137 research outputs found

    Software PLC for Operating System QNX 6 RTOS, Communication and Control using Industrial Network PROFINET

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    Import 05/08/2014V této bakalářské práci jsem se zabýval implementací softwarového PLC a jeho napojení na průmyslovou komunikační síť PROFINET. Implementované softwarové PLC bylo navrženo pro operační systém reálného času QNX6 RTOS. V rámci komunikace mezi jednotlivými hardwarovými moduly byl použit komunikační protokol PROFINET RT. Součásti práce bylo vytvoření aplikace, pomocí které, byla ověřena správnost funkčnosti softwarového PLC. Navržený průmyslový komunikační systém je zobrazen prostřednictvím vizualizace na vzdáleném uživatelském dotykovém panelu, který je propojen s řídicím vestavěným PC pomocí TCP/IP rozhraní.In this thesis I dealt with the implementation of the software PLC and its connection to industrial communication network PROFINET. The implemented software PLC was designed for real time operating system RTOS QNX6. In terms of communication between the hardware modules has been used communication protocol PROFINET RT. Part of this work was to create an application what was used for check the correctness of the functionality of the software PLC. Designed industrial communication system is shown through the visualization of the remote user's touch panel, which is connected to the control PC via built-in TCP / IP interface.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Management and Financial Analysis of a Selected Sports Club

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je charakterizovat management a organizační strukturu třineckého florbalového klubu. Na základě poskytnutých dokumentů a informací analyzovat jeho finanční stránku a navrhnout případné změny či doporučení. Práce je rozdělena na dvě hlavní části, teoretickou a praktickou. V teoretické části jsou odborně charakterizovány pojmy management, marketing, sport, reklama, sponzoring, odměňování, florbal, finanční výkazy apod. Jako výzkumné metody byly použity rozhovor a SWOT analýza. V praktické části je podrobně popsána organizační struktura klubu FBC Třinec, jeho zázemí, základní informace a rovněž také rozpočet klubu ve dvou srovnávaných sezónách. Z průzkumu bylo zjištěno, že s rostoucími výdaji na jednotlivé sezóny rostou také příjmy, protože se klub snaží aktivně hledat nové sponzory a žádat o dotace z města Třinec, Moravskoslezského kraje aj. V závěru práce jsou uvedeny návrhy a doporučení pro třinecký florbalový klub.The Diploma thesis is focused on the characterization of management and organizational structure for Třinec’s floorball club. Based on the provided documents and information, analyse financial aspect and propose possible suggestions and recommendations. The thesis is divided into two main parts, theoretical and practical. Theoretical part deals with theoretical concepts such as, management, marketing, sport, sport advertising, remuneration, floorball, and financial statements. The interview and SWOT analysis were used as research methods. Practical part describes organizational structure of FBC Třinec, club’s background, basic information and club’s budget in the two seasons being compared. The survey found that with rising costs, revenues is also rising, because the members of the club are actively trying to find new sponsors and apply for grants from the city of Třinec, the Moravian-Silesian region, etc. At the end of the thesis there are suggestions and recommendations for Třinec’s floorball club.115 - Katedra managementuvelmi dobř

    Regeneration of Athletes in Selected Sports Clubs in Terms of Financial Demands

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je komparace regenerace a rehabilitace dvou ostravských volejbalových klubů z finančního hlediska a je rozdělena do dvou částí. V první části se zabývá teoretickými pojmy jako jsou management, sportovní management, zdraví, životní styl, regenerace, rehabilitace a masáž. Jako výzkumné metody byl použity dotazník a SWOT analýza. V druhé části je podrobně zjištěno vybavení na regeneraci a rehabilitaci dvou klubů – VK Ostrava a TJ Ostrava a jejich finanční náročnost. Z průzkumu bylo zjištěno, že klub VK Ostrava nevlastní prostory na regeneraci a rehabilitaci a musí si tyto prostory pronajímat v nedaleké Čapkárně. Klub TJ Ostrava má své prostory, od čehož se také odvíjí větší náklady na servis a údržbu těchto prostor. V závěru práce jsou uvedeny návrhy a doporučení pro oba volejbalové kluby.This bachelor thesis is focused on the comparison of regeneration and rehabilitation for two of Ostrava’s volleyball clubs pertaining to their financial demands; and is divided into two parts. The first part of the thesis deals with theoretical concepts such as, management, sport management, health, lifestyle, regeneration, rehabilitation, and massage. The questionnaire and SWOT analysis were used as research methods. The second part of the thesis outlines the details for the equipment for regeneration and rehabilitation of two clubs - VK Ostrava and TJ Ostrava and their financial demands. The survey found that VK Ostrava Club does not have its own premises for regeneration and rehabilitation and must rent these premises nearby in Čapkárna. Alternatively, The TJ Ostrava club owns its premises, which means greater service and maintenance costs for these premises. At the end of the thesis there are suggestions and recommendations for both volleyball clubs.115 - Katedra managementuvelmi dobř

    A Survey of Czech Economists: What Do They Think?

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    Tradiční průzkumy mezi ekonomy poukazují na skutečnost, že se ekonomové ještě stále rozcházejí v určitých hospodářsko-politických doporučeních týkajících se i klíčových témat. To lze z velké části vysvětlit rozdílnými osobními hodnotami a politickými přesvědčeními ekonomů. Cílem této práce je jednak analýza dalších potenciálních faktorů, které by mohly mít na míru konsenzu vliv, jednak studium příčin rozdílných osobních hodnot a přesvědčení. Autor provedl mezi českými ekonomy dotazníkové šetření a získal 116 odpovědí; respondenti byli tázáni na jejich doporučení ohledně různých hospodářských politik a poté na detaily týkající se respondentů samotných. Následně byla provedena detailní analýza dat, včetně konstrukce ekonometrického modelu, s pomocí kterého se autor pokusil vysvětlit tendenci ekonomů mít spíše liberálnější názory, či naopak. Autor zjišťuje, že rozdíly v osobních hodnotách a politických přesvědčeních ekonomů jsou skutečně hlavním důvodem neshod a že ostatní faktory mají spíše zanedbatelný vliv. Ukazuje se, že ženy mají signifikantně vyšší tendenci preferovat zásahy do ekonomiky než muži. To samé platí pro ekonomy s nízkým příjmem, nebo pro ekonomy, kteří období života před nástupem na vysokou školu prožili na venkově. Součástí modelu bylo i porovnání škol, kde se vyučuje ekonomie a pro které...Traditional consensus surveys show that economists continually cannot reach an agreement on certain key policies. According to the previous research, this is mostly attributable to the differences in the political views of the economists. This thesis aims to explore additional factors, which could potentially influence the level of consensus and what the underlying causes of different views are. The author conducted a web-based survey of Czech economists and received 116 responses; the questionnaire included questions related to the economic policy of the Czech Republic and to the background of the respondents. Subsequently, a detailed analysis of the results was performed and an econometric model was constructed. The author finds that differences in views are truly the main cause of dissent among economists while other factors mostly have a negligible impact. It seems that the tendency to have liberal (=laissez faire) opinions tends to go up with income, that women tend to be less liberal than men, and that economists raised in the countryside incline to have less liberal opinions. Moreover, it was shown that graduates from the University of Economics tend to have significantly more liberal views in comparison with the graduates from other universities, ceteris paribus. However, there is still much to be...Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Promotion of RES in a technology transfer network : case study of the Enterprise Europe Network

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    The promotion of renewable energy is a key concept in the European Union for both environmental and economic reasons. It contributes to securing the objectives set out in the Kyoto Protocol. In addition, it brings various social and economic benefits, e.g., diversification of the energy offer, new jobs, improvement of regional and local development opportunities and building a solid national industry. The main purpose of the article is to contribute to the debate on the instruments promoting renewable energy sources (RES) by emphasizing its importance within the technology transfer network. The subject is an empirical study of an actual technology transfer network. Its international activity promotes RES among entrepreneurs. Data related to meetings as part of brokerage events (BE) and company missions (CM) were subject to statistical and visual analysis, based on the data obtained from the Enterprise Europe Network from the years 2017-2018. The presented results are the foundation for future theoretical and practical studies. One of the important aspects to be examined is the intensity of cooperation launched during CM and BE. It is related to the results of partnership agreements and the importance of increasing the knowledge flow and creating opportunities for partners to acquire foreign technologies


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    System for navigation and localization inside buildings will determine man's location in confined spaces with level of accuracy never yet achieved. System's operation will be mainly based on Bluetooth signals in accordance with the Beacon standard. A worldwide innovation will be the use of Radio Tomographic Imaging (RTI). This technology will enable tracking of moving objects by image reconstruction based on changes of electromagnetic field signal strength (RSS).System do nawigacji wewnątrz budynków będzie umożliwiał określenie pozycji człowieka w zamkniętych pomieszczeniach z dużą precyzją. Działanie systemu będzie opierało się na sygnałach Bluetooth zgodnie ze standardem Beacon.. Innowacyjnym rozwiązaniem będzie zastosowanie tomografii radiowej (ang. Radio Tomographic Imaging (RTI)). Wykorzystanie tej technologii umożliwi śledzenie poruszających się obiektów poprzez rekonstrukcję obrazu na podstawie zmian siły sygnału (RSS) pola elektromagnetycznego

    Information technology tools in corporate knowledge management

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    Motivation: Knowledge management is currently one of the most important factors determining the company’s market position. It depends not only on the skilful use of resources, but also on obtaining a synergistic effect. To manage knowledge, managers must possess not only the appropriate resources of knowledge, but also must have determined management structure with the assistance of the IT (information technology) tools.Aim: The purpose of the article was to present how the modern enterprise knowledge management process is supported by information technology. For this purpose, was summarized selected indicators characterizing the use of ICT in various types of enterprises in the country. It assumed that it is important not only the equipment the companies with information technology tools, but also the degree of use of these tools.Results: Usage of ICT in Poland reaches ratios much lower than the average for the European Union. Large differences in the use of information technology occurs in individual groups of companies. Larger companies have reached a much higher degree of saturation of IT tools than smaller objects. For example, the number of Polish enterprises with computers was 94.7%, in the case of large companies it is 99.8%. Even greater discrepancy relates to access to the Internet. You may also notice differences in each province. Introduction of modern technologies related to computer science and computers (eg. cloud computing, big data, social media, e-commerce etc) enables effective knowledge management in companies. The indicators show that the management team appreciates the importance of knowledge and consistently invests for its development.</p


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    Internationalization of farms involved in agricultural production requires ensuring appropriate quality of products, compliant with requirements of specific markets. Consumers from developed countries more and more often draw attention to the origin of food products and confirmation that they were produced in accordance with recognized environmental standards, while simultaneously respecting human rights. The aim of this research study was to assess the extent of changes in production technology and in the management system under conditions of implementing the GLOBAL G.A.P. system on selected fruit and vegetable farms associated in producer groups. The second aim was to evaluate the quantity of sold products along with specific certificates. The research was conducted in 2016; 91 vegetable farms and 71 fruit farms were studied. The results of the conducted research show that implementation of standards required creation of a quality management system on all the studied farms. The implementation of standards required creation of procedures for production management as well as the traceability system. The implementation of standards caused the necessity to change the infrastructure for storage and use of plant protection products and fertilizers, as well as infrastructure improving workers’ social conditions. The study results indicate that changes associated with the implementation of the GLOBAL G.A.P. standard applied more to vegetable farms than fruit farms. The implementation of the GLOBAL G.A.P. standard significantly increased producers’ chances to introduce products on the market through commercial networks and by selling them to foreign markets.


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    The research study describes an analysis of the management efficiency of an enterprise focused on egg production. The enterprise runs market cooperation as a group of agricultural producers. The aim of the work was to analyse the functioning of agricultural producers groups in Poland in terms of formal, legal and production conditions. A detailed analysis included a group focused on the production of table eggs, based in the Malopolskie province