110 research outputs found

    Lasten suonensisäinen nestehoito: kohti näyttöön perustuvia suosituksia

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    • Parenteraalinen nestehoito tulisi toteuttaa samalla tarkkuudella kuin lääkehoito.• Vuosikymmeniä käytetyn Holliday–Segarin kaavan mukainen nestemäärä saattaa altistaa nesteylimäärälle, joten kaavaan tulee suhtautua vain suuntaa antavana.• Nestehoito tulee suunnitella ja toteuttaa potilaskohtaisesti.• Lapselle suoneen annettavassa nestehoidossa tulisi siirtyä käyttämään näyttöön perustuvia suosituksia. Isotoniset ylläpitoliuokset ovat ensisijaisia.</p

    Valmiuslaki ja perusoikeudet poikkeusoloissa : Valtiosääntöoikeudellinen kokonaisarvio valmiuslain ja perustuslain 23 §:n suhteesta

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    Tutkimuksessa paneudutaan Suomen perustuslain ja tämänhetkisen poikkeuslakina voimassa olevan valmiuslain suhteeseen. Sen yhtenä tarkoituksena on tarkastella niitä seikkoja, joihin olisi puututtava mahdollisessa tulevassa lainsäädäntötyössä, jotta valmiuslain poikkeuslakipohjaisuus saataisiin samalla muutettua. Tutkimuksessa tuodaan esiin, kuinka keskeisesti Suomen perustuslain perusoikeuksia poikkeusoloissa koskeva sääntely on kansainvälisiin ihmisoikeussopimuksiin sidottua. Lisäksi esitetään vertailuja vastaavista muista eurooppalaisista sääntelymalleista. Erityisesti ensiksi mainitulla seikalla on myös aineellista merkitystä sen osalta, minkä sisältöiseksi valmiuslakia voidaan muuttaa ylipäätään. Valmiuslain voimassaollessa perustuslakia on muutettu niin, että valmiuslain tapaisessa sääntelyssä olisi helpommin täytettävissä perustuslain asettamat vaatimukset. Silti perustuslaki asettaa täysin p erustellusti korkeat vaatimukset esimerkiksi sille, millaisissa poikkeusoloissa ja millä tavoin lainsäädäntövallan delegointia soveltaen perusoikeuksista voidaan poiketa. Näistä vaatimuksista on pidettävä kiinni, ja näin ollen valmiuslakia muutettaessa tulee kiinnittää huomiota perustuslain asettamiin sisällöllisiin vaatimuksiin. Tutkimuksessa tuodaan esille, minkälaisia sisällöllisiä muutoksia perustuslaki ja sen taustalla oleva kansainvälinen normisto edellyttävät valmiuslakiin. Nämä muutostarpeet koskevat poikkeusolomääritelmää, ennen kaikkea niin sanotun puhtaan taloudellisen kriisin osalta, sekä miltei kauttaaltaan laissa olevia delegointeja. Näiden kahden suuremman muutosehdotuksen ohella tutkimus osoittaa myös eräitä muita muutostarpeita. Lisäksi ottaen huomioon delegointia koskevat muutostarpeet, tutkimus tuo myös esille vaihtoehtoisen näkökulman siitä, kuinka delegointia ja niiden laajuutta koskevat ongelmat voitaisiin mahdollisesti ratkaista erilaisella sääntelymallilla

    How and why we built our Smart Farm

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    The Smart Farm of Bioeconomy Campus project (2021–2023) developed a unique hub of Smart Farming technology. The resulting Smart Farm aims to accelerate the adoption of smart technologies in farms according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, at the Smart Farm, near-market technologies and services are tested, developed, and demonstrated. The aim is to remove barriers to their adoption and accelerate innovation in the sector, significantly increasing the benefits for farmers and the related agricultural industry. The foundation of the Smart Farm is based on processing various types of data. In the project, data was intensively collected from 16 hectares of test plots where barley was cultivated. Regular measurements were taken from the soil, crops, and from machinery and tractors equipped with ISOBUS technology. Measurements included the use of wireless soil sensors (20 units), drone imaging (RGB, multispectral, and thermal cameras), satellite images, and tractor telematics data. Additionally, the usability of the 5G signal in machine guidance was measured. Based on the collected data, precision farming was planned and implemented. Automated field navigation with headland automation was compared to traditional manual driving methods. Using GIS, maps such as profitability and energy consumption maps were generated from the data. The project developed a Farmer's Data Repository, through which a farmer can license their data to the desired destination via a data delivery service. The project also demonstrated the operation of such a system, compliant with EU data regulations, in collaboration with partner companies. A comprehensive project, the Finnish Future Farm (2023–2026), has begun based on the foundation of the Smart Farm, involving companies, educational and research organizations, farmers, and stakeholders. The project will build a digital twin of the physical Smart Farm, both of which will be utilized in R&amp;D, experimentation, and education.The Smart Farm of Bioeconomy Campus project (2021–2023) developed a unique hub of Smart Farming technology. The resulting Smart Farm aims to accelerate the adoption of smart technologies in farms according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, at the Smart Farm, near-market technologies and services are tested, developed, and demonstrated. The aim is to remove barriers to their adoption and accelerate innovation in the sector, significantly increasing the benefits for farmers and the related agricultural industry. The foundation of the Smart Farm is based on processing various types of data. In the project, data was intensively collected from 16 hectares of test plots where barley was cultivated. Regular measurements were taken from the soil, crops, and from machinery and tractors equipped with ISOBUS technology. Measurements included the use of wireless soil sensors (20 units), drone imaging (RGB, multispectral, and thermal cameras), satellite images, and tractor telematics data. Additionally, the usability of the 5G signal in machine guidance was measured. Based on the collected data, precision farming was planned and implemented. Automated field navigation with headland automation was compared to traditional manual driving methods. Using GIS, maps such as profitability and energy consumption maps were generated from the data. The project developed a Farmer’s Data Repository, through which a farmer can license their data to the desired destination via a data delivery service. The project also demonstrated the operation of such a system, compliant with EU data regulations, in collaboration with partner companies. A comprehensive project, the Finnish Future Farm (2023–2026), has begun based on the foundation of the Smart Farm, involving companies, educational and research organizations, farmers, and stakeholders. The project will build a digital twin of the physical Smart Farm, both of which will be utilized in R&amp;D, experimentation, and education

    Novel NPHS2 variant in patients with familial steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome with early onset, slow progression and dominant inheritance pattern

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    Background Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) is a common cause of end-stage renal disease in children but also occurs as an adult-onset condition. In a subset of SRNS patients, pathogenic variants are found in genes coding for podocyte foot process proteins. The aim of this study was to define the role of pathogenic variants in Finnish patients with familial and sporadic SRNS. Methods We analyzed SRNS-related genes NPHS1, NPHS2, NEPH1, ACTN4, TRPC6, INF2, WT1, CD2AP, LAMB2, and PLCE1 for disease-causing variants using direct sequencing of exons and intron/exon boundaries in all members of a family with dominant SRNS with early onset and slow progression to end-stage renal disease. We carried out a whole genome sequencing in two affected and two healthy family members. The function of found podocin variant was studied using co-immunoprecipitation and immunohistochemistry. Podocyte gene sequences were analyzed in a cohort of Finnish non-familial SRNS patients. Results A heterozygous de novo deletion, c. 988_989delCT in NPHS2, was found in all affected family members and in none of their healthy relatives, non-familial patients or controls. No other SRNS-related gene variant, coding or non-coding co-segregated with the disease phenotype in the family. While the truncated podocin remained able to bind nephrin, the expression of nephrin was fragmented and podocin expression reduced. The gene analysis of the non-familial SRNS patients revealed few variants. Conclusion The role of podocin variants in nephrotic syndrome may be more varied than previously thought.Peer reviewe

    FOXP3(+) T cells are present in kidney biopsy samples in children with tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome

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    Tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) is an inflammatory disease of unknown pathogenesis. To evaluate a possible role of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the pathophysiology of TIN with (TINU) and without uveitis, we investigated the presence and quantity of FOXP3(+) T regulatory lymphocytes in diagnostic kidney biopsies from pediatric patients. A total of 33 patients (14 TIN and 19 TINU) were enrolled. The quantity of CD4(+), FOXP3(+) and double-positive T cells in formalin-fixed kidney biopsies was determined using double label immunohistochemistry with anti-human CD4 and FOXP3 antibodies. FOXP3 staining was successful in all 33 patients. In patients with chronic uveitis, the density of FOXP3(+) cells was significantly lower (p = 0.046) than in TIN patients without uveitis or with uveitis lasting <3 months. CD4(+) staining was successful in 23 patients. The density of all lymphocytes (CD4(+), CD4(+)FOXP3(+) and FOXP3(+) cells) was significantly lower (p = 0.023) in patients with chronic uveitis than in other patients. FOXP3(+) T cells are present in kidney biopsy samples from TIN and TINU patients. In patients with chronic uveitis, the density of FOXP3(+) T cells is significantly lower than in other patients, suggesting a different pathomechanism for these clinical conditions.Peer reviewe

    Long-term outcome of biopsy-proven idiopathic tubulointersitial nephritis with or without uveitis in children-a nationwide follow-up study

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    Background Only a few studies reporting the long-term outcome of children with idiopathic tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) and uveitis syndrome (TINU) are available. We studied the long-term kidney and ocular outcome in a nationwide cohort of children with TIN or TINU.Methods All patients followed up for a minimum of 1 year by a paediatrician and an ophthalmologist were enrolled. The data on plasma creatinine (P-Cr), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), proteinuria, hypertension and uveitis were collected retrospectively.Results Fifty-two patients were studied. Median age at time of diagnosis was 13.1 (1.8-16.9) years and median follow-up time was 5.7 (1.1-21.2) years. Forty-five (87%) patients were initially treated with glucocorticoids. The median of the maximum P-Cr was 162 mu mol/l (47-1,016) and that of eGFR 47 ml/min/1.73m(2) (8-124). Uveitis was diagnosed in 33 patients (63%) and 21 (40%) patients developed chronic uveitis. P-Cr normalised in a median of 2 months. Eleven (21%) patients had nephritis recurrence during or after discontinuation of glucocorticoids. At the latest follow-up, 13 (25%) patients had eGFR Conclusions Our study questions the previously reported good long-term kidney and ocular outcome of patients with TIN/TINU. Decreased kidney function and/or ocular co-morbidities may persist for several years; thus, both kidney and ocular follow-up for at least 1 year is warranted.</div