42 research outputs found

    Farmers Participation in Irrigation Management and Its Influence on Production and Productivity of Rice Farming

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    Utilization and management of irrigation, especially in the tertiary is the duty and responsibility of farmers involved and cooperate in farmer water user associations (P3A). This is confirmed in Article 1 No. PPRI. 20 of 2006 that, the utilization and management of tertiary irrigation network would be the part of farmers and requires an organization known as farmers’ water user associations (P3A). Through such participation, farmer members of P3A may gain knowledge derived from the results of their interactions with fellow members of P3A or other parties related to irrigation activities and ultimately may affect the achievement of the production and productivity of rice farming optimal. This study intends to examine the extent to which members of P3A farmer participation in irrigation management affect the production and productivity of rice farming in each tertiary, Bila Kalola irrigation. Survey method in this study is intended to obtain the required data through questionnaires to 324 farmer members of P3A in 41 affiliated P3A, which influence the participation of farmers on production and productivity of rice farming are analyzed through simple regression analysis and analysis of Cobb-Douglas production function. The results showed that: the more active participation of farmers in irrigation management activities, the increasing of production and productivity achieved, although this hypothesis has not been fully proven in each tertiary on Bila Kalola irrigation

    Tinjauan Pustaka

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    file ini adalah tinjauan pustaka proposal disertasiFaktor-faktor yang berhubungan kinerja BPP dan dampaknya terhadap perilaku petan

    MSME Ontime Digital Service Development Strategy for Farmer-Based Agribusiness

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    Ontime UMKM provides digital services for agribusiness products based on farmers and MSMEs. The problems faced by business actors are the level of knowledge of using digital services and the lack of a system that can accommodate production results. This study aims to analyze the form of digital services, strengths and obstacles, and determine appropriate development strategies and priority scales. This research involved 22 farmers and 12 MSMEs as research subjects. Qualitative data analysis was carried out using FGD (focus group discussion) and quantitative analysis using SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) and QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix). Based on the research results, a priority strategy was obtained that was able to improve the company's digital services with a TAS score of 6.11, namely it was proposed to increase the reach of Ontime MSME digital services so that they are more easily accessible to all levels of society by maximizing partnerships with agencies and the government and improving product quality by collaborate with various agencies and companies

    Farmers Community Empowerment through Institutional Strengthening of Rural Food Barn

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    Food insecurity is one of the crucial problems to solve. The research objectives are: (1) to describe the form of community empowerment farmers’ through institutional strengthening of rural food barn, (2) to explain the process of community empowerment farmers’ through institutional strengthening of rural food barn, and (3) to find out the constraints faced in the empowerment of peasant communities by strengthening institutional of rural food barn. The research was conducted in Huyula Subdistrict Mootilango Gorontalo, Indonesia, employing qualitative methods by selecting farmers who are using barns to store grain as food reserves. Data were collected through in-depth interview to the informant. The results showed that the empowerment of peasant communities by strengthening institutional food barns can be performed well based on the potential and capability of farmers. Thus the policy of strengthening institutional food barns rural effect on the empowerment of peasant communities in improving family welfare. This implies that Indonesian government still needs to strengthen institutional of of rural food barn to keep food security in broad sense

    Determinant of Non-Organic Farming in Enrekang District of South Sulawesi

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    Non-organik farming has a great impact on creasing agricultural production, but many negative impacts such a reduced soil fertility, environment damage and also negative impact on human health. The government has launched various programs to depelop organic farming to encourage farmers to swich to organic farming but has not been successful until now. The research aims to analyze the persistent determinant of non-organic farming by using Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) analysis. Result of research, there are three elements becoming persistent determinant of non-organic farming, that is: Facilities dan infrastructure of organic farming available, application of production facilities (fertilizers/chemical pesticides) easy and practical, easy market access for non organic products

    Factors Affecting the Development of Maize (Zea mays L.) Farms in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    The study investigates the factors and conditions that influence the development of maize farming in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. In this study, simple random sampling was used for 120 maize farmers. Observations, interviews, and questionnaires were utilized as data-gathering methods. AMOS 24 software was used for quantitative analysis through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), while Respondent Achievement Level (TCR) criteria were used for statistically descriptive analysis. The results showed that the higher the farmer's education and farming capital, could improve human resources. In contrast, the lower the farmer's farming experience, could reduce the human resource, and the better the human resources could increase the more effective agricultural extension services will be. The factors that influence the development of maize farming in South Sulawesi are farmer education, farming capital, human resources, farmer experience, and the effectiveness of counselling

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Jeneponto

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    This research is located in Jeneponto Regency and was conducted from February to March 2022. The goals of this research are 1) to determine the performance of agricultural extension workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jeneponto Regency, 2) to evaluate how the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jeneponto Regency affected the effectiveness of agricultural extension workers by looking at internal and external aspects, and 3) to analyze the influence of the factors that most dominantly affect the performance of agricultural extension workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jeneponto Regency. Simple random sampling is used to choose the sample, which includes 46 respondents across 6 subdistricts. Data from this study's data collection were examined by percentage descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 25. The results showed that the performance of agricultural extension workers in Jeneponto Regency was in the high category and internal and external factors simultaneously affected the performance of agricultural extension workers. If in part only formal education, training, age, motivation, reward system, and the level of active participation of farmers have a significant effect. Meanwhile, the use of counseling media, work period / work experience, family dependents, availability of facilities and infrastructure, distance of work areas, number of assisted farmer groups, information technology, and support for coaching and supervision did not have a significant partial effect on the performance of agricultural extension workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jeneponto Regency


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    PERSEPSI PETANI TERHADAP ASURANSI USAHA TANI PADI (AUTP) DI KECAMATAN PALETEANG, KABUPATEN PINRANG, PROVINSI SULAWESI SELATANPerception of Farmers On Rice Farming Insurance Program (AUTP) In Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency. Muhammad Algazali*, Muh. Hatta Jamil, Nurdin Lanuhu.Program Studi Agribisnis, Departemen Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian,Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar*Kontak penulis: [email protected] ABSTRAKAsuransi pertanian penting dilakukan karena ketidakpastian yang menyerang hampir seluruh petani di Indonesia sehingga potensi untuk terjadinya gagal panen menjadi sangat tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Menganalisis mekanisme Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP)  di Kecamatan Paleteang, Kabupaten Pinrang, 2) Menganalisis Persepsi petani Terhadap Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP) di Kecamatan Paleteang, Kabupaten Pinrang, 3) Menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan persepsi petani Terhadap Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP) di Kecamatan Paleteang, Kabupaten Pinrang. Penentuan Sampel dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 15% dari populasi berjumlah 165 orang, sehingga sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 30 responden. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan pertama, kedua dan ketiga adalah analisis deskriptif, untuk menganalisis persepsi petani digunakan Skala Likert dengan kriteria untuk setiap tanggapan masing–masing kategori adalah 3 = sangat setuju, 2 = setuju, 1 = kurang setuju, dan untuk mengetahuitentang faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan persepsi petani terhadap AUTP dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Mekanisme Pelaksanaan program AUTP di Kecamatan Paleteang telah berjalan baik, namun sosialisasi mengenai program kurang menyeluruh ke semua petani, 2) Persepsi petani terhadap AUTP dibagi atas 3 aspek yaitu persepsi petani terhadap organisasi pelaksanaan AUTP berada pada kategori setuju, persepsi terhadap pelaksanaan AUTP berada pada kategori setuju, dan persepsi petani terhadap monitoring, evaluasi, dan pelaporan AUTP berada pada ketogori  setuju, 3) Terdapat hubungan antara faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi (umur, pendidikan, luas lahan, premi, dan pengetahuan) dengan persepsi petani terhadap AUTP. Kata Kunci: Persepsi, program asuransi usaha tani padi ABSTRACTAgricultural insurance is important because of the uncertainty that attacks almost all farmers in Indonesia so the potential for harvest failure is very high. This study aims to: 1) Analyze the mechanism of Rice Farm Business Insurance (AUTP) in Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency, 2) Analyze farmers' perceptions of Rice Farming Insurance Program (AUTP) in Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency, 3) Analyzing factors related to farmers' perceptions of Rice Farm Insurance Program (AUTP) in Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency. Determination of the sample is done by taking a sample of 15% of the population of 165 people, so that the sample in this study amounted to 30 respondents. Analysis of the data used to answer the first, second and third purpose is descriptive analysis, to analyze the perceptions of farmers using a Likert Scale with the criteria for each response each category is 3 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 1 = disagree, and to know about factors related to farmers' perceptions of AUTP analyzed using Rank Spearman correlation test. The results showed: 1) The implementation mechanism of the AUTP program in Paleteang District had gone well, but the socialization of the program was not comprehensive to all farmers, 2) The farmers 'perception of AUTP was divided into 3 aspects, farmers' perceptions of the AUTP implementation organization in the agreed category, perceptions the implementation of AUTP is in the agreed category, and farmers' perceptions of monitoring, evaluation, and AUTP reporting are in a disagreeable category, 3) There is a relation between factors that influence perceptions (age, education, land area, premiums, and knowledge) with farmer's perception of AUTP. Keywords: perception, rice farming insurance progra

    Can Access to Social Facility Help Poverty Reduction in Agricultural Sector? Evidence from Indonesia

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    Poverty in agricultural sector is still becomes a serious issue in developing country, and Indonesia is no exception. Our previous study was focusing on poverty and income (income poverty). This paper, however, deals with a substantive question, can access to social facility (non-income) help poverty reduction in agriculture? The study (also) utilized previous model of Dimensionality Test, Factor and Path Analysis to answer the question. The results show that the higher government transfer source income in terms of Social safety Net Program, the more money for smallholders will be. This leads us to argue that transfer income from the government to the smallholder community can be still considered in maintaining smallholders’ daily life, means helping them move out poverty. The better access to social services such as primary public health center (called PUSKESMAS), clean water supplied by PDAM (Local Government Division for Drinking Water Affairs) and secondary school is, the higher the household income will be. Thus, if PUSKESMAS, primary and secondary schools as well as clean water sources are nearer, the less time and money will be spent to travel, then the more household income at hand will be saved. In other words, distance and degree of utilization appear to be a crucial part of these interpretations above. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that the better the access to social services such as public health center, schools and public clean water, the more household income will be and in turn it will alleviate the poverty of smallholders. It is clear that providing better access to social facility can help poverty reduction in agricultural sector


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    Problems faced by the Pangisoreng UPB partners and Allapporeng II farmer groups are the unavailability of superior seeds and scarcity of fertilizer during the planting season, low farming capital, the land is saturated with inorganic fertilizers and there is no use of organic fertilizers, resulting in soil cracking in the dry season and cause rice drought. The use of liquid fertilizer has not been carried out, the waste planting system is wasteful use of seeds, rat pest attacks due to the wrong planting system, and the knowledge and expertise of farmers in producing seeds, compost, liquid fertilizer / biopesticides are lacking; thus causing rice productivity and low farmer income. From the range of solutions offered, the activities that have been carried out are: (a) fostering farmer groups to become seed breeders so they can produce superior seeds independently, while encouraging new potential entrepreneurs, (b) training farmers to process locally available organic waste into fertilizer compost, liquid fertilizer / biopesticide, (c) improve the planting system from hambur into a planting system, move through seed demonstration plot and (d) provide assistance during the activity. The output targets to be achieved on PKM are: Superior seed production, compost production, liquid fertilizer / biopesticide, increased productivity from 5.5 tons / ha to 8-9 tons / ha. From the implementation of the activities carried out it can be concluded that the activities were welcomed by members of partner farmer groups because they were classified as new. Making compost and liquid organic fertilizer can be done by utilizing local materials and considering the function of each ingredient.Keywords: Rice seeding, compost, liquid fertilizer, planting system.  ABSTRAKPermasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra UPB Pangisoreng dan kelompok tani Allapporeng II adalah tidak tersedianya benih unggul dan kelangkaan pupuk saat musim tanam, modal usaha tani yang rendah, lahan sudah jenuh dengan pupuk anorganik dan tidak ada penggunaan pupuk organik, sehingga terjadi keretakan tanah pada musim kemarau dan menyebabkan padi kekeringan. Penggunaan pupuk cair belum dilaksanakan, sistem tanam hambur yang boros penggunaan benih, serangan hama tikus akibat sistem tanam yang salah, serta pengetahuan dan ketermpilan petani dalam memproduksi benih, pupuk kompos, pupuk cair/biopestisida yang kurang; sehingga menyebabkan produktivitas padi dan pendapatan petani rendah. Dari rangkaian solusi yang ditawarkan, kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan adalah: (a) pembinaan kelompok tani menjadi penangkar benih sehingga mampu memproduksi benih unggul secara mandiri, sekaligus mendorong menjadi calon wirausaha baru, (b) melatih petani mengolah limbah organik yang tersedia secara lokal menjadi pupuk kompos, pupuk cair/ biopestisida, (c) memperbaiki sistem tanam dari hambur menjadi sistem tanam pindah melalui demplot perbenihan serta (d) melakukan pendampingan selama kegiatan berlangsung. Target luaran yang ingin dicapai pada PKM adalah: Produksi benih unggul, produksi kompos, pupuk cair /biopestisida, peningkatan produktivitas dari 5,5 ton/ha menjadi 8-9 ton/ha. Dari pelaksanaan kegiatan yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan disambut baik oleh anggota kelompok tani mitra karena tergolong baru. Pembuatan kompos dan pupuk organik cair dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan bahan local dan mempertimbangkan fungsi dari masing-masing bahan.Kata kunci: Perbenihan padi, kompos, pupuk cair, sistem tana