88 research outputs found


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    Pasien kanker yang menjalani kemoterapi mengalami perubahan metabolisme tubuh yaitu terganggunya sintesis glikogen, peningkatan proteolisis serta pemecahan lemak dalam jaringan otot dan peningkatan glukoneogenesis. Efek samping dari kemoterapi secara langsung menyebabkan nausea, vomiting, nyeri abdomen, mukositis, ileus diare dan malabsorbsi, sehingga asupan makan dan pemenuhan nutrisi dapat terpengaruh. Pemenuhan nutrisi pada pasien kanker dapat menurunkan resiko terjadinya komplikasi, memenuhi peningkatan energi dan kebutuhan protein, membantu memperbaiki dan membangun jaringan normal yang rusak akibat terapi. Pasien kanker dengan pengetahuan yang baik akan mempunyai kemampuan untuk menerapkan pengetahuan gizinya dalam pemilihan maupun pengolahan pangan, sehingga konsumsi pangan mencukupi kebutuhan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan tentang gizi dengan pemenuhan nutrisi pada pasien kanker yang menjalani kemoterapi di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh Tahun 2013. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif korelatif, melalui desain cross sectional study. Metode pengambilan sampel yaitu purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 48 responden. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara terpimpin menggunakan kuesioner yang terdiri dari 20 pernyataan dalam skala Guttmen dan lembar Food Frequency Questioner. Analisa data dengan menggunakan uji statistik chi-square. Hasil penelitian adalah tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang gizi dengan pemenuhan nutrisi (P-value 0,610) di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh tahun 2013. Diharapkan Rumah Sakit dapat membuat kebijakan berupa program edukasi untuk meningkatkan pemantauan status gizi serta terapi nutrisi pada pasien kanker yang menjalani kemoterapi.Kata kunci : Kanker, kemoterapi, pengetahuan tentang gizi, pemenuhan nutrisiDaftar bacaan: 10 buku + 4 skripsi + 15 jurnal (1996-2012

    The Effect of Shading Devices on OTTV (Overall Thermal Transfer Value) Value of Office Buildings: Case Study of PT Industri Kapal Indonesia (IKI) Building

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    One of the passive design strategies that effectively reduce the heat load on the building envelope, especially in areas with a large surface area of glass shading Device. The research aims to measure the design influence of shading devices against the value of Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) buildings. Research using quantitative methods, research done by trying Shading devices with Vertical Models, Horizontal multiple fins, and Egg crates, which have the length and slope provided by the Indonesian National Standard SNI. It tests each design shading measured on an impairment basis OTTV the best and best under 45 Watt/m². The results of the study show that shading devices affect the impairment of OTTV. The longer the shading device and the higher the slope, the more effective it is in blocking incoming radiation through the glass surface. Impairment OTTV existing buildings without a shading device have an initial value of 69.572 W/m2, decreased by 55% to 31.57 W/m2. Shading an egg crate with length120 cm with a slope of 40° is the best shading based on a comparative analysis between vertical louver shading and horizontal multiple fin shading. This is due to shading egg crates being able to respond to the sun in incoming low and high altitude angles to minimize or block radiation that enters through the glass surface

    EOG kontrollü çok yönlü tekerlekli sandalye

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    xx, 33 sayfa: şekil29 cm. 1 CDÖZETBu tezde, EOG sinyalleri kullanılarak hareket yeteneği kısıtlı engelli bireyler için gerçek zamanlı çalışmalara uygulanması kolay bir tekerlekli sandalye kontrol algoritması geliştirilmiştir.Bu çalışmada, yaşları 20-26 arasında değişen 26 bireyden EOG sinyalleri alınmıştır. EOG sinyalleri olarak yatay EOG, sağ göz düşey EOG ve sol göz düşey EOG sinyalleri kayıt edilmiştir. Daha sonra her bir EOG kanalı 150 ms’lik medyan süzgecine tabi tutulmuştur. Böylece istemsiz yapılan göz kırpmaları ve çeşitli diğer gürültüler sinyalden arındırılabilmiştir. Geliştirilen algoritmaların girişine, her deneğin kendi EOG sinyallerinin maksimum ve minimum değerlerinin orta değerinin yarısı eşik değer olacak şekilde uygulanmıştır.ABSTRACTIn this thesis, a wheelchair control algorithm that is easy to apply to real-time studies has been developed for restricted individuals with disabilities by using EOG signals.In this study, EOG signals were acquired from 26 individuals with the age between 20 and 26 years. EOG signals of horizontal EOG, vertical EOG of the right eye, and vertical EOG of the left eye were recorded. Medial filter with 150-ms duration was applied to all EOG channels. Hence, involuntary blinkings and various other noises were filtered from the signal. The mid-value of the maximum and minimum values of each subject's EOG signals are determined as the threshold value that was applied to the input of provided algorithms

    Kenyamanan Visual Ruang Kerja Kantor

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    Visual comfort Prameter is the level suficient of illumination recommended which is not exceed the threshold contrsat and stated brightness level, and no room glare occured. Not only to illuminate the work space, level of illumination also effects on the room condition (comfort and fun) that create a comfortable oflce work space.The goal of this research is to recognize the influence of furniture lay out and light spot placement on the work space, and if the color of materials effect on the reflectance value of wall and ceiling. In this study, descriptive metode applicated on the Dialux program concluded that light point and furniture lay out made effect on the illumination level of the work space, and the color of materials influence the effect of reflectance.This research is expected to serve as guidelines in designing office work space inaccordance with the recommended illumination level.Keywords: illumination, luminance, visual comfor


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    Climate change led to the issue of global warming and have an impact also on increasing energy load of the building. The designer Architect instrumental in designing buildings with attention to environmental impact, namely temperature, wind and light. Solar radiation causing the high load of electrical energy for air conditioning, so the Architects as the designer should be able to minimize the radiation of heat into the building. In addition, the sunlight will be able to enter into the building so that the load of the electrical energy for the artificial lighting can be minimized as well. Energy efficient building design is a great thing to note, with consideration of comfort in activities so that an increase in labor productivity. The purpose of this research is to analyze the lighting in the Office building of the Wisma Kalla in Makassar. Energy-efficient architecture is based on the idea of minimising energy use without limit or change the function of the building, comfort, and productivity of the user space. This research analyzes the energy load of electric lighting setting design appropriate spaces with attention to the standard level of illumination is recommended. Quantitative research methods using ecotect program to find out the values of illumination and energy consumption on used point lights. Results of the study concluded that the utilization of natural lighting can minimize the load on the building energy consumption but taking into account the recommendations of the standard illumination on the work space Office.Key words: Energyefficient , Office building, Lightin

    Analysis of illuminance level on phinisi tower building

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    Lighting design in buildings is one of the determinants of success. Sunlight is a natural resource that is used daily for use that will produce energy in the building. The purpose of this study is to analyze the space that is directly related to the spaces associated with different spaces. The research method is quantitative with data that underlies the results and is very clear in the form of linear graphs, bar charts, and rounds. Results of research conducted during the day Illumination values in the oriented space to the north are higher than south orientation. The closest area to the building envelope has the highest illumination value. The results of this analysis can determine the illumination values that exist for building satisfaction. Furthermore, further from the opening of the building envelope, the illumination value decreases. The constitution is one of the guidelines in the context of building


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    Abstrak_ Pada sebagian besar jenis bangunan, penggunaan cahaya alami sangat penting. Desain pencahayaan harus mencerminkan peran dan kebutuhan penghuni untuk memastikan bahwa bangunan diterangi dengan baik. Skylight adalah salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kuantitas cahaya yang diperlukan tanpa menyebabkan silau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis distribusi cahaya antara desain skylight eksisting dengan berbagai usulan desain skylight yang dilakukan melalui simulasi pada atrium Mall Ratu Indah Makassar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi desain bangunan eksisting menyebabkan distribusi cahaya tidak merata, sementara simulasi desain bukaan 40% menggunakan material kaca skylight dengan nilai VLT (Visible Light Transmission) sebesar 0.7, lebih memberikan hasil distribusi yang baik.Kata kunci : Pengaruh; Desain Skylight; Distribusi Cahaya; Pusat Perbelanjaan; Mall Ratu Indah Makassar. Abstract_ In most types of buildings, the use of natural light is very important. Lighting design should reflect the role and needs of occupants to ensure that the building is well lit. Skylights are one way to increase the quantity of light needed without causing glare. This research aims to analyze the distribution of light between existing skylight designs and various skylight design proposals carried out through simulations in the atrium of Ratu Indah Makassar Mall. The research method used is a quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The results showed that existing building design conditions caused uneven light distribution, while 40% aperture design simulation using skylight glass material with VLT (Visible Light Transmission) value of 0.7, more gave good distribution results.Keywords : Influence; Skylight Design; Distribusi  Cahaya; Shopping Mall; Mall Ratu Indah Makassar.

    Knowledge Based System for Diagnosing Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Lung cancer is a serious and deadly disease that affects the lungs, which are responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide from the body. The disease can develop in any part of the lungs and is usually caused by smoking or exposure to certain chemicals. The main Objective: of this expert system is to provide an accurate diagnosis of lung cancer and the appropriate treatment options. In this paper, Methods: we present the design and implementation of an expert system that can assist physicians in diagnosing lung cancer and determining the best course of treatment. The system provides an overview of the disease, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, along with relevant medical information. Results: The system was developed using the Clips expert system language and evaluated by medical professionals who found it to be an effective tool for diagnosing and treating lung cancer. Conclusion: The proposed expert system has the potential to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs associated with the treatment of lung cancer

    An Examination on Daily Horizontal Illuminance Data in Indonesia

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    A poster presentation on the 8th SENVAR and 2nd Malay, 23-24 August 2008, Surabaya, IndonesiaThe standard value of horizontal illuminance from unobstructed sky has been considered very essential and fundamental for the energy conservation in the field of lighting design in order to keep the minimum level of the illuminance in interiors. According to the recent progress of the way of thinking on the visual environment and the change of the energy circumstances, many improved models have been proposed for the estimation of the illumination level in interiors. The estimations based on these models proved that the sky illuminances vary in different locations and countries. In order to investigate daylight availability data in low latitude/tropic area which are extremely lacking at the present stage, a measurement of daylight and solar radiation was done in Makassar-Indonesia. After the records of the data were stricly inspected, the data of diffuse illuminance has been rearranged into a classification based upon the sky conditions of the whole day specified by cloud ratios, Based upon the diffuse horizontal illuminance data gathered in Makassar-Indonesia during 1995-2000, an examination on the values of the horizontal illuminance from the unobstructed sky by the statistical analysis can be proposed