1,874 research outputs found

    Microlensing variability in time-delay quasars

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    We have searched for microlensing variability in the light curves of five gravitationally lensed quasars with well-determined time delays: SBS 1520+530, FBQ 0951+2635, RX J0911+0551, B1600+434 and HE 2149-2745. By comparing the light curve of the leading image with a suitably time offset light curve of a trailing image we find that two (SBS 1520+530 and FBQ 0951+2635) out of the five quasars have significant long-term (years) and short-term (100 days) brightness variations that may be attributed to microlensing.The short-term variations may be due to nanolenses, relativistic hot or cold spots in the quasar accretion disks, or coherent microlensing at large optical depth.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, uses natbib.sty and aa.cl

    First-principles calculations of exchange interactions, spin waves, and temperature dependence of magnetization in inverse-Heusler-based spin gapless semiconductors

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    Employing first principles electronic structure calculations in conjunction with the frozen-magnon method we calculate exchange interactions, spin-wave dispersion, and spin-wave stiffness constants in inverse-Heusler-based spin gapless semiconductor (SGS) compounds Mn2_2CoAl, Ti2_2MnAl, Cr2_2ZnSi, Ti2_2CoSi and Ti2_2VAs. We find that their magnetic behavior is similar to the half-metallic ferromagnetic full-Heusler alloys, i.e., the intersublattice exchange interactions play an essential role in the formation of the magnetic ground state and in determining the Curie temperature, TcT_\mathrm{c}. All compounds, except Ti2_2CoSi possess a ferrimagnetic ground state. Due to the finite energy gap in one spin channel, the exchange interactions decay sharply with the distance, and hence magnetism of these SGSs can be described considering only nearest and next-nearest neighbor exchange interactions. The calculated spin-wave dispersion curves are typical for ferrimagnets and ferromagnets. The spin-wave stiffness constants turn out to be larger than those of the elementary 3dd-ferromagnets. Calculated exchange parameters are used as input to determine the temperature dependence of the magnetization and TcT_\mathrm{c} of the SGSs. We find that the TcT_\mathrm{c} of all compounds is much above the room temperature. The calculated magnetization curve for Mn2_2CoAl as well as the Curie temperature are in very good agreement with available experimental data. The present study is expected to pave the way for a deeper understanding of the magnetic properties of the inverse-Heusler-based SGSs and enhance the interest in these materials for application in spintronic and magnetoelectronic devices.Comment: Accepted for publ;ication in Physical Review

    Sequence determinants of human microsatellite variability

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microsatellite loci are frequently used in genomic studies of DNA sequence repeats and in population studies of genetic variability. To investigate the effect of sequence properties of microsatellites on their level of variability we have analyzed genotypes at 627 microsatellite loci in 1,048 worldwide individuals from the HGDP-CEPH cell line panel together with the DNA sequences of these microsatellites in the human RefSeq database.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Calibrating PCR fragment lengths in individual genotypes by using the RefSeq sequence enabled us to infer repeat number in the HGDP-CEPH dataset and to calculate the mean number of repeats (as opposed to the mean PCR fragment length), under the assumption that differences in PCR fragment length reflect differences in the numbers of repeats in the embedded repeat sequences. We find the mean and maximum numbers of repeats across individuals to be positively correlated with heterozygosity. The size and composition of the repeat unit of a microsatellite are also important factors in predicting heterozygosity, with tetra-nucleotide repeat units high in G/C content leading to higher heterozygosity. Finally, we find that microsatellites containing more separate sets of repeated motifs generally have higher heterozygosity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that sequence properties of microsatellites have a significant impact in determining the features of human microsatellite variability.</p

    Expedition 302 geophysics: integrating past data with new results

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    In preparation for IODP Expedition 302, Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), a site survey database comprising geophysical and geological data from the Lomonosov Ridge was compiled. The accumulated database includes data collected from ice islands, icebreakers, and submarines from 1961 to 2001. In addition, seismic reflection profiles were collected during Expedition 302 that complement the existing seismic reflection data and facilitate integration between the acoustic stratigraphy and the Expedition 302 drill cores. An overview of these data is presented in this chapter.It is well recognized that collecting geophysical data in ice-covered seas, in particular the Arctic Ocean, is a challenging endeavor. This is because much of the Arctic Ocean is continuously covered with ice thicknesses that vary from 1 to 6 m. Over the continental shelves, sea ice can be absent during summer months, but it is present year-round in the central basins. This ice cover is the most dominant feature of the Arctic Ocean environment. It circulates in the ocean basin in two main circulation patterns: the Transpolar Drift and the Beaufort Gyre (see the "Expedition 302 summary" chapter; Rudels et al., 1996).Expedition 302 sites are located within the less severe of these two ice circulation systems, the Transpolar Drift, which primarily moves sea ice from the shelves where it is formed (the Laptev and East Siberian Seas) across the basin and exits through the Fram Strait. During late summer, concentrations of Arctic sea ice can be &lt;100% (10/10 ice cover), making it possible for icebreakers to operate. Average ice concentrations in the central Arctic Ocean during summer months can locally vary from partially open water (6/10) to completely ice covered (10/10). This sea-ice cover can move at speeds up to 0.5 kt.Early Arctic Ocean geophysical exploration was performed from ice-drift stations (Weber and Roots, 1990). However, the tracks from these drifting ice stations were controlled "by the whims of nature" (Jackson et al., 1990), preventing detailed, systematic surveys of predetermined target areas. These ice-drift stations were set up on stable icebergs that were trapped in sea ice and moved generally with the large drift patterns, but locally they were erratic, so preselected locations could not be surveyed. In the late 1980s, single icebreakers began to be used for oceanographic survey work in the Arctic Ocean. Between 1991 and 2001, four scientific icebreaker expeditions to the Lomonosov Ridge took place. These cruises all experienced local sea-ice conditions varying between 8/10 and 10/10. During these expeditions, towed geophysical equipment was occasionally damaged or lost, either because of a rapidly closing wake caused by local ice pressure or because ice had cut the air gun array.Conventionally powered icebreakers reached as far as the North Pole for the first time during the 1991 Expedition (Andersen and Carlsonn, 1992; Fütterer, 1992). Geophysical results from this expedition collected two important reflection profiles, AWI-91090 and AWI-91091, that crossed the Lomonosov Ridge between 87° and 88°N. These profiles imaged a ~450 m thick, well-stratified and apparently undisturbed drape of sediments overlying a prominent acoustic unconformity (Jokat et al., 1992) that spawned the idea to conduct a paleoceanographic drilling expedition to this Ridge.The use of US Navy nuclear submarines for geophysical mapping was implemented through the Science Ice Exercise program (SCICEX) (Newton, 2000). The development of the Seafloor Characterization and Mapping Pods (SCAMP), which hold a Chirp subbottom profiler, swath bathymetric profiler, and side scan sonar, was an essential part of the SCICEX program (Chayes et al., 1996). In 1999, the Lomonosov Ridge geophysical database was augmented with acoustic data acquired during the SCICEX program using the SCAMP system mounted on the US nuclear submarine USS Hawkbill (Edwards and Coakley, 2003)

    A Beaming-Independent Estimate of the Energy Distribution of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts: Initial Results and Future Prospects

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    We present single-epoch radio afterglow observations of 24 long-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB) on a timescale of >100 d after the burst. These observations trace the afterglow evolution when the blastwave has decelerated to mildly- or non-relativistic velocities and has roughly isotropized. We infer beaming-independent kinetic energies using the Sedov-Taylor self-similar solution, and find a median value for the sample of detected bursts of about 7x10^51 erg, with a 90% confidence range of 1.1x10^50-3.3x10^53 erg. Both the median and 90% confidence range are somewhat larger than the results of multi-wavelength, multi-epoch afterglow modeling (including large beaming corrections), and the distribution of beaming-corrected gamma-ray energies. This is due to bursts in our sample with only a single-frequency observation for which we can only determine an upper bound on the peak of the synchrotron spectrum. This limitation leads to a wider range of allowed energies than for bursts with a well-measured spectral peak. Our study indicates that single-epoch centimeter-band observations covering the spectral peak on a timescale of ~1 yr can provide a robust estimate of the total kinetic energy distribution with a small investment of telescope time. The substantial increase in bandwidth of the EVLA (up to 8 GHz simultaneously with full coverage at 1-40 GHz) will provide the opportunity to estimate the kinetic energy distribution of GRBs with only a few hours of data per burst.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 11 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Association Between Acute Kidney Injury Hospital Visits and Environmental Heat Stress at a Nicaraguan Sugarcane Plantation

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    Background: Mesoamerican sugarcane cutters are at a high risk of chronic kidney disease of non-traditional origin, a disease likely linked to heat-related acute kidney injury (AKI). Studies in general populations have described a positive association between high environmental temperatures and clinically assessed kidney outcomes, but there are no studies in occupational settings. Method: We accessed routine records of clinically diagnosed AKI (AKI-CD) and wet bulb globe temperatures (WBGT) at a large Nicaraguan sugarcane plantation and modeled the relationship between these using negative binomial regression. A rest-shade-hydration intervention was gradually enhanced during the study period, and efforts were made to increase the referral of workers with suspected AKI to healthcare. Results: Each 1°C WBGT was associated with an 18% (95% confidence interval [CI]: [4, 33%]) higher AKI-CD rate on the same day and a 14% (95% CI [−5, 37%]) higher rate over a week. AKI-CD rates and severity, and time between symptoms onset and diagnosis decreased during the study period, that is, with increasing rest-shade-hydration intervention. Symptoms and biochemical signs of systemic inflammation were common among AKI-CD cases. Discussion: Occupational heat stress, resulting from heavy work in environmental heat, was associated with a higher rate of clinically diagnosed AKI in a population at risk of CKDnt. Promoting rest-shade-hydration may have contributed to reducing AKI rates during the study period. Occupational health and safety personnel have key roles to play in enforcing rest, shade, and hydration practices, referring workers with suspected AKI to healthcare as well as collecting and analyzing the data needed to support workplace heat stress interventions

    Searching for differences in Swift's intermediate GRBs

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    Gamma-ray bursts are usually classified through their high-energy emission into short-duration and long-duration bursts, which presumably reflect two different types of progenitors. However, it has been shown on statistical grounds that a third, intermediate population is needed in this classification scheme, although an extensive study of the properties of this class has so far not been done. The large amount of follow-up studies generated during the Swift era allows us to have a suficient sample to attempt a study of this third population through the properties of their prompt emission and their afterglows. Our study is focused on a sample of GRBs observed by Swift during its first four years of operation. The sample contains those bursts with measured redshift since this allows us to derive intrinsic properties. Intermediate bursts are less energetic and have dimmer afterglows than long GRBs, especially when considering the X-ray light curves, which are on average one order of magnitude fainter than long bursts. There is a less significant trend in the redshift distribution that places intermediate bursts closer than long bursts. Except for this, intermediate bursts show similar properties to long bursts. In particular, they follow the Epeak vs. Eiso correlation and have, on average, positive spectral lags with a distribution similar to that of long bursts. Like long GRBs, they normally have an associated supernova, although some intermediate bursts have shown no supernova component. This study shows that intermediate bursts are different from short bursts and, in spite of sharing many properties with long bursts, there are some differences between them as well. We suggest that the physical difference between intermediate and long bursts could be that for the first the ejecta are thin shells while for the latter they are thick shells.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 16 pages, 17 figures, 5 table

    GRB 050223: A dark GRB in a dusty starburst galaxy

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    Aims: We aim at detecting and determining the properties of the host galaxy of the dark GRB 050223. Methods: We use VLT optical/NIR images coupled to Swift X-ray positioning, and optical spectra of the host galaxy to measure its properties. Results: We find a single galaxy within the Swift error box of GRB 050223. It is located at z = 0.584 and its luminosity is L ~ 0.4 L*. Emission lines in the galaxy spectrum imply an intrinsic SFR > 7 Msun/yr, and a large extinction A_V > 2 mag within it. We also detect absorption lines, which reveal an underlying stellar population with an age between 40 Myr and 1.5 Gyr. Conclusions: The identification of a host galaxy with atypical properties using only the X-ray transient suggests that a bias may be present in the former sample of host galaxies. Dust obscuration together with intrinsic faintness are the most probable causes for the darkness of this burst.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
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