707 research outputs found

    Guidance on the principles of language accessibility in National Curriculum Assessments : research background

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    This review accompanies the document, which describes the principles which should guide the development of clear assessment questions. The purpose of the review is to present and discuss in detail the research underpinning these principles. It begins from the standpoint that National Curriculum assessments, indeed any assessments, should be: - appropriate to the age of the pupils - an effective measure of their abilities, skills and concept development - fair to all irrespective of gender, language, religion, ethnic or social origin or disability. (Ofqual, 2011) The Regulatory Framework for National Assessments: National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage (Ofqual, 2011) sets out a number of common criteria which apply to all aspects of the development and implementation of National Assessments. One of these criteria refers to the need for assessment procedures to minimise bias: “The assessment should minimise bias, differentiating only on the basis of each learner’s ability to meet National Curriculum requirements” (Section 5.39, page 16). The Framework goes on to argue that: “Minimising bias is about ensuring that an assessment does not produce unreasonably adverse outcomes for particular groups of learners” (Annex 1, page 29). This criterion reinforces the guiding principle that any form of assessment should provide information about the knowledge and understanding of relevant content material. That is to say that the means through which this knowledge and understanding is examined, the design of the assessment and the language used should as far as possible be transparent, and should not influence adversely the performance of those being assessed. There is clearly a large number of ways in which any given assessment task can be presented and in which questions can be asked. Some of these ways will make the task more accessible – that is, easier to complete successfully – and some will get in the way of successful completion. Section 26 of the Fair Access by Design (Ofqual, 2010) document lists a number of guiding principles for improving the accessibility of assessment questions, although the research basis for these principles is not made completely clear in that document. The aim of the current review is to examine the research background more closely in order to provide a more substantial basis for a renewed set of principles to underpin the concept of language accessibility. In the review, each section will be prefaced by a statement of the principles outlined in Guidance on the Principles of Language Accessibility in National Curriculum Assessments and then the research evidence underpinning these principles will be reviewed

    Dimensi Metrik dari Graf Jaring Laba-Laba

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    Dimensi metrik dari graf terhubung G adalah kardinalitas dari himpunan pembeda minimum dari G, dimana W disebut himpunan pembeda dari G jika  r(v|W) berbeda untuk setiap v elemen V(G) . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dimensi metrik dari graf jaring laba-laba R_(m,n). Graf jaring laba-laba dikonstruksi dari graf bintang S_n  sebanyak  1 dan graf sikel C_n  sebanyak m. Konstruksi graf tersebut melibatkan definisi dari C_n(m) yang menyatakan graf sikel C_n ke-m , dengan V(C_n(m))={a_(m1), a_(m2), a_(m3), ..., a_(mn)} dan V(S_n)={u, a_(m1), a_(m2), a_(m3), ..., a_(mn)}   dengan  u sebagai titik pusatnya, dimana m elemen N dan n>3 . Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh  dimensi metrik dari graf jaring laba-laba R_(m,n) adalah 3

    Taking on Hate: Muslim Women Build a Community-Driven Hate Watch

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    Demonstrating Ipsilateral Cortical Connectivity with Lower-Limb Spinal Motor Neurons

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    This research was done for the Summer Internship in Neural Engineering (SINE) during a three month period, June 2008 until the end of August 2008. The SINE program is affiliated with the Sensory Motor Performance Program (SMPP) at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC) and the Biomedical Engineering program at Northwestern University. I worked in the Neuralplasticity laboratory, which is a part of the SMPP located at the RIC. I worked under Dr. Stinear and Dr. Madhavan to test protocols developed by my advisors as candidate techniques for demonstrating ipsilateral connectivity between the lower limb motor cortex and spinal motor neurons. The goal of the research was to develop a candidate stimulation protocol to demonstrate ipsilateral connectivity in stroke patients between the lower limb motor cortex and spinal motor neurons

    African-American Women\u27s Journey to Academia and their Experiences as Occupational Therapy Professors

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    The 2004 National Study of Post Secondary Faculty reported that in the fall of 2003 African-American female faculty made up only 6.4% of full time faculty at colleges and universities offering doctoral degrees and 7.4% at non-doctoral four-year institutions (Zimbler, 2004). These figures indicated that African-American female faculty composed significantly less than half of the fulltime faculty population at all four-year institutions in the US. This percentage reflects the situation that African-American women faculty members find themselves in at predominately while universities: a minority culture in the academic world. It is no surprise then that women faculty of color experience cultural issues when working in predominately while institutions (Turner, 2002). The cultural issues that may arise due to being a minority faculty member in a predominately white institution can be experienced in combination wit the traditional pressures of being a professor in academia, which can lead to a triad of stress and pressures: balancing work demands and long work weeks, social issues, and cultural matters specific to being an African-American female professor

    Analisis Kesalahan Mahasiswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Persamaan dan Pertidaksamaan pada Mata Kuliah Kalkulus I

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan deskripsi mengenai kesalahan yang mahasiswa lakukan dalam menyelesaikan soal persamaan dan pertidaksamaan pada mata kuliah kalkulus I. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 1 program studi Tadris Matematika STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah ujian dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terdapat 8 kesalahan yang subjek lakukan dalam menyelesaikan soal persamaan dan pertidaksamaan pada mata kuliah kalkulus I, yaitu kesalahan dalam menuliskan tanda sama dengan , menuliskan kata penghubung atau , menyamakan penyebut dari suatu persamaan linier, memindahkan suatu bilangan dari suatu ruas ke ruas yang lain pada persamaan linier, menuliskan tanda kurung kurawal , menentukan situasi dari pembilang dan penyebut dari bilangan pecahan kurang dari nol, menuliskan tanda interval dan kurang dari , dan kesalahan dalam menuliskan himpunan penyelesaian. Kata Kunci: analisis kesalahan, persamaan, pertidaksamaan, kalkulu

    Eksplorasi Etnomatematika pada Masjid Raya Bandung

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    Etnomatematika merupakan pembelajaran matematika yang diperoleh melalui budaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan eksplorasi etnomatematika pada Masjid Raya Bandung. Metode pada penelitian ini berupa studi kepustakaan, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data yang telah diperoleh dilakukan analisis dengan cara reduksi data, yaitu pengolahan data melalui tahap pemilahan, pemusatan, dan penyederhanaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan beberapa bangun bidang pada bangunan dan ornamen dari Masjid Raya Bandung, yaitu persegi panjang, lingkaran, persegi, segitiga, jajargenjang, segilima, layang-layang. Selain itu, juga ditemukan beberapa bangun ruang pada bangunan dan ornamen dari Masjid Raya Bandung, yaitu bola, balok, dan tabung.Kata Kunci: Etnomatematika, Masjid Raya Bandung, geometr


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    My works are autobiographical. In them I explore the unconscious and conscious aspects of my life as a heterosexual cis female. My works function as a form of journaling. The repetition of lines, stitches, and patterns stand in for the repetition of different tasks. I try to submerge the onlooker into my emotional experiences through the use of pop culture references and familiar materials and objects. The inadequacy of life and lack of fulfillment has led to the creation of chromatic spaces. Pieces are void and then filled with silent moments. The quiet restlessness of inner turmoils combined with the pressures of external forces and conflict leads me to question my existence. While working through these ideas I am working through the painting at the same time. image size Orange Cloth 20in x 24.in Ukhraa 20in x. 24in Red Cat 23in x. 32in sweater 58ft Rugs 65inx84in Red Stitching 28inx48in Tounge 15innx11in Sandwich tabs 37inx46in Black Rugs 56inx78in Orange Cat 48inx56i

    Purification of DNA Origami Nanostructures Using Capillary Electrophoresis

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    DNA origami are nanostructures designed based on Watson-Crick base-pairing that fold a scaffold into non-arbitrary morphologies using an excess of linear single-stranded DNA staples . As an engineered nanomaterial (ENM) with great customizability, DNA origami also enjoys the benefit of naturally encoded and well-studied structural and functional properties. The flexibility of different folding patterns allows for construction of a wide variety of shapes and sizes of DNA origami, showing potential applications in fields such as medicine, biocomputing, biomedical engineering , and measurement science. Despite the successes as a functional nanomaterial, a major barrier to the applicability of DNA origami rests in the lack of pure, well-folded structures. As such, the development of different purification techniques is essential to support the rapid development of the material toward a vast scope of applications. Current techniques to purify DNA origami from excess precursors (staples), misfolded structures and other impurities have shown low yields, low scalability, tendency for aggregated samples, and lack optimization for automation. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) has previously shown effective separation of single-stranded DNA based on differences of size and charge in a manner similar to gel electrophoresis, but with the added benefit of automation and more substantial control and detection throughout the separation. The development of CE as a purification technique for DNA origami is investigated in this study, where a highly reproducible separation between folded DNA origami from excess DNA staples was achieved by manipulating and understanding the effect of buffer conditions , capillary specifications , and injection parameters on the electropherogram profile. Specifically , CE was investigated under both capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and capillary transient isotachophoresis (ctITP) modes, and optimization of both systems yielded baseline resolved separations of DNA origami from the staple strands. The ctITP system demonstrated superior performance in terms of decreasing band broadening, improving resolution, and improving the Gaussian character of migration peaks. Further, the optimized ctITP separation was used in a fraction collection procedure, where the resulting fractions were imaged by atomic force microscopy (AFM) for offline validation of purified structures. However, issues with the intercalating dye and origami aggregation were suspected to impede the imaging process. The reproducibility of the fraction collection procedure was validated to show a highly linear relationship between the peak area of a reinjection of pooled sample and the number of pooled fractions. An approach to calculating the percent yield of CE-based purification was attempt ed but requires further validation. Continued exploration and analysis of CE for the purification of DNA origami could thus lead to a novel , promising, and efficient tool to advance the field as a whole
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