1,942 research outputs found

    Participação social em sistemas de saúde fragmentados: um relacionamento virtuoso?

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    Los sistemas de salud se enfrentan a diferentes obstáculos que amenazan su correcto desempeño. Uno de ellos es su fragmentación. Como contrapartida, la participación social en salud es mencionada con la misma intensidad como fenómeno integrador. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo proporcionar un marco más concreto sobre la compleja relación entre ambos emergentes de los sistemas de salud y para ello utilizó diferentes métodos: una revisión de la literatura, un enfoque cualitativo para definir las dimensiones de análisis y, en un tercer momento, técnicas de ensayos clásicos (ensayo expositivo) para argumentar cada dimensión. Como producto final se definieron doce tesis que en conjunto se proponen explicar satisfactoriamente este fenómeno e inferir líneas de trabajo para mejorar de manera efectiva el funcionamiento de los sistemas de salud.Health systems face different obstacles that threaten their proper performance. One such obstacle is the fragmentation of health systems. In return, the social participation in health is mentioned with the same intensity that integrating phenomenon. This study aimed to provide a more concrete framework on the complex relationship between these factors emerging health systems and for that use different methods: A review of literature, a qualitative approach to define the dimensions of analysis and in a third time a classic technique assay (expository essay) to argue each dimension. The final product 12 theses were defined, and together aim to satisfactorily explain this phenomenon and propose lines of work that effectively improve the performance of health systems.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Participação social em sistemas de saúde fragmentados: um relacionamento virtuoso?

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    Los sistemas de salud se enfrentan a diferentes obstáculos que amenazan su correcto desempeño. Uno de ellos es su fragmentación. Como contrapartida, la participación social en salud es mencionada con la misma intensidad como fenómeno integrador. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo proporcionar un marco más concreto sobre la compleja relación entre ambos emergentes de los sistemas de salud y para ello utilizó diferentes métodos: una revisión de la literatura, un enfoque cualitativo para definir las dimensiones de análisis y, en un tercer momento, técnicas de ensayos clásicos (ensayo expositivo) para argumentar cada dimensión. Como producto final se definieron doce tesis que en conjunto se proponen explicar satisfactoriamente este fenómeno e inferir líneas de trabajo para mejorar de manera efectiva el funcionamiento de los sistemas de salud.Health systems face different obstacles that threaten their proper performance. One such obstacle is the fragmentation of health systems. In return, the social participation in health is mentioned with the same intensity that integrating phenomenon. This study aimed to provide a more concrete framework on the complex relationship between these factors emerging health systems and for that use different methods: A review of literature, a qualitative approach to define the dimensions of analysis and in a third time a classic technique assay (expository essay) to argue each dimension. The final product 12 theses were defined, and together aim to satisfactorily explain this phenomenon and propose lines of work that effectively improve the performance of health systems.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Participação social em sistemas de saúde fragmentados: um relacionamento virtuoso?

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    Los sistemas de salud se enfrentan a diferentes obstáculos que amenazan su correcto desempeño. Uno de ellos es su fragmentación. Como contrapartida, la participación social en salud es mencionada con la misma intensidad como fenómeno integrador. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo proporcionar un marco más concreto sobre la compleja relación entre ambos emergentes de los sistemas de salud y para ello utilizó diferentes métodos: una revisión de la literatura, un enfoque cualitativo para definir las dimensiones de análisis y, en un tercer momento, técnicas de ensayos clásicos (ensayo expositivo) para argumentar cada dimensión. Como producto final se definieron doce tesis que en conjunto se proponen explicar satisfactoriamente este fenómeno e inferir líneas de trabajo para mejorar de manera efectiva el funcionamiento de los sistemas de salud.Health systems face different obstacles that threaten their proper performance. One such obstacle is the fragmentation of health systems. In return, the social participation in health is mentioned with the same intensity that integrating phenomenon. This study aimed to provide a more concrete framework on the complex relationship between these factors emerging health systems and for that use different methods: A review of literature, a qualitative approach to define the dimensions of analysis and in a third time a classic technique assay (expository essay) to argue each dimension. The final product 12 theses were defined, and together aim to satisfactorily explain this phenomenon and propose lines of work that effectively improve the performance of health systems.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Comparative evaluation of two collagenbased biomaterials with different compositions used for bone graft: An experimental animal study

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    A large number of materials with different compositions and shapes have been proposed and studied for the purpose of bone tissue regeneration. Collagen-based materials have shown promising results for this application, with improved physicochemical properties. The aim of the present in vivo animal study was to evaluate and compare two commercially available collagen-based biomaterials for bone regeneration, with these being implanted in circumferential bone defects created in the calvarium of rabbits. Twenty rabbits received bilateral parietal osteotomies, performed with the aid of a 6.5 mm diameter trephine. Two groups were created: the BC group, where the defect was filled with a scaffold composed of 90% bovine bone particles and 10% porcine collagen, and the EG group, where the defect was filled with a scaffold composed of 75% hydroxyapatite particles of bovine origin and 25% bovine collagen. Ten animals were sacrificed at 30 days and another 10 at 45 days after implantation, and the samples were processed and histologically analyzed. In the evaluations of the samples at 30 days, no important differences were found in the results. However, in the samples at 45 days after surgery, the EG group showed better results than the BC group samples, mainly in terms of the amount of bone matrix formation (P < 0.0001) and the volume in area measured in each sample, where the EG group had a value 65% higher than that in the BC group samples. Based on the results obtained, we conclude that the amount of collagen and the particle characteristics present in the composition of the scaffolds can directly influence the amount of neoformation and/or bone regeneration.This study was funded by MCIN/AEI10.13039/501100011033, Grant PID2020-116693RB-C21

    Techniques for measuring aerosol attenuation using the Central Laser Facility at the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory in Malargüe, Argentina, is designed to study the properties of ultra-high energy cosmic rays with energies above 10(18) eV. It is a hybrid facility that employs a Fluorescence Detector to perform nearly calorimetric measurements of Extensive Air Shower energies. To obtain reliable calorimetric information from the FD, the atmospheric conditions at the observatory need to be continuously monitored during data acquisition. In particular, light attenuation due to aerosols is an important atmospheric correction. The aerosol concentration is highly variable, so that the aerosol attenuation needs to be evaluated hourly. We use light from the Central Laser Facility, located near the center of the observatory site, having an optical signature comparable to that of the highest energy showers detected by the FD. This paper presents two procedures developed to retrieve the aerosol attenuation of fluorescence light from CLF laser shots. Cross checks between the two methods demonstrate that results from both analyses are compatible, and that the uncertainties are well understood. The measurements of the aerosol attenuation provided by the two procedures are currently used at the Pierre Auger Observatory to reconstruct air shower data

    Biogeofilter with hydrothermal treated stevensite clay and laccase enzymes for retention and degradation of tetracycline

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    The concentration of antibiotics in surface water is an issue of high concern. The present study aims to manufacture and evaluate a biogeofilter, with stevensite clay and enzymes immobilized on it, for the adsorption and degradation of tetracycline-based antibiotics. To retain the small particle aggregates of the clay in the filter, a hydrothermal treatment was applied to the stevensite, prior to compaction in pellets and its insertion into a cylindric cell, mixed with sand. The structure of the pellets avoids the loss of the clay material during the fluid transport through the porous medium. Several temperature treatments were applied to the pellets, but the treatment at 300 °C was revealed as the best option. Laccase enzymes were immobilized on the stevensite surface. Reactive transport experiments of tetracycline solutions were performed through the transport cells. The biogeofilter has a relevant adsorption capacity with a significant degradation factor. By modelling with STANMOD software, the hydrodynamic characteristics of the transport were determined and, therefore, the behaviour of a large-scale filter and transports of low tetracycline concentrations could be predicted. The results obtained are promising for irrigation systems at medium scale, as well as for the perspective of wastewater treatment plants at large scaleThis work was supported by the Spanish State Research Agency (Project PDC2021-120744-I00). Adrien Saphy’s stay in Madrid was funded by an Erasmus gran

    Dental erosion and hypersensitivity in adults, "Neodental" dental office

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    Introducción: las superficies del esmalte, la dentina y el cemento dental están sujetas a una variedad de procesos destructivos. La exposición de la dentina puede provocar sensibilidad, problemas estéticos y exposición de la pulpa.Objetivo: analizar la erosión dental y la hipersensibilidad en pacientes con edades entre 27 a 56 años que asistieron, al consultorio dental “Neodental”, Ecuador.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal en pacientes adultos de 20 a 56 años examinados en el consultorio dental “Neodental”, Ecuador, en el período septiembre-diciembre de 2022. El universo estuvo integrado por 42 pacientes, de ellos, mediante muestreo aleatorio simple, según los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se obtuvo una muestra de 20 pacientes. Los datos fueron obtenidos de la historia clínica de los pacientes y una encuesta elaborada para tales fines. Las variables utilizadas fueron descritas estadísticamente mediante frecuencias relativas porcentuales.Resultados: el 40 % de la muestra se cepilla una vez al día mostrando una higiene bucal deficiente, solo el 20 % se cepilla tres ocasiones y apenas un 15 % de la población las cuatro veces reconocidas para determinar un cepillado e higiene bucal eficiente. El 60 % de la muestra desconocía sobre la erosión dental, mientras que el 40 % de la muestra restante conocía la patología. El 70 % de la muestra consume medicamentos que contienen vitamina C, y el 30 % restante consume con poca frecuencia o no lo consume.Conclusiones: los pacientes con hipersensibilidad y erosión dental generalmente son diagnosticados a tiempo cuando la pieza dental todavía tiene un buen pronóstico.Introduction: enamel, dentin and dental cement surfaces are subjected to a variety of destructive processes. Exposure of dentin can cause sensitivity, cosmetic problems, and exposure of the pulp.Objective: to analyze dental erosion and hypersensitivity in patients aged 27 to 56 who attended the "Neodental" dental office, Ecuador.Methods: an observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in adult patients from 20 to 56 years of age examined at the "Neodental"dental office, Ecuador, in the period September-December 2022. The universe consisted of 42 patients, of whom, using simple random sampling,according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a sample of 20 patientswas obtained. The data were obtained from the clinical history of the patients and a survey elaborated for such purposes. The variables used were statistically described by percentage relative frequencies.Results: 40 % of the sample brushes one time a day showing poor oral hygiene, only 20 % brushes three times and only 15 % of the populationthe four times recognized to determine efficient brushing and oral hygiene. 60 % of the sample was unaware of dental erosion, while theremaining 40 % of the sample knew about the pathology. 70 % of the sample consume medicines that contain vitamin C, and the remaining 30 % consume it infrequently or not at all.Conclusions: patients with hypersensitivity and dental erosion aregenerally diagnosed in time when the dental piece still has a good prognosis.

    Microgrooves and microrugosities in titanium implant surfaces: an in vitro and in vivo evaluation

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Clinical Implants and the Biocompatibility of Biodegradable BiomaterialsThe physical characteristics of an implant surface can determine and/or facilitate osseointegration processes. In this sense, a new implant surface with microgrooves associated with plus double acid treatment to generate roughness was evaluated and compared in vitro and in vivo with a non-treated (smooth) and double acid surface treatment. Thirty disks and thirty-six conical implants manufactured from commercially pure titanium (grade IV) were prepared for this study. Three groups were determined, as described below: Group 1 (G1), where the samples were only machined; group 2 (G2), where the samples were machined and had their surface treated to generate roughness; and test group 3 (G3), where the samples were machined with microgrooves and the surface was treated to generate the roughness. For the in vitro analysis, the samples were submitted to scanning microscopy (SEM), surface profilometry, the atomic force microscope (MFA) and the surface energy test. For the in vivo analyses, thirty-six implants were placed in the tibia of 9 New Zealand rabbits in a randomized manner, after histological and histomorphometric analysis, to determine the level of contact between the bone and implant (BIC%) and the bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO%) inside of the threads. The data collected were statistically analyzed between groups (p < 0.05). The in vitro evaluations showed different roughness patterns between the groups, and the G3 group had the highest values. In vivo evaluations of the BIC% showed 50.45 ± 9.57% for the G1 group, 55.32 ± 10.31% for the G2 group and 68.65 ± 9.98% for the G3 group, with significant statistical difference between the groups (p < 0.0001). In the BAFO% values, the G1 group presented 54.97 ± 9.56%, the G2 group 59.09 ± 10.13% and the G3 group 70.12 ± 11.07%, with statistical difference between the groups (p < 0.001). The results obtained in the evaluations show that the surface with microgrooves stimulates the process of osseointegration, accelerating the healing process, increasing the contact between the bone and the implant and the area of new bone formation

    Antiviral and Antiproliferative Potential of Marine Organisms from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

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    [Abstract] Viral infections are one of the main human health problems in recent decades and the cancer remains one of the most lethal diseases worldwide. The development of new antiviral drugs for the treatment of human adenovirus (HAdV) infections continues to be a challenging goal for medicinal chemistry. There is no specific antiviral drug approved to treat infections caused by HAdV so far and the off-label treatments currently available show great variability in their effectiveness. In relation to cancer, most of the available drugs are designed to act on specific targets by altering the activity of involved transporters and genes. Taking into account the high antiviral and antiproliferative activity against tumor cell lines displayed by some marine natural products reported in the literature, sixty five marine organisms were selected: 51 sponges (Porifera), 13 ascidians (Chordata), and 1 gorgonian (Cnidaria), collected from Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, to evaluate their antiviral activity against human adenovirus type 5 (HAdV5) and their anticancer properties against five human tumor cell lines, namely human lung carcinoma (A549), human skin melanoma (A2058), hepatocyte carcinoma (HepG2), breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7), and pancreas carcinoma (MiaPaca-2). Eleven extracts displayed anti-HAdV activity being the organic extracts of Dysidea sp., Agelas citrina, Chondrilla sp., Spongia tubulifera, and Monanchora arbuscula the five most active ones. On the other hand, 24 extracts showed antiproliferative activity against at least one tumor cell line, being the extracts of the ascidian Eudistoma amanitum and the sponge Haliclona (Rhizoniera) curacaoensis the most active ones. This work constitutes the first wide antiviral and antiproliferative screening report of extracts from the marine sponges, ascidians, and a gorgonian collected from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.This work was supported by Grants RTI2018-093634-B-C22 and RTC-2016-4611-1 (AEI/FEDER, EU) from the State Agency for Research (AEI) of Spain, both co-funded by the FEDER Programme from the European Union, BLUEBIOLAB (0474_BLUEBIOLAB_1_E), Programme INTERREG V A of Spain-Portugal (POCTEP). The study was also funded by projects GRC2018/039 and Agrupación Estratégica CICA-INIBIC ED431E 2018/03 (Consejería de Educación, Universidad y Formación Profesional de la Junta de Galicia) from the Xunta de Galicia (autonomous government of the region). DP-P received a fellowship from the program National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) of Mexico and the Secretariat of Research, Innovation and Higher Education (SIIES) of Yucatan (Mexico). Also supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI RD16/0016/0009) – co-financed by “A way to achieve Europe” ERDF, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Proyectos de Desarrollo Tecnológico en Salud (DTS17/00130 and PI18/01191), and the Spanish Adenovirus Network (AdenoNet, BIO2015/68990-REDT). JS-C is a researcher belonging to the program “Nicolás Monardes” (C-0059-2018), Servicio Andaluz de Salud, Junta de Andalucía, Spain. The antiproliferative studies were financed with internal funds from Fundación MEDINAXunta de Galicia; 0474_BLUEBIOLAB_1_EXunta de Galicia; GRC2018/039Xunta de Galicia; ED431E 2018/03Junta de Andalucía; C-0059-201