45 research outputs found

    Preservice Teachers: What do They Know about Cyberlaw?

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    This paper presents preliminary findings from an exploratory multimethod study into preservice teachers’ perspectives on legal and ethical issues relevant to the use of ICT in schools. It identifies requirements for legal literacy that support legally compliant behaviour as well as the development of active citizenship in students and highlights areas of factual legal knowledge which may require more attention in preservice education

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Teknologi Informasi untuk Optimalisasi Tata Kelola dan Proses Pembelajaran Taman Kanak-Kanak Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal

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    Aisyiyah Busthanul Athfal Kindergarten (TK ABA) is a pre-primary educational institution established by the Muhammadiyah foundation, which is expected to create quality future generations in terms of formal, religious, and social education. In managing a kindergarten institution, a management system and adequate human resources are needed in terms of skills such as information technology (IT) skills. The purpose of the community service activities carried out is to introduce IT skills to the teachers of TK ABA Ponggalan, Giwangan. These community service activities were carried out by providing 4-meetings, computer training, and introduction to computer applications that are important in learning management at TK ABA. The results of data analysis showed that 83.33% of teachers had never received formal or non-formal IT training. The evaluation of community service activities shows that 100% of teachers are satisfied with the training provided. The aspect with the lowest level of satisfaction is related to the adequacy of the material provided in the training because it is still at the introductory level. Through the service activities carried out, it can be concluded that providing IT training for teachers of TK ABA is essential in supporting the management and learning at TK ABA Ponggalan, Giwangan. This, of course, can increase the trust of parents and the interest of prospective students in schools, which indirectly affects school income and welfare

    Factors influencing the use of moodle e-learning platform for teaching in faculty of education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

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    This study explored factors that influence the use of Moodle E-learning platform for teaching in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Qualitative case  study research design was adopted for the study and purposive criterion-based sampling technique was used to sample ten participants from the Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Data was analysed using qualitative content Analysis. The study found that the factors that influence the use of Moodle e-learning platform by Lecturers in the Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria include lack of technical support and lack of awareness. The study recommended that the Management of the faculty should request for two technical support staffs from the Institute of Computing and Information and communication technology (ICICT) to be stationed in the faculty digital centre to cater for technical problems that lecturers might encounter in the use of Moodle e-learning platform and to train lecturers periodically

    The Uses of Information and Communication Technologies to Strengthen Girls Education in Govt. Girls Secondary Schools of Rural Areas of Sindh

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    Abstract: The usage of ICTs has become essential component of the teaching methodology in the field of Education. ICT can equip the female students of the area with global information and they can meet the challenges of 21st century. The purpose behind the survey is to analyze the current practices of emerging technologies. The title of the study is; “The Uses of Information and Communication Technologies to Strengthen Girls Education in Govt. Girls Secondary Schools of Rural Areas of Sindh”. Objectives of the research were to evaluate the existing practices of emerging technologies in girls’ secondary schools and to propose certain measures to strengthen girls’ education through the use of emerging technologies. Survey approach was followed to complete this study. A test, questionnaire, interview protocol and focused group discussion were used as data collection instruments. Random sampling method was followed for study. Sample size was; fifteen head teachers, twenty nine teachers, and nine hundred forty students and they were collected randomly from the population of government girls’ secondary schools

    Pre-service teachers' TPACK confidence in a regional Australian university

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    The extent of transformation of education by integration of ICT appears not to match that in other sectors. More effective preparation of teachers is widely assumed to be part of any solution, leading to interest in what knowledge, skills and dispositions are required of teachers and how best to develop those. The Australian Teaching Teachers for the Future (TTF) project appears to have demonstrated some success in enhancing pre-service teachers' TPACK confidence. This paper presents data from a regional Australian university where the change appears to have preceded implementation of TTF and considers factors that may have contributed to that change


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    Its huge potential to facilitate learning has been making information and communication technology (ICT) use grow as one of the main advancements in the education sector in the 21st Century. This study aims at exploring teachers' and students’ perceptions of  ICT use in learning. To achieve the objective, using a teacher questionnaire and a student questionnaire, 34 teachers and 424 students in 15 secondary schools located in Jakarta, Depok, and Bekasi were surveyed to collect data. The data obtained were analyzed employing the descriptive analysis technique. The results showed that teachers' and students’ perceptions were similar in some aspects of ICT integration into learning but different in some other aspects. Teachers and students had positive perceptions with a high level of agreement in (1) the potential of ICT use to increase student’s interest and motivation; (2) the benefits of using ICT in learning; (3) the educational benefits of ICT; (4) and the level of confidence in ICT competencies mastery. They both viewed their intensity of using ICT for learning as ‘low’ but perceived their intensity of using ICT for entertainment as ‘high’. Additionally, while teachers viewed their ability to use ICT for learning as 'low', the students perceived theirs 'high'.Potensi besarnya untuk memfasilitasi pembelajaran telah membuat penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) berkembang sebagai salah satu terobosan utama di sektor pendidikan di Abad 21. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekplorasi persepsi guru dan siswa terhadap penggunaan TIK dalam pembelajaran di sekolah menegah di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Untuk mencapai tujuan itu, data dikumpulkan dari 34 guru dan 424 siswa dari 15 sekolah menengah di Jakarta melalui survey dengan satu kuesioner guru dan satu kuesioner siswa, yang kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru dan siswa memiliki persepsi yang sama dalam beberapa aspek penggunaan TIK dalam pembelajaran dan persepsi berbeda dalam beberapa aspek lainnya. Guru dan siswa berpersepsi positif dengan tingkat persetujuan yang tinggi terhadap (1) potensi penggunaan TIK untuk meningkatkan minat dan motivasi belajar siswa; (2) manfaat penggunaan TIK dalam pembelajaran; (3) manfaat edukasional TIK; (4) dan keyakinan atas penguasaan kompetensi TIK. Data juga menunjukkan bahwa guru dan siswa memiliki intensitas penggunaan TIK yang rendah dalam pembelajaran namun intensitas yang tinggi untuk tujuan hiburan. Selain itu, Guru memandang kemampuan mereka menggunakan TIK untuk pembelajaran ‘rendah’, sedangkan siswa, ‘tinggi’


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    Whether to use or not new technology inside the classroom has always been discussed for various reasons. Nowadays, technology is becoming an integral part of everybody's life (Hongling & Zhang, 2012). Considering the benefits that the use of new technologies could provide to people, especially those for learning English, research on this topic has been deemed worthwhile. Having in mind the counter-arguments, the present paper aims to investigate the advantage of using new technology in a class, and most importantly, how to use it and promote learning, advantages and disadvantages of using new technology in the classroom, how to encourage students to use IT appropriately, and exploring some of the best ways to teach and learn English language (Hermans et al. 2008).Keywords: New technology, learning English, classroom, teachers, advantages and disadvantages

    Hubungan Ketersediaan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis TIK dengan Kemampuan TPACK Guru Sekolah Dasar

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    Arah perkembangan teknologi telah melingkupi setiap lini kehidupan, termasuk bidang pendidikan. Minat peserta didik yang tinggi terhadap teknologi mengharuskan setiap guru memahami penggunaannya sebagai media pembelajaran, sehingga guru tidak hanya mengajar dengan metode-metode konvensional. Kemampuan guru dalam menguasai teknologi tersebut tentu harus didukung oleh ketersediaan media yang memadai di sekolah. Maka, penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis hubungan dari variabel ketersediaan media pembelajaran berbasis TIK dengan kemampuan TPACK para guru. Penelitian ini merupakan contoh penelitian kuantitatif Ex Post Facto. Sampling saturasi menghasilkan total 44 peserta. Korelasi Spearman’s Rank Order digunakan untuk statistik deskriptif dan inferensial untuk menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel ketersediaan media pembelajaran berbasis TIK dan kemampuan TPACK guru berada pada kategori tinggi dengan masing-masing persentase 63,6 persen dan 72,7 persen, serta terdapat korelasi yang signifikan pada kedua variabel yang bernilai signifikansi 0,000 dan tingkat hubungan yang sangat kuat

    The Validation of the Information Systems Success Model: LMS Integration during Covid-19

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    This study adapted DeLone & McLean information system success model (D&M IS success model) regarding the implementation of learning management system (LMS) during Covid-19. Six variables are included; system quality, information quality, service quality, system usage, user satisfaction, and net benefits with 23 initial items. A total of 279 undergraduate students from a public university in Indonesia participated in this study. The factor structure of the instrument was investigated using a survey design. The survey data were calculated using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Six variables emerged from the EFA methods, establishing a valid and reliable model; a few items were eliminated due to cross-loading. The suggested model was successfully mapped as a consequence of the results. The CFA confirmed that the instrument was suitable for the Indonesian setting. The findings led to the development of 19 reliable and valid items. The measured scale has psychometric qualities, allowing for future research with a tool to capture D & M IS success model technology integration