136 research outputs found

    El turismo como disciplina científica

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    El propósito de este trabajo es proporcionar una serie de consideraciones sobre el pasado y el futuro de la jornada del turismo hacia su conversión en una disciplina científica. Más específicamente, trataremos de identificar algunas de las causas pasadas que ayudaron al turismo a alcanzar su actual dimensión y profundidad científica; de esbozar cómo se ha conformado este paisaje cognoscitivo; de seleccionar cuidadosamente las nuevas cuestiones socio-económicas clave que plantea; de sugerir las encrucijadas teóricas que pueden llevarle hacia nuevas fronteras; de destacar algunas muestras de la riqueza intelectual producida —junto con los desafíos y oportunidades recién planteados— que, a su vez, pueden guiar la planificación y gestionar el funcionamiento presente y futuro de esta nueva mega-industria.The purpose of this paper is to provide retrospective and prospective views on tourism´s scientific journey. More specifically, the aim is to identify some of the past conditions that have helped tourism to assume its present scholarly dimensions and depth; to sketch the formation of this landscape of knowledge, to selectively extract from this context emerging central socioeconomic issues; to suggest research crossroads for advancing to new frontiers; to sample the richness of the state of knowledge —along with challenges and opportunities ahead— that, in turn, can guide present and future planning and operation of this diverse megaindustry

    Emergence:Annals and the evolving research and publishing landscape in tourism

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    Annals of Tourism Research is a social sciences journal, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024. It holds a unique position in the field of tourism research and this article presents a discussion between its founding editor, Professor Jafar Jafari and one of its current co-editors, Professor Scott McCabe about its origins and emergence. The discussion covers the context and motivations for setting out the journal with a social sciences orientation, the ways that tourism research has expanded and developed as well as looks forward to the future, outlining a series of issues and topics that could be addressed in the coming decades to keep tourism research relevant and having impact on the industry and policy

    Muslim world and its tourisms

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    The study of tourism in the Muslim world can be about religious topics such as hajj and pilgrimage, but it actually means and involves much more. Because religious life and secular life in Islam are closely intertwined, study of its tourism is also partly about its worldview and culture as well as a means of reflecting on Western concepts of travel and hedonistic tourism. This review article introduces selected aspects of Islam to non-Muslims and reviews the tourism literature to identify themes and areas for further research. In addition to scholarly goals, an understanding of the patterns and requirements of the growing numbers of Muslim travellers is of practical importance for the tourism industry. Significantly, the Muslim world provides opportunities for studying differences in policy and development decisions that can offer new insights and inform tourism by providing alternative perspectives


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    PhDOesophageal hypomotility is prevalent in 30-50% of the patients with GORD and/or dysphagia. Despite advances in diagnosing oesophageal hypomotility, there is no established therapy for this group of patients. I studied the effect of Azithromycin in patients with Ineffective oesophageal motility (IOM). I assessed the value of stimulation tests during oesophageal manometry (multiple rapid swallows, bread swallows and swallows with abdominal compression), in identifying the patients who might benefit from prokinetic treatment with Azithromycin. Effect of stimulation tests in healthy subjects was investigated and normal ranges for oesophageal response to these tests was established. Characteristics of normal proximal oesophageal motility were defined and the role of proximal oesophageal hypomotility in symptomatology of the patients with IOM investigated. Effect of azithromycin on IOM and on the symptoms of these patients were studied in a double blind placebo controlled parallel design study. The predictive value of the stimulation tests in identifying the responders to azithromycin therapy was evaluated. Stimulation tests proved to be effective on inducing stronger motility response in oesophageal body and this effect was reproducible. Weak proximal oesophageal motility in patients with IOM is associated with reflux symptoms presentation. Azithromycin can convert IOM to normal motility in a subgroup of patients. Multiple rapid swallowing as well as swallows with abdominal compression can moderately predict the response to prokinetic therapy with Azithromycin

    Explaining the Opportunities and Challenges of the Law on Dissemination and Free Access to Information in Iran from the Perspective of Lawyers

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    The right to have free access to information is one of the most underlying examples of the first generation of human rights. Also, it is a requirement of realization of citizenship rights and one of the vital issues in the principle of democratic participation discourse. Due to the importance of this issue, the approval of the Law on Dissemination and Free Access to Information in 2009 in Iran can be a vital step toward the achievement of free access to information, transparency, and favorable democracy. The purpose of this study is to explain the challenges and opportunities of the Law on Dissemination and Free Access to Information in Iran. Hence, by referring to scholars in the field of law, formal and natural evaluation of Law on Dissemination and Free Access to Information was done. The method in this study is data-based, and deep interviews are used to analyze the different aspects of this issue. The statistical population in this study consists of scholars and experts of the law. The results obtained from the interviews led to the identification of three opportunities including good democracy and governance, prevention and fight against corruption and revival and implementation of the citizenship document. Besides, five vital challenges were identified in the section of interviewing with lawyers: the ambiguity of law exceptions, lack of sanction of law, ambiguity in the concept of access to information, the challenge of dissemination system and access to information, and parallel laws challenges. According to the identified challenges and opportunities, it seems that the efforts of Ministries of Culture and Arts, Communications and Technology, Education, and National Media, and revision of legal articles concerning these challenges can be the proper solution to these problems

    Doutoramento Honoris Causa: Jafar Jafari

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    Sessão de outorga do Grau de Doutor Honoris Causa a Jafar Jafari realizada em 16 de novembro de 2022, na Universidade do Algarve. Doctor Honoris Causa title awarded to professor Jafar Jafari by the University of Algarve on November 16th, 2022O Professor Jafar Jafari é uma das mais fascinantes personalidades do nosso tempo no domínio dos Estudos Turísticos e é atualmente o mais respeitado académico a nível mundial, quer pelo mundo universitário, empresarial e por governos, quer por organizações mundiais, como a Organização Mundial do Turismo. Esta rara unanimidade é o resultado das suas excecionais qualidades humanas e profissionais, como professor de mérito, autor de artigos científicos de referência, editor associado a projetos de excelência, brilhante orador, consultor e construtor de redes para o estudo e transferência do conhecimento no Turismo.Professor Jafar Jafari is one of the most fascinating personalities of our time in the field of tourism studies and, currently, is the most respected academic worldwide, whether by universities, businesses, governments, world organizations, such as the World Tourism Organization (WTO). This rare unanimity is the result of his exceptional professional and human qualities, as a professor of merit, author of referenced scientific articles, editor associated with projects of excellence, brilliant lecturer, consultant and facilitator of network building for the study and transfer of knowledge in tourism.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of Ramadan fasting on blood glucose levels and continues performance test (CPT)

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    Background and aim: One of the religious duties during the holly month of Ramadan is fasting. During the fasting time, blood glucose level is decreased. Hypoglycemia decreases the individual cognition function. The standard continues performance test (CPT) determines cognitive performance of individuals. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of fasting blood glucose level on cognitive performance in the clergymen and clergywomen (religious leaders) during the holly Ramadan month in religious institutes. Methods: In this study, 110 volunteers were selected from clergymen and clergywomen who were in fasting in Ramadan month. From the whole participants 68 persons were clergymen and 42 persons were clergywomen. The selected participants were tested for blood glucose test and CPT test in four stages (Two weeks before Ramadan, second week of Ramadan, fourth week of Ramadan and finally one month after Ramadan). Data were analyzed by analytic and descriptive statistics and SPSS software. Results: Paired t-test revealed that the blood glucose levels in the fourth week of the Ramadan month was significantly less than the ones in the second week of Ramadan. Spearmans rank correlation coefficient test confirmed a significant relation the between results of blood glucose test and CPT test (P<0.05). No significant relationship was obtained between CPT and age or gender. Conclusion: Results revealed that inconsistent and short time starvation in Ramadan month does not impair cognitive performance. Cognitive performance markers have been reported normal in all processes, if treats of food serves are determined about eight through twelve hours