297 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Kategori USP dengan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Ubaya

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji hubungan antara kategori USP dengan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi UBAYA tahun angkatan 2000 sampai dengan 2004, sebanyak 830 orang yang terdiri atas 673 orang yang berjenis kelamin perempuan dan 157 orang yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kategori USP memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dan bersifat negatif dengan prestasi belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi UBAYA, yang berupa IPKm (r = - 0,351; p = 0,000), IPK (r = -0,336; p = 0,000), dan IPS (r = -0,204; p = 0,000). Hal -ini berarti bahwa kategori USP dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Hal ini merupakan sesuatu yang logis, karena kategori USP ditentukan berdasarkan hasil TPA seorang mahasiswa, dan TPA tersebut mengukur aspek-aspek yang dibutuhkan oleh seorang mahasiswa, yang dapat mempengaruhi prestasi belajarnya. Selain itu, melalui uji tambahan diketahui bahwa ada perbedaan antara jenis kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan dalam hal rata-rata IPKm (Z= -6,934;p = 0,000), IPK (Z= -7,216;p = 0,000), dan IPS (Z= -5,305; p = 0,000). Sehubungan dengan penelitian ini, peneliti menganjurkan kepada peneliti berikutnya untuk menggunakan data yang berupa nilai TPA murni, agar hasil penelitian menjadi lebih valid. Sebagai tambahan, peneliti berikutnya juga dapat melibatkan aspek-aspek non-kognitif lain, yang diduga dapat mempengaruhi prestasi belajar

    Hubungan Antara Kategori USP dengan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Ubaya

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji hubungan antara kategori USP dengan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi UBAYA tahun angkatan 2000 sampai dengan 2004, sebanyak 830 orang yang terdiri atas 673 orang yang berjenis kelamin perempuan dan 157 orang yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kategori USP memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dan bersifat negatif dengan prestasi belajar mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi UBAYA, yang berupa IPKm (r = - 0,351; p = 0,000), IPK (r = -0,336; p = 0,000), dan IPS (r = -0,204; p = 0,000). Hal -ini berarti bahwa kategori USP dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Hal ini merupakan sesuatu yang logis, karena kategori USP ditentukan berdasarkan hasil TPA seorang mahasiswa, dan TPA tersebut mengukur aspek-aspek yang dibutuhkan oleh seorang mahasiswa, yang dapat mempengaruhi prestasi belajarnya. Selain itu, melalui uji tambahan diketahui bahwa ada perbedaan antara jenis kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan dalam hal rata-rata IPKm (Z= -6,934;p = 0,000), IPK (Z= -7,216;p = 0,000), dan IPS (Z= -5,305; p = 0,000). Sehubungan dengan penelitian ini, peneliti menganjurkan kepada peneliti berikutnya untuk menggunakan data yang berupa nilai TPA murni, agar hasil penelitian menjadi lebih valid. Sebagai tambahan, peneliti berikutnya juga dapat melibatkan aspek-aspek non-kognitif lain, yang diduga dapat mempengaruhi prestasi belajar

    Utilización de semilla de papaya (carica papaya) y paico (chenopodium ambrosoides) como antiparasitario natural en perros de la ciudad de Latacunga

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    This research work was conducted with the objective of determining the effectiveness of powdered papaya seed and the paico plant (dried seeds and leaves) in infusion, as a natural arasitant against gastrointestinal parasites in dogs, in order to find an alternative that is economically flexible through natural arasitants. Four observations were conducted, in which the first observation served to determine the parasite load and the type of parasite before the application of treatments, in the remaining observations was observed a decrease or increase in the parasite load. The technique to perform the coproparasitics was the flotation concentration method. We applied a control treatment with a commercial cinder, a treatment with a dose of 1g of papaya seed powder for 10kg body weight and a treatment with infusion of paico ata dose of 1ml per 10kg body weight, for each treatment we worked with a group of 10 dogs. A parasite load of 21 ancylostomas was found. SPP, 79 parasites of the genus toxocara Canis and 15 coccidias. SPP in the T0 treatment (commercial). In the T1 treatment (papaya seed) 17 ancylostomas were found. SPP, 164 toxocara Canis and 40 coccidias. SPP, and in the T2 treatment (paico) 32 ancylostomas were found. SPP, 164 toxocara Canis and 16 coccidias. We examined the decrease in the parasite load on days 1, 5 and 15 after application of the treatments.El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad de la semilla de papaya en polvo y la planta de paico (semillas y hojas secas) en infusión, como desparasitante natural contra parásitos gastrointestinales en perros, con el fin de encontrar una alternativa que sea económicamente flexible a través de desparasitantes naturales. Se llevaron a cabo cuatro observaciones, en donde la primera observación sirvió para determinar la carga parasitaria y el tipo de parásito antes de la aplicación de los tratamientos, en las observaciones restantes se observó la disminución o el aumento de la carga parasitaria. La técnica para realizar los coproparasitarios fue con el método de concentración por flotación. Se aplicó un tratamiento testigo con un desparasitante comercial, un tratamiento con una dosis de 1g de semilla de papaya en polvo para 10kg de peso vo y un tratamiento con infusión de paico en dosis de 1ml por 10kg de peso vo, para cada tratamiento se trabajó con un grupo de 10 perros. Se encontró una carga parasitaria de 21 Ancylostomas. Spp, 79 parásitos del género Toxocara Canis y 15 Coccidias. Spp en el tratamiento T0 (comercial). En el tratamiento T1 (semilla de papaya) se encontró 17 Ancylostomas. Spp, 164 Toxocara Canis y 40 Coccidias. Spp, y en el tratamiento T2 (paico) se encontró 32 Ancylostomas. Spp, 164 Toxocara Canis y 16 Coccidias. Spp. Se examinó la disminución de la carga parasitaria a los días 1, 5 y 15 post aplicación de los tratamientos. Finalmente, los resultados muestran que todos los tratamientos obtuvieron una disminución de la carga parasitaria el día 15 pos tratamiento siendo más relevante la disminución de Toxocara Canis y Coccidia. Spp

    Identification of a neuropeptide precursor protein that gives rise to a "cocktail" of peptides that bind Cu(II) and generate metal-linked dimers

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    The Transparency document associated with this article can be found,in online version.This work was supported by a Leverhulme Trust grant (RPG-2013-351) awarded to MRE and National Science Foundation (USA) grant awards DEB 1036416, 1036358, 1036366, and 1036368

    Phylotranscriptomic analysis uncovers a wealth of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases variants in echinoderms

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    Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) help regulate the extracellular matrix (ECM) in animals, mostly by inhibiting matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). They are important activators of mutable collagenous tissue (MCT), which have been extensively studied in echinoderms, and the four TIMP copies in humans have been studied for their role in cancer. To understand the evolution of TIMPs, we combined 405 TIMPs from an echinoderm transcriptome dataset built from 41 specimens representing all five classes of echinoderms with variants from protostomes and chordates. We used multiple sequence alignment with various stringencies of alignment quality to cull highly divergent sequences and then conducted phylogenetic analyses using both nucleotide and amino acid sequences. Phylogenetic hypotheses consistently recovered TIMPs as diversifying in the ancestral deuterostome and these early lineages continuing to diversify in echinoderms. The four vertebrate TIMPs diversified from a single copy in the ancestral chordate, all other copies being lost. Consistent with greater MCT needs owing to body wall liquefaction, evisceration, autotomy and reproduction by fission, holothuroids had significantly more TIMPs and higher read depths per contig. Ten cysteine residues, an HPQ binding site and several other residues were conserved in at least 70% of all TIMPs. The conservation of binding sites and the placement of echinoderm TIMPs involved in MCT modification suggest that ECM regulation remains the primary function of TIMP genes, although within this role there are a large number of specialized copies

    Selection for resistance to oseltamivir in seasonal and pandemic H1N1 influenza and widespread co-circulation of the lineages

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    Background: In Spring 2009, a novel reassortant strain of H1N1 influenza A emerged as a lineage distinct from seasonal H1N1. On June 11, the World Heath Organization declared a pandemic - the first since 1968. There are currently two main branches of H1N1 circulating in humans, a seasonal branch and a pandemic branch. The primary treatment method for pandemic and seasonal H1N1 is the antiviral drug Tamiflu® (oseltamivir). Although many seasonal H1N1 strains around the world are resistant to oseltamivir, initially, pandemic H1N1 strains have been susceptible to oseltamivir. As of February 3, 2010, there have been reports of resistance to oseltamivir in 225 cases of H1N1 pandemic influenza. The evolution of resistance to oseltamivir in pandemic H1N1 could be due to point mutations in the neuraminidase or a reassortment event between seasonal H1N1 and pandemic H1N1 viruses that provide a neuraminidase carrying an oseltamivir-resistant genotype to pandemic H1N1. Results: Using phylogenetic analysis of neuraminidase sequences, we show that both seasonal and pandemic lineages of H1N1 are evolving to direct selective pressure for resistance to oseltamivir. Moreover, seasonal lineages of H1N1 that are resistant to oseltamivir co-circulate with pandemic H1N1 throughout the globe. By combining phylogenetic and geographic data we have thus far identified 53 areas of co-circulation where reassortment can occur. At our website POINTMAP, http://pointmap.osu.edu webcite we make available a visualization and an application for updating these results as more data are released. Conclusions: As oseltamivir is a keystone of preparedness and treatment for pandemic H1N1, the potential for resistance to oseltamivir is an ongoing concern. Reassortment and, more likely, point mutation have the potential to create a strain of pandemic H1N1 against which we have a reduced number of treatment options

    Does Pandemic A/H1N1 Virus Have the Potential To Become More Pathogenic?

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    Epidemiologic observations that have been made in the context of the current pandemic influenza virus include a stable virulence phenotype and a lack of propensity to reassort with seasonal strains. In an attempt to determine whether either of these observations could change in the future, we coinfected differentiated human airway cells with seasonal oseltamivir-resistant A/New Jersey/15/07 and pandemic A/Tennessee/1-560/09 (H1N1) viruses in three ratios (10:90, 50:50, and 90:10) and examined the resulting progeny viruses after 10 sequential passages. When the pandemic virus was initially present at multiplicities of infection equal to or greater than those for the seasonal virus, only pandemic virus genotypes were detected. These adapted pandemic strains did, however, contain two nonsynonymous mutations (hemagglutinin K154Q and polymerase acidic protein L295P) that conferred a more virulent phenotype, both in cell cultures and in ferrets, than their parental strains. The polymerase acidic protein mutation increased polymerase activity at 37°C, and the hemagglutinin change affected binding of the virus to α2,6-sialyl receptors. When the seasonal A/H1N1 virus was initially present in excess, the dominant progeny virus was a reassortant containing the hemagglutinin gene from the seasonal strain and the remaining genes from the pandemic virus. Our study demonstrates that the emergence of an A/H1N1 pandemic strain of higher virulence is possible and that, despite their lack of detection thus far in humans, viable seasonal/pandemic virus reassortants can be generated