25 research outputs found

    Genome assembly of Medicago truncatula accession SA27063 provides insight into spring black stem and leaf spot disease resistance

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    Abstract Medicago truncatula, model legume and alfalfa relative, has served as an essential resource for advancing our understanding of legume physiology, functional genetics, and crop improvement traits. Necrotrophic fungus, Ascochyta medicaginicola, the causal agent of spring black stem (SBS) and leaf spot is a devasting foliar disease of alfalfa affecting stand survival, yield, and forage quality. Host resistance to SBS disease is poorly understood, and control methods rely on cultural practices. Resistance has been observed in M. truncatula accession SA27063 (HM078) with two recessively inherited quantitative-trait loci (QTL), rnpm1 and rnpm2, previously reported. To shed light on host resistance, we carried out a de novo genome assembly of HM078. The genome, referred to as MtHM078 v1.0, is comprised of 23 contigs totaling 481.19 Mbp. Notably, this assembly contains a substantial amount of novel centromere-related repeat sequences due to deep long-read sequencing. Genome annotation resulted in 98.4% of BUSCO fabales proteins being complete. The assembly enabled sequence-level analysis of rnpm1 and rnpm2 for gene content, synteny, and structural variation between SBS-resistant accession SA27063 (HM078) and SBS-susceptible accession A17 (HM101). Fourteen candidate genes were identified, and some have been implicated in resistance to necrotrophic fungi. Especially interesting candidates include loss-of-function events in HM078 because they fit the inverse gene-for-gene model, where resistance is recessively inherited. In rnpm1, these include a loss-of-function in a disease resistance gene due to a premature stop codon, and a 10.85 kbp retrotransposon-like insertion disrupting a ubiquitin conjugating E2. In rnpm2, we identified a frameshift mutation causing a loss-of-function in a glycosidase, as well as a missense and frameshift mutation altering an F-box family protein. This study generated a high-quality genome of HM078 and has identified promising candidates, that once validated, could be further studied in alfalfa to enhance disease resistance

    Inoculation and Screening Methods for Major Sorghum Diseases Caused by Fungal Pathogens: <i>Claviceps africana</i>, <i>Colletotrichum sublineola</i>, <i>Sporisorium reilianum</i>, <i>Peronosclerospora sorghi</i> and <i>Macrophomina phaseolina</i>

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    Sorghum is the fifth most important crop globally. Researching interactions between sorghum and fungal pathogens is essential to further elucidate plant defense mechanisms to biotic stress, which allows breeders to employ genetic resistance to disease. A variety of creative and useful inoculation and screening methods have been developed by sorghum pathologists to study major fungal diseases. As inoculation and screening methods can be keys for successfully conducting experiments, it is necessary to summarize the techniques developed by this research community. Among many fungal pathogens of sorghum, here we summarize inoculation and screening methods for five important fungal pathogens of sorghum: Claviceps africana, Colletotrichum sublineola, Sporisorium reilianum, Peronosclerospora sorghi and Macrophomina phaseolina. The methods described within will be useful for researchers who are interested in exploring sorghum-fungal pathogen interactions. Finally, we discuss the latest biotechnologies and methods for studying plant-fungal pathogen interactions and their applicability to sorghum pathology

    Genome-Wide Association Study of Seed Morphology Traits in Senegalese Sorghum Cultivars

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    Sorghum is considered the fifth most important crop in the world. Despite the potential value of Senegalese germplasm for various traits, such as resistance to fungal diseases, there is limited information on the study of sorghum seed morphology. In this study, 162 Senegalese germplasms were evaluated for seed area size, length, width, length-to-width ratio, perimeter, circularity, the distance between the intersection of length & width (IS) and center of gravity (CG), and seed darkness and brightness by scanning and analyzing morphology-related traits with SmartGrain software at the USDA-ARS Plant Science Research Unit. Correlations between seed morphology-related traits and traits associated with anthracnose and head smut resistance were analyzed. Lastly, genome-wide association studies were performed on phenotypic data collected from over 16,000 seeds and 193,727 publicly available single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Several significant SNPs were found and mapped to the reference sorghum genome to uncover multiple candidate genes potentially associated with seed morphology. The results indicate clear correlations among seed morphology-related traits and potential associations between seed morphology and the defense response of sorghum. GWAS analysis listed candidate genes associated with seed morphologies that can be used for sorghum breeding in the future

    A Genome-Wide Association Study of Nigerien and Senegalese Sorghum Germplasm of <i>Exserohilum turcicum</i>, the Causal Agent of Leaf Blight

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    In Senegal, sorghum ranks third after millet and maize among dryland cereal production and plays a critical role in the daily lives of millions of inhabitants. Yet, the crop’s productivity and profitability are hampered by biotic stresses, including Exserohilum turcicum, causing leaf blight. A total of 101 sorghum accessions collected from Niger and Senegal, SC748-5 and BTx623, were evaluated in three different environments (Kaymor, Kolda, and Ndiaganiao) in Senegal for their reactions against the leaf blight pathogen. The results showed that 11 out of the 101 accessions evaluated exhibited 100% incidence, and the overall mean incidence was 88.4%. Accession N15 had the lowest incidence of 50%. The overall mean severity was 31.6%, while accessions N15, N43, N38, N46, N30, N28, and N23 from Niger recorded the lowest severity levels, ranging from 15.5% to 25.5%. Accession N15 exhibited both low leaf blight incidence and severity, indicating that it may possess genes for resistance to E. turcicum. Also, the accessions evaluated in this study were sequenced. A GWAS identified six novel single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with an average leaf blight incidence rate. The candidate genes were found in chromosomes 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9. Except for SNP locus S05_48064154, all five SNPs associated with the leaf blight incidence rate were associated with the plant defense and stress responses. In conclusion, the candidate genes identified could offer additional options for enhancing plant resistance against E. turcicum through plant breeding or gene editing