100 research outputs found

    The Effect of Multipass Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension at Senior High School Level

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    Being able to read in English is very important. Success in reading is the most necessary because it is a basic tool of education. Based on the syllabus of Islamic Senior high School Hidayatul Mubtadiin (MAHM), it is hoped that students should comprehend monolog texts in narrative, spoof and hortatory exposition forms well. After doing preliminary observation at MAHM, some of the students of the second year still had low ability in their reading comprehension. The dominant factors influencing their low reading comprehension are the lack of vocabulary and teaching strategy of reading comprehension. From the two of dominant factors, the researcher is interested to investigate about teaching reading comprehension. Thus, the researcher conducted a research on the effect of Multipass strategy on Reading comprehension. This research investigates students’ reading comprehension taught by using multipass strategy at MAHM Siak Sri Inderapura. The design of this study was Quasi-experimental research by post-test only. The subject of this research was the second year students of MAHM. The total population was 42 students, and the sample was 42 students. Data were collected by using a test. Then, the data were analyzed by using t-test formula. It was found that there was a significant effect of using multi pass strategy on students’ reading comprehension at MAHM


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    Being able to read in English is very important as it is known that success in reading is the most necessary because it is a basic tool of education. Based on the syllabus of MA Hidayatul Mubtadiin, it is hoped that students should comprehend monolog texts in narrative, spoof and hortatory exposition forms well. After doing preliminary observation at Hidayatul Mubtadiin Bandar Sungai, some of the students of the second year still had low ability in their reading. The dominant factors are the lack of vocabulary and the strategy of teaching reading comprehension. From the two of dominant factors, the researcher is interested to investigate about teaching reading comprehension. Thus, the researcher conducted a research entitled The Effect of Using Multipass Strategy on Reading Comprehension of Hortatory Exposition Text of The Second Year Students of Islamic Senior High School Hidayatul Mubtadiin Bandar Sungai Siak Sri Indrapura Regency. The purpose of this research was to find out students’ reading comprehension taught by multipass strategy and taught without using multipass strategy, and to find out significant effect of the using multipass strategy in students reading comprehension of hortatory exposition text. The design of this research was Quasi experimental research by post test only. The subject of this research was the second year students of MA hidayatul Mubtadiin Bandar Sungai. The total population was 42 students and the sample of the research was 42 students. In collecting the data, the researcher used test and observation checklist. The test used was multiple choices. In analyzing the data, the researcher used T-test. Finally, based on the analysis, it was found 2.022.72. So, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. It means that there was a significant effect of the using multipass strategy on students reading comprehension of hortatory exposition text of MA hidayatul Mubtadiin Bandar Sungai

    The Use of YouTube Videos in English Language Teaching: A Perspective of Indonesian Undergraduate Students Majoring in English Language Education

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    This study aims to investigate undergraduate students’ perspective toward the use of YouTube in online and face-to-face learning in which the videos used were made specifically by the lecturer for learning syntax. This study employed a descriptive quantitative method. The data were obtained by distributing survey-based questionnaires to 17 participants studying at a college majoring English Language Education. The results show that participants have strongly positive perspective toward the use of YouTube in both online and face-to-face learning. On their perspective, YouTube videos made are relevant to the course being studied; attractive for its convenience, affordability and accessibility; and effective to help them understand the lesson. It also motivates them to learn well and to participate in the class. So, it is better for lecturers to have a YouTube channel with their own learning videos to support their students in both face-to-face and online learning

    Pengujian Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akademik menggunakan Metode Blackbox dengan Teknik Boundary Value Analysis

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    Pengujian perangkat lunak adalah aspek krusial dalam riset untuk memastikan mutu dan perkembangan aplikasi. Dalam konteks pengujian sistem informasi akademik, pentingnya desain yang baik memungkinkan deteksi kesalahan yang cepat, menghemat waktu dalam proses pengujian, dan membangun kepercayaan pengguna terhadap aplikasi. Penelitian terkait mengidentifikasi masalah dalam aplikasi, seperti kesalahan input informasi, yang memicu strategi pengujian yang difokuskan pada memastikan kesesuaian dan akurasi informasi. Metode pengujian seperti Black Box Testing dengan Boundary Value Analysis digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kualitas aplikasi dan mengidentifikasi area untuk perbaikan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi berhasil hanya sekitar 60% dari jumlah percobaan maka penting dilakukan peningkatan kualitas aplikasi, dengan fokus pada memastikan bahwa aplikasi berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya dan dapat mengatasi berbagai skenario penggunaa


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    AbstrakHubungan antara nasabah dan bank selain bersifat kepercayaan juga bersifat kerahasiaan karena pada dasarnya bank juga menjalankan prinsip kerahasiaan bank (bank secrecy principle). Hal ini sering disebut dengan rahasia bank. akan tetapi, Fakta yang terjadi belakangan ini, data pribadi nasabah menjadi sesuatu yang dapat dengan mudah diperjual belikan. maka perlu adanya payung hukun yang jelas untuk melindungi nasabah terkait dengan rahasia bank.Kata kunci: hukum, rahasia bank, prinisp Abstract            The relantionship between the customer and the bank in addition to being trustworthy is also a matter of confidentiality because basically the bank also runs the principle of bank secrecy (bank secrecy principle). This is often referred to as bank secrets. However, the fact that happens behind this, the customer’s personal data becomes is something that can easily traded. It is necessary to have clear legal safeguards to protect customers related to bank secrets.Keywords: law, bank secrets, principle

    Does the Use of Dictogloss Strategy Affect Writing Ability of Junior High School Students?

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    Writing ability becomes one of the difficulties encountered by students, moreover at the junior high school levels. One of the ways to solve this problem is by finding an appropriate way to teach this skill. This study aims to reveal the significant effect of using Dictogloss strategy on the students’ writing ability at Junior the High School levels. The study used a quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest. The total population of the study was 160 eighth graders that consist of five classes. From the population, 64 students (two classes, one class as the experiment group, and the other as the control group) were taken as the samples through cluster random sampling. The data were obtained through tests, pretest and posttest. Then, they were analyzed using independent sample t-test and paired sample t-test. The result showed a significant effect of using Dictogloss strategy on the students’ writing ability with a = 0.05 > sig. 0.000. It indicates that Dictogloss strategy can be used to improve students’ writing ability at the Junior High School levels


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    English is one of the subjects that must be studied by students. In transferring competence, a special method is needed, especially for students who are not from the English Department. This research was conducted to measure the students' ability from the learning outcomes of e-module-based English courses. This research method can be categorized as quantitative research. The Mann-Whiteney test was chosen as an alternative in data processing. The total population in this study was 57 students of semester 1 of the Siyasah Syar'iyah Study Program class A and class B for one semester. The result is that the students' ability to use the English module between classes A and B is on average the same. This means that students do not find difficulties in using English e-modules

    Lingkungan sebagai Media Penunjang Efektivitas Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Pondok Pesantren Al-Iman Ponorogo

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    This study aims to determine the environment as learning media of Arabic teaching, in two cases: (1) the important role; (2) the advantage & disadvantage advantages and disadvantages in utilizing the environment.  Research conducted in in the ‘Al-Iman’ Islamic Boarding School, Ponorogo. The method used is descriptive-qualitative. The results indicate that: (1) The environment has an important role as a medium to support the effectiveness of Arabic learning, through the design of Arabic language habituation activities in the Boarding school environment. (2) The advantage and disadvantage can be identified in the use of the environment as a medium for learning Arabic. The advantages are: a) learning activities are more interesting and not boring, b) the nature of learning will be more meaningful, c) learning activities are more comprehensive and more active , d) learning resources become richer, e) students are also more able to understand and appreciate the aspects of life in their environment. The drawbacks are: a) limited preparation, b) there is an assumption that learning in the environment requires a relatively long time, c) many teachers still have a narrow view that learning is only done in the classroom.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui lingkungan sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Arab dalam dua hal: (1) peran pentingnya, dan (2) kelebihan serta kekurangan dalam pemanfaatan lingkungan tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan di Pondok Pesantren Al-Iman Ponorogo. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa: (1) lingkungan memiliki peran penting sebagai media penunjang efektivitas pembelajaran bahasa Arab, melalui desain kegiatan-kegiatan pembiasaan berbahasa Arab di lingkungan pondok. (2) Dapat diidentifikasi kelebihan dan kekurangan dalam pemanfaatan lingkungan sebagai media pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Kelebihannya  : a) kegiatan belajar lebih menarik dan tidak membosankan, b) hakikat belajar akan lebih bermakna, c) kegiatan belajar lebih komprehensif dan lebih aktif, d) sumber belajar menjadi lebih kaya e) siswa juga lebih dapat memahami dan menghayati aspek-aspek kehidupan yang ada di lingkungannya. Adapun kekurangannya: a) persiapan yang terbatas, b) adanya anggapan belajar dengan lingkungan memerlukan waktu yang relatif lama, c) banyak guru yang masih berpandangan sempit bahwa belajar hanya dilakukan di dalam kelas

    Kaji Eksperimental Pengaruh Variasi Lapisan Serat Daun Nanas Terhadap Ketangguhan Retak Pada Material Komposit

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    SARI Pengaruh variasi lapisan serat terhadap ketangguhan retak dari material komposit berserat daun nanas dianalisis pada penelitian ini. Ada pun tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh variasilapisan, yaitu lapis 1 hingga 5, terhadap ketahanan perambatan retak. Untuk itu sebuah eksperimen berdasarkan standar ASTM D5045 telah dilakukan.Dari penelitian ini terlihat bahwa beban kritis yang dibutuhkan untuk retak menjalar berbanding lurus terhadap pertambahan lapisan serat pada material komposit. Sementara itu nilai energi regangan yang terjadi akibat beban yang diberikan pada suatu material komposit berbanding lurus dengan pertambahan lapisan seratnya. Ketahanan retak suatu material komposit sangat di pengaruhi oleh jumlah lapisan serat yang terdapat pada material tersebut, yaitu semakin banyak lapisan serat maka ketahanan retak suatu material komposit semakin tinggi. Kata kunci :komposit, seratdaun nanas,lapisan serat,ketangguhankeretakan


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    In Islam education has very important position. One of the most important elements in education is learning. This study aims to see the use of the CTL model in improving the learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education. It is important to do research because learning Islamic Religious Education is an important lesson in human life. The type of research is descriptive research. The research was conducted at MAN 1 Labuhanbatu with a research focus on learning Islamic Religious Education. Research results if the CTL model takes place in a three-step process. The first step of the process is planning. The second process step is implementation. The third process step is evaluation. From the three steps of the process, it was successful to prove that the use of the CTL model in learning Islamic Religious Education resulted in changes in the situation and condition of the class when learning was carried out. Students are more enthusiastic in participating in learning. Students are more enthusiastic and active in responding to what is conveyed by the teacher. Communication also looks more interactive
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