161 research outputs found

    Застосування зворотних залежностей у математичних моделях складних об’єктів та систем

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    Представлено метод побудови апроксимуючих поліноміальних функцій багатьох змінних, який засновано на використанні в поліномах від’ємних степенів та застосуванні до поліномів обмеження на сумарну величину ступеня добутку змінних. Запропоновано використання штрафної функції на кількість членів полінома. Експериментальним шляхом отримано оптимальну величину коефіцієнта запропонованої штрафної функції.Представлен метод построения аппроксимирующих полиномиальных функций многих переменных, основанный на использовании в полиномах отрицательных степеней и применении к полиномам ограничения на суммарную величину степени произведения переменных. Предложено использование штрафной функции на количество членов полинома. Экспериментальным путем получена оптимальная величина коэффициента предложенной штрафной функции.A method of constructing approximating polynomials functions of many variables, based on the use of the negative degrees in polynomials and the application of the limitation on the total value of the product variable to polynoms is presented. The usage of the penalty function for the number of polynomial members is suggested. The optimum value of the proposed penalty functions coefficient is experimentally obtained

    Observational study on occupational exposure of dairy farmers to formaldehyde

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    Objectives To provide insights into exposure of Dutch dairy farmers to formaldehyde derived from formalin footbaths used for cows. Dutch safety norms are set at a limit of 0.122 ppm during an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) and 0.407 ppm for a 15-min TWA. Methods At 20 farms formaldehyde air concentrations were determined using stationary active air sampling with impingers next to the footbath and in the milking parlour during footbath usage. Formalin footbath concentrations were tested and meteorological conditions were collected using a climate monitor to assess associations with formaldehyde concentrations. A structured interview inquired on potential exposure routes and exposure duration. Results Formaldehyde concentrations next to the footbath ranged from <0.003 to 0.316 ppm, with seven measurements exceeding the 8-hour TWA threshold. None of the measurements exceeded the 15-min TWA threshold at either location. Formaldehyde air concentrations in the milking parlour were generally lower, yet at two farms exceeded the 8-hour TWA limit during sampling. Self-reported exposure time of the dairy farmers to the formalin footbath never exceeded 15 min. Although due to the small sample size, no significant associations between most predictor variables and formaldehyde levels in the air were found, the direction of effects were as expected. Conclusions The exposure of Dutch dairy farmers presumably falls within the established safety norms. Nonetheless, substantial levels of formaldehyde could be detected. This study further emphasises the importance of substitution of formalin in dairy practice and the relevance of informing dairy farmers on proper handling of formalin to reduce exposure

    Orthopedic surgery increases atherosclerotic lesions and necrotic core area in ApoE-/- mice

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    Background and aims Observational studies show a peak incidence of cardiovascular events after major surgery. For example, the risk of myocardial infarction increases 25-fold early after hip replacement. The acuteness of this increased risk suggests abrupt enhancement in plaque vulnerability, which may be related to intra-plaque inflammation, thinner fibrous cap and/or necrotic core expansion. We hypothesized that acute systemic inflammation following major orthopedic surgery induces such changes. Methods ApoE−/− mice were fed a western diet for 10 weeks. Thereafter, half the mice underwent mid-shaft femur osteotomy followed by realignment with an intramedullary K-wire, to mimic major orthopedic surgery. Mice were sacrificed 5 or 15 days post-surgery (n = 22) or post-saline injection (n = 13). Serum amyloid A (SAA) was measured as a marker of systemic inflammation. Paraffin embedded slides of the aortic root were stained to measure total plaque area and to quantify fibrosis, calcification, necrotic core, and inflammatory cells. Results Surgery mice showed a pronounced elevation of serum amyloid A (SAA) and developed increased plaque and necrotic core area already at 5 days, which reached significance at 15 days (p = 0.019; p = 0.004 for plaque and necrotic core, respectively). Macrophage and lymphocyte density significantly decreased in the surgery group compared to the control group at 15 days (p = 0.037; p = 0.024, respectively). The density of neutrophils and mast cells remained unchanged. Conclusions Major orthopedic surgery in ApoE−/− mice triggers a systemic inflammatory response. Atherosclerotic plaque area is enlarged after surgery mainly due to an increase of the necrotic core. The role of intra-plaque inflammation in this response to surgical injury remains to be fully elucidated. © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Lt

    Social-cognitive functioning and social skills in patients with early treated phenylketonuria:a PKU-COBESO study

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    OBJECTIVE: Early treatment of phenylketonuria (ET-PKU) prevents mental retardation, but many patients still show cognitive and mood problems. In this study, it was investigated whether ET-PKU-patients have specific phenylalanine (Phe-)related problems with respect to social-cognitive functioning and social skills. METHODS: Ninety five PKU-patients (mean age 21.6 ± 10.2 years) and 95 healthy controls (mean age 19.6 ± 8.7 years) were compared on performance of computerized and paper-and-pencil tasks measuring social-cognitive abilities and on parent- and self-reported social skills, using multivariate analyses of variance, and controlling for general cognitive ability (IQ-estimate). Further comparisons were made between patients using tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4, N = 30) and patients not using BH4. Associations with Phe-levels on the day of testing, during childhood, during adolescence and throughout life were examined. RESULTS: PKU-patients showed poorer social-cognitive functioning and reportedly had poorer social skills than controls (regardless of general cognitive abilities). Quality of social-cognitive functioning was negatively related to recent Phe-levels and Phe-levels between 8 and 12 years for adolescents with PKU. Quality of social skills was negatively related to lifetime phenylalanine levels in adult patients, and specifically to Phe-levels between 0 and 7, and between 8 and 12 years. There were no differences with respect to social outcome measures between the BH4 and non-BH4 groups. CONCLUSION: PKU-patients have Phe-related difficulties with social-cognitive functioning and social skills. Problems seem to be more evident among adolescents and adults with PKU. High Phe-levels during childhood and early adolescence seem to be of greater influence than current and recent Phe-levels for these patients

    Social-cognitive functioning and social skills in patients with early treated phenylketonuria: a PKU-COBESO study

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    Objective: Early treatment of phenylketonuria (ET-PKU) prevents mental retardation, but many patients still show cognitive and mood problems. In this study, it was investigated whether ET-PKU-patients have specific phenylalanine (Phe-)related problems with respect to social-cognitive functioning and social skills. Methods: Ninety five PKU-patients (mean age 21.6 ± 10.2 years) and 95 healthy controls (mean age 19.6 ± 8.7 years) were compared on performance of computerized and paper-and-pencil tasks measuring social-cognitive abilities and on parent- and self-reported social skills, using multivariate analyses of variance, and controlling for general cognitive ability (IQ-estimate). Further comparisons were made between patients using tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4, N = 30) and patients not using BH4. Associations with Phe-levels on the day of testing, during childhood, during adolescence and throughout life were examined. Results: PKU-patients showed poorer social-cognitive functioning and reportedly had poorer social skills than controls (regardless of general cognitive abilities). Quality of social-cognitive functioning was negatively related to recent Phe-levels and Phe-levels between 8 and 12 years for adolescents with PKU. Qu

    Modest heterologous protection after Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite immunization: a double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial.

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    BACKGROUND: A highly efficacious vaccine is needed for malaria control and eradication. Immunization with Plasmodium falciparum NF54 parasites under chemoprophylaxis (chemoprophylaxis and sporozoite (CPS)-immunization) induces the most efficient long-lasting protection against a homologous parasite. However, parasite genetic diversity is a major hurdle for protection against heterologous strains. METHODS: We conducted a double-blind, randomized controlled trial in 39 healthy participants of NF54-CPS immunization by bites of 45 NF54-infected (n = 24 volunteers) or uninfected mosquitoes (placebo; n = 15 volunteers) against a controlled human malaria infection with the homologous NF54 or the genetically distinct NF135.C10 and NF166.C8 clones. Cellular and humoral immune assays were performed as well as genetic characterization of the parasite clones. RESULTS: NF54-CPS immunization induced complete protection in 5/5 volunteers against NF54 challenge infection at 14 weeks post-immunization, but sterilely protected only 2/10 and 1/9 volunteers against NF135.C10 and NF166.C8 challenge infection, respectively. Post-immunization plasma showed a significantly lower capacity to block heterologous parasite development in primary human hepatocytes compared to NF54. Whole genome sequencing showed that NF135.C10 and NF166.C8 have amino acid changes in multiple antigens targeted by CPS-induced antibodies. Volunteers protected against heterologous challenge were among the stronger immune responders to in vitro parasite stimulation. CONCLUSIONS: Although highly protective against homologous parasites, NF54-CPS-induced immunity is less effective against heterologous parasite clones both in vivo and in vitro. Our data indicate that whole sporozoite-based vaccine approaches require more potent immune responses for heterologous protection. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This trial is registered in clinicaltrials.gov, under identifier NCT02098590

    Neurocognitive outcome and mental health in children with tyrosinemia type 1 and phenylketonuria:A comparison between two genetic disorders affecting the same metabolic pathway

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    Tyrosinemia type 1 (TT1) and phenylketonuria (PKU) are both inborn errors of phenylalanine-tyrosine metabolism. Neurocognitive and behavioral outcomes have always featured in PKU research but received less attention in TT1 research. This study aimed to investigate and compare neurocognitive, behavioral, and social outcomes of treated TT1 and PKU patients. We included 33 TT1 patients (mean age 11.24 years; 16 male), 31 PKU patients (mean age 10.84; 14 male), and 58 age- and gender-matched healthy controls (mean age 10.82 years; 29 male). IQ (Wechsler-subtests), executive functioning (the Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning), mental health (the Achenbach-scales), and social functioning (the Social Skills Rating System) were assessed. Results of TT1 patients, PKU patients, and healthy controls were compared using Kruskal-Wallis tests with post-hoc Mann-Whitney U tests. TT1 patients showed a lower IQ and poorer executive functioning, mental health, and social functioning compared to healthy controls and PKU patients. PKU patients did not differ from healthy controls regarding these outcome measures. Relatively poor outcomes for TT1 patients were particularly evident for verbal IQ, BRIEF dimensions "working memory", "plan and organize" and "monitor", ASEBA dimensions "social problems" and "attention problems", and for the SSRS "assertiveness" scale (all p value