286 research outputs found

    Formal verification of a fully IEEE compliant floating point unit

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    In this thesis we describe the formal verification of a fully IEEE compliant floating point unit (FPU). The hardware is verified on the gate-level against a formalization of the IEEE standard. The verification is performed using the theorem proving system PVS. The FPU supports both single and double precision floating point numbers, normal and denormal numbers, all four IEEE rounding modes, and exceptions as required by the standard. Beside the verification of the combinatorial correctness of the FPUs we pipeline the FPUs to allow the integration into an out-of-order processor. We formally define the correctness criterion the pipelines must obey in order to work properly within the processor. We then describe a new methodology based on combining model checking and theorem proving for the verification of the pipelines.Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die formale Verifikation einer vollständig IEEE konformen Floating Point Unit (FPU). Die Hardware wird auf Gatter-Ebene gegen eine Formalisierung des IEEE Standards verifiziert. Zur Verifikation wird das Beweis-System PVS benutzt. Die FPU unterstützt Fließkommazahlen mit einfacher und doppelter Genauigkeit, normale und denormale Zahlen, alle vier Rundungsmodi und alle Exception-Signale. Neben der Verifikation der kombinatorischen Schaltkreise werden die FPUs gepipelined, um sie in einen Out-of-order Prozessor zu integrieren. Die Korrektheits- Kriterien, die die gepipelineten FPUs befolgen müssen, um im Prozessor korrekt zu arbeiten, werden formal definiert. Es wird eine neue Methode zur Verifikation solcher Pipelines beschrieben. Die Methode beruht auf der Kombination von Model-Checking und Theorem-Proving

    Formal verification of a fully IEEE compliant floating point unit

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    In this thesis we describe the formal verification of a fully IEEE compliant floating point unit (FPU). The hardware is verified on the gate-level against a formalization of the IEEE standard. The verification is performed using the theorem proving system PVS. The FPU supports both single and double precision floating point numbers, normal and denormal numbers, all four IEEE rounding modes, and exceptions as required by the standard. Beside the verification of the combinatorial correctness of the FPUs we pipeline the FPUs to allow the integration into an out-of-order processor. We formally define the correctness criterion the pipelines must obey in order to work properly within the processor. We then describe a new methodology based on combining model checking and theorem proving for the verification of the pipelines.Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die formale Verifikation einer vollständig IEEE konformen Floating Point Unit (FPU). Die Hardware wird auf Gatter-Ebene gegen eine Formalisierung des IEEE Standards verifiziert. Zur Verifikation wird das Beweis-System PVS benutzt. Die FPU unterstützt Fließkommazahlen mit einfacher und doppelter Genauigkeit, normale und denormale Zahlen, alle vier Rundungsmodi und alle Exception-Signale. Neben der Verifikation der kombinatorischen Schaltkreise werden die FPUs gepipelined, um sie in einen Out-of-order Prozessor zu integrieren. Die Korrektheits- Kriterien, die die gepipelineten FPUs befolgen müssen, um im Prozessor korrekt zu arbeiten, werden formal definiert. Es wird eine neue Methode zur Verifikation solcher Pipelines beschrieben. Die Methode beruht auf der Kombination von Model-Checking und Theorem-Proving

    Treating critically ill patients with probiotics: Beneficial or dangerous?

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    Probiotic bacteria are live microorganisms which confer to health benefits of the host. They help to maintain the integrity of the intestinal barrier function by modulating the mucosal and systemic immune response of the host. These bacteria have proven their beneficial effect in several conditions of ulcerative colitis. More recently probiotics/synbiotics have been included in the treatment of critically ill patients. However to date it remains uncertain whether probiotics/synbiotics are beneficial or even dangerous to the clinical outcome of this patient group. This article reviews the current evidence of the use of bacteria in critically ill patients in intensive care settings

    Method for Configuring Product and Order Flexible Assembly Lines in the Automotive Industry

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    AbstractIn the last few years the number of offered vehicle derivatives in the multi variant serial production of the automotive industry increased. The existing assembly lines have to manage many ramp ups. It is necessary to increase the product and order flexibility of existing assembly lines to manage these challenges. This paper details the preconditions to learn, which assembly configurations fulfill the requirements of existing, further and future products. Therefore the developed method uses degrees of freedom in the assembly order

    Elliptic Phases: A Study of the Nonlinear Elasticity of Twist-Grain Boundaries

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    We develop an explicit and tractable representation of a twist-grain-boundary phase of a smectic A liquid crystal. This allows us to calculate the interaction energy between grain boundaries and the relative contributions from the bending and compression deformations. We discuss the special stability of the 90 degree grain boundaries and discuss the relation of this structure to the Schwarz D surface.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Screening for Generalized Anxiety Disorder in inpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation: pathological worry and the impact of depressive symptoms

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    Objective: Pathological worry is considered to be a defining feature for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). The Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) is an instrument for assessing pathological worry. Two earlier studies demonstrated the suitability of the PSWQ as screening instrument for GAD in outpatient and non-clinical samples. This study examined the suitability of the PSWQ as a screening instrument for GAD in a German inpatient sample (N=237). Furthermore, a comparison of patients with GAD and patients with depression and other anxiety disorders regarding pathological worry and depression was carried out in a sub-sample of N=118 patients

    Fruit flies : disinfestation, techniques used, possible application to mango

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    Introduction. The methods of fruit disinfestation against fruit flies use processes (physical methods) which differ according to the export country and fruit which must be disinfested. The term definitions are made clear and the various treatments are presented. Heat treatments. For mango, treatments usable for disinfestation can only utilize heat, because of the strong sensitivity of this fruit to cold temperatures. The heat treatments in general consist of using an immersion in hot water by a system of batches or an uninterrupted bath. These treatments are then followed or not by a fruit fast cooling which can be carried out by ventilation (cold air) or hydrocooling (water). Heat can also be obtained by use of forced hot air or hot vapor, because a higher temperature than 45 °C kills fly eggs and larvae. Microwave treatments. The use of microwaves is also a technique which makes it possible to increase the temperature in the fruit heart. Irradiation. The last possible solution is the use of irradiation, which uses a principle different from the preceding treatments. Conclusion. In comparison with the most current treatments (vapor heat treatment and forced hot-air treatment), the hot water treatment has many advantages: it is easy to implement, it is quick, it kills surface parasitic organisms, it makes it possible to clean the fruit surface and its cost only corresponds to approximately 10%of the cost of one vapor heat treatment. It would thus be recommended for mango disinfestation

    Identification of metastable states in peptide's dynamics

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    A recently developed spectral method for identifying metastable states in Markov chains is used to analyse the conformational dynamics of a four residue peptide Valine-Proline-Alanine-Leucine. We compare our results to empirically defined conformational states and show that the found metastable states correctly reproduce the conformational dynamics of the system

    Direct to angiography suite approaches for the triage of suspected acute stroke patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Mechanical thrombectomy; Stroke; TriageTrombectomia mecànica; Ictus; TriatgeTrombectomía mecánica; Ictus; TriajeBackground: Increasing evidence suggests improved time metrics leading to better clinical outcomes when stroke patients with suspected large vessel occlusion (LVO) are transferred directly to the angiography suite (DTAS) compared with cross-sectional imaging followed by transfer to the angiography suite. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy and safety of DTAS approaches. Methods: We searched Embase, Medline, Scopus, and clinicaltrials.gov for studies comparing outcomes of DTAS and conventional triage. Eligible studies were assessed for risk of bias. We performed a random-effects meta-analysis on the differences of median door-to-groin and door-to-reperfusion times between intervention and control group. Secondary outcomes included good outcome at 90 days (modified Rankin Scale ⩽ 2) rate of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) and mortality within 90 days. Results: Eight studies (one randomized, one cluster-randomized trial and six observational studies) with 1938 patients were included. Door-to-groin and door-to-reperfusion times in the intervention group were on median 29.0 min [95% confidence interval (CI): 14.3–43.6; p < 0.001] and 32.1 min (95% CI: 15.1–49.1; p < 0.001) shorter compared with controls. Prespecified subgroup analyses for transfer (n = 1753) and mothership patients (n = 185) showed similar reductions of the door-to-groin and door-to-reperfusion times in response to the intervention. The odds of good outcome did not differ significantly between both groups but were numerically higher in the intervention group (odds ratio: 1.38, 95% CI: 0.97–1.95; p = 0.07). There was no significant difference for mortality and sICH between the groups. Conclusion: DTAS approaches for the triage of suspected LVO patients led to a significant reduction in door-to-groin and door-to-reperfusion times but an effect on functional outcome was not detected. The subgroup analysis showed similar results for transfer and mothership patients