32 research outputs found

    Surface magnetic structure investigation of a nanolaminated Mn2_2GaC thin film using a magnetic field microscope based on Nitrogen-Vacancy centers

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    This work presents a magnetic field imaging method based on color centers in diamond crystal applied to a thin film of a nanolaminated Mn2_2GaC MAX phase. Magnetic properties of the surface related structures have been described around the first order transition at 214 K by performing measurements in the temperature range between 200 K and 235 K with the surface features fading out by increasing temperature above the transition temperature. The results presented here demonstrate how Nitrogen-Vacancy center based magnetic microscopy can supplement the traditionally used set of experimental techniques, giving additional information of microscopic scale magnetic field features, and allowing to investigate the temperature dependent magnetic behavior. The additional information acquired in this way is relevant to applications where surface magnetic properties are of essence.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Metformin Transport Rates Between Plasma and Red Blood Cells in Humans

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    Background Metformin has been used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes for over 60 years; however, its mechanism of pharmacological action is not fully clear. Different hypotheses exist regarding metformin distribution and redistribution mechanisms between plasma and erythrocytes/red blood cells (RBCs). Objective We aimed to test the hypothesis that the metformin distribution between plasma and RBC occurs via concentration difference-driven passive transport and estimated transport rate coefficient values based on metformin concentration time series in plasma and RBCs from in vivo studies. Methods An ordinary differential equation (ODE) system with two compartments was used to describe diffusion-based passive transport between plasma and RBCs. Metformin concentration time series in plasma and RBCs of 35 individuals were used for metformin transport parametrization. Plasma concentration has been approximated by biexponential decline. Results A single passive transport coefficient, k = 0.044 +/- 0.014 (h(-1)), can be applied, describing the uptake and release transport rate versus the linear equation v = k x (M-pl - M-RBC), where M-pl is the metformin concentration in plasma and M-RBC is the metformin concentration in RBCs. Conclusions Our research suggests that passive transport can explain metformin distribution dynamics between plasma and RBCs because transport speed is proportional to the metformin concentration difference and independent of the transport direction. Concentration difference-driven passive transport can explain the mechanism of faster metformin distribution to RBCs the first few hours after administration, and faster release and domination of the redistribution transport rate after metformin concentration in plasma becomes smaller than in RBCs.Peer reviewe

    Willingness to fight for Ukraine: Lessons for the Baltic states

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    Although not necessarily new, indirect and asymmetric methods of warfare have become more common in the last 30 years. This is the result of the development of new technologies and the rise of what the West calls “hybrid warfare,” with the fabrics of the nation being increasingly targeted by hostile actors to achieve the ultimate objectives of warfare in the political realm. Since the threat is multilayered and targets the nation’s very existence, war and defense should go beyond the armed forces and involve the whole of society. Therefore, the whole of society is a legitimate target and should take part in defense and war efforts. Since contemporary warfare targets a nation in its totality, defense must go beyond the traditional military realm. It must include the people, information system, culture, politics, economics, and infrastructure to increase the nation’s resilience. One fundamental factor determining a country’s resilience is the relationship between the social and the political realms. Data from the World Values Survey shows that, before the escalation of Russia’s war against Ukraine, a considerable gap existed between both realms with antagonistic characteristics. Taking the above into account, a fair question to be answered is why Russia’s war against Ukraine helped consolidate the Ukrainian nation and reduced the gap between the social and political realms resulting in greater resilience? This article uses Ukraine as a case study to draw lessons about resilience in non-kinetic/hybrid warfare to the Baltic states that might be extended to Western countrie

    Stockholder conflicts and dividends

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    Conflicts of interest between majority and minority stockholders affect a large proportion of firms in any economy, but has received little attention in the empirical literature. We examine the link between the potential for such conflicts and the firm's payout policy on a large sample of Norwegian private firms with controlling stockholders and detailed ownership data. Our evidence shows that the stronger the potential conflict between the stockholders, the higher the proportion of earnings paid out as dividends. This tendency to reduce stockholder conflicts by dividend payout is more pronounced when the minority is diffuse and when a family's majority block is held by a single family member. We also find evidence that a minority-friendly payout policy is associated with higher future minority investment in the firm. These results are consistent with the notion that potential agency costs of ownership are mitigated by dividend policy when the majority stockholder benefits from not exploiting the minority

    Tunable magnetic field source for magnetic field imaging microscopy

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    In this work, we present a novel, compact, power efficient and variable magnetic field source design for magnetic field imaging microscopy. The device is based on a pair of diametrically magnetized permanent magnet cylinders with electro-mechanical rotation control and ferrite flux homogenizers. A Hall probe and NV centers in diamond are used to demonstrate a proof of concept of a proposed magnetic field setup and to characterize the homogeneity of the produced magnetic field on a micrometer scale. Numerical simulation results are compared with experimental results showing good agreement of the distribution of the magnetic field in the setup. As a result, a magnetic field source with a tunable field amplitude in the range from 1 mT to 222 mT is demonstrated, achieving a magnetic field homogeneity of 2 ppm/μm or 0.5 μT/μm at 222 mT in a 25 × 25 μm field of view

    Tax concerns and agency concerns in dividend policy: Holding companies as a separating device

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    Higher dividends may create value by reducing agency costs, but may also destroy value by increasing tax payments. This paper shows empirically how stockholders use holding companies to establish indirect ownership through operating companies in order to obtain the benefit of lower agency costs while also avoiding the cost of higher taxes. We identify this relationship by studying the effect of a regulatory shift in Norway from zero to positive dividend taxes for individuals, whereas intercorporate dividends remained tax-exempt. We find that the use of holding companies increases strongly after the tax reform, and that operating companies with a higher potential for agency conflicts are more often owned by holding companies. Dividends paid from operating companies to holding companies are higher when the operating company would face more severe agency conflicts if such payments were not made. The payout is also higher and more stable from operating companies than from holding companies. These findings are consistent with the notion that stockholders choose organizational forms that separate tax effects from agency effects in dividend policy

    Corporate finance and governance in firms with limited liability: Basic characteristics

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    We analyze a wide range of corporate finance and governance characteristics in all active Norwegian firms with limited liability over the period 1994-2005. This sample includes about 77,000 nonlisted (private) firms and 135 listed (public) firms per year. Nonlisted firms have barely been addressed in the finance literature, despite our finding that they employ four times more people than listed firms, have about four times higher revenues, hold twice as much assets, and constitute over 99% of the enterprises. Indirect evidence suggests that this is also the typical situation worldwide. The unexplored nature of nonlisted firms makes us address a large set of characteristics, and to focus more on describing overall patterns in the data rather than making elaborate tests of behavioral hypotheses. We find that the size distribution of firms in the economy is close to lognormal, which is consistent with independence between size and growth for the individual firm

    Performance and Survival of Institutional Money Managers

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    Abstract. In recent years, there is a growing interest for the use of natural materials in composite applications, where cellulose materials are reinforced in foam gypsum matrix. As the result it is environmentally friendly low density building material, which can show high tensile and compressive strength, good heat and sound insulation properties. Hemp fibres are natural fibres and their properties vary according to the plant growing regional climatic conditions, fertilizers, plant density, harvesting time and pre-treatment technological processes. To use hemp fibre for gypsum reinforcement, it should be cut in the definite length of particles. As the result of the previous research a fibre cutting method with a rotating knife and soft material support was developed and patented. The shapes of the cutting knives and counter knives were designed. Theoretical research of the cutting process shoved that friction of the material has significant impact on the cutting energy. This paper summarizes the hemp fiber and shive coefficient of friction experiments. The coefficient of friction values were determined on four varieties of hemp fibers and shives. A significant difference between the coefficient of friction for different hemp variety fibers was not observed. The dry fiber coefficient of friction against steel was average 0.13, but for wet fibers it increased to 0.59. Keywords: hemp fibre, foam gypsum, friction. Introduction Hemp fibres are used in a wide range of products, including fabrics and textiles, yarns and raw or processed spun fibres, paper, carpeting, home furnishings, construction and insulation materials, auto parts, and composites. In recent years, there is a growing interest for the use of natural materials in composite applications, where cellulose materials are reinforced in gypsum matrix. As a result it is environmentally friendly low density building material, which can show high tensile and compressive strength, good heat and sound insulation properties. Foam gypsum is produced using gyps cohesive substance, manufacturing of which is environmentally friendly and energy efficient The main hypothesis for the cutter design is that the cutting method has to be used with minimum of energy consumption by reducing the frictional forces to a minimum. In the result of the research a fiber cutting method with a rotating knife and soft material support was developed and patented, To determine the factors that affect the cutting energy, a theoretical model for cutting was worked ou

    Norske familiebedrifter: omfang, eierstyring og lønnsomhet

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    Dette er siste forfatterversjon, etter fagfellevurderingVi dokumenterer at familiebedriftene utgjør en betydelig andel av norsk økonomi regnet etter antall, ansatte, omsetning og eiendeler. Eierstyringen i den enkelte familiebedrift kjennetegnes av uvanlig tett kopling mellom eierskap, styredeltakelse og daglig ledelse. Maktmisbruk overfor minoriteten skjer trolig sjelden fordi familiens høye eierandel gir lave insentiver til slik behandling av medinvestorer. Familiebedrifter har atskillig høyere lønnsomhet enn andre bedrifter. Denne forskjellen i lønnsomhet reduseres imidlertid med to tredeler når vi tar hensyn til andre lønnsomhetsdrivende egenskaper ved bedriften enn måten den er eid på