase gene; as well as an increase in detectable nitric oxide (NO). PIC induces an increase in permeability in endothelial cell monolayers which can be abrogated at all measured timepoints with the addition of a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, indicating a role for NO in the alteration of endothelial barrier function. Because NO has shown antiviral activity against some viruses, viral titer was measured after addition of the NO synthase inhibitor and found to have no effect in altering virus load in infected EC. The NO synthase inhibition also has no effect on levels of activated caspases induced by PIC infection. Taken together, these data indicate NO production induced by Pichinde virus infection has a pathogenic effect on endothelial cell monolayer permeability

    Age differences in physiological responses to self-paced and incremental V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max} testing

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    Purpose: A self-paced maximal exercise protocol has demonstrated higher V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max} values when compared against traditional tests. The aim was to compare physiological responses to this self-paced V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max} protocol (SPV) in comparison to a traditional ramp V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max} (RAMP) protocol in young (18–30 years) and old (50–75 years) participants. Methods: Forty-four participants (22 young; 22 old) completed both protocols in a randomised, counter-balanced, crossover design. The SPV included 5 × 2 min stages, participants were able to self-regulate their power output (PO) by using incremental ‘clamps’ in ratings of perceived exertion. The RAMP consisted of either 15 or 20 W min1^{−1}. Results: Expired gases, cardiac output (Q), stroke volume (SV), muscular deoxyhaemoglobin (deoxyHb) and electromyography (EMG) at the vastus lateralis were recorded throughout. Results demonstrated significantly higher V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max} in the SPV (49.68 ± 10.26 ml kg1^{−1} min1^{−1}) vs. the RAMP (47.70 ± 9.98 ml kg1^{−1} min1^{−1}) in the young, but not in the old group (>0.05). Q and SV were significantly higher in the SPV vs. the RAMP in the young (0.05). No differences seen in deoxyHb and EMG for either age groups (>0.05). Peak PO was significantly higher in the SPV vs. the RAMP in both age groups (<0.05). Conclusion: Findings demonstrate that the SPV produces higher V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max}, peak Q and SV values in the young group. However, older participants achieved similar V˙O2max\dot V O_{2max} values in both protocols, mostly likely due to age-related differences in cardiovascular responses to incremental exercise, despite them achieving a higher physiological workload in the SPV

    Signaling pathways downstream of P2 receptors in human neutrophils

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    Extracellular nucleotides stimulate human neutrophils by activating the purinergic P2Y2 receptor. However, it is not completely understood which types of G proteins are activated downstream of this P2 receptor subtype. We investigated the G-protein coupling to P2Y2 receptors and several subsequent signaling events. Treatment of neutrophils with pertussis toxin (PTX), a Gi protein inhibitor, caused only ∼75% loss of nucleotide-induced Ca2+ mobilization indicating that nucleotides cause Ca2+ mobilization both through Gi-dependent and Gi-independent pathways. However, the PLC inhibitor U73122 almost completely inhibited Ca2+ mobilization in both nucleotide- and fMLP-stimulated neutrophils, strongly supporting the view that both the PTX-sensitive and the PTX-insensitive mechanism of Ca2+ increase require activation of PLC. We investigated the dependence of ERK phosphorylation on the Gi pathway. Treatment of neutrophils with PTX caused almost complete inhibition of ERK phosphorylation in nucleotide or fMLP activated neutrophils. U73122 caused inhibition of nucleotide- or fMLP-stimulated ERK phosphorylation, suggesting that although pertussis toxin-insensitive pathways cause measurable Ca2+ mobilization, they are not sufficient for causing ERK phosphorylation. Since PLC activation leads to intracellular Ca2+ increase and PKC activation, we investigated if these intracellular events are necessary for ERK phosphorylation. Exposure of cells to the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA had no effect on nucleotide- or fMLP-induced ERK phosphorylation. However, the PKC inhibitor GF109203X was able to almost completely inhibit nucleotide- or fMLP-induced ERK phosphorylation. We conclude that the P2Y2 receptor can cause Ca2+ mobilization through a PTX-insensitive but PLC-dependent pathway and ERK phosphorylation is highly dependent on activation of the Gi proteins

    Long-Term Effects of Autologous Bone Marrow Stem Cell Treatment in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Factors That May Influence Outcomes

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    AIMS: To investigate whether there are important sources of heterogeneity between the findings of different clinical trials which administer autologous stem cell treatment for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and to evaluate what factors may influence the long-term effects of this treatment. METHODS AND RESULTS: MEDLINE (1950-January 2011), EMBASE (1974-January 2011), CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library 2011, Issue 1), CINAHL (1982-January 2011), and ongoing trials registers were searched for randomised trials of bone marrow stem cells as treatment for AMI. Hand-searching was used to screen recent, relevant conference proceedings (2005-2010/11). Meta-analyses were conducted using random-effects models and heterogeneity between subgroups was assessed using chi-squared tests. Planned analyses included length of follow-up, timing of cell infusion and dose, patient selection, small trial size effect, methodological quality, loss of follow-up and date of publication. Thirty-three trials with a total of 1,765 participants were included. There was no evidence of bias due to publication or time-lag, methodological quality of included studies, participant drop-out, duration of follow-up or date of the first disclosure of results. However, in long-term follow-ups the treatment seemed more effective when administered at doses greater than 10(8) cells and to patients with more severe heart dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: Evaluation of heterogeneity between trials has not identified significant sources of bias in this study. However, clinical differences between trials are likely to exist which should be considered when undertaking future trials

    Lung function decline in relation to diagnostic criteria for airflow obstruction in respiratory symptomatic subjects

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    Contains fulltext : 108583.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Current COPD guidelines advocate a fixed < 0.70 FEV1/FVC cutpoint to define airflow obstruction. We compared rate of lung function decline in respiratory symptomatic 40+ subjects who were 'obstructive' or 'non-obstructive' according to the fixed and/or age and gender specific lower limit of normal (LLN) FEV1/FVC cutpoints. METHODS: We studied 3,324 respiratory symptomatic subjects referred to primary care diagnostic centres for spirometry. The cohort was subdivided into four categories based on presence or absence of obstruction according to the fixed and LLN FEV1/FVC cutpoints. Postbronchodilator FEV1 decline served as primary outcome to compare subjects between the respective categories. RESULTS: 918 subjects were obstructive according to the fixed FEV1/FVC cutpoint; 389 (42%) of them were non-obstructive according to the LLN cutpoint. In smokers, postbronchodilator FEV1 decline was 21 (SE 3) ml/year in those non-obstructive according to both cutpoints, 21 (7) ml/year in those obstructive according to the fixed but not according to the LLN cutpoint, and 50 (5) ml/year in those obstructive according to both cutpoints (p = 0.004). CONCLUSION: This study showed that respiratory symptomatic 40+ smokers and non-smokers who show FEV1/FVC values below the fixed 0.70 cutpoint but above their age/gender specific LLN value did not show accelerated FEV1 decline, in contrast with those showing FEV1/FVC values below their LLN cutpoint