282 research outputs found

    [Corruption in Land Administration: Solutions According to Islam] Rasuah dalam Pentadbiran Tanah: Penyelesaian Menurut Islam

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    Corruption in the public and private sector has become a major problem to the government. Corruption is a serious problem that has become a topic of debate lately, especially in the mass media. Several negative effects will arise as a result of this corruption problem. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the prevailing corruption in land administration. Thus, the trend of corruption in land administration is deeply rooted and it could jeopardize public confidence in the institution of land office. This paper aims to identify the factors of the problem of corruption, recommendations and solutions to curb these crimes from occurring and to identify whether Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC Act 2009) is able to provide solutions to the problems of the crime. The library research and content analysis method are being used in this study. The finding of this research shows that there are several factors of corruption have been identified occurring in the land administration. The MACC Act 2009 appears to have a lot of loopholes in the effort to curb the problem of corruption. This study will highlight some of the proposed recommendations according to Islamic perspective to ensure the interests and rights of all parties involved.   Keywords: corruption, land administration, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009, recommendations and solutions according to Islamic law.   Rasuah dalam sektor awam dan swasta telah menjadi satu masalah utama bagi kerajaan. Rasuah merupakan gejala serius yang sering menjadi topik perbincangan sejak akhir-akhir ini terutamanya dalam media massa. Di samping itu juga, pelbagai kesan negatif yang akan timbul akibat daripada masalah rasuah ini. Objektif utama penulisan ini di buat adalah untuk melihat gejala rasuah yang berlaku dalam pentadbiran tanah. Justeru itu, trend jenayah rasuah dalam pentadbiran tanah yang semakin meningkat amatlah membimbangkan kerana ia boleh menggugat kepercayaan orang ramai terhadap institusi pejabat tanah. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti punca masalah rasuah, beberapa cadangan penambahbaikan dan jalan penyelesaian bagi mengekang jenayah ini dari terus berlaku. Perbincangan ini turut mengupas Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (ASPRM 2009) adakah mampu memberi penyelesaian kepada permasalahan jenayah ini. Kajian kepustakaan dan kaedah analisis kandungan digunakan dalam kajian ini. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat beberapa punca masalah rasuah yang telah dikenal pasti berlaku dalam pentadbiran tanah dan ASPRM 2009 turut dilihat masih longgar dalam usaha untuk mengekang masalah rasuah ini. Penulisan ini akan mengutarakan beberapa cadangan penambahbaikan menurut perspektif Islam dalam menjamin kepentingan dan hak-hak semua pihak yang terlibat.   Kata kunci: rasuah, pentadbiran tanah, Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009, cadangan dan penyelesaian menurut undang-undang Islam

    Development of an Environmental Disposition Scale: A Guide for Fostering Sustainable Behavior

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    Promoting sustainable behavior or environmentally responsible behavior poses challenges because there is no overarching solution for behavior changes. Both surveys and interventions are context specific, meaning behaviors do not necessarily influence other behaviors and the same values, norms, and beliefs do not necessarily translate to the same level of sustainable behavior. Because there are regional differences in ideologies in the United States, a country level approach to encourage sustainable behavior would not be as effective as having interventions that directly correlate with the motivations that encourage environmentally responsible behavior. A survey will be conducted with University of Central Florida undergraduate students. The results of the survey will be analyzed through structural equation modelling and compared to previous studies to examine the regional differences among college students. The results of this study will assist new intervention programs to be personalized to the target group’s motivating factors and more effectively change behavior through improving self-efficacy for sustainable behaviors

    Navigating Ambiguity: Critiques of Indonesia's Health Law and its Impact on Legal Redress for Medical Malpractice Victims

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    In Indonesia, the fundamental right to health is enshrined in the 1945 Constitution, affirming every person's entitlement to live a safe and prosperous life with access to health services. The 2023 Health Law focuses on six pillars, including health security, funding, human resources, technology, primary care, and referral services, aiming to alleviate financial burdens through progressive financing. Particularly significant is the procedural change in protecting health workers, notably medical personnel, through the implementation of restorative justice methods. This article critically examines the implications of the 2023 Health Law on victim redress, particularly concerning medical personnel protection and the application of restorative justice in life-threatening medical error cases. However, the provision regarding the handling of medical personnel facing criminal allegations and disciplinary sanctions raises concerns regarding clarity and implementation. Ambiguities surrounding key terms and the prioritization of restorative justice mechanisms without clear guidelines may result in delays and inconsistencies in the legal process. This study sheds light on the need for clarity and refinement in legal frameworks to ensure the protection of both medical personnel and patients while promoting accountability and justice within the healthcare system

    Development and Validation of a Tool to Measure Patient Assessment of Clinical Compassion

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    Importance: Clinician compassion is a vital element of health care quality. Currently, there appears to be no validated and feasible method for health care organizations to measure patient assessment of clinician compassion on a large scale. Objective: To develop and validate a tool for measuring patient assessment of clinician compassion that can be used in conjunction with the Clinician and Group Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CG-CAHPS) survey. Design, Setting, and Participants: This prospective cohort study took place from June 1 to August 30, 2018, at a US academic health care system among a pilot cohort consisting of 3325 adult patients and a validation cohort consisting of 3483 adult patients, both of whom had an outpatient clinic visit and completed the CG-CAHPS survey. Main Outcomes and Measurements: After a comprehensive literature review, 12 candidate survey items were developed. Face and construct validity were performed. Candidate items were disseminated to patients in conjunction with the CG-CAHPS survey in a series of 2 studies: (1) exploratory factor analysis in one cohort to determine the factor structure and the most parsimonious set of items; and (2) validity testing in a second cohort using confirmatory factor analysis. Reliability was tested using Cronbach α. Convergent validity was tested with patient assessment of clinician communication and overall satisfaction questions from CG-CAHPS survey. Results: Overall, 6493 patient responses were analyzed. The mean (SD) age was 60 (15) years, 4239 patients (65.3%) were women, and 5079 (78.2%) were white. Exploratory factor analyses identified a 5-item compassion measure to be the most parsimonious. Confirmatory factor analyses found good fit. The compassion measure demonstrated good internal consistency (α = 0.94) and convergent validity (clinician communication: ρ = 0.44; overall satisfaction: ρ = 0.52) but reflected a patient experience domain (compassionate care) distinct from what is currently captured in the CG-CAHPS survey. Conclusions and Relevance: A simple 5-item tool to measure patient assessment of clinician compassion was developed and validated for use in conjunction with CG-CAHPS survey


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    Today the thought that law could be understood as a science like any other taught and studied at a modern university is felt to be, if not ridiculous, then surely a mistake. In this dissertation I argue that that consensus is only partly right: in fact law is a science in one sense but not quite in another. By retracing the evolution of the idea from the early days of the Western legal tradition among the Scholastic Jurists to the birth of the modern American law curriculum at the end of the nineteenth century, this dissertation explains why our law can still be thought of as a science and why that belief matters for restoring our faith in a rational rule of law. Yet, even if our law is a science in a more fundamental sense, what it has never been is a fully modern one. This dissertation therefore aims to delineate a credible intellectual premise for a renewed legal science, by sketching a naturalistic picture of what lawyers think and argue about as lawyers—the constituents of the legal point of view. The theory I propose centers on the idea of the doctrinal model: an abstract normative structure drawn from the same cognitive theory advanced in the philosophy of science. What that theory brings to light are both the intellectual constituents of a truly modern science and also its cultural preconditions: the organizing concepts of discovery and therefore of progress, as well as disciplined public debate. Coming to see those features already latent in law should not only restore our confidence in the legal point of view. It also reveals the outlines of the distinctively modern project of discovering, elaborating, and defending those doctrinal models that will serve a more fully democratic life. By taking up that project anew we will come that much closer to achieving the promise of our nearly thousand-year-old Western legal tradition—to achieving our law

    Conocimiento y actitud del personal de enfermería sobre atención de víctimas de sismo, Servicio Emergencia - Hospital II 2 Sullana 2021

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    El propósito fue identificar la relación entre nivel de conocimiento y actitud del personal de enfermería sobre atención de víctimas de sismo hospital II-2 Sullana 2021. Es un estudio cuantitativo, analítica y correlacional, cuya muestra fue de 30 participantes. Los resultados fueron: Las características sociodemográficas de la población en estudio, de acuerdo a la edad la mayoría tienen de 31 años a más, prima el sexo femenino, tienen más de 7 años de servicio, laboran en emergencia. El nivel conocimiento, el 46,7% tienen un nivel bajo, el 43,3% medio y el 10% alto. La Actitud, el 76,7% es indiferente, el 13,3% de rechazo y el 10% de aceptación. La relación entre el nivel de conocimiento y actitud del personal de enfermería en atención de víctimas de sismo del Hospital II 2 Sullana 2021. A la prueba estadística de chi cuadrado de Pearson alcanza p= 0.387, lo cual significa que no hay relación entre las variables en estudio. Conclusión. Según los resultados son concordantes con la Hipótesis nula.Tesi

    Modelo de regressão log-logístico discreto para dados da política de zoneamento e uso do solo na presença de observações censuradas

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Estatística, 2018.Neste trabalho são propostas três diferentes maneiras para realizar a contagem discreta do tempo até a adesão da política de Zoneamento e Uso do Solo (ZUS), sendo construído, para cada abordagem, um modelo de regressão Log-Logístico. A motivação para o desenvolvimento desses modelos surge quanto `a raridade de estudos estatísticos na área de Ciências Políticas e a impossibilidade de aplicação de modelos contínuos em dados discretos, advindos de uma contagem de tempo em anos. Os três modelos construídos utilizaram a distribuição Log-Logística Discreta, sendo considerada a função de ligação exponencial para a inclusão de covariáveis no modelo. Para realizar a estimativa dos parâmetros do modelo, foi necessário construir um algoritmo computacional

    Câncer de boca avançado : o que está acontecendo com os nossos pacientes?

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    Os tumores de cavidade oral estão cada vez mais prevalentes em nosso meio. Conforme o Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA) estima-se que no Brasil, a cada ano, surjam cerca de 15.190 novos casos de câncer de boca, sendo que 6.455 pacientes morrem devido a essa doença. A incidência, antigamente, era muito maior em homens, cerca de quatro vezes mais do que em mulheres. Essa diferença vem diminuindo à medida que a mulher começou a adquirir os hábitos de fumar e ingerir bebidas alcoólicas. Devido à dificuldade de detecção pelo próprio paciente, a falta de suspeição por muitos médicos e/ou a demora em chegar a um serviço especializado, a maioria dos casos de tumor de boca são detectados em estágios avançados. Nesse estudo então, temos o objetivo de identificar os pacientes que chegaram ao Serviço de Otorrinolaringologia e Cabeça e Pescoço do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre portando lesões malignas de boca em estágios avançados nos anos de 2011 a 2015 para assim, visualizar o cenário do nosso sistema público de saúde, avaliando a localização das lesões na cavidade oral, a idade e o sexo dos pacientes, os fatores de risco, o estágio clínico em que chegaram, tratamentos impostos e a sobrevida no decorrer do seguimento.Oral cavity tumors are increasingly prevalent in our environment. According to the National Cancer Institute (INCA) it is estimated that in Brazil, every year, there are about 15,190 new cases of mouth cancer, and 6,455 patients die from this disease. The incidence, in the past, was much higher in men, about four times higher than in women. This difference has been decreasing as the woman started to acquire the habits of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Due to the difficulty of detection by the patient, the lack of suspicion by many doctors and/or the delay in reaching a specialized service, most cases of oral tumors are detected in advanced stages. In this study, then, we aim to identify patients who arrived at the Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Service of the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, carrying malignant lesions of the mouth in advanced stages in the years 2011 to 2015 in order to visualize the scenario of our public health system, evaluating the location of lesions in the oral cavity, the age and gender of patients, risk factors, the clinical stage in which they arrived, imposed treatments and survival during follow-up

    Alianza entre empresas multinacionales de electrónica con empresas privadas nacionales para el ensamblaje local de televisores como medio para la generación de empleos en la ciudad de Guayaquil en el año 2016

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    Propuesta de Alianza entre Empresas Multinacionales de Electrónica con Empresas Privadas Nacionales para el ensamblaje local de televisores como medio para la generación de empleos en la ciudad de Guayaquil en el año 2016. Capítulo 1. Este capítulo hace mención al problema general del tema a tratar se despega la hipótesis de donde se requiere llegar para dar solución al problema actual de las salvaguardias y estrategias que se desarrollaran durante este capítulo. Capítulo 2. Este capítulo se refiere a los diferentes marcos referenciales que sirvan como guía a este proceso investigativo que busca dar solución a la problemática. Capítulo 3. Análisis de los datos donde se ve el resultado de la investigación de mercado que se realizó la entrevista al Gerente General de Samsung y el análisis de focus Group que se realizó a los distribuidores de la marca Samsung. Se ve un resultado dado por las preguntas dando un resultado según las respuestas obtenidas a este grupo de encuestados. Capítulo 4. Es la propuesta final para la de Alianza entre Empresas Multinacionales de Electrónica con Empresas Privadas Nacionales para el ensamblaje local de televisores como medio para la generación de empleos en la ciudad de Guayaquil en el año 2016. Capítulo 5. Este capítulo es la parte conclusiva del estudio que se realizó a través de diversas herramientas de los capítulos anteriores donde encontraremos la conclusión y recomendaciones del proyecto.Proposal for Multinational Enterprises Alliance Electronics with domestic private companies for local television assembly as a means of job creation in the city of Guayaquil in 2016. Chapter 1. This chapter mentions the general problem of the topic where the assumption is required to reach to solve the current problem of safeguarding and strategies that were developed during this chapter takes off. Chapter 2. This chapter deals with the different frames of reference that will serve as a guide to this research process that seeks to solve the problems. Chapter 3. Data analysis where the result of market research that the interview was conducted Samsung CEO and focus group discussions held distributors of Samsung brand is. Is a given for the questions giving a result as the responses to this survey group result. Chapter 4. Is the final proposal for the Alliance between Multinational Enterprises Electronics with domestic private companies for local television assembly as a means of job creation in the city of Guayaquil in 2016. Chapter 5. This chapter is the concluding part of the study that was done through various tools of the earlier chapters where we find the conclusions and recommendations of the projec