21 research outputs found

    Farmers Community Empowerment through Institutional Strengthening of Rural Food Barn

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    Food insecurity is one of the crucial problems to solve. The research objectives are: (1) to describe the form of community empowerment farmers’ through institutional strengthening of rural food barn, (2) to explain the process of community empowerment farmers’ through institutional strengthening of rural food barn, and (3) to find out the constraints faced in the empowerment of peasant communities by strengthening institutional of rural food barn. The research was conducted in Huyula Subdistrict Mootilango Gorontalo, Indonesia, employing qualitative methods by selecting farmers who are using barns to store grain as food reserves. Data were collected through in-depth interview to the informant. The results showed that the empowerment of peasant communities by strengthening institutional food barns can be performed well based on the potential and capability of farmers. Thus the policy of strengthening institutional food barns rural effect on the empowerment of peasant communities in improving family welfare. This implies that Indonesian government still needs to strengthen institutional of of rural food barn to keep food security in broad sense

    Factors Affecting the Development of Maize (Zea mays L.) Farms in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    The study investigates the factors and conditions that influence the development of maize farming in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. In this study, simple random sampling was used for 120 maize farmers. Observations, interviews, and questionnaires were utilized as data-gathering methods. AMOS 24 software was used for quantitative analysis through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), while Respondent Achievement Level (TCR) criteria were used for statistically descriptive analysis. The results showed that the higher the farmer's education and farming capital, could improve human resources. In contrast, the lower the farmer's farming experience, could reduce the human resource, and the better the human resources could increase the more effective agricultural extension services will be. The factors that influence the development of maize farming in South Sulawesi are farmer education, farming capital, human resources, farmer experience, and the effectiveness of counselling

    Determinant of Non-Organic Farming in Enrekang District of South Sulawesi

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    Non-organik farming has a great impact on creasing agricultural production, but many negative impacts such a reduced soil fertility, environment damage and also negative impact on human health. The government has launched various programs to depelop organic farming to encourage farmers to swich to organic farming but has not been successful until now. The research aims to analyze the persistent determinant of non-organic farming by using Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) analysis. Result of research, there are three elements becoming persistent determinant of non-organic farming, that is: Facilities dan infrastructure of organic farming available, application of production facilities (fertilizers/chemical pesticides) easy and practical, easy market access for non organic products


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    PERSEPSI PETANI TERHADAP ASURANSI USAHA TANI PADI (AUTP) DI KECAMATAN PALETEANG, KABUPATEN PINRANG, PROVINSI SULAWESI SELATANPerception of Farmers On Rice Farming Insurance Program (AUTP) In Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency. Muhammad Algazali*, Muh. Hatta Jamil, Nurdin Lanuhu.Program Studi Agribisnis, Departemen Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian,Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar*Kontak penulis: [email protected] ABSTRAKAsuransi pertanian penting dilakukan karena ketidakpastian yang menyerang hampir seluruh petani di Indonesia sehingga potensi untuk terjadinya gagal panen menjadi sangat tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Menganalisis mekanisme Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP)  di Kecamatan Paleteang, Kabupaten Pinrang, 2) Menganalisis Persepsi petani Terhadap Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP) di Kecamatan Paleteang, Kabupaten Pinrang, 3) Menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan persepsi petani Terhadap Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP) di Kecamatan Paleteang, Kabupaten Pinrang. Penentuan Sampel dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 15% dari populasi berjumlah 165 orang, sehingga sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 30 responden. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan pertama, kedua dan ketiga adalah analisis deskriptif, untuk menganalisis persepsi petani digunakan Skala Likert dengan kriteria untuk setiap tanggapan masing–masing kategori adalah 3 = sangat setuju, 2 = setuju, 1 = kurang setuju, dan untuk mengetahuitentang faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan persepsi petani terhadap AUTP dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Mekanisme Pelaksanaan program AUTP di Kecamatan Paleteang telah berjalan baik, namun sosialisasi mengenai program kurang menyeluruh ke semua petani, 2) Persepsi petani terhadap AUTP dibagi atas 3 aspek yaitu persepsi petani terhadap organisasi pelaksanaan AUTP berada pada kategori setuju, persepsi terhadap pelaksanaan AUTP berada pada kategori setuju, dan persepsi petani terhadap monitoring, evaluasi, dan pelaporan AUTP berada pada ketogori  setuju, 3) Terdapat hubungan antara faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi (umur, pendidikan, luas lahan, premi, dan pengetahuan) dengan persepsi petani terhadap AUTP. Kata Kunci: Persepsi, program asuransi usaha tani padi ABSTRACTAgricultural insurance is important because of the uncertainty that attacks almost all farmers in Indonesia so the potential for harvest failure is very high. This study aims to: 1) Analyze the mechanism of Rice Farm Business Insurance (AUTP) in Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency, 2) Analyze farmers' perceptions of Rice Farming Insurance Program (AUTP) in Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency, 3) Analyzing factors related to farmers' perceptions of Rice Farm Insurance Program (AUTP) in Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency. Determination of the sample is done by taking a sample of 15% of the population of 165 people, so that the sample in this study amounted to 30 respondents. Analysis of the data used to answer the first, second and third purpose is descriptive analysis, to analyze the perceptions of farmers using a Likert Scale with the criteria for each response each category is 3 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 1 = disagree, and to know about factors related to farmers' perceptions of AUTP analyzed using Rank Spearman correlation test. The results showed: 1) The implementation mechanism of the AUTP program in Paleteang District had gone well, but the socialization of the program was not comprehensive to all farmers, 2) The farmers 'perception of AUTP was divided into 3 aspects, farmers' perceptions of the AUTP implementation organization in the agreed category, perceptions the implementation of AUTP is in the agreed category, and farmers' perceptions of monitoring, evaluation, and AUTP reporting are in a disagreeable category, 3) There is a relation between factors that influence perceptions (age, education, land area, premiums, and knowledge) with farmer's perception of AUTP. Keywords: perception, rice farming insurance progra

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Jeneponto

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    This research is located in Jeneponto Regency and was conducted from February to March 2022. The goals of this research are 1) to determine the performance of agricultural extension workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jeneponto Regency, 2) to evaluate how the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jeneponto Regency affected the effectiveness of agricultural extension workers by looking at internal and external aspects, and 3) to analyze the influence of the factors that most dominantly affect the performance of agricultural extension workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jeneponto Regency. Simple random sampling is used to choose the sample, which includes 46 respondents across 6 subdistricts. Data from this study's data collection were examined by percentage descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 25. The results showed that the performance of agricultural extension workers in Jeneponto Regency was in the high category and internal and external factors simultaneously affected the performance of agricultural extension workers. If in part only formal education, training, age, motivation, reward system, and the level of active participation of farmers have a significant effect. Meanwhile, the use of counseling media, work period / work experience, family dependents, availability of facilities and infrastructure, distance of work areas, number of assisted farmer groups, information technology, and support for coaching and supervision did not have a significant partial effect on the performance of agricultural extension workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jeneponto Regency


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    Kotoran sapi selama ini dibiarkan menumpuk di kandang oleh peternak anggota Kelompok Tani Locci-loccie, yang beberapa diantaranya terletak di tengah pemukiman warga dan berpotensi menjadi sumber pencemaran. Padahal kotoran ini dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi pupuk organik yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi dan dapat sebagai sumber pendapatan baru bagi peternak. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberi pengertahuan dan keterampilan kepada anggota kelompok tani Locci-loccie untuk memanfaatkan limbah kotoran sapi. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan sosialisasi pelaksanaan kegiatan, dilanjutkan dengan penyuluhan pemanfaatan limbah pertanian. Kegiatan selanjutnya adalah demonstrasi pembuatan kompos dari kotoran ternak sapi. Pengomposan dilakukan selama 20 hari, yang dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan pengemasan produk kompos. Kegiatan ini memberi manfaat kepada anggota kelompok tani, apalagi selama ini, Kelompok Tani Locci-Loccie mempunyai Unit Pengolahan Pupuk Organik namun tidak dimanfaatkan dengan baik karena tidak adanya pengetahuan dan pendampingan yang baik. Kata kunci: Organik, Bacukiki, kaya hara, ternak sapi.   ABSTRACT Cow manure has been left to pile up in pens by breeders belonging to the Locci-Locie Farmers Group, some of which are located in the middle of residential areas and have the potential to become a source of pollution. This manure can be used as organic fertilizer, which has economic value and can be a new source of income for farmers. This activity aims to provide knowledge and skills to the Locci-loccie farming group members to utilize cow dung waste. This activity begins with socialization on implementing the activity, followed by education on the use of agricultural waste. The next activity was a demonstration of making compost from cow manure. Composting is carried out for 20 days, followed by compost product packaging activities. This activity benefits farmer group members, especially the Locci-Loccie Farmer Group, which has an Organic Fertilizer Processing Unit but needs to be appropriately utilized due to the lack of good knowledge and assistance. Keywords: Organic, Bacukiki, nutrient, cattle

    Can Access to Social Facility Help Poverty Reduction in Agricultural Sector? Evidence from Indonesia

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    Poverty in agricultural sector is still becomes a serious issue in developing country, and Indonesia is no exception. Our previous study was focusing on poverty and income (income poverty). This paper, however, deals with a substantive question, can access to social facility (non-income) help poverty reduction in agriculture? The study (also) utilized previous model of Dimensionality Test, Factor and Path Analysis to answer the question. The results show that the higher government transfer source income in terms of Social safety Net Program, the more money for smallholders will be. This leads us to argue that transfer income from the government to the smallholder community can be still considered in maintaining smallholders’ daily life, means helping them move out poverty. The better access to social services such as primary public health center (called PUSKESMAS), clean water supplied by PDAM (Local Government Division for Drinking Water Affairs) and secondary school is, the higher the household income will be. Thus, if PUSKESMAS, primary and secondary schools as well as clean water sources are nearer, the less time and money will be spent to travel, then the more household income at hand will be saved. In other words, distance and degree of utilization appear to be a crucial part of these interpretations above. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that the better the access to social services such as public health center, schools and public clean water, the more household income will be and in turn it will alleviate the poverty of smallholders. It is clear that providing better access to social facility can help poverty reduction in agricultural sector

    Analysis of strategic programs in planning and developing cocoa agribusiness in Bantaeng Regency

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    The fluctuation of production levels, low innovation adoption rates, and low cocoa prices at the farm level are important problems in cocoa agribusiness that cannot be allowed to prolong, especially in production centers such as Bantaeng Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The purpose of this research is to provides strategic program recommendations as a reference for policymakers in designing cocoa agribusiness planning and development. This research used Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) analysis to be able to formulate a complex policy structure based on elements and formulate a hierarchy of relationships between elements. The results show that there are five key programs in planning and developing cocoa agribusiness in Bantaeng Regency, namely effectiveness of extension in the field, capacity building of extension workers, the establishment of farming partnerships with companies, the establishment of specialized cocoa development team, and guarantee of price stability. These key programs need to be assisted by supporting programs such as institutional development programs, effective coordination between institutions, effective technology transfer to farmers, provision of organic technology, providing rewards for farmers, providing access to capital, strengthening digital marketing, and improving cocoa quality through fermentation. Based on the interpretation of this research, stakeholders need to have an understanding of the priorities and synergy between programs to ensure the development of cocoa agribusiness that is right on target and in accordance with the needs and conditions currently faced

    Aplikasi Pupuk Hayati Mikrobat Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Pertanaman Padi Desa Bulu Allaporenge Kabupaten Bone

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    Rice is the main commodity for most agricultural communities in Indonesia and is still main food ingredient needed by around 90% of Indonesian population. Rice production in South Sulawesi varies greatly between 3 to 7 tons per hectare of dry un-husked rice in normal season conditions. Condition of food crops in Bone District is supported by paddy fields in several districts. Bone District is area with the largest rice production in South Sulawesi. The use of biological fertilizers needs to be developed in an effort to reduce the use of synthetic chemicals. Application of biological fertilizer becomes an excellent complement, because in addition to increasing soil fertility it also spurs plant growth. Application of Mikrobat biofertilizers is carried out on rice plantations located in Bulu Allaporenge Village, Bengo Sub-District, Bone District. Process of giving Mikrobat fertilizer is carried out 15-20 DAPs (days after planting). Treatment of Mikrobat biofertilizers at a dose of 1 liter per hectare at a ratio of 1: 100. The results of application of Mikrobat biofertilizer technology have a significant effect on plant height, panicle length, number of grain per panicle and weight of 1000 grains. While variable number of tillers and percentage of empty grains had no significant effect. The response of farmers is very high to apply biofertilizer technology on rice plantations because farmers immediately see the appearance of good plant growth compared to controls (without the application of microbial fertilizer)


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    Drought and the availability of nitrogen fertilizers are the main constraints in the growth and production of maize, so it is necessary to build synthetic corn varieties that are tolerant of drought stress and low N fertilization. These synthetic maize varieties can support a wider planting of maize and involve farmers who lack capital, thus supporting increased production and national self-sufficiency in corn in a sustainable manner. The aim of the service was to introduce the Unhas Synthetic maize variety (SINHAS1) with dissemination and field meetings through the Experimental Demonstration Plots, as well as interviews about the level of farmers' preference for the SINHAS 1 variety. 2020. The activity was carried out through the socialization and dissemination process of SINHAS 1 corn through a pilot demonstration plot. The demonstration plot was carried out by combining the use of the superior varieties of SINHAS 1 corn with corn cultivation technology which is packaged as a corn cultivation technology package. The demonstration plot was conducted at four locations in Tarowang Village, Galesong Selatan District, Takalar Regency. The results of the activity showed that the level of farmers' preference for the Unhas synthetic maize variety (SINHAS 1) was very high (85%) with an average productivity of 7.8 tonnes / ha, so that it is very likely to be developed in Tarowang Village, Galesong Selatan District, Takalar Regency. Development efforts need socialization and dissemination on a broader scale to accelerate development efforts. Development efforts will be carried out together with the Tarowang Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University to produce the SINHAS 1 corn variety through seed breeding.  Keywords: Dissemination, corn, SINHAS 1, seed, takalar ABSTRAK Masalah kekeringan dan ketersediaan pupuk Nitrogen merupakan pembatas utama dalam pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung, sehingga diperlukan usaha perakitan varietas jagung sintetik yang toleran cekaman kekeringan dan pemupukan N rendah. Varietas jagung sintetik tersebut dapat menudukung penanaman jagung yang lebih luas dan melibatkan petani yang kurang modal sehingga mendukung peningkatan produksi dan swasembada jagung nasional secara berkelanjutan. Tujuan pengabdian adalah memperkenalkan varietas jagung Sintetik Unhas (SINHAS1) dengan diseminasi dan temu lapang melalui Demplot Percobaan, sekaligus wawancara tentang tingkat kesukaan petani terhadap varietas SINHAS 1. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di Desa Tarowang, Kecamatan Galesong Selatan, Kabupaten Takalar yang berlangsung sejak Juli sampai Oktober 2020. Kegiatan dilakukan melalui proses sosialisasi dan diseminasi Jagung SINHAS 1 melalui Demplot Percobaan. Demplot dilakukan melalui perpaduan penggunaan varietas unggul jagung SINHAS 1 dengan teknologi budidaya jagung yang dikemas sebagai paket teknologi budidaya jagung. Demplot dilakukan pada empat lokasi yang ada di Desa Tarowang, Kecamatan Galesong Selatan, Kabupaten Takalar. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kesukaan petani terhadap varietas jagung sintetik Unhas (SINHAS 1) sangat tinggi (85%) dengan produktivitas rata-rata mencapai 7.8 ton/ha, sehingga sangat berpeluang dikembangkan di Desa Tarowang, Kecamatan Galesong Selatan, Kabupaten Takalar. Usaha pengembangan diperlukan sosialisasi dan diseminasi pada skala yang lebih luas untuk mempercepat usaha pengembangannya. Usaha pengembangan akan dilakukan bersama dengan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Tarowang bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Pertanian Unhas untuk memproduksi varietas jagung SINHAS 1 melalui penangkaran benih. Kata Kunci: Diseminasi, jagung, SINHAS 1, benih, takalar