20 research outputs found

    Teachers’ experiences of the TPSR (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility) model in Physical Education

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    The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of Finnish in-service hysical education teachers when using the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSR). Eight elementary and middle school physical education teachers participated in a professional development course organized by the university and the course focused on implementing instructional models into the teachers’ own teaching. Data were gathered from interviews with the teachers. The result showed that the teachers felt it was important to adjust the TPSR model and its levels to their students. The teachers also reported that it was easy to adapt the model and that the students enjoyed the model. The study showed that regular physical education teachers can implement a novel curriculumEl propósito del presente estudio fue comprender las experiencias de un grupo de profesores de Educación Física finlandeses que utilizaban el modelo de Enseñanza para la Responsabilidad Personal y Social (TPSR). En el estudio participaron ocho profesores de Educación Física de educación primaria y media que recibieron un curso organizado por la universidad cuyo objeto era que los docentes implementaran dicho modelo de enseñanza en su propiaenseñanza.Los datos se obtuvieron a partir de entrevistas con los docentes. Los resultados mostraron que los profesores consideraban que era importante ajustar el modelo (TPSR) al nivel de a sus estudiantes. Indicaron también que les resultó sencillo adaptar el modelo y que a los estudiantes les gustó. Finalmente, el estudio puso de manifiesto que un profesor de Educación Física normal puede desarrollar un currículum novedoso apoyándose en este modelo

    Empowering Athletes with the Sport Education Model in Youth Soccer

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    Athlete empowerment accentuates giving athletes autonomy for decision-making with the clear purpose of offering them opportunities to make choices, be responsible, and develop higher levels of motivation. The focus in Sport Education is on placing the athlete in the center of the experience where the participant can become competent, literate, and enthusiastic as a result of participation. This is in line with the nonlinear pedagogical approach, where the learning processes can be structured by manipulating performer constraints. Therefore, this chapter focuses on examining and understanding the processes involved in athlete learning through manipulating performer constraints when using the Sport Education model in Finland. Twenty-three players and their three coaches from one junior sport club participated in the study. The Sport Education season consisted of 11 practice sessions over 8 weeks. Data were collected through interviews, observations, questionnaires, and document analysis. Results suggested that players were united within their small teams and that they enjoyed having the autonomy and responsibility. As a conclusion, the Sport Education season implemented through manipulating performer constraints facilitated perceptions of empowerment, which in turn fostered motivated players


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    This descriptive study examined the processes of coaching and participation in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) for both experienced (n=3) and novice (n=3) adult participant, members of a martial arts club in Finland. Over a period of six weeks, five practice sessions were videotaped with a mean duration of 84.35 minutes. Systematic observation data were used to describe the practice structure and participants’ engagement. Additionally, a modified version of the Coach Analysis and Intervention System was used to evaluate coaching behaviour. The heart rate data were also collected to evaluate the participants’ physical activity levels. Results indicated that practice time allocated to training and playing were 75% and 25%, respectively, which differs from team sport research. The coaching emphasis observed in this study highlighted competition and technique perfection. The participants’ practice activity level was high with most participants spending more than half of practice time at a moderate-to-vigorous physical activity level. These findings show that both the structure and content of coaching practice is context specific and that the coach need to identify and react to the needs of individual athletes.Key words: coach behaviour, athlete activity, systematic observation, martial arts</p

    La Influencia de la Socialización Ocupacional en el Conocimiento Práctico, la Confianza y la Enseñanza en Maestros Noveles de Educación Física

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    The purpose of this qualitative multiple-case study was to examine the influence of occupational socialization on three novice physical education teachers’ practical knowledge, confidence in teaching content and enacted pedagogical practices. This study involved three novice teachers who taught in Finnish primary schools. Data sources included nonparticipant lesson observations and semi-structured in-depth teacher interviews. The analysis occurred in two phases. Initially, we created a case narrative for each teacher with respect to the research questions through an inductive process that integrated the occupational socialization theory. For the second phase, a cross-case analysis was completed to provide a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the data set. Each teacher’s occupational socialization experiences influenced their teaching confidence, planning practices and enacted pedagogical actions. In addition, the teacher education program experience extended their practical knowledge and was evident in their PE teaching. Therefore, in designing the pedagogical structure in teacher education, it is essential to consider pre-service teachers’ experiences about teaching, schooling, sport and physical education and thereby strengthen their knowledge and skills of how to teach physical education and provide students with quality learning experiences.El propósito de este estudio cualitativo de casos múltiples fue examinar la influencia de la socialización ocupacional en los conocimientos prácticos, la confianza en el contenido de la enseñanza y las prácticas pedagógicas promulgadas de tres profesores noveles de Educación Física que enseñaban en escuelas primarias finlandesas. Las fuentes de datos incluyeron observaciones no participantes y entrevistas semi-estructuradas en profundidad a maestros. El análisis se realizó en dos fases. Inicialmente, se creó un caso narrativo para cada profesor con respecto a las preguntas de investigación a través de un proceso inductivo que integró la teoría de la socialización ocupacional. Para la segunda fase, se completó un análisis de casos cruzados para proporcionar una comprensión completa y profunda del conjunto de datos. Las experiencias de socialización ocupacional de cada maestro influyeron en su confianza en la enseñanza, en las prácticas de planificación y en las acciones pedagógicas. Además, la experiencia del programa de formación docente amplió sus conocimientos prácticos y fue evidente en su enseñanza de EF. Por tanto, al diseñar la estructura pedagógica en la formación del profesorado, es esencial considerar las experiencias de los maestros en la enseñanza, la educación, el deporte y la EF y fortalecer así sus conocimientos y habilidades de cómo enseñar EF y proporcionar a los estudiantes experiencias de aprendizaje de calidad

    The Influence of Occupational Socialization on Novice Teachers' Practical Knowledge, Confidence and Teaching in Physical Education

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    The purpose of this qualitative multiple-case study was to examine the influence of occupational socialization on three novice physical education teachers' practical knowledge, confidence in teaching content and enacted pedagogical practices. This study involved three novice teachers who taught in Finnish primary schools. Data sources included nonparticipant lesson observations and semi-structured in-depth teacher interviews. The analysis occurred in two phases. Initially, we created a case narrative for each teacher with respect to the research questions through an inductive process that integrated the occupational socialization theory. For the second phase, a cross-case analysis was completed to provide a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the data set. Each teacher's occupational socialization experiences influenced their teaching confidence, planning practices and enacted pedagogical actions. In addition, the teacher education program experience extended their practical knowledge and was evident in their PE teaching. Therefore, in designing the pedagogical structure in teacher education, it is essential to consider pre-service teachers' experiences about teaching, schooling, sport and physical education and thereby strengthen their knowledge and skills of how to teach physical education and provide students with quality learning experiences

    The Influence of Occupational Socialization on Novice Teachers’ Practical Knowledge, Confidence and Teaching in Physical Education

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    The purpose of this qualitative multiple-case study was to examine the influence of occupational socialization on three novice physical education teachers’ practical knowledge, confidence in teaching content and enacted pedagogical practices. This study involved three novice teachers who taught in Finnish primary schools. Data sources included nonparticipant lesson observations and semi-structured in-depth teacher interviews. The analysis occurred in two phases. Initially, we created a case narrative for each teacher with respect to the research questions through an inductive process that integrated the occupational socialization theory. For the second phase, a cross-case analysis was completed to provide a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the data set. Each teacher’s occupational socialization experiences influenced their teaching confidence, planning practices and enacted pedagogical actions. In addition, the teacher education program experience extended their practical knowledge and was evident in their PE teaching. Therefore, in designing the pedagogical structure in teacher education, it is essential to consider pre-service teachers’ experiences about teaching, schooling, sport and physical education and thereby strengthen their knowledge and skills of how to teach physical education and provide students with quality learning experiences.El propósito de este estudio cualitativo de casos múltiples fue examinar la influencia de la socialización ocupacional en los conocimientos prácticos, la confianza en el contenido de la enseñanza y las prácticas pedagógicas promulgadas de tres profesores noveles de Educación Física que enseñaban en escuelas primarias finlandesas. Las fuentes de datos incluyeron observaciones no participantes y entrevistas semi-estructuradas en profundidad a maestros. El análisis se realizó en dos fases. Inicialmente, se creó un caso narrativo para cada profesor con respecto a las preguntas de investigación a través de un proceso inductivo que integró la teoría de la socialización ocupacional. Para la segunda fase, se completó un análisis de casos cruzados para proporcionar una comprensión completa y profunda del conjunto de datos. Las experiencias de socialización ocupacional de cada maestro influyeron en su confianza en la enseñanza, en las prácticas de planificación y en las acciones pedagógicas. Además, la experiencia del programa de formación docente amplió sus conocimientos prácticos y fue evidente en su enseñanza de EF. Por tanto, al diseñar la estructura pedagógica en la formación del profesorado, es esencial considerar las experiencias de los maestros en la enseñanza, la educación, el deporte y la EF y fortalecer así sus conocimientos y habilidades de cómo enseñar EF y proporcionar a los estudiantes experiencias de aprendizaje de calidad

    Physical education preservice teachers’ physical activity habits and perceptions of the profession and subject: development during teacher education

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    Teachers’ perceptions of the subject and the teacher profession are embodied during the socialization process of becoming a physical education (PE) teacher and through participation in different social fieldsThe initial acculturation phase of the socialization has been shown to be of utmost importance for the development of these perceptions; however, research on the impact of PE teacher education (PETE) on preservice teachers’ (PSTs’) perceptions and beliefs has yieldedmixed results. The purpose of this study was to explore if PSTs’ physical activity habits and perceptions related to the subject and profession develop between enrolment in and graduation from PETE. The study used web-based questionnaires with closed- and open-ended questions completed by 60 students in a Swedish PETE programme. The open-ended questions were subject to content analysis in three steps before comparisons, and we performed statistical analysis with an independent t-test, chisquare tests, and Fischer’s exact test. The results show that PE PSTs are a homogenous group of students, with vast experience of sports and physical activities both during enrolmentand at graduation. Furthermore, although PSTs’ perceptions of a good PE teacher were unchanged during PETE, their perceptions of a good PE lesson did develop. The lack of development of PSTs’ perceptions of a good PE teacher could be explained by their initial perceptions of this question being suitable at enrolment and simultaneously well-grounded in their habitus; the development of their perceptions of a good PE lesson could be understood in relation to the elements during PETE that offer PSTs opportunities to apply learned skills and knowledge in real-life situations.This journal uses a CC BY-NC-ND license.</p

    The Influence of a Methods Course in Physical Education on Preservice Classroom Teachers' Acquisition of Practical Knowledge

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    Purpose: This study was framed with an explorative approach in which preservice classroom teachers (PCTs) participated in physical education learning activities. The purpose was to investigate the construction of their practical knowledge. Methods: Data collection was integrated into a methods course and included a written text assignment in which 28 PCTs described significant didactical milestones (practical knowledge) that will guide their future teaching in physical education. The qualitative analysis of the didactical milestones involved identifying the content of and arguments for their milestones and categorizing them based on common themes and categories. Results: The results showed that the content of the PCTs' practical knowledge was mainly pedagogical and focused most often on instructional strategies; the reasons were related to students and their learning processes. Conclusion: By exploring and understanding PCTs' learning of practical knowledge, teacher educators can help to bridge the gap between theory at university and the practice of teaching.Special Issue: SI</p

    Experiencias de Profesores con el modelo «TPSR» (Enseñanza para la Responsabilidad Personal y Social) en Educación Física

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    The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of Finnish in-service hysical education teachers when using the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSR). Eight elementary and middle school physical education teachers participated in a professional development course organized by the university and the course focused on implementing instructional models into the teachers’ own teaching. Data were gathered from interviews with the teachers. The result showed that the teachers felt it was important to adjust the TPSR model and its levels to their students. The teachers also reported that it was easy to adapt the model and that the students enjoyed the model. The study showed that regular physical education teachers can implement a novel curriculumEl propósito del presente estudio fue comprender las experiencias de un grupo de profesores de Educación Física finlandeses que utilizaban el modelo de Enseñanza para la Responsabilidad Personal y Social (TPSR). En el estudio participaron ocho profesores de Educación Física de educación primaria y media que recibieron un curso organizado por la universidad cuyo objeto era que los docentes implementaran dicho modelo de enseñanza en su propiaenseñanza. Los datos se obtuvieron a partir de entrevistas con los docentes. Los resultados mostraron que los profesores consideraban que era importante ajustar el modelo (TPSR) al nivel de a sus estudiantes. Indicaron también que les resultó sencillo adaptar el modelo y que a los estudiantes les gustó. Finalmente, el estudio puso de manifiesto que un profesor de Educación Física normal puede desarrollar un currículum novedoso apoyándose en este modelo