126 research outputs found

    Finite element stress analysis of polymers at high strains

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    A numerical analysis is presented for the problem of a flat rectangular rubber membrane with a circular rigid inclusion undergoing high strains due to the action of an axial load. The neo-hookean constitutive equations are introduced into the general purpose TITUS program by means of equivalent hookean constants and initial strains. The convergence is achieved after a few iterations. The method is not limited to any specific program. The results are in good agreement with those of a company sponsored photoelastic stress analysis. The theoretical and experimental deformed shapes also agree very closely with one another. For high strains it is demonstrated that using the conventional HOOKE law the stress concentration factor obtained is unreliable in the case of rubberlike material

    Western Business in Hungary: Challenges and Ways of Coping

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    A Unified Approach in System Architecture Development During Energy Efficient Design of Cooling Plants

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    This paper aims to present the approach to the creation and rendering of a detailed solution for cooling plants including all supporting documents. The paper presents all steps and specific sub steps of the presented approach and the approach has been verified on an example of a cooling plant with water-cooled chillers in the pharmaceutical industry. The authors were motivated to use such approach to find an expedient and high-quality solution for the system architecture. They believe that optimal cooling plant system architecture can be provided by an adequate selection of the required equipment and all system parameters it needs to comply with, through two phases of evaluation analysis, including all supporting technical documents. The approach is based on the designers’ engineering knowledge and years of experience in this field. It is based on a so-called Configuration and Change Management approach where the required/acceptable solution is provided by configuring the product and changing product properties through several loopback steps. The approach is quite comprehensive and complex, however, it produces a satisfactory solution with well presented results, which makes it applicable to the creation of new cooling plants

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWith oil prices high, and energy prices generally increasing, the pursuit of more economical and less polluting methods of climate control has led to the development of seasonal underground thermal energy storage (UTES) using pump-assisted smart thermosiphon arrays (STAs). With sufficient thermal storage capacity, it is feasible to meet all air-conditioning and heating requirements with a trivial fuel or electrical input in regions with hot summers and cold winters. In this dissertation, it is described how STAs can provide seasonal energy storage to meet all climate control needs. STAs are analyzed and compared with current similar technologies. The objective of this research was to create a methodology to design STA systems for any cooling load in any climate. Full year simulations were performed to model the charging and discharging processes to minimize total pipe length. The modeling results were validated with analytical solutions and some experimental data. The model developed was successfully able to simulate the heat transfer in and out of the soil through thermosiphon pipes over the course of one year using actual weather data and loads. Based on initial modeling results, a pilot-scale thermosiphon system was implemented. A description of this system and limited temperature data is put forth in Chapter 4

    Régészeti kutatások Békés megyében = Archaeological investigations in County Békés

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    A pályázatban a Békés megyében 1986-1993 között folyt mikroregionális kutatások eredményeinek elsősorban a középkorra vonatkozó közlését vállaltuk két kötetben. A tervben szereplő két kötet közül az első az Endrőd 170. és Örménykút 52. lelőhelyeken folytatott ásatások leletanyagának közlése angol nyelven. A kézirat a feltárt régészeti anyag közlése mellett tartalmazza az Endrőd 170. lelőhely botanikai és zoológiai maradványainak publikációját is, mely alapul szolgál a környezeti rekonstrukcióhoz. A munka a Varia Archaeologica Hungarica sorozat 25. köteteként 2011. májusában megjelent. (Andrea H. Vaday – Dénes Jankovich B. – László Kovács: Archaeological investigations in County Békés 1986-1992. Budapest 2011, 640 oldal.) A második kötetben az alföldi mikrorégió lelőhelyeinek térinformatikai feldolgozását, illetve az Endrőd 6. lelőhely ásatási anyagát adjuk közre, ezen kívül sikerült feldolgoztatni a lelőhely Árpád-kori zoológiai anyagát is. A pályázatban tervezett második kötetbe ezen felül a mikrorégió területén folytatott ásatások Árpád-kori és középkori leleteinek közlése, a kutatási eredmények összefoglaló ismertetése, továbbá az avar korra, a 10. századra és a középkorra vonatkozó településtörténeti megfigyelések és eredmények tanulmányok formájában A kézirat a 401 oldal szöveg mellett összesen 304 illusztrációt tartalmaz, köztük 7 színes elterjedési térképpel. | The Archaeological Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences conducted a microregional research project in the Great Hungarian Plain, in Békés County, between 1984 and 1993. The number of different publications coming out with the connection of these investigations go up to 60, but the scientific results of medieval periods has been missing. This project aimed to retrieve this deficiency by producing two volumes of studies. It included the result of two excavations: the site of END0170, on one hand and the site of ÖRM0052, on the other. The botanical and zoological remains of the END0170 site also were published in this volume. With the support of this project we were able to finish the desktop preparation, and the book issued in English in 2011. (Andrea H. Vaday – Dénes Jankovich B. – László Kovács: Archaeological investigations in County Békés 1986-1992. Budapest 2011, 640 pages, with several illustrations.) The second intended volume aimed to publish the medieval archaeological materials of many excavations, and the evaluation of investigation of settlement network, data for reconstruction of medieval weather, soil types, vegetation and fauna. The manuscripts and illustrations of these topics had to be completed, updated, and the site distribution as well as the plans of excavations were input in a GIS structure with their database, and seven colour distribution map were produced by GIS. The printed publication was not the aim of this project

    ʿEzbet Helmi, Palastbezirk der Hyksoszeit und des Neuen Reichs: nichtkeramische Funde

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    Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Erforschung einer altägyptischen Stadt, sowie seiner Alltags- und Vorgeschichte. Die Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die nicht keramischen Objekte, die aus den drei Bereichen des großen Palastbezirkes von ´Ezbet Helmi (Tell el-Dab´a) stammen. Es handelte sich hierbei um die Grabungsareale H/I, H/III und H/IV. Die nicht keramischen Artefakte aus den Arealen H/I, H/III und H/IV erwiesen sich in diesem Sinne als ein sehr reiches und vielseitiges Material. Es handelt sich um Funde verschiedener Art. Diese wurden in der Form eines Kataloges zusammengefasst und in sieben Hauptgruppen geordnet. Ausschlaggebend für ihre Klassifizierung war primär das Herstellungsmaterial, wie zum Beispiel Stein, Fayence, Bronze bzw. Kupfer oder Bein. Zwei Fundgruppen - die Perlen und die Spielsteine - wurden unabhängig vom Herstellungsmaterial zusammengefasst. Innerhalb des Kataloges wurden sowohl typische Alltagsgegenstände wie Werkzeuge oder Steingefäße, sowie die Relikte von Statuenfragmenten oder Reliefstücke beschrieben. Innerhalb jeder dieser Gruppen kamen für die Funde selbst neue, interessante Erkenntnisse zu Tage. Es konnte festgelegt werden, dass die meisten Artefakte der Phase C/2-C/3 zuzuordnen und dem entsprechend in die späte Phase des Palastbezirkes der Tuthmosidenzeit zu datieren sind. Zahlreiche Funde belegen jedoch auch viel frühere Aktivitäten innerhalb des Palastbezirkes von ´Ezbet Helmi, und zwar bereits zur Hyksoszeit (Ph. D/2). Besonders wichtige Erkenntnisse brachte die Zusammenstellung der Relikte aus den Bereichen der Anlage I (Areal H/I) und der Werkstätte W1 (Areal H/III). Diese Grabungsplätze erwiesen sich als sehr reiche Quellen der lokalen Industrie und dürften zur Zeit der Ph. C/2 als multifunktionale Werkstätten angesehen werden, die für den Bedarf des Palastbezirkes Waren produziert haben

    Ispitivanje komora za termičku obradu polutrajnih mesnih proizvoda

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    Provedeno istraživanje unutar ovog rada ima za cilj razvoj postupka za uspostavljanje ispitne metodologije za termostatirane komore za termičku obradu polutrajnih mesnih proizvoda unutar tvrtke "Gavrilović" d.o.o. - Petrinja. Spomenuta ispitna metodologija detaljno procjenjuje kvalitetu radnog volumena u promatranoj ispitnoj komori. Glavne utjecajne veličine unutar komore koja se ispituje su : temperatura procesa termičke obrade, temperatura u geometrijskom centru proizvoda nakon hlañenja postupkom tuširanja, masa pojedinačnog proizvoda unutar pojedinačne šarže, trajanje procesa termičke obrade, stalnost temperature termičke obrade i procesa hlañenja proizvoda, prostorno-temperaturni gradijenti, dinamika zagrijanja i hlañenja radnog volumena komore izmeñu 2 temperaturne radne točke, mjerna nesigurnost i odstupanje stvarne vrijednosti od zadane vrijednosti temperature radne točke unutar procesa termičke obrade. Kao posljedica mnogih uobičajenih tehničkih problema u praksi, u ovom radu je obrañena i analiza utjecajnih parametara metodom odzivnih površina (RSM=Response Surface Method), koja predstavlja izuzetno učinkovit i široko primjenjiv alat za rješavanje istih. Pomoću ove metode inžinjeri mogu analizirati i pronaći nepoznate odgovore (izlazeoutpute) na temelju unaprijed poznatih ulaznih podataka (ulaza-inputa), a sama metoda ima mogućnost predviñanja vjerojatnih ishoda i rangiranja različitih utjecaja pojedinačnih parametara. Sprovedena ispitna metodologija opisana je i u skladu s uputom meñunarodne norme IEC 60068-3-5. Meñunarodna norma IEC 60068-3-5 govori o postupcima ispitivanja stanja uspostavljenog okoliša, te o klasifikaciji i metodama ispitivanja istog unutar termostatirane ispitne komore. Ovdje su definirani i svi važni pojmovi vezani uz termostatiranu ispitnu komoru, kao i vanjski utjecaji na uvjete uspostavljenog okoliša unutar komore, način mjerenja temperature, način ugradnje temperaturnih osjetila, udio temperaturne promjene, standardni ispitni postupak i krajnji izvještaj o svojstvima ispitne termostatirane komore. Zbog prethodno uvjetovanih i definiranih postupaka, parametara i zahtjevanih ispitivanja, upotrebljavaju se ispitne komore koje mogu osigurati zadovoljavajuće kontrolirane uvjete uspostavljenog okoliša unutar svojeg radnog volumena

    Changes that digital marketing will have to face in the next generations

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    En el Marketing Digital se crean y trabajan estrategias para conocer los intereses, generar conversaciones y convencer al consumidor de comprar y consumir un producto o servicio. Gracias al rápido desarrollo y avance de la tecnología, las marcas han entendido que el comportamiento de cada una de las generaciones que se conoce desde finales del siglo XX hasta hoy ha ido cambiando gracias a estos avances y han empezado a manejar los medios digitales para conocer nuevas preferencias que han surgido en los consumidores. Hoy en día uno de los principales retos que enfrentan las marcas; es conocer los cambios de comportamiento, sus intereses y preferencias de los consumidores que van surgiendo a lo largo de los años. Consumidores como los Millennials y Centennials son generaciones que han crecido con el avance de la tecnología y las conexiones al alcance de sus bolsillos y han obligado a las marcas a trabajar y entender los entornos digitales en su totalidad para empezar a influir en sus decisiones de compra a través de la abundante información que ellos reciben diariamente.In Digital Marketing, strategies are created and worked to know the interest, begin conversations, and convince the customer to buy and consume products and services. Thanks for the fast development and advance of technology, the brands have understood that the behavior of every single generations that is know from the end of 20th century until today has been changing thanks to these advances and have started to manage the digital media to know the new preferences that have emerged in customers. Today one of the principal challenges that brands have to deal is to know the behavior changes, the interests and preferences of customers that are emerging over the years. Consumers like Millennials and Centennials are generations that have grown with the technology advances and the connections at their fingerprints and have forced brands to work and understand the digital environments in its whole to start influencing their purchase decisions through lot of information that they receive every day.Magíster en Mercadeo DigitalMaestrí