12 research outputs found

    SÀsongsbunden samhÀllsstruktur hos makroevertebrater i ett vattendrag i Arktis

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    Arctic ecosystems are amongst the most vulnerable on Earth to ongoing climate change. While the responses to these changes are well studied on land, less is known about how aquatic communities may respond to a warmer arctic. For stream invertebrate communities, predicting such responses requires basic understanding of how and why different taxonomic groups fluctuate throughout the year. However, few studies have assessed the community dynamics of stream macroinvertebrates across seasons in the Arctic. In this project, I asked how macroinvertebrate community structure changes between months and across seasons in a small Arctic stream in northern Sweden. I expected that community change over time would reflect changes in the supply of organic matter (e.g., leaf litter and algae) to dominant consumers. A total of five transects were sampled for macroinvertebrates each month from July to April using Surber sampling. I used descriptive and multivariate analyses to evaluate changes in community structure between months and seasons. Marked differences in community composition were found between the seasons with detritivores (shredders) dominating the autumn months possibly reflecting input of birch litter and high abundances of grazers during and post winter, possibly reflecting primary production early in spring. Expected climate change effects in the Arctic include warmer temperatures and increases in the terrestrial plant productivity. My results suggest that these shifts could cause changes in stream community composition, driven by increases in deciduous litter inputs that promote shredders and/or by increases in primary production during spring that favour grazers and collector-gatherers, which feed on algae

    Status of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) : Analysis of the threats and status of the harbour porpoise as well as an evaluation of the willingness to pay for the conservation of porpoises

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    The aim of this report was to establish what category the harbour porpoise is listed as on the Swedish national redlist as well as analyze what potential sub-criteria the species fulfills besides criteria already established. The aim was also to evaluate the willingness to pay for conservation of the harbour porpoise for the first time and make a comparison of the willingness to pay between geographic places where the harbour porpoise is currently existing and where it is not. The subpopulation of the harbour porpoise in Skagerrak-Kattegat is listed as vulnerable (VU) on the national redlist and the subpopulation in the Baltic sea is listed as critically endangered (CR). Actions and precautions which have been made for conservation and protection of the harbour porpoises in Swedish waters are new Swedish laws and law proposals as well as formations of organizations such as ASCOBANS and further research. The results from the survey showed that the mean of the single time payment sum those questioned were prepared to pay to retain the porpoises at a stable population level was 273 SEK. Geographically the study showed no significant difference in geographic position and where the harbour porpoise exists but showed that the inhabitants of the south-east coast were willing to pay about half the sum, 165 SEK, of the mean sum that the north-east coast were willing to pay, 335 SEK. The results regarding the populations’ conjecture of historical threats and threats nowadays showed a significant difference from reality. Overfishing of prey had the highest amount of answers as a threat both historically and nowadays. Bycatch, which is accepted as todays biggest threat by researchers and organizations, came third place in the results from the survey study with a percentage of 14.5 %

    Status of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) : Analysis of the threats and status of the harbour porpoise as well as an evaluation of the willingness to pay for the conservation of porpoises

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    The aim of this report was to establish what category the harbour porpoise is listed as on the Swedish national redlist as well as analyze what potential sub-criteria the species fulfills besides criteria already established. The aim was also to evaluate the willingness to pay for conservation of the harbour porpoise for the first time and make a comparison of the willingness to pay between geographic places where the harbour porpoise is currently existing and where it is not. The subpopulation of the harbour porpoise in Skagerrak-Kattegat is listed as vulnerable (VU) on the national redlist and the subpopulation in the Baltic sea is listed as critically endangered (CR). Actions and precautions which have been made for conservation and protection of the harbour porpoises in Swedish waters are new Swedish laws and law proposals as well as formations of organizations such as ASCOBANS and further research. The results from the survey showed that the mean of the single time payment sum those questioned were prepared to pay to retain the porpoises at a stable population level was 273 SEK. Geographically the study showed no significant difference in geographic position and where the harbour porpoise exists but showed that the inhabitants of the south-east coast were willing to pay about half the sum, 165 SEK, of the mean sum that the north-east coast were willing to pay, 335 SEK. The results regarding the populations’ conjecture of historical threats and threats nowadays showed a significant difference from reality. Overfishing of prey had the highest amount of answers as a threat both historically and nowadays. Bycatch, which is accepted as todays biggest threat by researchers and organizations, came third place in the results from the survey study with a percentage of 14.5 %

    Relapse prevention, do we think alike? : A comparative study regarding concordance between clients and course leaders in relapse preventive treatment

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    Previous studies have shown that concordance between professionals and clients regarding treatment content, goals and practice in drug-related treatment results in reduced drug use. Concordance also contributes to reduced degree of criminal acts and an increased power of their own life’s. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether there was a difference between course leaders and client perceptions about which relapse preventive skills who were of utility in client’s recovery from alcohol or drug addiction. An investigation of differences between course leaders and client perceptions made it possible to estimate concordance in relapse preventive treatment. The empirical study consisted of two questionnaires, one aimed for course leaders in relapse preventive treatment and one aimed for clients who had participated in a relapse preventive course. An independent t-test showed no significant difference between course leaders and clients regarding the total score of the scale. 12 independent t-tests showed significant differences between course leaders and clients regarding 2 of 13 skills, where the course leaders estimated greater utility of the skills to identify automatic thoughts and to decline offers of drugs or alcohol. Results in the present study indicated good concordance between course leaders and clients, as they estimated the utility equivalent in great extent. The conclusion of the present study was an indication of good concordance between course leaders and clients in relapse preventive treatment in Sweden today. Concordance can contribute to a reduction of regional and local differences regarding practise in psychosocial treatment, and encourage a lifestyle in balance for clients. Tidigare studier har visat att samsyn mellan professionella och klienter avseende behandlingsinnehĂ„ll, mĂ„l och praxis inom drogrelaterad behandling resulterar i reducerat drogbruk. Samsyn bidrar ocksĂ„ till en minskad grad av kriminella handlingar, lĂ€ngre tid i behandling och en förhöjd kĂ€nsla av makt över sitt eget liv. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det finns en skillnad mellan kursledare och klienters uppfattningar om vilka Ă„terfallspreventiva fĂ€rdigheter som Ă€r av nytta i klienters Ă„terhĂ€mtning frĂ„n alkohol- eller drogmissbruk. I studien deltog 57 kursledare och 61 klienter. Genom att undersöka skillnader mellan kursledare och klienters uppfattningar möjliggjordes en uppskattning av samsyn mellan grupper i Ă„terfallspreventiv behandling. Den empiriska undersökningen utgjordes av en enkĂ€tundersökning, en enkĂ€t anpassad till kursledare i Ă„terfallspreventiv behandling och en enkĂ€t anpassad till klienter som nĂ„gon gĂ„ng deltagit i en kurs i Ă„terfallsprevention. Ett oberoende t-test visade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan kursledare och klienter avseende totalpoĂ€ngen pĂ„ skalan. Tolv oberoende t-test visade signifikanta skillnader mellan kursledare och klienter avseende 2 av 11 undersökta fĂ€rdigheter, dĂ€r kursledare skattade större nytta med fĂ€rdigheterna att identifiera automatiska tankar och att tacka nej till alkohol eller droger. Slutsatsen Ă€r att det finns en indikation pĂ„ god samsyn mellan kursledare och klienter inom Ă„terfallspreventiv behandling i Sverige idag. Resultatet indikerar god samsyn vilket innebĂ€r att kursledare lĂ€gger fokus pĂ„ alla fĂ€rdigheter i Ă„terfallsprevention som Ă€r av nytta för klienter i deras Ă„terhĂ€mtning frĂ„n missbruk eller beroende. Samsyn mellan kursledare och klienter kan bidra till hög kvalitĂ© i behandlingen, ett gott behandlingsklimat, frĂ€mja nykterhet och en livsstil i balans

    Family business brand through ”familiness”

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    De flesta arbetsgivare Ă€r familjeföretag och de strĂ€var som alla andra företag efter att bli attraktiva pĂ„ arbetsmarknaden. Konkurrensen om rĂ€tt arbetskraft gör det allt viktigare att utforma ett starkt arbetsgivarvarumĂ€rke, vilket kan göras om det skapas inifrĂ„n och ut. Företags identitet ska dĂ„ stĂ€mma överens med befintliga och potentiella medarbetares associationer och förvĂ€ntningar pĂ„ företaget. Familjeföretag har vissa karaktĂ€rsdrag som kan nyttjas för att differentiera och positionera dem som arbetsgivare. Familjens identitet och historia Ă€r en följd av dessa och Ă€r ett “unikt resurspaket”, vilket kan bidra till ett konkurrenskraftigt arbetsgivarvarumĂ€rke.Trots att familjeföretag Ă€r en vanlig arbetsgivare och den dominerande organisationsformen, finns det bristande forskning kring hur de arbetar för att bli attraktiva arbetsgivare. Undersökningens syfte Ă€r sĂ„ledes att skapa större förstĂ„else för hur familjeföretag kan utforma arbetsgivarvarumĂ€rken och lyfta olika aktörers perspektiv pĂ„ det. En fallstudie hos ett familjeföretag, som i uppsatsen benĂ€mns som “företag X”, gjorde det möjligt att uppnĂ„ syftet. DĂ€r genomfördes en triangulering som bestod av intervjuer med Ă€gare och ledare, enkĂ€ter till medarbetare och andra datakĂ€llor som exempelvis företagets hemsida.I undersökningen har företag X blivit ett exempel pĂ„ hur familjeföretag kan bli attraktiva arbetsgivare och bidragit till större förstĂ„else för hur familjeföretag kan nyttja sina “unika resurspaket” i den processen. PĂ„ företag X bestĂ„r det av Ă€garfamiljens engagemang och involvering, som i sin tur har skapat en identitet, kultur och atmosfĂ€r. PĂ„ sĂ„ vis skapas en stark överlappning mellan Ă€garfamiljens och företagets identitet, vilket i förlĂ€ngningen ligger till grund för företagets arbetsgivarvarumĂ€rke. Företag X vill förknippas med trygghet och lĂ„ngsiktighet, det har dĂ€rför ett stort fokus pĂ„ att vara en arbetsgivare som medarbetarna Ă€r nöjda med och stolta över att tillhöra. Lojala medarbetare och mĂ€nniskor i företagets nĂ€rhet kan dĂ„ bli ambassadörer, vilket företaget tror Ă€r en viktig kĂ€lla till ett starkt arbetsgivarvarumĂ€rke. Företag X vill inte marknadsföra nĂ„got som det inte stĂ„r för. I undersökningen framkom att det finns en tydlig överensstĂ€mmelse mellan olika aktörers perspektiv pĂ„ företagets arbetsgivarvarumĂ€rke.Family companies are common employers and, like all other companies, they strive to be attractive in the labor market. Competition for the right workforce makes it increasingly important to design a strong employer brand, which can be done if it is created from the inside out. The identity of the company must then be consistent with the associations and expectations of existing and potential employees at the company. Family companies have certain characteristics that can be used to differentiate and position them as employers. The family's identity and history are a consequence of this and are a "unique bundle of resource", which can contribute to a competitive employer brand.Although family businesses are a major employer and the dominant form of organization, there is a lack of research into how they work to become attractive employers. The purpose of the survey is thus to create a greater understanding of how family companies can design employer brands and raise different stakeholders' perspectives on it. A case study of a family business, which in the survey is referred to as “company X”, made it possible to achieve the purpose. There, a triangulation was carried out, which consisted of interviews with owners and managers, employee surveys and other data sources such as the company's website.In the survey, Company X has become an example of how family businesses can become attractive employers and have contributed to a greater understanding of how family businesses can use their "unique bundle of resource" in that process. At Company X, it consists of the owner's family's commitment and involvement, which in turn has created an identity, culture and atmosphere. In this way, a strong overlap is created between the identity of the owner family and the company, which in the long run forms the basis of the company's employer brand. Company X wants to be associated with security and long-term perspective, so it has a great focus on being an employer that employees are happy with and proud to belong to. Loyal employees and people close to the company can then become ambassadors, which the company believes is an important source of a strong employer brand. Company X does not want to market something that it does not stand for. The survey revealed that there is an early agreement between different actors' perspectives on the company's employer brand

    Cultural diversity in nursing teams : triggers, team process and contingencies

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    Introduction: The study explored cultural diversity in nursing teams and the internal and external conditions under which cultural differencesrepresent an asset or a liability for these teams. Methods: A qualitative design with content analysis was employed. In total, 18 interviews were conducted with nurses and assistant nurseswith experience of working in culturally diverse teams in three distinct clinical settings. Results: Three domains emerged in the study analysis: triggers, team process and contingencies. Each one encompassed a number of themesrelated to culturally diverse nursing team processes, triggers of team processes and context-specific contingencies, which represent the complexityof culturally diverse nursing team functioning. Discussion/implications: The study suggests how cultural differences in nursing teams can be managed and further explored from within theteam and by individuals leading those teams, taking into account the disablers and enablers of their functioning

    Towards critical white ice conditions in lakes under global warming

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    The quality of lake ice is of uppermost importance for ice safety and under-ice ecology, but its temporal and spatial variability is largely unknown. Here we conducted a coordinated lake ice quality sampling campaign across the Northern Hemisphere during one of the warmest winters since 1880 and show that lake ice during 2020/2021 commonly consisted of unstable white ice, at times contributing up to 100% to the total ice thickness. We observed that white ice increased over the winter season, becoming thickest and constituting the largest proportion of the ice layer towards the end of the ice cover season when fatal winter drownings occur most often and light limits the growth and reproduction of primary producers. We attribute the dominance of white ice before ice-off to air temperatures varying around the freezing point, a con dition which occurs more frequently during warmer winters. Thus, under continued global warming, the prevalence of white ice is likely to substantially increase during the critical period before ice-off, for which we adjusted com monly used equations for human ice safety and light transmittance through ice

    Blooms also like it cold

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    Publication history: Accepted - 30 January 2023; Published - 17 February 2023.Cyanobacterial blooms have substantial direct and indirect negative impacts on freshwater ecosystems including releasing toxins, blocking light needed by other organisms, and depleting oxygen. There is growing concern over the potential for climate change to promote cyanobacterial blooms, as the positive effects of increasing lake surface temperature on cyanobacterial growth are well documented in the literature; however, there is increasing evidence that cyanobacterial blooms are also being initiated and persisting in relatively cold-water temperatures (< 15°C), including ice-covered conditions. In this work, we provide evidence of freshwater cold-water cyanobacterial blooms, review abiotic drivers and physiological adaptations leading to these blooms, offer a typology of these lesser-studied cold-water cyanobacterial blooms, and discuss their occurrence under changing climate conditions.Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Northern Ireland ERDF/ESF Project Biomanipulation. Grant Number: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_025/0007417 MINECO. Grant Number: BES-2017-080558 US National Science Foundation (NSF). Grant Numbers: 1638554, 0639229, MSB 1137327, 1137353 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Grant Number: RGPIN-2018-06389 NOAA Office for Coastal Management. Grant Number: NA18NOS4200151 Projekt DEAL Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Grant Number: CTM2016-79741-R Swedish Research Council. Grant Numbers: 2020-01825, 2020-03222 Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning. Grant Number: 2020-01091 U.S. Geological Survey. Grant Number: G21AC1003

    Blooms also like it cold

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    Abstract Cyanobacterial blooms have substantial direct and indirect negative impacts on freshwater ecosystems including releasing toxins, blocking light needed by other organisms, and depleting oxygen. There is growing concern over the potential for climate change to promote cyanobacterial blooms, as the positive effects of increasing lake surface temperature on cyanobacterial growth are well documented in the literature; however, there is increasing evidence that cyanobacterial blooms are also being initiated and persisting in relatively cold‐water temperatures (< 15°C), including ice‐covered conditions. In this work, we provide evidence of freshwater cold‐water cyanobacterial blooms, review abiotic drivers and physiological adaptations leading to these blooms, offer a typology of these lesser‐studied cold‐water cyanobacterial blooms, and discuss their occurrence under changing climate conditions