28 research outputs found

    Mobile apps that support physical activities and the potential of these applications in physical education at school

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    The current trend in using digital technology to support physical activity (PA) is unstoppable at that time. The growing number of mobile device users maximises the possibility of the better utilisation of these devices for the support of physical activities. The objective of this paper is to create an insight into the use of mobile technologies in the physical education process and to establish the underlying considerations of their use. In the paper we generally discuss the utilisation of digital technologies in education and we focus in more detail on physical education as a subject and we examine the potential of mobile apps designed to support PA. A sub-objective is to define the possible risks associated with the use of these technologies. The paper also includes a survey research directed at a target group. The survey research focuses on the current status of how mobile technologies have spread over and how they are used in PE classes and the realisation of PA. Having studied literary resources we pursue the fundamental description of the technologies used in mobile apps, as well as the availability, functions and basic categorisation of these mobile apps. In the practical part of the paper we publish the initial results of our research plan, the introductory part of which we effected using survey research directed at a target group, that being primary and secondary school teachers and students from selected regions in the Czech Republic. The results of our work confirm the current tendency to use mobile technologies in connection with the realisation of physical activities. The high level of mobile devices used by the target group and the practical experience associated with the use of mobile apps to support PA indicate the potential for introducing mobile apps in lessons. Nonetheless, there are currently no appropriate recommendations, such as peer-reviewed application databases, that can be used in the physical education process. Mobile apps are a relatively new tool for interventions associated with health and physical activity and few academic works have been published in both Czech and foreign literature in regards to the impacts of mobile app use in this field. Where physical education classes are concerned, mobile apps represent low-cost and broadly used tools that need to be subjected to further expert investigation, mainly in relation to the enormous number of these mobile apps and the possible risks associated with their use

    Click and detect: Versatile ampicillin aptasensor enabled by click chemistry on a graphene-alkyne derivative

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    Tackling the current problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) requires fast, inexpensive, and effective methods for controlling and detecting antibiotics in diverse samples at the point of interest. Cost-effective, disposable, point-of care electrochemical biosensors are a particularly attractive option. However, there is a need for conductive and versatile carbon-based materials and inks that enable effective bioconjugation under mild conditions for the develop ment of robust, sensitive, and selective devices. This work describes a simple and fast methodology to construct an aptasensor based on a novel graphene derivative equipped with alkyne groups prepared via fluorographene chem istry. Using click chemistry, an aptamer is immobilized and used as a suc cessful platform for the selective determination of ampicillin in real samples in the presence of interfering molecules. The electrochemical aptasensor displayed a detection limit of 1.36 nM, high selectivity among other antibi otics, the storage stability of 4 weeks, and is effective in real samples. Addi tionally, structural and docking simulations of the aptamer shed light on the ampicillin binding mechanism. The versatility of this platform opens up wide possibilities for constructing a new class of aptasensor based on disposable screen-printed carbon electrodes usable in point-of-care devices.Web of Scienc

    Reformation als Kommunikationsprozess

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    Beim Hussitismus bzw. Utraquismus in Böhmen und der reformatorische Bewegung ab 1517 in Sachsen handelt es sich um zwei unterschiedliche Reformationen, jedoch mit einer Fülle von sachlichen und personalen Verbindungslinien. Diese rücken im vorliegenden Band erstmalig in einen gemeinsamen Fokus.»Wir sind alle Hussiten«, bekannte Martin Luther 1520 nach der Lektüre von Schriften des tschechischen Reformators Jan Hus, der gut einhundert Jahre zuvor als Ketzer verbrannt worden war. Die beiden Reformatoren verbinden, ebenso wie die von ihnen ausgehenden Erweckungs- und Erneuerungsbewegungen, viele Ähnlichkeiten, Übereinstimmungen und parallele Entwicklungsverläufe. Dennoch werden sie meist getrennt betrachtet. Der Sammelband analysiert Aspekte der Reformation in Böhmen und Sachsen und rückt so die beiden religiösen Brennpunkte in einen gemeinsamen Fokus. Methodisch wählen die Beiträgerinnen und Beiträger dabei einen kommunikationsgeschichtlichen Zugang

    Optimization of SFC method for chiral screening

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    3 ABSTRACT Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Analytical Chemistry Candidate: Pavel Jakubec Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Lucie Nováková, Ph.D. Title of Diploma Thesis: Optimization of SFC method for chiral screening Method for effective chiral screening was developed for 37 chiral pairs of compounds of different structures and acid-base properties. Measurement was performed on SFC system Acquity UPC2 with PDA detector, using chiral polysacharides columns with particles 2.5 μm or 3 μm. Mobile phase flow was set to 2.0 ml/min due to the maximum pressure limits of most of the tested columns. Gradient elution with column temperature set to 40řC and ABPR pressure of 12 MPa was used. For primary screening 10 mobile phases were chosen, from which 2 best were used for all of the tested columns. An equivalence of columns with the same chiral selectors phase from different manufacturers was not confirmed. Considering the complexity of chiral recognition mechanisms general rules for the choice of the columns or mobile phase could not been clearly defined. Chiralcel OD-3 with IPA + 0.1% TFA,DEA was column with the most separated enantiomers. Chiralcel OD-3 with MeOH + 0.1% TFA,DEA was the best column considering overall percentual scale including the resolution and..

    The development of the bell inventory in the Turnov region from the 15th century until the present

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    Práce sleduje historii jednotlivých zvonů (církevních i světských) v oblasti Turnovska (v mezích bývalého soudního okresu) od nejstarších známých kusů až do současné produkce.Katedra historických vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Ecological and evolution strategies of necrophagous beetles (Coleoptera)

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    Necrophagous beetles (Coleoptera) are very interesting and diverse ecological group of species with an immense impact on a natural nutrient cycle. Their main food source and breeding ground are carrions of vertebrates, human remains included. This relationship is often used in various ways by forensic entomology, but its potential was not jet fully reached, because our knowledge of biology and ecology of these beetles is very much incomplete. In this thesis I would like to explore geographic distribution, ecological requirements and developmental biology of several Central European necrophagous beetles as an outcome of their ecological and evolution strategies. For that I raised three broad research questions. Which factors are determining the local abundance of carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae)? How the current geographical distribution of open-landscape carrion beetles looks like in the Czech Republic? How the temperature affects the development of Sciodrepoides watsoni (Spence, 1813)? We found out that soil type can have significant effect on abundance of carrion beetles. They showed preference for chernozem -- Nicrophorus antennatus (Reitter), N. germanicus (Linnaeus), N. interruptus (Stephens), N. sepultor (Charpentier), Silpha obscura obscura (Herbst), T. sinuatus (Fabricius) or for fluvisol as did N. humator (Gleditsch). These findings support our hypothesis that soil type could be an important factor determining the occurrence of necrophagous European carrion beetles. To collect novel data of the current geographical distribution of carrion beetles we used 420 baited pitfall traps at 84 localities, and we collected 71 234 specimens of 15 silphid species. Among them, three endangered carrion beetle species listed on the Czech Red List of Invertebrates, were found. Two are vulnerable thermophilic species of open landscapes, Nicrophorus antennatus (Reitter, 1884) (collected around Louny and Židlochovice) and Nicrophorus germanicus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Louny, Zábřeh and Židlochovice). The third is the near threatened species, Nicrophorus sepultor Charpentier, 1825 (collected around Louny, Kutná Hora, Zábřeh and Židlochovice), which also prefers open landscapes. We studied development of common Holarctic beetle Sciodrepoides watsoni under five constant temperature regimes in laboratory (15, 18, 21, 25 and 28°C). Parameters of thermal summation models and their standard errors were calculated for each developmental stage (egg, three larval instars and pupae). We also find a new character for larval instar determination (head width) and proposed novel approach for future studies of size-based characters in instar determination

    Volleyball players training intensity monitoring through the use of spectral analysis of heart rate variability during a training microcycle [Kontrola zatížení hráčů volejbalu metodou spektrální analýzy variability srdeční frekvence během týdenního tréninkového mikrocyklu]

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    <strong>BACKGROUND</strong>: Volleyball players in different specializations are required to meet specific demands in terms of movement behaviour and skills performance. These specific demands need to be individualized according to the training ability level (adaptability to sports training) of particular players, which is mainly dependent on the activity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Spectral analysis of heart rate variability (SA HRV) gives us information on cardiac activity regulation, where the activity of ANS participates in a significant way. Longitudinal assessment of SA HRV within a certain part of a training period can help us to observe the dynamics of the ANS activity and adaptability (training ability) changes of an observed player to training. <strong>OBJECTIVE</strong>: The goal of the work was to verify the possibility of volleyball players' training load optimalization during a one week training microcycle based on the longitudinal observation of dynamics of SA HRV complex indices. <strong>METHODS</strong>: The SA HRV method was used for the evaluation of autonomic cardiac regulation. The study group consisted of eight volleyball players who took part in 28 training sessions focused on conditioning and volleyball skills development. During the microcycle, there were 7 HRV examinations. <strong>RESULTS</strong>: The results demonstrated that notable and considerably varied changes in the activity of ANS in players were assessed owing to both training and extra-training stimuli. The results in two players show a high activity of ANS which enables them to increase their training intensity. Four players achieved average values of their ANS activity, which reflects a corresponding training load. In the last two players we found a very low level of their ANS activity and it refers to their reduced adaptability to the training load, which was too high for them. <strong>CONCLUSIONS</strong>: The presented results support the necessity of the individualization of, at least a part of, team training. Such an optimalization and increase of training process efficiency should lead to a sports performance improvement, also in team sports games.<br>[<strong>V&Yacute;CHODISKA</strong>: Pro volejbal plat&iacute;, že z hlediska pohybov&eacute;ho režimu i způsobu proveden&iacute; hern&iacute;ch činnost&iacute; jsou na hr&aacute;če v jednotliv&yacute;ch hr&aacute;čsk&yacute;ch specializac&iacute;ch kladeny specifick&eacute; n&aacute;roky. Tyto specifick&eacute; n&aacute;roky je nutn&eacute; individualizovat podle &uacute;rovně tr&eacute;novatelnosti (adaptability na tr&eacute;nink) jednotliv&yacute;ch hr&aacute;čů, kter&aacute; je z&aacute;visl&aacute; zejm&eacute;na na aktivitě autonomn&iacute;ho nervov&eacute;ho syst&eacute;mu (ANS). Spektr&aacute;ln&iacute; anal&yacute;za variability srdečn&iacute; frekvence (SA HRV) n&aacute;m pod&aacute;v&aacute; informace o regulaci srdečn&iacute; aktivity, na n&iacute;ž se v&yacute;znamně pod&iacute;l&iacute; aktivita ANS. Longitudin&aacute;ln&iacute;m měřen&iacute;m SA HRV v průběhu určit&eacute; č&aacute;sti tr&eacute;ninkov&eacute;ho obdob&iacute; tedy můžeme sledovat dynamiku aktivity ANS a t&iacute;m i změny adaptability (tr&eacute;novatelnosti) sledovan&eacute;ho hr&aacute;če na tr&eacute;ninkov&eacute; zat&iacute;žen&iacute;. <strong>C&Iacute;LE</strong>: C&iacute;lem pr&aacute;ce bylo ověřit možnost optimalizace tr&eacute;ninkov&eacute;ho zat&iacute;žen&iacute; hr&aacute;čů volejbalu během t&yacute;denn&iacute;ho tr&eacute;ninkov&eacute;ho mikrocyklu na z&aacute;kladě sledov&aacute;n&iacute; dynamiky komplexn&iacute;ch ukazatelů SA HRV. <strong>METODIKA</strong>: Metoda SA HRV byla použita pro hodnocen&iacute; regulace srdečn&iacute; aktivity. Testovan&yacute; soubor hr&aacute;čů volejbalu (n = 8) absolvoval během sedmi dn&iacute; 28 tr&eacute;ninkov&yacute;ch jednotek zaměřen&yacute;ch na rozvoj kondice a volejbalov&yacute;ch dovednost&iacute;. V tomto obdob&iacute; podstoupili hr&aacute;či sedm měřen&iacute; SA HRV. <strong>V&Yacute;SLEDKY</strong>: V&yacute;sledky ukazuj&iacute;, že u hr&aacute;čů do&scaron;lo vlivem tr&eacute;ninkov&yacute;ch i mimotr&eacute;ninkov&yacute;ch podnětů k v&yacute;razn&yacute;m a značně odli&scaron;n&yacute;m změn&aacute;m v aktivitě ANS. V&yacute;sledky vy&scaron;etřen&iacute; dvou hr&aacute;čů dokumentuj&iacute; vysokou aktivitu ANS, kter&aacute; umožňuje zv&yacute;&scaron;it intenzitu tr&eacute;ninku. U čtyř hr&aacute;čů byla aktivita ANS na průměrn&eacute; &uacute;rovni a svědč&iacute; o odpov&iacute;daj&iacute;c&iacute;m tr&eacute;ninkov&eacute;m zat&iacute;žen&iacute;. U zb&yacute;vaj&iacute;c&iacute;ch dvou hr&aacute;čů byla aktivita ANS velmi n&iacute;zk&aacute; a dokumentovala jejich redukovanou adaptabilitu na tr&eacute;ninkov&eacute; zat&iacute;žen&iacute;, kter&eacute; bylo pro ně př&iacute;li&scaron; vysok&eacute;. <strong>Z&Aacute;VĚRY</strong>: Uveden&eacute; v&yacute;sledky podporuj&iacute; nezbytnost individualizace minim&aacute;lně č&aacute;sti společn&eacute;ho tr&eacute;ninku. Takov&aacute; optimalizace a zv&yacute;&scaron;en&iacute; efektivity tr&eacute;ninkov&eacute;ho procesu by měly v&eacute;st ke zv&yacute;&scaron;en&iacute; sportovn&iacute; v&yacute;konnosti i v t&yacute;mov&yacute;ch sportech.

    Larval development of Sciodrepoides watsoni (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae)

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    <p>Photographs of S. watsoni larvae document their individual development and growth.</p