118 research outputs found

    Lyapunov Generation of Entanglement and the Correspondence Principle

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    We show how a classically vanishing interaction generates entanglement between two initially nonentangled particles, without affecting their classical dynamics. For chaotic dynamics, the rate of entanglement is shown to saturate at the Lyapunov exponent of the classical dynamics as the interaction strength increases. In the saturation regime, the one-particle Wigner function follows classical dynamics better and better as one goes deeper and deeper in the semiclassical limit. This demonstrates that quantum-classical correspondence at the microscopic level requires neither high temperatures, nor coupling to a large number of external degrees of freedom

    Mesoscopic Spin Hall Effect

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    We investigate the spin Hall effect in ballistic chaotic quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling. We show that a longitudinal charge current can generate a pure transverse spin current. While this transverse spin current is generically nonzero for a fixed sample, we show that when the spin-orbit coupling time is large compared to the mean dwell time inside the dot, it fluctuates universally from sample to sample or upon variation of the chemical potential with a vanishing average. For a fixed sample configuration, the transverse spin current has a finite typical value ~e^2 V/h, proportional to the longitudinal bias V on the sample, and corresponding to about one excess open channel for one of the two spin species. Our analytical results are in agreement with numerical results in a diffusive system [W. Ren et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 066603 (2006)] and are further confirmed by numerical simulation in a chaotic cavity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Shot noise in semiclassical chaotic cavities

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    We construct a trajectory-based semiclassical theory of shot noise in clean chaotic cavities. In the universal regime of vanishing Ehrenfest time \tE, we reproduce the random matrix theory result, and show that the Fano factor is exponentially suppressed as \tE increases. We demonstrate how our theory preserves the unitarity of the scattering matrix even in the regime of finite \tE. We discuss the range of validity of our semiclassical approach and point out subtleties relevant to the recent semiclassical treatment of shot noise in the universal regime by Braun et al. [cond-mat/0511292].Comment: Final version, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Quantum Andreev Map: A Paradigm of Quantum Chaos in Superconductivity. .

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    We introduce quantum maps with particle-hole conversion (Andreev reflection) and particle-hole symmetry, which exhibit the same excitation gap as quantum dots in the proximity to a superconductor. Computationally, the Andreev maps are much more efficient than billiard models of quantum dots. This makes it possible to test analytical predictions of random-matrix theory and semiclassical chaos that were previously out of reach of computer simulations. We have observed the universal distribution of the excitation gap for a large Lyapunov exponent and the logarithmic reduction of the gap when the Ehrenfest time becomes comparable to the quasiparticle dwell time

    Topologically Protected Loop Flows in High Voltage AC Power Grids

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    Geographical features such as mountain ranges or big lakes and inland seas often result in large closed loops in high voltage AC power grids. Sizable circulating power flows have been recorded around such loops, which take up transmission line capacity and dissipate but do not deliver electric power. Power flows in high voltage AC transmission grids are dominantly governed by voltage angle differences between connected buses, much in the same way as Josephson currents depend on phase differences between tunnel-coupled superconductors. From this previously overlooked similarity we argue here that circulating power flows in AC power grids are analogous to supercurrents flowing in superconducting rings and in rings of Josephson junctions. We investigate how circulating power flows can be created and how they behave in the presence of ohmic dissipation. We show how changing operating conditions may generate them, how significantly more power is ohmically dissipated in their presence and how they are topologically protected, even in the presence of dissipation, so that they persist when operating conditions are returned to their original values. We identify three mechanisms for creating circulating power flows, (i) by loss of stability of the equilibrium state carrying no circulating loop flow, (ii) by tripping of a line traversing a large loop in the network and (iii) by reclosing a loop that tripped or was open earlier. Because voltage angles are uniquely defined, circulating power flows can take on only discrete values, much in the same way as circulation around vortices is quantized in superfluids.Comment: 12 pages 6 figures + Supplementary Material, Accepted for publication in New Journal of Physic

    Ground State Properties of Many-Body Systems in the Two-Body Random Ensemble and Random Matrix Theory

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    We explore generic ground-state and low-energy statistical properties of many-body bosonic and fermionic one- and two-body random ensembles (TBRE) in the dense limit, and contrast them with Random Matrix Theory (RMT). Weak differences in distribution tails can be attributed to the regularity or chaoticity of the corresponding Hamiltonians rather than the particle statistics. We finally show the universality of the distribution of the angular momentum gap between the lowest energy levels in consecutive J-sectors for the four models considered.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Universal features of spin transport and breaking of unitary symmetries

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    When time-reversal symmetry is broken, quantum coherent systems with and without spin rotational symmetry exhibit the same universal behavior in their electric transport properties. We show that spin transport discriminates between these two cases. In systems with large charge conductance, spin transport is essentially insensitive to the breaking of time-reversal symmetry, while in the opposite limit of a single exit transport channel, spin currents vanish identically in the presence of time-reversal symmetry but can be turned on by breaking it with an orbital magnetic field