2,225 research outputs found

    Estimates of Marine Mammal, Sea Turtle, and Seabird Mortality in the California Drift Gillnet Fishery for Swordfish and Thresher Shark, 1996–2002

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    Estimates of incidental marine mammal, sea turtle, and seabird mortality in the California drift gillnet fishery for broadbill swordfish, Xiphias gladius, and common thresher shark, Alopias vulpinus, are summarized for the 7-year period, 1996 to 2002. Fishery observer coverage was 19% over the period (3,369 days observed/17,649 days fished). An experiment to test the effectiveness of acoustic pingers on reducing marine mammal entanglements in this fishery began in 1996 and resulted in statistically significant reductions in marine mammal bycatch. The most commonly entangled marine mammal species were the short-beaked common dolphin, Delphinus delphis; California sea lion, Zalophus californianus; and northern right whale dolphin, Lissodelphis borealis. Estimated mortality by species (CV and observed mortality in parentheses) from 1996 to 2002 is 861 (0.11, 133) short-beaked common dolphins; 553 (0.16, 103) California sea lions; 151 (0.25, 31) northern right whale dolphins; 150 (0.21, 27) northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris; 54 (0.41, 10) long-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus capensis; 44 (0.53, 6) Dall’s porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli; 19 (0.60, 5) Risso’s dolphins, Grampus griseus; 11 (0.71, 2) gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus; 7 (0.83, 2) sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus; 7 (0.96, 1) short-finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhychus; 12 (1.06, 1) minke whales, Balaenoptera acutorostrata; 5 (1.05, 1) fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus; 11 (0.68, 2) unidentified pinnipeds; 33 (0.52, 4) leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea; 18 (0.57, 3) loggerhead turtles, Caretta caretta; 13 (0.73, 3) northern fulmars, Fulmarus glacialis; and 6 (0.86, 2) unidentified birds

    Decoherence due to XPM-assisted Raman amplification for polarization or wavelength offset pulses in all-normal dispersion supercontinuum generation

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    We report the importance of cross-phase modulation (XPM) on the coherence of a low-energy probe pulse co-propagating with a high-energy pump pulse that generates incoherent supercontinuum in all-normal dispersion (ANDi) fiber due to Raman amplification of quantum noise. By investigating numerous fiber and pulse parameters, we show consistently that for weak probe pulses, the XPM from the pump is the dominant influence on the degradation of the probe coherence. We show that the faster decoherence at the pump leading edge means that the probe coherence is reduced more significantly when the probe has a higher group velocity, i.e., when an orthogonally polarized probe is aligned to the fast (lower refractive index) axis of the fiber or when a co-polarized probe has a longer central wavelength. Simulations show that this effect occurs for both polarization-maintaining (PM) and non-PM ANDi fibers and can result in a probe decoherence rate that is higher than that of the pump. These previously unreported results extend our earlier scalar simulations showing incoherent supercontinuum within a single pulse

    Reading instruction in first-grade classrooms: Do basals control teachers?

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    This study describes first-grade teachers beliefs and practices about reading instruction. Drawing from interview and observational data, 16 teachers from four districts were placed on a continuum from skills-based to literature-based in relationship to their use of the basal. Only 2 teachers were found to rely solely on the basal, while 3 teachers enhanced the basal with literature, and 4 teachers used only literature in their reading instruction. Six teachers enhanced their basal use with additional skills and 1 teacher relied on skills only in her reading instruction. This diversity\u27 of teaching beliefs and practices was corroborated by questionnaire data from a larger sample of teachers. Next, a framework developed by Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, and Tarule (1986) was used to categorize teachers\u27 ways of knowing. The findings showed 1 teacher to be a silent knower, 6 were received knowers, 1 was a subjective knower, 7 were procedural knowers, and 1 was a connected knower. Results challenge Shannon\u27s (1987) hypothesis that basals deskill teachers while supporting Sosniak and Stodolskv\u27s (1993) view that teachers are more autonomous in their use of textbook materials

    Multiplex giant magnetoresistive biosensor microarrays identify interferon-associated autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus.

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    High titer, class-switched autoantibodies are a hallmark of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Dysregulation of the interferon (IFN) pathway is observed in individuals with active SLE, although the association of specific autoantibodies with chemokine score, a combined measurement of three IFN-regulated chemokines, is not known. To identify autoantibodies associated with chemokine score, we developed giant magnetoresistive (GMR) biosensor microarrays, which allow the parallel measurement of multiple serum antibodies to autoantigens and peptides. We used the microarrays to analyze serum samples from SLE patients and found individuals with high chemokine scores had significantly greater reactivity to 13 autoantigens than individuals with low chemokine scores. Our findings demonstrate that multiple autoantibodies, including antibodies to U1-70K and modified histone H2B tails, are associated with IFN dysregulation in SLE. Further, they show the microarrays are capable of identifying autoantibodies associated with relevant clinical manifestations of SLE, with potential for use as biomarkers in clinical practice

    Inequality and the safety net throughout the income distribution, 1929-1940

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    We explored two measures of inequality that described the full income distribution in cities. One measure is an income gini based on family incomes in 1929 for 33 cities and in 1933 for up to 48 cities in 1933 were spread throughout the country. We also estimated gini coefficients that made use of contract rents for renters and implicit rents for home owners for up to 955 cities throughout the country. We were able to expand to all counties when looking at a top-end inequality measure, the number of taxpayers per family. All three measures varied substantially across the country. We show the correlations between the various measures and also estimate the relationship between the measures and various relief programs developed by governments at all levels during the period.First author draf

    Literature-based reading instruction: Problems, possibilities & polemics in the struggle to change

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    Concerns are being raised in both professional literature as well as in the popular press regarding certain aspects of the literature-based movement. Here we report on findings from a longitudinal study of a group of first -grade teachers who have been attempting (with varying degrees of success)to introduce literature-based teaching strategies into their classrooms. We inspect the experiences of these teachers in relation to four areas of concern that have been raised regarding literature-based teaching: 1. skills instruction; 2.guided reading strategies; 3. literature selection;and 4. thematic teaching (or curriculum integration). We describe classroom practices and the 9 problems and possibilities associated with teacher change in each of the four areas

    Characterization of the juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas) microbiome throughout an ontogenetic shift from pelagic to neritic habitats

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    The gut microbiome of herbivorous animals consists of organisms that efficiently digest the structural carbohydrates of ingested plant material. Green turtles (Chelonia mydas) provide an interesting model of change in these microbial communities because they undergo a pronounced shift from a surface-pelagic distribution and omnivorous diet to a neritic distribution and herbivorous diet. As an alternative to direct sampling of the gut, we investigated the cloacal microbiomes of juvenile green turtles before and after recruitment to neritic waters to observe any changes in their microbial community structure. Cloacal swabs were taken from individual turtles for analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences using Illumina sequencing. One fecal sample was also obtained, allowing for a preliminary comparison with the bacterial community of the cloaca. We found significant variation in the juvenile green turtle bacterial communities between pelagic and neritic habitats, suggesting that environmental and dietary factors support different bacterial communities in green turtles from these habitats. This is the first study to characterize the cloacal microbiome of green turtles in the context of their ontogenetic shifts, which could provide valuable insight into the origins of their gut bacteria and how the microbial community supports their shift to herbivory

    The Sac1 Lipid Phosphatase Regulates Cell Shape Change and the JNK Cascade during Dorsal Closure in Drosophila

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    AbstractThe Sac1 lipid phosphatase dephosphorylates several phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) phosphates and, in yeast, regulates a diverse range of cellular processes including organization of the actin cytoskeleton and secretion [1]. We have identified mutations in the gene encoding Drosophila Sac1. sac1 mutants die as embryos with defects in dorsal closure (DC). DC involves the migration of the epidermis to close a hole in the dorsal surface of the embryo occupied by the amnioserosa. It requires cell shape change in both the epidermis and amnioserosa and activation of a Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) MAPK cascade in the leading edge cells of the epidermis [2]. Loss of Sac1 leads to the improper activation of two key events in DC: cell shape change in the amnioserosa and JNK signaling. sac1 interacts genetically with other participants in these two events, and our data suggest that loss of Sac1 leads to upregulation of one or more signals controlling DC. This study is the first report of a role for Sac1 in the development of a multicellular organism

    Noise-related polarization dynamics for femto and picosecond pulses in normal dispersion fibers

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    We report how the complex intra-pulse polarization dynamics of coherent optical wavebreaking and incoherent Raman amplification processes in all-normal dispersion (ANDi) fibers vary for femto and picosecond pump pulses. Using high temporal resolution vector supercontinuum simulations, we identify deterministic polarization dynamics caused by wavebreaking and self-phase modulation for femtosecond pulses and quasi-chaotic polarization evolution driven by Raman amplification of quantum noise for picosecond pulses. In contrast to cross-phase modulation instability, the Raman-based polarization noise has no power threshold and is reduced by aligning the higher energy polarization component with the lower index axis of the fiber. The degree of polarization stability is quantified using new time domain parameters that build on the spectrally averaged degree of coherence used in supercontinuum research to quantify the output spectral stability. We show that the spectral coherence is intrinsically linked to polarization noise, and that the noise will occur in both polarization maintaining (PM) and non-PM fibers, spanning a broad range of pulse energies, durations, and fiber birefringence values. This analysis provides an in-depth understanding of the nonlinear polarization dynamics associated with coherent and incoherent propagation in ANDi fibers

    Balloon-borne coded aperture telescope for arc-minute angular resolution at hard x-ray energies

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    We are working on the development of a new balloon-borne telescope, MARGIE (minute-of-arc resolution gamma ray imaging experiment). It will be a coded aperture telescope designed to image hard x-rays (in various configurations) over the 20 - 600 keV range with an angular resolution approaching one arc minute. MARGIE will use one (or both) of two different detection plane technologies, each of which is capable of providing event locations with sub-mm accuracies. One such technology involves the use of cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) strip detectors. We have successfully completed a series of laboratory measurements using a prototype CZT detector with 375 micron pitch. Spatial location accuracies of better than 375 microns have been demonstrated. A second type of detection plane would be based on CsI microfiber arrays coupled to a large area silicon CCD readout array. This approach would provide spatial resolutions comparable to that of the CZT prototype. In one possible configuration, the coded mask would be 0.5 mm thick tungsten, with 0.5 mm pixels at a distance of 1.5 m from the central detector giving an angular resolution of 1 arc-minute and a fully coded field of view of 12 degrees. We review the capabilities of the MARGIE telescope and report on the status of our development efforts and our plans for a first balloon flight
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