822 research outputs found

    Tietoturvasuunnitelma mikroyritykselle

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    Tämän työn tarkoitus on tutkia mikroyritysten mahdollisia puutteita ja tuoda käytettävää hyötyä tietoturvan parantamiseksi. Tässä työssä ei yritetty saavuttaa täydellisyyttä, vaan sen on tarkoitus toimia pohjana pienemmille yrityksille. Työssä tutkittiin mielikuvituksellisen alle 10 työntekijän mikroyrityksen tietoturvaa. Yrityksen tietoturvatarpeet keksittiin käyttämällä paikallisen yrityksen osittaisia tietoja pohjana, jonka päälle rakennettiin ongelmia. Parannusehdotukset tehtiin työssä määritellyn yrityksen ongelmien mukaan. Fyysistä tietoturvaa käsiteltiin enemmän laitteiden suojaamisen ja huoltamisen kannalta. Fyysisten riskien ehkäisyä pyrittiin myös huomioimaan. Vesivahingot ja sähkökatkokset nähtiin mahdollisina infrastruktuurin riskitekijöinä tietoturvan kannalta. Ihmisten tekemät virheet ja mahdolliset varkaudet nähtiin myös mahdollisina riskitekijöinä. Digitaalisen tietoturvan osalta yrityksen yhteyksien turvaaminen oli tärkeä osa tätä työtä. Yhteyksiä turvattiin hankkimalla oikeat ja tarvittavat laitteet. Hyväksi ratkaisuksi tähän tehtävään määriteltiin olevan uuden palomuurilaitteen hankkiminen vanhan modeemin/reitittimen jatkeeksi. Kunnollisten varmuuskopioiden puute nähtiin myös suurena riskitekijänä tietoturvan jatkuvuuden osalta. Tätä korjattiin hankkimalla tarvittavat laitteet kahta uutta varmuuskopiota varten. Yritykselle luotiin myös salasanapolitiikka, jota yrityksessä ei ennen ollut. Tietoturvaa käsiteltiin suhteellisen laajasti ja työssä käsiteltiin mikroyrityksille sopivasti liittyviä asioita. Tässä työssä ei tutkittu mikroyritykselle liian monimutkaisia ratkaisuja. Työssä yritettiin pysyä tärkeissä ja loogisissa tietoturvaa parantavissa vaihtoehdoissa. Hintaa yritettiin myös ottaa osaksi yrityksessä tehtäviin muutoksiin.The purpose of this work was to study possible information security shortcomings in micro enterprises and give usable advice to improve their security. This work does not try to achieve perfection, but it’s supposed to act as a basis for smaller companies. In this work, I studied information security of an imaginary micro enterprise with less than 10 employees. The company and all its problems were thought up by using a local micro enterprises information as a basis. All the improvement recommendations to information security were based on the imaginary enterprise’s needs. Physical information security was dealt with more in the protection and maintenance of equipment. Physical risk prevention was also considered. Water damages and electric outages were considered as potential infrastructure risk factors to information security. Errors made by employees and possible thefts were also under consideration. Creating secure connections were an important part of information security in this work. Connections were secured by getting proper and necessary equipment. New firewall device was a good solution to complement the company’s old modem/router. The lack of proper backups was also a major risk factor for data continuity. This was fixed by getting two new devices for backups. Password policies also did not exist so they were created. Information security was studied quite broadly and everything was thought out by keeping micro enterprises needs in mind. This work does not study complicated solutions for a micro enterprise and study was based more on important and logical solutions for information security for a micro enterprise. Price was also partially taken into consideration as part of implementation of this plan for the company

    Siisteyden kehittäminen Rauten tehtaalla

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    Tämän työn tavoitteena oli kehittää Raute Oyj:n Nastolan tehtaan siisteyttä. Työn tilaaja oli nähnyt tarpeelliseksi nostaa tehtaan siisteyttä, joka parantaa työturvallisuutta ja työviihtyvyyttä ja välillisesti työn tuottavuutta ja laatua. Tehtaalle kehitettiin siisteystarkastuskäytäntö, minkä perusteella jokaiselle työhallille määritellään siisteysindeksi, joka lasketaan hallille työpisteiden keskiarvona. Siisteysindeksillä pyritään motivoimaan työntekijöitä siisteyden ylläpitämiseen ja kehittämiseen, ja samalla on luotu työnantajalle työkalu tilanteen seuraamiseen. Työ sisältää myös hyllyjen ja tarkastussovelluksen kehittämistä. Työtä varten toteutettiin kyselytutkimus muutaman kuukauden jälkeen intensiivijaksosta. Kyselyssä tiedusteltiin työntekijöiltä omaa panosta, siivousvälineiden riittävyyttä, johdon sitoutumista sekä siisteyden vaikutusta työturvallisuuteen, työviihtyvyyteen ja laatuun. Siisteysindeksiä ja tarkastusohjeistusta voidaan pitää onnistuneena, sillä uuden tarkastajan kouluttamisen jälkeen indeksissä ei tapahtunut tarkastajasta johtuvaa muutosta. Jatkossa indeksin ja siisteystason tasaannuttua, voidaan siisteystarkastuksen painopistettä siirtää kohti työturvallisuutta.The purpose of the thesis was to improve tidiness of the working environment in the Raute Oyj’s factory at Nastola. Tidiness affects safety and satisfaction in the workplace but also indirectly productivity and the quality of the products. Tidiness inspection practice was developed to evaluate factory’s condition. Tidiness index is calculated from inspection results and its purpose is to motivate workers to keep their working environment tidy and clean. Tidiness index and inspection instructions are a successful system as there weren’t any significant drop in the tidiness results after the change of the inspector. When the tidiness level reaches its stable level, inspection can be focused more towards the safety matters

    Understanding rural people as participants in rural development.

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    Communities have suffered from projects designed for their well being. This happens either because the project has failed or new and unforseen phenomena have emerged. More often than not the root of problems may be traced to the insufficient understanding of the community or the environment. The Welstanschanung or the philosophy of life of the rural person; the process of change and related elements; and implications on participation are discussed

    The best interests of whose child? : an examination of African customary law in matters relating to children switched at birth.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Children switched at birth present not only emotional trauma but also a legal battle for all parties concerned. Thus the story of M and Z (an African boy and girl) switched at birth in OR Tambo Hospital on August 2, 2010 elucidates this challenge aptly. This challenge plays itself within the contested legal systems being the Common law system (Western Law) and African customary law, which bears different consequences for the same event of children being switched at birth. Therefore, the research interrogates the rules of African family law, particularly those related to children and their parenthood. Equally important is African laws approach to the legal status of the parents’ vis-à-vis the children switched at birth, as well as the compatibility of this approach with the Constitution and the Children’s Act. An analysis of similar cases of children switched at birth suggests that family mediation, a practice mandatory amongst African societies, must be used in such matters rather than lengthy court battles. Consequently, the benefits of family mediation and parenting co-ordination are discussed emphasizing the use of parenting agreements in resolving conflicts in matters relating to children switched at birth

    The Relationship Between Good Government Governance and Organization Performance: The Case of MARA Credit Control Department

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    The issue of governance has become an essential and a critical issue for the public sector especially in Malaysia. The Prime Minister of Malaysia has stressed and given more focused on the issues of governance which required public sector to operate within a system of check and balance. Further, the Right Honorable urged to emulate a value system that emphasis more on the issue of ethics, openness, accountability, transparency,and integrity in the public sector. This issue need to be addressed accordingly as it gives bearing on the performance of an organization. This study seeks to examine on the relationship of good public sector governance and the performance of organization, namely, Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA). The objectives of this study are: i) to determined and measure the level of good public sector governance score in MARA, Credit Control Department, ii) to examine the possible relationship between good public sector governance and the performance of MARA,Credit Control Department, iii) to identify the significant element of good public sector governance that contributes to the variation of the performance in MARA, Credit Control Department, and iv) to identify the relative problems in collecting the educational loans faced by the Credit Control Department, MARA.In this study, the good public sector governance practices, as independent variables, is assessed by using the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) Good Public Sector Governance framework which consists of leadership, stakeholder relationship, risk management, accountability, planning and performance monitoring,information and decision support and review and evaluation. The dependent variable,perceived public sector performance, is being represented by the efficiency and effectiveness, productivity and cost and customer satisfaction. A research framework was developed and eight main hypotheses were posited and tested. The study utilized survey research design and was a cross-sectional in nature. The study adopted the nonprobability sampling and it is a purposive in nature. The survey was carried out in the Credit Control Department, MARA headquarters, and 82 respondents participated in the study. The data were collected using structured interview aided by questionnaires and as well as collection of information through observation and examination of files, records and office documents. The study hypotheses were tested using descriptive, correlation, and regression analyses. The result supported all the hypotheses posited for the study.The results of correlation analyses revealed that, good public sector governance and its dimensions are associated positively with the department performance. Further, the results from regression analyses also revealed that good public sector governance as a whole has a significant effect on the public sector performance. Meanwhile, the element of risk management and monitoring is statistically significant to the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation in the Credit Control Department. Performance monitoring contributes to the productivity and cost of recovery action in collecting the educational loan, and none of the variables tested was found to be statistically significant to the customer satisfaction iii In conclusion, this study provided insight and further understanding of the relationship between good public sector governance and organization performance. It allows practitioners and academia to gain in depth knowledge about the implementation of good public sector governance in relation with the performance in an organization

    Decoloniality, Inclusivity And Autonomy In Reimagining Cities Of The Future

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    African Union has hope for a vision of an Africa that is thriving by 2063 (UNDP Africa, 2017). Historically Africa was under the gaze and submissive to the imaginings of western vision. Africans as drivers of development prove to be difficult as global coloniality continues to shape inclusivity, autonomy, and spatial activities. Reimagining the future of cities is aligned with the way global coloniality unpacks how modernisation takes place. Decoloniality becomes important in that it gives Africans the space to think about autonomy to plan how can issues of inclusivity be addressed in the context of providing sustainable cities in line with spatial justice. The main drivers of reimagining the cities of the future are environmental sustainability and disruptive technology. Environmental sustainability and technological vision/disruptive technology are very problematic in the African context. In the African context, environmental issues are secondary as social inequalities and political issues are at the forefront of African lived experiences. Technology although present continues to exacerbate the gap between the “haves and the have nots”. This paper critically explores the future of cities concerning decoloniality, inclusivity and autonomy. It highlights key discussions about decoloniality and helps to unpack an African perspective towards reimagining future cities. The purpose of this paper is to bring to the forefront what sustainability means for smart cities in Africa, and if they are ready to take on an autonomous role in defining the future of cities


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    Praktik pembelajaran konvensional lebih cenderung memposisikan guru sebagai trasnformator yaitu menekankan pada guru sebagai satu-satunya sumber informasi daripada bagaimana siswa belajar, sehingga hasil belajar siswa tidak maksimal. Lesson Study merupakan salah satu upaya pembinaan untuk meningkatkan proses pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1)Mendeskripsikan peningkatan profesionalisme guru IPA setelah dikembangkannya pembelajaran berbasis Lesson Study di SMPN 8 Probolinggo; (2)Meningkatan motivasi mengajar guru IPA dengan dikembangkannya pembelajaran berbasis Lesson Study di SMPN 8 Probolinggo; (3)Mendeskripsikan hasil belajar siswa, setelah guru IPA mengembangkan pembelajaran berbasis Lesson Study di SMPN 8 Probolinggo. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan (action research) berupa metode pembelajaran kooperatif Lesson Study sebanyak dua siklus. Data yang diperoleh berupa hasil tes formatif dan lembar observasi kegiatan belajar mengajar. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa peningkatan ketuntasan guru berdasarkan 3 aspek dalam Lesson Study adalah dari pra siklus ke siklus 1 naik 11,7% dan dari siklus 1 ke siklus 2 naik 16,7%. Selain itu hasil belajar siswa dalam setiap siklus, yaitu siklus I naik 34,3% dan 37,1%, siklus II naik 20,0% dan 22,9%. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Lesson Study dapat memperbaiki dan meningkatkan profesionalisme Guru IPAdalam mengajar serta untuk siswa prestasi belajar pun dapat meningka

    Design of Gain Booster for Sample and Hold Stage of High Speed-Low Power Pipelined Analog-To-Digital Converter

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    This paper presents the full custom design of an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) for the sample and hold (SHA) stage of a 10-bit 50-MS/s pipelined analog-to-digital converter (ADC) implemented in a TSMC 0.35μm CMOS process. The OTA chosen for this design is folded cascode with gain boost topology. It is demonstrated through the design analysis and HSPICE simulation that such a structure realizes the best trade-off between power, speed and gain. The simulation results show the OTA achieves DC gain of 88.05dB, unity gain bandwidth of 430.03MHz and 84.06 degree of phase margin. The OTA achieves 62.13 dB SNR at the sampling rate of 50MHz with the input frequency of 24MHz. Power consumption is 9.68 mW from a single 3V supply. The settling time to 2-11 accuracy is 8.2ns

    Parkbuddy – Find My Car Android Mobile Application

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    As a result of technological progress, smartphones become an excellent choice for the user to make their life easier. This paper discussed how to locate parked vehicle using mobile application. The situation of forgetting where last vehicle location was parked and trying to remember it can become problem to some people especially to those who are having deterioration of memory such as a short term memory and dementia. This mobile application helps these users to locate their vehicle by utilising the global positioning system (GPS) system. This paper presents and critically analyses the system developed to solve the problem