198 research outputs found

    Modernising Planning: Public Participation in the UK Planning System

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    In the UK the formal land-use planning system is once more at a crossroads with the unprecedented levels of public comment on the recent Governmental Green Paper on Planning. A recent international report on the planning process in Westernised countries highlighted a dearth of public participation in the UK planning system this is despite an obvious undercurrent of concern on environmental issues and the like. The paper sets out to gauge the extent of public interest in the Planning system, in the light of current proposals to revise it. The paper concentrates on the nature of public participation in Planning and to consider whether the public are more satisfied with process, seeing it as fair and robust, if they are more actively involved in the process of consultation. Other aspects to consider are the need to seek consultation from the wider public, not just individuals and special interest groups. There are several forgotten frontiers of the past effort to promote public participation. Theory dating from the 1970s exposed differences between sociological approaches in Planning and solutions tended to be lost in complexity of Local Development Plans. Subsequent theory (Healey 1997) has argued for the need to reconcile plural interests across localities. What is neglected in the research is the fuller appreciation of the actual public interest by those in the Planning system. A recent international report by Heriott-Watt University, Edinburgh and DePaul University, Chicago called for the notion of ‘public participation’ to be turned on its head and instead encourage the practice of ‘participatory planning’- the use of third parties to pre-mediate conflicts between stakeholders before and during the process of an open consultation as opposed to seeking public opinions after the plans have been drawn. This paper aims to review the modernising agenda and set out the case for shifting public participation to participatory planning within the context of the UK. Particularly pertinent due to recent recommendations to increase sustainability communities. It uses several qualitative case studies drawn from urban planning authorities and rural districts from the UK, which reveal Local Planning Authorities may be as yet unprepared to fully grasp the concepts underpinning the notion of participatory planning.

    Es pot parlar en nom dels altres? : Es pot, des de fora, representar les dones pioneres de la selva tropical mexicana?

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    Aquest article il·lustra alguns dels problemes de la representativitat a partir d'un projecte feminista anglo-mexicà amb dones de la selva mexicana. Molts acadèmics troben atractiu representar els/les altres: representar, re-presentar els interessos de les persones que tracten en la seva recerca. Aquestes persones tenen una gran fe en el poder dels acadèmics i en el poder de la veritat per resoldre els seus problemes, la qual cosa els pot portar a una decepció. En aquest projecte, l'equip que va realitzar les entrevistes estava integrat per feministes socialistes interessades pels problemes de producció, mentre que les persones sobre les quals es realitzava la recerca estaven més preocupades pel tema de l'alcoholisme, la violència i la violació per part dels homes. Quin tema calia escollir? En aquest escrit s'apunta breument com les dones identifiquen els seus problemes i les solucions que proposen. Es demostra que, com en altres ocasions, elles i l'equip de recerca no coincideixen. Com podríem les entrevistadores representar, re-presentar, les dones objecte d'estudi de manera justa en els llibres? Extractes d'una història de vida real il·lustren les dificultats.Este articulo ilustra algunos de los problemas de la representatividad a partir de un proyecto feminista anglo-mexicano con mujeres de la selva mexicana. Muchos académicos encuentran atractivo representar a los/las otros/as: representar, representar los intereses de las personas que se tratan en su investigación. Estas personas tienen una gran fe en el poder de los académicos y en el poder de la verdad para resolver sus problemas, lo que les puede comportar una decepción. En este proyecto, el equipo que realizó las entrevistas estaba integrado por feministas socialistas interesadas en los problemas de producción, mientras que las personas sobre las que se realizaba la investigación estaban más preocupadas por el tema del alcoholismo, la violencia y la violación por parte de los hombres. ¿Que tema se debia escoger? En este escrito se apunta brevemente cómo las mujeres identifican sus problemas y las soluciones que proponen. Se demuestra que, como en otras ocasiones, ellas y el equipo investigador no coinciden. ;Cómo las entrevistadoras podríamos representar, representar, a las mujeres objeto de estudio de manera justa en los libros? Extractos de una historia de vida ilustran las dificultades.Cet article illustre quelques uns des problèmes que posent les appuis donnés i une cause dans un projet féministe anglo-mexicain qui était adressé à des femmes de la fôret tropicale méxicaine. De nombreux chercheurs trouve attractif d'appuyer la cause des autres: representer, re-présenter les intérets des personnes qui sont objets de leur recherche. Ces personnes ont une grande foi dans le pouvoir des chercheurs et dans le pouvoir de la vérité pour résoudre leurs problèmes, ce qui peut mener finalement i la déception. Dans ce projet, l'équipe qui a réalisé les entrevues était intégrée par des féministes socialistes préoccupées par les problèmes de production, alors que les personnes sur lesquelles se réalisait la recherche étaient plus préoccupées par l'ivrognerie, la violence et la violation. Quel objet d'étude choisir alors ? Dans cette communication nous expliquons brièvement comment les femmes identifient leurs problèmes et les solutions qu'elles proposent. Cela démontre que, comme dans d'autres occasions, elles et l'équipe de recherche ne coincident pas dans leurs opinions. Comment pouvons-nous alors, nous chercheurs, représenter et re-présenter ces femmes avec justice dans nos écrits? Des extraits d'histoires de vie illustrent ces difficultés.This article illustrates some problems of advocacy from a British-Mexican feminist project with women in the Mexican rainforest. Many academics find advocacy attractive: to represent, re-present the interests of the subjects of their reserarch. The subjects, however, have great faith in the power of the academics and the power of truth to solve their problems, which may be a deception. On this project, the interviewing team were socialist feminists concerned with problems of production, while the subjects were more preoccupied with men's drunkenness, violence and rape. Whose then is the agenda? Women's own identification of their problems and solutions is summarised. It proves that, again, they and the team do not agree. How can the interviewers represent, re-present these women fairly in books? Extracts from a life history illustrate the difficulties

    Geografía y género de la colonización agrícola

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    Une étude sur la colonisation agricole dans les Tropiques nous montrerait que la planification est souvent inappropiée à la culture locale. Très souvent les femmes paysannes perdent leurs droits à la propriété de la terre et l'accès à des revenus, tandis qu'elles souffrent d'un accroissement du travail et d'un grand isolement. Dans les endroits où les femmes ont eu un rôle plus important, les résultats ont été encourageants. Le sens du genre dans la colonisation agricole varie nettement d'une place à l'autre, et devrait être étudié par les géographes dans les pays riches autant que dans les pays pauvres.A study of agricultural colonization in the tropics shows us that plans are often inappropriate to local culture. Very widely, colonist women lose title to land and access to income while suffering an increased workload and severe isolation. Where women have played a more positive role, the results have been encouraging. The significance of gender in colonization varies greatly from place to place, and should be studied by geographers in rich as well as poor countries.Un estudio sobre la colonización agrícola en los Trópicos nos muestra que la planificación con frecuencia es inapropiada para la cultura local. Muy frecuentemente las mujeres campesinas pierden sus derechos a la propiedad de la tierra y el acceso a las rentas, mientras sufren un incremento de trabajo y un gran aislamiento. Allí donde las mujeres han tenido un papel más importante, los resultados han sido alentadores. El significado del género en la colonización agrícola varia en gran medida de un lugar a otro, y debería ser estudiado por los geógrafos tanto en los países ricos como en los pobres.Un estudi sobre la colonització agrícola als Tròpics ens mostra que la planificació sovint és inapropiada per a la cultura local. Molt sovint les dones pageses perden llurs drets a la propietat de la terra i l'accés a les rendes, mentre que pateixen d'un increment del treball i d'un gran aïllament. Allà on les dones han tingut un paper més important, els resultats han estat encoratjadors. El significat del gènere en la colonització agrícola varia en gran manera d'un lloc a un altre, i hauria de ser estudiat pels geògrafs tant als països rics com als pobres

    Feminismo, geógrafos y geógrafas feministas y el resurgimiento de la geografía crítica

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    La geografía crítica tiene un papel importante en la construcción de un mundo mejor para el nuevo milenio y, posiblemente, pueda aprender algo del feminismo. Sin embargo, la institucionalización del feminismo ha significado la pérdida del proyecto político emancipador. Es necesario que la propuesta feminista recupere su interés por vincularse con la vida cotidiana, con la producción de información de base y con el trabajo cooperativo.La geografia crítica té un paper important en la construcció d'un món millor per al nou mil·lenni i, possiblement, pot aprendre alguna cosa del feminisme. Tanmateix, la institucionalització del feminisme ha significat la pèrdua del projecte polític emancipador. És necessari que la proposta feminista recuperi el seu interès per vincular-se amb la vida quotidiana, amb la producció d'informació de base i amb el treball cooperatiu.La géographie critique joue un rôle important dans la construction d'un monde meilleur pour le nouveau millenium et pourra sans doute apprendre quelque chose du féminisme. Cependant, l'institutionnalisation du féminisme a signifié la perte d'un projet politique émancipateur. Il faut que la proposition féministe recommence à s'intéresser à sa relation avec la vie quotidienne, la production d'une information de base et le travail coopératif.Critical geography has an important role in the construction of a better world for the new millennium and, possibly, it could learn much from feminism. However, feminism institutionalisation lead to the lost of the political emancipating project. It's necessary that feminism proposal recovers it interest in everyday life, in grounded research and collaborative work

    Feminismo, geógrafos y geógrafas feministas y el resurgimiento de la geografía crítica

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    La geografía crítica tiene un papel importante en la construcción de un mundo mejor para el nuevo milenio y, posiblemente, pueda aprender algo del feminismo. Sin embargo, la institucionalización del feminismo ha significado la pérdida del proyecto político emancipador. Es necesario que la propuesta feminista recupere su interés por vincularse con la vida cotidiana, con la producción de información de base y con el trabajo cooperativo.La geografia crítica té un paper important en la construcció d'un món millor per al nou mil·lenni i, possiblement, pot aprendre alguna cosa del feminisme. Tanmateix, la institucionalització del feminisme ha significat la pèrdua del projecte polític emancipador. És necessari que la proposta feminista recuperi el seu interès per vincular-se amb la vida quotidiana, amb la producció d'informació de base i amb el treball cooperatiu.La géographie critique joue un rôle important dans la construction d'un monde meilleur pour le nouveau millenium et pourra sans doute apprendre quelque chose du féminisme. Cependant, l'institutionnalisation du féminisme a signifié la perte d'un projet politique émancipateur. Il faut que la proposition féministe recommence à s'intéresser à sa relation avec la vie quotidienne, la production d'une information de base et le travail coopératif.Critical geography has an important role in the construction of a better world for the new millennium and, possibly, it could learn much from feminism. However, feminism institutionalisation lead to the lost of the political emancipating project. It's necessary that feminism proposal recovers it interest in everyday life, in grounded research and collaborative work

    Post-trafficking bordering practices : perverse co-production, marking and stretching borders

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    The research for this paper was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council – ESRC Res-062-23-1490: ‘Post Trafficking in Nepal: Sexuality and Citizenship in Livelihood Strategies’.This paper highlights the significance of post-trafficking scenarios for understanding bordering practices in political geography. In so doing, it addresses two significant research gaps: the lack of attention to trafficking in geography and the failure of wider interdisciplinary debates to engage with post-trafficking specifically. While extensive research in political geography has addressed the related experiences of refugees, asylum seekers and 'illegals', much of this work has centred on policies, processes and practices that aim to keep 'unwanted strangers out'. By contrast, very little research has addressed how the border is configured for and by those who are crossing-back over; those who are 'returning home', in this case from diverse trafficking situations. The paper draws on recent empirical research on post-trafficking citizenship and livelihoods in Nepal which examined how women returning from trafficking situations deal with stigma and marginalisation. Our analysis illuminates how bordering practices circumscribe and shape women's lives in powerful ways as they seek to (re)establish a sense of belonging and respect. We examine the interplay of state and non-state actors (national and transnational) in structuring mobility and anti-trafficking advocacy through a range of bordering practices and explore how the border is (co-)produced by varied actors at different border sites. This includes women returning from diverse trafficking situations, who invoke the border to argue that they are 'not as trafficked' as other women, and others who perform the border differently as agents for trafficking prevention.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Promoting Faculty Scholarship – An evaluation of a program for busy clinician-educators

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    Background: Clinician educators face barriers to scholarship including lack of time, insufficient skills, and access to mentoring. An urban department of family medicine implemented a federally funded Scholars Program to increase the participants’ perceived confidence, knowledge and skills to conduct educational research.Method: A part-time faculty development model provided modest protected time for one year to busy clinician educators. Scholars focused on designing, implementing, and writing about a scholarly project. Scholars participated in skill seminars, cohort and individual meetings, an educational poster fair and an annual writing retreat with consultation from a visiting professor. We assessed the increases in the quantity and quality of peer reviewed education scholarship. Data included pre- and post-program self-assessed research skills and confidence and semi-structured interviews. Further, data were collected longitudinally through a survey conducted three years after program participation to assess continued involvement in educational scholarship, academic presentations and publications.Results: Ten scholars completed the program. Scholars reported that protected time, coaching by a coordinator, peer mentoring, engagement of project leaders, and involvement of a visiting professor increased confidence and ability to apply research skills. Participation resulted in academic presentations and publications and new educational leadership positions for several of the participants.Conclusions: A faculty scholars program emphasizing multi-level mentoring and focused protected time can result in increased confidence, skills and scholarly outcomes at modest cost

    Making return safe post-trafficking

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    Promoting Faculty Scholarship – An evaluation of a program for busy clinician-educators

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    Background Clinician educators face barriers to scholarship including lack of time, insufficient skills, and access to mentoring. An urban department of family medicine implemented a federally funded Scholars Program to increase the participants’ perceived confidence, knowledge and skills to conduct educational research. Method A part-time faculty development model provided modest protected time for one year to busy clinician educators. Scholars focused on designing, implementing, and writing about a scholarly project. Scholars participated in skill seminars, cohort and individual meetings, an educational poster fair and an annual writing retreat with consultation from a visiting professor. We assessed the increases in the quantity and quality of peer reviewed education scholarship. Data included pre- and post-program self-assessed research skills and confidence and semi-structured interviews. Further, data were collected longitudinally through a survey conducted three years after program participation to assess continued involvement in educational scholarship, academic presentations and publications. Results Ten scholars completed the program. Scholars reported that protected time, coaching by a coordinator, peer mentoring, engagement of project leaders, and involvement of a visiting professor increased confidence and ability to apply research skills. Participation resulted in academic presentations and publications and new educational leadership positions for several of the participants. Conclusions A faculty scholars program emphasizing multi-level mentoring and focused protected time can result in increased confidence, skills and scholarly outcomes at modest cost

    Feminismos y desarrollo rural crítico, 2003

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    In the 21st century, the global academic community suffersfrom excessive domination by english-speaking academicswith excellent access to the mass of writing in english.Theory is crucial to us all, but in social science, writings inenglish privileges theory too much over grounded research.This is found not only in rural development, and in theauthor’s own subject of geography, but in feminism, for allits claims to be open and inclusive. Critical ruraldevelopment, which is critical of contemporary economicand political relations, can learn from the experiences ofgeography and feminism of the urgent need to engage in anew sustained collective endeavour involving many peopleworking from a variety of viewpoints in different parts ofthe world (Stanley and Wise 2000) in confronting theworld’s real problems and, as a necessary part of theprocess, in overcoming this domination.En el siglo XXI la comunidad académica mundial experimentauna enorme influencia de las y los académicosanglófonos, quienes tienen un acceso privilegiado a la vastaliteratura escrita en inglés. La teoría es crucial paranosotros y nosotras, pero en las ciencias sociales el predominiode escritos en inglés privilegia demasiado a la teoría,dejando en un lugar subalterno a la investigación sustentadaen la realidad. Este fenómeno es algo que encontramosno sólo en los estudios sobre desarrollo rural, sinotambién en el área de geografía, área que concierne a laautora, y al feminismo, aunque el feminismo tiene pretensionesde apertura e inclusión. El desarrollo rural crítico,que parte de una visión amplia de las relaciones económicasy políticas actuales, puede aprender de las experienciasde la geografía y del feminismo, en relación con lanecesidad apremiante de enfrentar un nuevo esfuerzo colectivoy sostenido, en el cual se debe involucrar a muchaspersonas que trabajen a partir de diversos puntos de vista,en distintas partes del mundo (Stanley y Wise 2000) a finde enfrentar los problemas reales del mundo y, como partenecesaria del proceso, superar la dominación excesiva dela teoría y de la perspectiva anglófona