52 research outputs found

    Laterality of lower limb and plantar pressure symmetry while walking in young adults

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    The aim of this study is to discover whether the lateral preference of the lower limbs influences the selected dynamical parameters of the gait and to discover whether the data of the healthy limb can be used as reference ones in patients after lower limb injuries. 51young adults (age 22 ± 2 years, height 1.72 ± 0.1 m, body weight: 70 ± 16 kg) took part in the measurement. Foot preference for 5 different motion tasks (kicking a ball, stepping down from a stool, single leg stance, picking up marbles, hopping on one leg ) was observed repetitively and dynamographic records of participants’ gait using force plate (Emed®-c50, Novel, De) were performed. The average values of the maximum vertical force relativized to body weight (RFmax), maximal Peak Pressure (P.P), Force Time Integral (FTI) and Contact Time (C.T.) were analysed and the symmetrical indices (SI) were calculated. No statistically significant differences were measured in selected dynamic parameters between the preferred and non-preferred foot. The study of laterality in symmetrical gait in a group of young adults has proven that lateral preference of lower extremities does not significantly influence the selected dynamic parameters and that the gait in a group of young adults can be considered as symmetrical from this point of view. In a group of patients after lower limb injuries it is not necessary to take laterality before injury into consideration during walking at normal speed

    Procjena djelotvornosti fizioterapije i upravljanja režima pacijenata na funkcioniranje ramenog zgloba nakon implantacije ukupne reverzibilne endoproteze

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    Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of established regime and physiotherapy treatment described by Brems on patients after reverse arthroplasty of shoulder joint, their ability to perform activities of daily living, functional status of the shoulder girdle, and a range of motion. Methods: The research sample consisted of 60 patients, 57±2.9 years, with implanted total reverse endoprosthesis of shoulder joint. To assess the ability of performing the activities of daily living, we used the Simple Shoulder Test. Functional status of shoulder joint was evaluated through a “Constant Score” questionnaire. The range of movement was evaluated through the “Constant Score – Range of Motion“ questionnaire. The examined parameters were evaluated before surgery and a month after the surgery. During the one-month post-surgery period, all participants undergone the set of targeted physiotherapy treatment and kept the established regime. After one month of targeted physiotherapeutical treatment and correct regime management we observed significant differences in all examined parameters (p<0.001). Results: After one month of post-surgery physiotherapy, significant differences in the ability to perform certain activities of daily living, functioning of the operated shoulder joint and in the range of movement, have been reported. Conclusion: The results of our study confirmed that if patients follow this specific rehabilitation protocol and cooperate during various stages of recovery, there is a high probability that after one month, they can perform activities of daily living.Cilj: Cilj studije bio je procijeniti učinak uspostavljenog režima i fizioterapeutskog tretmana koji je opisao Brems na pacijentima nakon reverzne artroplastike ramenog zgloba, njihove sposobnosti za obavljanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti, funkcionalno stanje ramena i raspon pokreta. Metode: Uzorak istraživanja sastojao se od 60 pacijenata, 57 ± 2,9 godina, s implantiranom ukupnom reverzibilnom endoprotezom ramenog zgloba. Da bismo procijenili sposobnost pacijenata za obavljanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti koristili smo test Simple shoulder. Funkcionalno stanje ramenog zgloba ocijenjeno je upitnikom “Constant score”. Raspon pokreta ocijenjen je upitnikom “Constant score – range of motion”. Razmatrani parametri procijenjeni su prije operacije i mjesec dana nakon operacije. Tijekom jednomjesečnog postoperativnog razdoblja svi su sudionici prošli skup ciljanog fizioterapeutskog tretmana i pridržavali se uspostavljenog režima. Nakon mjesec dana ciljanog fizioterapeutskog tretmana i ispravnog upravljanja režimom zabilježili smo značajne razlike u svim razmatranim parametrima (p ≤ 0.001). Rezultati: Nakon mjesec dana postoperativne fizioterapije zabilježene su bitne razlike u sposobnosti za obavljanje određenih aktivnosti svakodnevnog života, u funkcioniranju operiranog ramenog zgloba i u rasponu pokreta. Zaključak: Rezultati naše studije potvrdili su da, ako se pacijenti pridržavaju ovog specifičnog rehabilitacijskog protokola i surađuju tijekom različitih faza oporavka, postoji velika vjerojatnost da će nakon mjesec dana moći obavljati svakodnevne aktivnosti

    Changes Of Body Composition After Acute Exercise

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    Pro správné určení parametrů složení těla metodami bioelektrické impedance je důležité dodržet řadu podmínek týkajících se měřených osob. Často uváděným omezením je také odstup měření od akutního fyzického zatížení minimálně 8–12 hodin. Cílem naší studie je stanovit velikost změn u hodnot parametrů tělesného složení měřené bioimpedančními metodami před zatížením a během procesů zotavení a specifikovat tak nutný časový odstup měření od zatížení. Projektu se zúčastnilo 45 osob. Pro stanovení tělesného složení jsme využili zařízení BIA 2000 – M. Hodnoty tělesného složení jsme měřili před zátěžovým testem, bezprostředně po něm do 5 minut po ukončení testu a v 60. minutě po ukončení testu. Testované osoby absolvovaly zátěžový test VO2max na běžeckém ergometru. Při měření tělesného složení bioimpedančními metodami po 60 minutách od zatížení testem VO2max na běžeckém ergometru nedošlo k statisticky ani věcně významným změnám u žádných hodnot tělesného složení a lze tedy tato měření absolvovat bez zkreslení výsledků vlivem např. ztráty nebo redistribuce tekutin jako reakčních změn na zatížení. U měření parametrů tělesného složení bezprostředně po zatížení byly zaznamenány změny u parametru odporu na 50 kHz. I přesto, že tato hodnota vstupuje následně do predikční rovnice pro výpočet % tělesného tuku, nezaznamenali jsme u proměnné % tělesného tuku a aktivní tělesné hmoty významné změny. Výsledky naší studie neprokázali nutný minimální 8hodinový odstup měření od zatížení testem VO2max.For the correct designation of body composition parameters by the bioimpedance methods it is important to keep all the range of conditions relating to measured individuals. The often-mentioned restrictions was also the interval of measuring from the acute physical load for at least 8 hours. The goal of our study is to find out the extent of changes at the parameters of the body composition by the bioimpedance method before and during the process of recovery and to specify the necessary time distance between measuring and the load. Methods; 45 people took part in the study. For the designation of a body composition, we used the device BIA 2000-M. We measured the values of body composition before the load test, then within 5 minutes after and finally in 60th minute after the test. Tested individuals underwent the load test VO2max on a treadmill ergometer. While measuring of a body composition by the bioimpedance methods 60 minutes after the treadmill ergometer load test. No statistically or factually significant changes at any of the values of the body composition and so it is possible to undergo this measuring without distortion of results, e. g. by the influence of loss or redistribution of fluids as a reaction change to the load test. While measuring of parameters of body composition right after the load there were noticeable significant changes on more parameters especially on resistance on 50 kHz. Despite the fact that this value comes subsequently to the prediction equation for calculating of % body fat, there were no noticeable significant changes on the variable of % body fat. The outcome of our study did not prove the necessary minimal 8 hours gap between measuring and VO2max load test

    Protected Areas: Geotourist Attractiveness for Weekend Tourists Based on the Example of Gorczański National Park in Poland

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    The aim of the publication was to assess the geotourist attractiveness of protected areas in Poland among weekend tourists based on the example of Gorczański National Park. The park location near urbanized areas makes it an attractive field for research on weekend tourism development. The tourist potential of the park is presented, starting from geological aspects and geotourist values. Then, the tourist potential was analysed, with a focus on geotourist resources, which include tourist trails and didactic routes. The tourist traffic volume was also examined. On the basis of legal documents, such as nature conservation plans, threats related to tourism development in protected areas were presented as indicated by park managers. In accordance with the Act on Nature Conservation, the threats are divided into four groups: internal existing and potential threats and external existing and potential threats. The tourists’ opinion on the geotourist attractiveness of the park was investigated with surveys conducted during selected weekends significant in the context of tourist traffic volume. Thus, a profile of people visiting the park for short stays was obtained, as well as their assessment of the tourist resources of the area, with particular emphasis on geotourist values

    Cryptic invasion suggested by a cytogeographic analysis of the halophytic Puccinellia distans complex (Poaceae) in Central Europe

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    Introduction: Despite the wealth of studies dealing with the invasions of alien plants, invasions of alien genotypes of native species (cryptic invasions) have been vastly neglected. The impact of cryptic invasions on the biodiversity of plant communities can, however, be significant. Inland saline habitats and halophytes (i.e., salt-tolerant plant species) are especially threatened by this phenomenon as they inhabit fragmented remnants of largely destroyed habitats, but at the same time some of these halophytic species are rapidly spreading along salt-treated roads. To study potential cryptic invasion of halophytes, the patterns of genome size and ploidy variation in the Puccinellia distans complex (Poaceae), the most rapidly spreading roadside halophyte in Central Europe, were investigated. Methods: DNA flow cytometry with confirmatory chromosome counts were employed to assess ploidy levels of 1414 individuals from 133 populations of the P. distans complex. In addition, climatic niche modelling was used to predict the distributions of selected cytotypes. Results: Eight groups differing in ploidy level and/or genome size were discovered, one diploid (2x; 2n = 14), two tetraploid (4xA, 4xB; 2n = 28), one pentaploid (5x; 2n = 35), three hexaploid (6xA, 6xB, 6xC; 2n = 42), and one heptaploid (7x; 2n = 49). The hexaploids (mostly the 6xC cytotype) were widespread through the study area, spreading intensively in both anthropogenic and natural habitats and probably hybridizing with the natural habitat dwelling tetraploids. In contrast, the non-hexaploid cytotypes rarely spread and were predominantly confined to natural habitats. Discussion: The extensive spread of the hexaploid cytotypes along roadsides has most likely facilitated their incursion into natural habitats. The colonization of new natural habitats by the hexaploids may pose a threat to the indigenous Puccinellia populations by compromising their genetic integrity and/or by outcompeting them

    The Cuban revolution in international context from the beginning of the fifties to the beginning of sixties

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    This work is dedicated to the political development in Cuba from the beginning of the fifties to the beginning of the sixties of the 20th century. This period is mostly known because of the Cuban revolution. The international relations between Cuba and the United States are the main interest of this thesis. AU chapters describe the most important incidents which affected Cuban history in this time. Because of the complexity of thís topíc, the history before the rise of anti-Batista opposition is also mentioned. The changes and reforms after the revolution did not only change the relations between Cuba and the USA, but affect relations in the whole region

    The Cuban revolution in international context from the beginning of the fifties to the beginning of sixties

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    This work is dedicated to the political development in Cuba from the beginning of the fifties to the beginning of the sixties of the 20th century. This period is mostly known because of the Cuban revolution. The international relations between Cuba and the United States are the main interest of this thesis. AU chapters describe the most important incidents which affected Cuban history in this time. Because of the complexity of thís topíc, the history before the rise of anti-Batista opposition is also mentioned. The changes and reforms after the revolution did not only change the relations between Cuba and the USA, but affect relations in the whole region

    Foot strike pattern in sport shoes with different construction / Soňa Jandová...[et al.]

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    Shoe type and their hardness play an important role in the characteristics of gait cycle. Runners usually use a conventional running shoes (CRS) and also in the last years’ minimalist running shoes (MRS) with a thin, flexible outsole or they run barefoot. The type of shoes reportedly affects the magnitude of the vertical ground reaction forces when running The aim of this study was to analyse foot strike pattern according to plantar pressure distribution and dynamic characteristics of running gait in a group of recreational runners (8 men and 7 women; mean±SD; age = 34.6±6.2 years, body height = 1.81±0.08 m, body weight = 68.10±8.9 kg) when using minimalist and conventional running shoes. The Pedar system (Pedar-X®, Novel, Munich, Germany) with measuring insoles was used to record plantar pressure distribution and vertical ground reaction forces under the foot, heel, midfoot and forefoot. For the same type of foot-strike pattern, impact forces are higher for MRS than for CRS, which is why runners using MRS modify their foot-strike pattern with the aim of reducing these impact forces. The foot- strike pattern changed in 5 runners when using minimalist shoes. The foot strike pattern shifted from middle-foot strike to forefoot strike or from rear-foot strike to middle-foot strike when running in MRS. Plantar pressure distribution was different when running in MRS and in CRS. When running in MRS the Peak pressure values under the foot were significantly higher than values when using CRS. Peak pressure values and vertical ground reaction forces under the heel were in MRS higher only in a group of rear-foot strikers. The values of Peak pressure and vertical ground reaction forces related to CRS were in the area of the midfoot and forefoot higher, but the differences were not statistically significant (p > 0.05; n = 15)