376 research outputs found

    Perturbative expansion of N<8 Supergravity

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    We characterise the one-loop amplitudes for N=6 and N=4 supergravity in four dimensions. For N=6 we find that the one-loop n-point amplitudes can be expanded in terms of scalar box and triangle functions only. This simplification is consistent with a loop momentum power count of n-3, which we would interpret as being n+4 for gravity with a further -7 from the N=6 superalgebra. For N=4 we find that the amplitude is consistent with a loop momentum power count of n, which we would interpret as being n+4 for gravity with a further -4 from the N=4 superalgebra. Specifically the N=4 amplitudes contain non-cut-constructible rational terms.Comment: 13 pages. v2 adds analytic expression for rational parts of 5-pt 1-loop N=4 SUGRA amplitude; v3 normalisations clarifie

    Obtaining One-loop Gravity Amplitudes Using Spurious Singularities

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    The decomposition of a one-loop scattering amplitude into elementary functions with rational coefficients introduces spurious singularities which afflict individual coefficients but cancel in the complete amplitude. These cancellations create a web of interactions between the various terms. We explore the extent to which entire one-loop amplitudes can be determined from these relationships starting with a relatively small input of initial information, typically the coefficients of the scalar integral functions as these are readily determined. In the context of one-loop gravity amplitudes, of which relatively little is known, we find that some amplitudes with a small number of legs can be completely determined from their box coefficients. For increasing numbers of legs, ambiguities appear which can be determined from the physical singularity structure of the amplitude. We illustrate this with the four-point and N=1,4 five-point (super)gravity one-loop amplitudes.Comment: Minor corrections. Appendix adde

    The n-point MHV one-loop Amplitude in N=4 Supergravity

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    We present an explicit formula for the n-point MHV one-loop amplitude in a N=4 supergravity theory. This formula is derived from the soft and collinear factorisations of the amplitude.Comment: 8 pages; v2 References added. Minor changes to tex

    Constructing Gravity Amplitudes from Real Soft and Collinear Factorisation

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    Soft and collinear factorisations can be used to construct expressions for amplitudes in theories of gravity. We generalise the "half-soft" functions used previously to "soft-lifting" functions and use these to generate tree and one-loop amplitudes. In particular we construct expressions for MHV tree amplitudes and the rational terms in one-loop amplitudes in the specific context of N=4 supergravity. To completely determine the rational terms collinear factorisation must also be used. The rational terms for N=4 have a remarkable diagrammatic interpretation as arising from algebraic link diagrams.Comment: 18 pages, axodraw, Proof of eq. 4.3 adde

    New money for mental health : will it make things better for rural and remote Australia?

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    New Australian government funding for the Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care initiative is a significant step forward for mental health, with general practitioners now able to offer direct referrals to psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists and Aboriginal health workers. Incentives for better teamwork between GPs and other mental health professionals have been introduced, but may have unintended consequences, including an exacerbation of workforce shortages in rural and remote areas. Possible solutions to these shortages include rural scholarships for students in the mental health professions; recruitment and retention of students coordinated by university departments of rural health; better access to continuing professional development; and federally funded rural positions and additional financial incentives for rural mental health practitioners.<br /

    The solution structure of a cyclic endothelin antagonist, BQ-123, based on 1Hî—¸1H and 13Hî—¸1H three bond oupling constants

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    AbstractA cyclic pentapeptide endothelin antagonist, cyclo(dTrp-dAsp-Pro-dVal-Leu), recently reported (K. Ishikawa et al., 13th Am. Pept. Symp., Cambridge MA, 1991) has been studied by NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling. A stable structure has been determined without the use of nuclear Overhauser effects and is based primarily on homonuclear and heteronuclear three bond coupling constants. The 13C-edited TOCSY experiment is demonstrated at natural abundance and ∼30 mM peptide concentrations. Three bond 13C1H coupling constants obtained by this method are shown to reduce the ambiguity in φ angle determination which exists when only interproton coupling constants are used. Three out of four φ angles were determined uniquely by this method and the fourth was reduced to two possible values. The proline φ angle was determined to be −78° based on the 3JHzHα and 3JHzHβ coupling constants. Comparison of amide proton temperature dependence, chemical shifts and vicinal proton coupling constants in a 20% acetonitrile/80% water solvent mixture and in (CD3)2SO indicates that the structure is similar in both solvents

    Seismic stratigraphy of Lago Fagnano sediments (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) - A potencial archive of paleoclimatic change and tectonic activity since the Late Glacial

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    Located at 54ºS in the heart of the Island of Tierra del Fuego, Lago Fagnano occupies the deepest of a chain of en-echelon tectonic depressions along the Magallanes-Fagnano Transform system (MFT). A recent geophysical campaign combining 3.5 kHz (pinger) single-channel with 1 in3 airgun multi-channel systems surveyed more than 100 m of glacio-lacustrine sediments filling two main sub-basins. These data provide a unique opportunity to visualize the most recent lacustrine sequence with high-resolution while simultaneously imaging the oldest infill. A preliminary seismic stratigraphic analysis of the high-resolution 3.5 kHz pinger data allowed the identification of three major seismostratigraphic units (A, the oldest and C, the youngest). While unit A is interpreted as glacially derived sediments, the overlying unit B is interpreted as fining upward sequences of proglacial turbidites reflecting sediment pulses released by the retreating Fagnano glacier during the last deglaciation. A major environmental change occurred during deposition of unit C when pelagic style of sedimentation is intercalated by sequences of downslope mass flow events probably triggered by relatively strong tectonic pulses along the MFT system. Gravity cores show a regular alternation of light and dark laminae occasionally interrupted by homogenous sedimentary units interpreted as turbidites. Ultra-high resolution X-ray fluorescence micro-profiles show fluctuations in major trace elements at mm scale that may indicate seasonal variations in the sedimentary influx. These core data provide a unique record of decadal changes in regional climate that can be compared with other marine and continental archives to improve our understanding of the forcing mechanisms behind climate change

    An investigation of Chromatium vinosum high-potential irondashsulfur protein by EPR and Mossbauer spectroscopy; evidence for a freezing-induced dimerization in NaCl solutions

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    The high-potential irondashsulfur protein (HiPIP) from Chromatium vinosum contains a cubane prosthetic group that shuttles between the [4Fe-4S]3+,2+ states. We find that the EPR spectra from this protein can be explained as a sum of two components, a major one with g=2.02; 2.04; 2.12, and a minor one with g=2.04; 2.07; ~2.13. In the presence of 0.1-2.0 M NaCl, freezing induces polymerization of the protein (presumably dimers), which is detected as intercluster spindashspin interaction in the EPR. The observed spindashspin interactions are interpreted as being due to two very similar dimeric structures in an approx. 1:2 ratio. Computer simulation of the X- and Q-band EPR spectra shows that the z-components of the g-tensors in each dimer pair must be co-linear, with center-to-center distances between the clusters of ~ 13 A and ~ 16 A. Inspection of possible dimeric structures of C. vinosum HiPIP by standard molecular graphics procedures revealed that the Fe/S cluster is exposed toward a flattened surface and is accessible to solvent. Moreover, the Fe/S clusters in two HiPIP molecules can easily achieve a center-to-center distance of ~ 14 A when approaching along a common 3-fold axis that extends through the S4 sulfur atom of the cubane; the z-component of the EPR g-tensor is co-linear with this symmetry axis.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/29129/1/0000168.pd
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