281 research outputs found

    Oxytocin as an Inducer of Cardiomyogenesis

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    On Efficiency of Selected Machine Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in Software Defined Networks

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    We propose a concept of using Software Defined Network (SDN) technology and machine learning algorithms for monitoring and detection of malicious activities in the SDN data plane. The statistics and features of network traffic are generated by the native mechanisms of SDN technology. In order to conduct tests and a verification of the concept, it was necessary to obtain a set of network workload test data. We present virtual environment which enables generation of the SDN network traffic. The article examines the efficiency of selected  machine learning methods: Self Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization and their enhanced versions. The results are compared with other SDN-based IDS

    Reinhard Brandt Immanuel Kant Was bleibt? Felix. Meiner Verlag, Hamburg 2010

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    On the existence of bounded solutions for nonlinear second order neutral difference equations

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    \noindent Using the techniques connected with the measure of noncompactness we investigate the neutral difference equation of the following form \begin{equation*} \Delta \left(r_{n}\left(\Delta \left(x_{n}+p_{n}x_{n-k}\right) \right) ^{\gamma}\right) +q_{n}x_{n}^{\alpha}+a_{n}f(x_{n})=0. \end{equation*}% where x:N0Rx:{\mathbb{N}}_{0}\rightarrow {\mathbb{R}}, a,p,q:Na,p,q:{\mathbb{N}}%_{0}\rightarrow {\mathbb{R}}, r:N0Rr:{\mathbb{N}}_{0}\rightarrow {\mathbb{R}}% \setminus \{0\}, f ⁣:RRf\colon {\mathbb{R}}\rightarrow {\mathbb{R}} is a continuous function, and kk is a given positive integer, γ1\gamma \leq 1 is ratio of odd positive integers, α\alpha is a nonnegative constant. %an(t)\sum a_{n}\left(t\right) converges uniformly on R{\mathbb{R}}. %Here \bN_0\colon =\left\{0,1,2, \dots \right\} and \bN_k \colon = \left\{k, k+1, -k+2, \dots \right\} where kk is a given positive integer. Sufficient conditions for the existence of a bounded solution are obtained. Also a special type of stability and asymptotic stability are studied. Some earlier results are generalized. We note that the solution which we obtain does not directly correspond to a fixed point of a certain continuous operator since it is partially iterated. The method which we develop allows for considering through techniques connected with the measure of noncompactness also difference equations with memory. {\small \textbf{Keywords} Difference equation, measures of noncompactness, Darbo's fixed point theorem, boundedness, stability} {\small \textbf{AMS Subject classification} 39A10, 39A22, 39A30}Comment: submitted to Electronic Journal of the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equation

    Oxytocin as an Inducer of Cardiomyogenesis

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    Public Participation GIS for sustainable urban mobility planning: methods, applications and challenges

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    Sustainable mobility planning is a new approach to planning, and as such it requires new methods of public participation, data collection and data aggregation. In the article we present an overview of Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) methods with potential use in sustainable urban mobility planning. We present the methods using examples from two recent case studies conducted in Polish cities of Poznań and Łodź. Sustainable urban mobility planning is a cyclical process, and each stage has different data and participatory requirements. Consequently, we situate the PPGIS methods in appropriate stages of planning, based on potential benefits they may bring into the planning process. We discuss key issues related to participant recruitment and provide guidelines for planners interested in implementing methods presented in the paper. The article outlines future research directions stressing the need for systematic case study evaluation

    Intrusion Detection in Software De ned Networks with Self-organized Maps, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2015, nr 4

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    The Software Defined Network (SDN) architecture provides new opportunities to implement security mechanisms in terms of unauthorized activities detection. At the same time, there are certain risks associated with this technology. The presented approach covers a conception of the measurement method, virtual testbed and classification mechanism for SDNs. The paper presents a measurement method which allows collecting network traffic flow parameters, generated by a virtual SDN environment. The collected dataset can be used in machine learning methods to detect unauthorized activities

    Obecność związków powierzchniowo czynnych w rzece Kłodnica (Katowice, Polska). Część 1. Liniowe alkilobenzenosulfoniany

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    Surfactants are a group of compounds with specific physico-chemical properties and therefore they are used in many spheres of human activity. Surface-active substances undergo various physico-chemical transformations, what enables their migration between different elements of the environment and may lead to its pollution. Selected anionic surfactants were determined in samples of water from the Klodnica river (25 samples) and bottom sediments (25 samples). In most samples the presence of anionic analytes was confirmed. The determined concentration levels were in the range of up to 0.2105±0.0023 mg/dm3 or 0.207±0.010 μg/kg (surface water and bottom sediment samples, respectively). Comparing the concentrations of certain analytes found in liquid and solid environmental samples, it can be noticed that the surfactants containing a shorter alkyl chain in a molecule were present in higher concentrations in liquid samples (hydrophobicity increasing with the increasing length of the chain) and the other way round

    Effectiveness of selected medical and non-medical methods of prevention and reduction of overweight and obesity

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    Obesity is a growing health, social and economic problem around the world. In some developed countries adults that are overweight or obese are more than 40% of the population. Unfortunately, the rapid Americanization of lifestyle makes the presence of excess body weight more common in developing countries and countries with low gross domestic product. More and more scientific and economic evidence supports the fact that obesity as a single risk factor is one of the largest economic burden for health care systems. At the same time there are no effective policies on this issue that can be implemented on a global scale. For many years, effective therapies of overweight and obesity are sought at both the individual and the population scales. Interventions in obese individuals are mainly based on three levels of intervention ladder. At the first level, therapeutic interventions are based mainly on lifestyle changes (the introduction of a healthy style of nutrition, individually fitted physical activity level). The second level of treatment, often combined with lifestyle interventions, includes pharmacotherapy. The third level of the therapeutic ladder in obese patients is bariatric surgery. Effective solutions among the population scale activities are: the introduction of proper labeling system and banning on advertising certain products to children. High degree of positive impact can also be demonstrated in the case of some programs to support the purchase and delivery of healthy foods. In recent months, more and more has been spoken about taxing unhealthy food. This article presents a comprehensive overview of current guidelines for the treatment of obesity and public health methods used in the prevention of overweight and obesity on a population scale.Otyłość jest narastającym problemem zdrowotnym, społecznym oraz ekonomicznym na całym świecie. W niektórych krajach wysoko uprzemysłowionych dorośli z nadwagą lub otyłością stanowią ponad 40% populacji. Niestety, szybka amerykanizacja stylu życia sprawia, że występowanie nadmiaru masy ciała jest coraz powszechniejsze w krajach rozwijających się i tych o niskim produkcie krajowym brutto. Coraz więcej dowodów naukowych i ekonomicznych przemawia za faktem, że otyłość jako pojedynczy czynnik ryzyka jest obecnie jednym z największych obciążeń ekonomicznych dla systemów ochrony zdrowia. Jednocześnie brakuje skutecznych, możliwych do realizacji w ska-li globalnej, polityk dotyczących tego problemu. Od wielu lat poszukiwane są skuteczne terapie nadwagi i otyłości zarówno w skali indywidualnej, jak i populacyjnej. Interwencje u poszczególnych otyłych osób opierają się głównie na trzech szczeblach „drabiny interwencyjnej”. Na pierwszym szczeblu postępowania leczniczego są interwencje opierające się głównie na zmianach stylu życia (odpowiednie żywienie, indywidualne dopasowanie poziomu aktywności fizycznej). Drugi szczebel leczenia, często dołączany do pierwszego, to włączenie farmakoterapii. Trzecim stopniem „drabiny terapeutycznej” u pacjentów otyłych jest chirurgia bariatryczna. Wśród działań na skalę populacyjną efektywnym rozwiązaniem jest wprowadzanie prawidłowego systemu oznakowania produktów oraz zakazu reklamowania wybranych produktów do dzieci. Wysoki stopień pozytywnego oddziaływania można również wykazać w przypadku niektórych programów wspierających zakup lub dostarczanie zdrowej żywności. W ostatnich miesiącach coraz więcej mówi się też o wprowadzaniu podatków na żywność „niezdrową”. W niniejszym artykule kompleksowo przedstawiono przegląd aktualnych wytycznych dotyczących leczenia otyłości, a także metod stosowanych w zakresie zdrowia publicznego służących prewencji nadwagi i otyłości w skali populacyjnej