27 research outputs found

    Residues and dissipation kinetics of two imidacloprid nanoformulations on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under field conditions

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    The current study investigates the dissipation kinetics of two imidacloprid (IMI) nanoformulations (entitled: Nano-IMI and Nano-IMI/TiO2) on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seeds under field conditions and compares them with 35% Suspension Concentrate (SC) commercial formulation. To do so, it sprays P. vulgaris plants at 30 and 60 g/ha within green bean stage, sampling them during the 14-day period after the treatment. Following extraction and quantification of IMI residues, dissipation data have been fitted to simple-first order kinetic model (SFOK) and to first-order double-exponential decay (FODED) models, with 50% and 90% dissipation times (DT50 and DT90, respectively) assessed along the pre-harvest interval (PHI). With the exception of Nano-IMI at 60 g/ha, other decline curves are best fitted to the FODED model. In general, dissipation is faster for Nano-IMI (at 30 g/ha: DT50 = 1.09 days, DT90 = 4.30 days, PHI = 1.23 days; at 60 g/ha: DT50 = 1.29 days, DT90 = 4.29 days, PHI = 2.95 days) and Nano-IMI/TiO2 (at 30 g/ha: DT50 = 1.15 days, DT90 = 4.40 days, PHI = 1.08 days; at 60 g/ha: DT50 = 0.86 days, DT90 = 4.92 days, PHI = 3.02 days), compared to 35% SC (at 30 g/ha: DT50 = 1.58, DT90 = 6.45, PHI = 1.93; at 60 g/ha: DT50 = 1.58 days, DT90 = 14.50 days, PHI = 5.37 days). These results suggest the suitability of Nano-IMI and Nano-IMI/TiO2 application at both rates in terms of their residues on P. vulgaris seeds

    Sustainable municipal organic waste management in Shiraz, Iran

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    The purpose of this thesis is to identify possible treatment approaches that could be adopted and implemented in Shiraz (IRAN), for sustainable organic waste management. This work consists of five phases: evaluation of the current situation in the study area, mapping the state-of-the-knowledge in the field of organic waste treatment in Germany, assessment of the compost derived from mixed and source-separated waste streams, adapting sustainable concepts that are applicable to addressing the whole supply chain and examining the approaches to provide the ideal conditions during dry seasons

    Narrative and Reading Comprehension Performance in Dyslexic Persian Students

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    BACKGROUND: Through research on the role of storytelling skills in building learning and writing elements, little attention has been paid to assessing strengths and weaknesses in story structure, especially microstructure, in dyslexic students. The purpose of this study is to assess the role of this structure as a manifestation of the verbal and cognitive performance of these students.Method: This is a descriptive analysis study. To identify dyslexic students, the Screening test for dyslexia diagnosis by Shafii et al. and Shirazi-Nilipour's reading diagnostic test were used. A total of 31 dyslexic students at secondary elementary school were identified during testing, and the remaining subjects (n = 35 students) were assigned to the control group. The story retelling test was used to assess students' storytelling skills. A parametric test (independent-samples t-test) was used to compare normally distributed data. A nonparametric test (Mann-Whitney U test) was used for non-normal data. Pearson's correlation test was also used to examine correlations for normally distributed data, and Spearman's correlation test was used for non-normal data.Results: Students with dyslexia had significantly lower mean scores in all substructures of the macrostructure, including topic maintenance, sequence of events, and the main information. They also had significantly lower microstructure scores, including mean length of utterance, conjunction use, and syntactic complexity, compared to their normal counterparts  (p<0.05).Conclusion: Dyslexic students perform worse than their peers on most micro- and macrostructures of the retelling test. In other words, these students have poor linguistic and cognitive prerequisites for understanding and mastering reading skills. On the other hand, the results show that there is a meaningful association between storytelling skills and subsequent reading and comprehension acquisition

    Promoting source separation of Biowaste for a Sustainable Circular Economy in the Baltic Region

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    BackgroundThe European Union Waste Framework Directive mandates the separate collection and sustainable utilization of biowaste at the source in member states from January 1, 2024, to achieve the EU's target of recycling 65% of municipal solid waste by 2035. However, less than 50% of municipal biowaste is being collected separately in member states. This presents significant challenges for the Baltic countries, where some need to develop new collection systems and waste treatment facilities, while others must improve their existing systems. Moreover, up to 60% of biowaste still ends up in residual waste bins, which poses a concern for the solid waste management system. Study AreaThe cities examined in this study include Bornholm, Lappeenranta, Rostock, and Gdańsk distributed across different countries. The selected cities are located within the geographical vicinity of the Baltic Sea, a brackish inland sea in Northern Europe  (Figure 1).MethodsThis study was a collaborative effort involving experts from Germany, Finland, Denmark, and Poland The methodology employed in this study involved an extensive review of scientific literature and seven discussion meetings from January to March 2023 between involved experts. The research aimed to identify the challenges, gaps, and potential measures to improve the source separation of biowaste in the Baltic region.ResultsManagement of biowaste varies significantly due to consumption patterns, economic wealth, regional policies, technical infrastructure, and public awareness. The studied areas have national-level regulations on biowaste source separation and landfill bans. Aside from Germany, other countries have recently implemented these regulations, leading to a transitional phase in biowaste management.Local authorities often struggle to adapt solutions to their specific context due to limited flexibility and resources. Sharing experiences and knowledge can mitigate repeating mistakes, foster cross-border collaboration, and enhance local authorities' capacity to improve biowaste source separation.</div

    Formal and Semantic Differences in the Clothing of Women Presenters of IRIB on TV and Instagram

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    This research is based on this assumption that the ways people are represented in TV are different with the ways they are represented on social media such as Instagram because the nature of social media is different with the nature of mass media. Thus the users of social media when using these media to represent their daily lives, actively use these media to show unofficial (informal) pictures of their lives while when they attend in a T.V program, they are represented very formally. The interaction on social media like Instagram is very intimate than in mass media like T.V. One of the issues to study is to find the differences between representing the people clothing in social media and Television. Some of Iranian Veiled TV presenters interacts to their audiences on Instagram; a considerable issue on the re-presentation of the mentioned women on Instagram is their dress. This study is to analyze the depiction of veiled Women TV presenters on their dress on Instagram through analyzing their shared pictures. In addition to analyzing the way of selected women dress re-presentation, the paper is to respond whether their dress in TV is different to unofficial space such as Instagram? To review the literature, Giddens approach on the identity & Goffman theory on the self- presentation in everyday life were reviewed. This research is qualitative in method applied, and to analyze the Instagram pages of women TV presenters, nethnography method has been applied. The sample selected to study by nethnography method consists of 7 pages of Iranian Veiled TV presenters. The analysis of veiled TV presenters shared pictures in Instagram shows that their clothing on Instagram is different in terms of diversity and color with their represented dress in Television programs and some TV presenters advertise some dress goods in their Instagram pages

    A Comparison of Reading Accuracy and Reading Comprehension in Bilingual Arabic/Farsi-speaking and Monolingual Farsi-speaking Elementary Students in the Fifth Grade

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    Background: Reading comprehension is one of the primary skills required of students in elementary schools. Various factors can influence this skill, including bilingualism. Owing to the variety of languages and dialects in Iran, a large number of students learn Farsi as a second language; consequently, they are faced with numerous challenges in acquiring high-level skills such as reading and writing. The present study was aimed at comparing reading comprehension and reading accuracy between bilingual Arabic and Farsi-speaking and monolingual Farsi-speaking fifth grade children in Ahvaz. Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive analytic study was carried out employing a random sample of 165 bilingual students (91 girls and 74 boys), and 159 monolingual students (79 girls and 80 boys). The students were evaluated in terms of reading accuracy and comprehension skills using some selected parts from a reading test developed by Shafei et al., in 2009. Finally, mean scores were compared between the two groups employing the independent samples t-test. Results: Both reading comprehension and accuracy were significantly higher in monolinguals compared to bilingual Arabic/Farsi-speaking students (P=0.000). Gender stratified results showed higher levels of reading comprehension skills in both monolingual girls (P=0.000) and boys (P=0.03) in comparison to bilinguals. However, in the reading accuracy subtest, only monolingual girls had a significantly superior performance than the bilinguals (P=0.000). Conclusion: Overall, our results showed lower levels of reading comprehension and accuracy skills in bilingual fifth grade students in comparison to their monolingual peers in the city of Ahvaz. It seems that even in the late elementary school years, bilingual children have not attained the same level as their monolingual peers. Due to the importance of reading skills in academic achievement and day-to-day life, we highly recommend the implementation of measures toward improving these skills among bilingual elementary school students

    Comparative life table of Aphis craccivora (Hem.: Aphididae) on host plant, Robinia pseudoacacia under natural and laboratory conditions

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    -The cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch, is an important pest of Robinia pseudoacacia Frisia. Life table parameters of A. craccivora were determined under natural (16- 33ºC and 32-89% RH, respectively) and laboratory (25 ± 1ºC, RH of 70 ± 5% and a photoperiod of 16:8 h (L: D) conditions. The data were analyzed using the age-stage, two-sex life table theory. Each experiment was replicated 45 times for each condition. There was significant differences between the survivorship, fecundity and longevity of the A. craccivora in laboratory and natural conditions. Under natural conditions, A. craccivora had a significant shorter nymphal developmental time, adult longevity and life span than those reared under laboratory conditions. However, the intrinsic rate of increase (r), net reproductive rate (R0), the finite rate of increase (λ) and gross reproductive rate (GRR) under laboratory conditions, were higher than those obtained in field, the higher mean generation time (T) was found in the field. All in all, the results of this study showed that two different conditions (field and laboratory) had significant influence on developmental times and life table parameters of A. craccivora and it is hard to escape the obvious conclusion that we must prevent the unsuitable extrapolation of laboratory results to field applications. The results obtained here, could also help us to understand the population dynamics of A. craccivora under field condition and to develop effective integrated pest management (IPM) programs

    Influence of excipients on spray-dried powders for inhalation

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    Two areas attracting considerable attention when developing effective pulmonary drug delivery systems include the improvement of aerosolisation efficiency of the inhaled formulation and the controlled release of drug from the formulation following deposition within the lung. In this study, four saccharides were employed as excipients in the preparation of spray-dried powder formulations for the pulmonary drug delivery. Beta-cyclodextrin-, starch-, and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (NaCMC)-based spray-dried powders showed a significant (one-way ANOVA, Duncan's test, p < 0.05) increase in lower stage drug deposition in the Next Generation Impactor (NGI) when compared to lactose-based spray-dried powders. Furthermore, NaCMC-based spray-dried powder formulations exhibited a sustained drug release profile in dissolution testing; approximately 80% of salbutamol sulphate was released after an hour, whereas drug from the lactose-based spray-dried powder formulation was released within 5 min. Our results clearly demonstrate that the inclusion of NaCMC in spray-dried powder formulations increases the aerosolisation efficiency of the powder and also offers the potential for sustained drug release, which may be of benefit in the treatment of local and systemic conditions

    Le théâtre de Michel Vinaver : un théâtre du fragment ? : contribution à une définition du théâtre fragmentaire

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