271 research outputs found

    Control of embryonic Xenopus morphogenesis by a Ral-GDS/Xral branch of the Ras signalling pathway.

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    Ras proteins mediate biological responses through various effectors and play a key role in relaying the Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) mesoderm induction signal during embryogenesis of the frog, Xenopus laevis. One Ras effector pathway involves the activation of the small G protein Ral. In the present study, we have investigated the role of key components in the Ral branch of FGF and Ras signalling during early Xenopus development. Treatment of animal caps with bFGF, which converts prospective ectoderm to mesoderm, activates Xral. The Ras mutant 12V37G, which can bind to Ral-GDS but not Raf, also activates Xral as well as causing developmental defects and cortical F-actin disassembly. A similar phenotype is induced by Ral-GDS itself. FGF-induced expression of several signature mesodermal genes, by contrast, is independent of Xral signalling. This and other data suggest that the RalB branch of Ras and FGF signalling regulates the actin cytoskeleton and morphogenesis in a transcriptionally independent manner. We also find Xral to be specifically activated in the marginal zone of Xenopus embryos, and find that disruption of the Ral pathway in this region prevents closure of the blastopore during gastrulation. We conclude that Ral signalling is autonomously required by mesodermal cells to effect essential morphogenetic changes during Xenopus gastrulation

    RLIP mediates downstream signalling from RalB to the actin cytoskeleton during Xenopus early development.

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    The Ras protein activates at least three different pathways during early development. Two of them regulate mesodermal gene expression and the third is thought to participate in the control of actin cytoskeleton dynamics via the Ral protein. From a yeast two-hybrid screen of a Xenopus maternal cDNA library, we identified the Xenopus orthologue of the Ral interacting protein (RLIP, RIP1 or RalBP1), a putative effector of small G protein Ral. Previously we observed that a constitutively activated form of Ral GTPase (XralB G23V) induced bleaching of the animal hemisphere and disruption of the cortical actin cytoskeleton. To demonstrate that RLIP is the effector of RalB in early development, we show that the artificial targeting of RLIP to the membrane induces a similar phenotype to that of activated RalB. We show that overexpression of the Ral binding domain (RalBD) of XRLIP, which binds to the effector site of Ral, acts in competition with the endogenous effector of Ral and protects against the destructive effect of XralB G23V on the actin cytoskeleton. In contrast, the XRLIP has a synergistic effect on the activated form of XralB, which is dependent on the RalBD of RLIP. We provide evidence for the involvement of RLIP by way of its RalBD on the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton and propose that signalling from Ral to RLIP is required for gastrulation

    Using Schumann Resonance Measurements for Constraining the Water Abundance on the Giant Planets - Implications for the Solar System Formation

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    The formation and evolution of the Solar System is closely related to the abundance of volatiles, namely water, ammonia, and methane in the protoplanetary disk. Accurate measurement of volatiles in the Solar System is therefore important to understand not only the nebular hypothesis and origin of life but also planetary cosmogony as a whole. In this work, we propose a new, remote sensing technique to infer the outer planets water content by measuring Tremendously and Extremely Low Frequency (TLF-ELF) electromagnetic wave characteristics (Schumann resonances) excited by lightning in their gaseous envelopes. Schumann resonance detection can be potentially used for constraining the uncertainty of volatiles of the giant planets, mainly Uranus and Neptune, because such TLF-ELF wave signatures are closely related to the electric conductivity profile and water content

    Des produits issus d’animaux terrestres recevant une alimentation enrichie en DHA algal peuvent contribuer à la couverture des besoins en cet acide gras essentiel

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    Ce travail présente une méthode permettant d’augmenter la consommation en DHA de la population sans accroitre le prélèvement halieutique, grâce à la production de produits provenant d’animaux terrestres nourris avec des aliments contenant du DHA provenant de microalgues de culture et d’ALA provenant du lin extrudé. Après une identification des espèces fixant le DHA en quantité importante (pondeuse, lapins, poulet de chair), des essais réalisés sur ces animaux (21 sur pondeuses, 9 sur lapins, 6 sur poulets de chair) ont permis de déterminer les conditions d’enrichissement en DHA ainsi que les teneurs en cet acide gras que l’on peut atteindre dans ces produits. Ainsi, avec cette alimentation, le contenu en DHA des œufs est de 200 mg / 100 grammes soit 3,5 fois plus qu’un œuf standard; pour le lapin (par exemple, la gigolette), cette valeur est également de 200 mg / 100 grammes soit 10 fois plus qu’une viande de lapin standard; et pour le poulet de chair (par exemple, le blanc) 83 mg / 100 grammes soit 4 fois plus qu’une viande de poulet de chair standard. La plupart de ces produits peuvent alléguer « Riche en oméga 3 » ou « Source d’oméga 3 ». Ces différents aliments peuvent être associés dans des menus permettant d’atteindre les recommandations d’ingestion de DHA sans augmenter la consommation de poisson, améliorant ainsi la santé de la population et celle de la planète dans le respect des habitudes alimentaires.

    Diseño de una lista de chequeo para la orientación psicojurídica en víctimas de asalto sexual (L.O.P.V.A.S)

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    Curso Especial de Interés : Victimología y CriminologíaLa siguiente propuesta, contiene la información necesaria en el diseño un instrumento que permita determinar y analizar los factores que están involucrados en este tipo de violencia. El objetivo de esta investigación es diseñar una lista de chequeo en atención Psicojurídica para la orientación en la denuncia en víctimas de abuso sexual a partir del reconocimiento de patrones conductuales y el modus operandi del agresor. Esta lista de chequeo nos permite la orientación a víctimas de asalto sexual para el establecimiento de la denuncia, esta guía brinda a los funcionarios públicos la oportunidad de reconocer las necesidades de la víctima de asalto sexual y a partir de la información lograr tipificar la conducta de asalto sexual y a partir de ello generar estrategias de planificación en prevención y promoción de violencia sexual bajo los criterios de las políticas públicas.1. Resumen 2. Justificación 3. Marco Teórico 4. Marco Legal 5. Marco Ético 6. Objetivos 7. Estudio de Mercadeo 8. Presentación del Producto 9. Variables Psicológicas que lo componen 10. Clientes 11. Competencia 12. Resultados 13. Conclusiones 14. ReferenciasPregradoPsicólog

    Identification and Characterization of the RLIP/RALBP1 Interacting Protein Xreps1 in Xenopus laevis Early Development

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    Background: The FGF/Ras/Ral/RLIP pathway is required for the gastrulation process during the early development of vertebrates. The Ral Interacting Protein (RLIP also known as RalBP1) interacts with GTP-bound Ral proteins. RLIP/RalBP1 is a modular protein capable of participating in many cellular functions. Methodology/Principal Findings: To investigate the role of RLIP in early development, a two-hybrid screening using a library of maternal cDNAs of the amphibian Xenopus laevis was performed. Xreps1 was isolated as a partner of RLIP/RalBP1 and its function was studied. The mutual interacting domains of Xreps1 and Xenopus RLIP (XRLIP) were identified. Xreps1 expressed in vivo, or synthesized in vitro, interacts with in vitro expressed XRLIP. Interestingly, targeting of Xreps1 or the Xreps1-binding domain of XRLIP (XRLIP(469–636)) to the plasma membrane through their fusion to the CAAX sequence induces a hyperpigmentation phenotype of the embryo. This hyperpigmented phenotype induced by XRLIP(469–636)-CAAX can be rescued by co-expression of a deletion mutant of Xreps1 restricted to the RLIP-binding domain (Xreps1(RLIP-BD)) but not by co-expression of a cDNA coding for a longer form of Xreps1. Conclusion/Significance: We demonstrate here that RLIP/RalBP1, an effector of Ral involved in receptor-mediated endocytosis and in the regulation of actin dynamics during embryonic development, also interacts with Reps1. Although these two proteins are present early during embryonic development, they are active only at the end of gastrulation. Ou

    Epidemiology of Human Parvovirus 4 Infection in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Human parvovirus 4 infections are primarily associated with parenteral exposure in western countries. By ELISA, we demonstrate frequent seropositivity for antibody to parvovirus 4 viral protein 2 among adult populations throughout sub-Saharan Africa (Burkina Faso, 37%; Cameroon, 25%; Democratic Republic of the Congo, 35%; South Africa, 20%), which implies existence of alternative transmission routes

    High Seroprevalence of Enterovirus Infections in Apes and Old World Monkeys

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    To estimate population exposure of apes and Old World monkeys in Africa to enteroviruses (EVs), we conducted a seroepidemiologic study of serotype-specific neutralizing antibodies against 3 EV types. Detection of species A, B, and D EVs infecting wild chimpanzees demonstrates their potential widespread circulation in primates


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    BACKGROUND: Postoperative upper gastrointestinal fistula (PUGIF) is a devastating complication, leading to high mortality (reaching up to 80%), increased length of hospital stay, reduced health-related quality of life and increased health costs. Nutritional support is a key component of therapy in such cases, which is related to the high prevalence of malnutrition. In the prophylactic setting, enteral nutrition (EN) is associated with a shorter hospital stay, a lower incidence of severe infectious complications, lower severity of complications and decreased cost compared to total parenteral nutrition (TPN) following major upper gastrointestinal (GI) surgery. There is little evidence available for the curative setting after fistula occurrence. We hypothesize that EN increases the 30-day fistula closure rate in PUGIF, allowing better health-related quality of life without increasing the morbidity or mortality. METHODS/DESIGN: The NUTRILEAK trial is a multicenter, randomized, parallel-group, open-label phase III trial to assess the efficacy of EN (the experimental group) compared with TPN (the control group) in patients with PUGIF. The primary objective of the study is to compare EN versus TPN in the treatment of PUGIF (after esophagogastric resection including bariatric surgery, duodenojejunal resection or pancreatic resection with digestive tract violation) in terms of the 30-day fistula closure rate. Secondary objectives are to evaluate the 6-month postrandomization fistula closure rate, time of first fistula closure (in days), the medical- and surgical treatment-related complication rate at 6 months after randomization, the fistula-related complication rate at 6 months after randomization, the type and severity of early (30 days after randomization) and late fistula-related complications (over 30 days after randomization), 30-day and 6-month postrandomization mortality rate, nutritional status at day 30, day 60, day 90 and day 180 postrandomization, the mean length of hospital stay, the patient's health-related quality of life (by self-assessment questionnaire), oral feeding time and direct costs of treatment. A total of 321 patients will be enrolled. DISCUSSION: The two nutritional supports are already used in daily practice, but most surgeons are reluctant to use the enteral route in case of PUGIF. This study will be the first randomized trial testing the role of EN versus TPN in PUGIF. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03742752. Registered on 14 November 2018.This research program is funded by the French Ministry of Health through Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique 2016

    Ground deformation monitoring of the eruption offshore Mayotte

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    In May 2018, the Mayotte island, located in the Indian Ocean, was affected by an unprecedented seismic crisis, followed by anomalous on-land surface displacements in July 2018. Cumulatively from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2021, the horizontal displacements were approximately 21 to 25 cm eastward, and subsidence was approximately 10 to 19 cm. The study of data recorded by the on-land GNSS network, and their modeling coupled with data from ocean bottom pressure gauges, allowed us to propose a magmatic origin of the seismic crisis with the deflation of a deep source east of Mayotte, that was confirmed in May 2019 by the discovery of a submarine eruption, 50 km offshore of Mayotte ([Feuillet et al., 2021]). Despite a non-optimal network geometry and receivers located far from the source, the GNSS data allowed following the deep dynamics of magma transfer, via the volume flow monitoring, throughout the eruption