527 research outputs found

    Problematyka pierwszego planu pięcioletniego ZSRR w prasie polskiej (na przykładzie wybranych tytułów w latach 1928-1933)

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Repellent effect of volatile fatty acids on lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperinus)

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    Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) are a group of common metabolites and semiochemicals mediating information transfer between higher organisms and bacteria, either from microbiome or external environment. VFAs commonly occur among various insect orders. There are numerous studies exploring their influence on the behavior of different insect species. In relation to the papers published by J. E. McFarlane in 1985, we assessed the effects of formic, acetic, propionic, butyric and valeric acids on the spatial preference of the lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperinus), a common pest of stored food grain products and the poultry industry. The main aim of the presented study was to provide new angles in VFA research, recreating the classical study both with new methods and on economically significant pest species. This paper presents a novel method of continuous, simultaneous assessment of site preference and the travelled distance in a constant-flow olfactometer. All the tested VFAs, except valeric acid, had a significant repellent effect, with formic acid being effective even at the lowest used concentration. Additionally, the VFAs significantly altered the distance travelled by the insects. The obtained results indicate a potential role for VFAs in the olfactory guided behavior of A. diaperinus. It is suspected that the reaction to the presence of VFAs may deviate from the specificity of species’ original habitat

    Rapid geometry definition for multidisciplinary design and analysis of an aircraft

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    Conceptual and preliminary design level of aircraft design is searching for an easy, flexible and efficient way of computational geometry definition. Accelerating the process of geometry definition is the basic step for acceleration of all computations. It also enables optimization, where changes of numerical model are made automatically according to the optimization algorithms. The geometry definition has to be robust, free from errors and stay feasible

    „Duszek” w miejscu cewnika centralnego

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    A case of 51-year-old male patient with a history of malabsorption, nephrolithiasis, chronic pancreatitis, insulin-dependent diabetes, suspicion of celiac disease and ankylosing spondylitis was reported. Patient was admitted to the hospital to remove infected central catheter. Six days after the catheter removal short fragment of the catheter was found in computed tomography angiography in the internal jugular vein, at the junction with the subclavian vein. In fact, it was not the catheter as several days ago it was removed entirety from the patient, but the fibrous sheath covering venous catheter called “ghost”.Długotrwałe użytkowanie centralnego dostępu dożylnego (CVC) jest związane z kilkoma powikłaniami — uszkodzeniem ściany naczynia lub infekcjami, co wymaga jego usunięcia. Może to być trudne lub niemożliwe, zwłaszcza gdy dochodzi do rozwoju otoczki włóknistej wokół cewnika. Co ciekawe, po interwencji usunięcia CVC można zaobserwować resztki włóknistej tkanki w miejscu usuniętego CVC, która w praktyce radiologicznej określana jest mianem „duszka”. Wspomniane zjawisko jest zwykle obserwowane podczas badania echokardiograficznego, po usunięciu elementów rozruszników serca z powodu infekcyjnego zapalenia wsierdzia (CDRIE), ale jak pokazuje opisywany przypadek, może być także zaobserwowane za pomocą angiografii tomografii komputerowej, po usunięciu zainfekowanego cewnika żylnego

    Paleoenvironments during the Rhaetian transgression and the colonization history of marine biota in the Fatric Unit (Western Carpathians)

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    Terminal Triassic environmental changes are characterized by an integrated study of lithology, litho- and cyclostratigraphy, paleontology, mineralogy, geochemistry and rock magnetism in the Tatra Mts. The Carpathian Keuper sequence was deposited in an arid environment with only seasonal rivers, temporal lakes and swamps with scarce vegetation. Combination of a wide range of δ18O\delta^{18}O values (-0.7 to +2.7) with negative δ13C\delta^{13}C values documents dolomite precipitation either from brackish or hypersaline lake water, or its derivation from pore water comparably to the Recent Coorong B-dolostone. Negative δ13C\delta^{13}C values indicate microbial C productivity. Rhaetian transgressive deposits with restricted Rhaetavicula fauna accumulated in nearshore swamps and lagoons. Associations of foraminifers, bivalves and sharks in the Zliechov Basin were controlled by physical factors. Bivalve mollusc biostromes were repetitively destroyed by storms, and temporary firm bottoms were colonized by oysters and burrowers. Subsequent black shale deposition recorded input of eolian dust. Bottom colonization by pachyodont bivalves, brachiopod and corals started much later, during highstand conditions. Facies evolution also revealed by geochemical data, C and O isotope curves reflect eustatic and climatic changes and help reconstruct the evolution of Rhaetian marine carbonate ramp. The Fatra Formation consists of 100 kyr eccentricity and 40 kyr obliquity cycles; much finer rhythmicity may record monsoon-like climatic fluctuations. Fluvial and eolian events were indicated by analysis of grain size and content of clastic quartz, concentrations of foraminiferal (Agathammina) tests in thin laminae indicates marine ingression events. Magnetic susceptibility (MS) variations reflect the distribution of authigenic and detrital constituents in the sequence. Increasing trend of MS correlates with the regressive Carpathian Keuper sequence and culminates within the bottom part of the Fatra Formation. Decreasing trend of MS is observed upwards the transgressive deposits of the Fatra Formation

    Analysis of blood coagulation factors in patients undergoing surgery due to endometrial cysts

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    Objectives: The study was undertaken to evaluate selected blood coagulation factors in patients undergoing surgery, due to endometrial cysts and other ovarian benign cysts. Materials and Methods: Women involved in our study had not received any previous treatment for endometriosis and they had no history of any prior haemostatic disorders. Blood samples were collected before surgery and investigated for plasminogen, α2-antyplasmin, PAI-1 and tPA activity. As a control group, we have analyzed patients with benign gynecological diseases treated in our Department. Results: We have noticed higher mean concentration of plasminogen and α2-antyplasmin and lower mean concentration of PAI-1 and tPA activity in our patients in comparison with control group. Obtained results did not show any statistical significance. Conclusions: Our analysis of haemostatic factors in blood samples did not show coagulation disorders in patients with endometriosis. Maybe there are only local coagulation disorders in endometrial tissue and its surrounding. In our opinion this problem requires further research and taking into consideration other factors

    Recommendations on the use of innovative medical technologies in cardiology and cardiac surgery and solutions leading to increased availability for Polish patients

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    There is a great need for innovative technologies that will improve the health and quality of life (QoL) of Polish patients with cardiac problems. It is important that the safety and effectiveness of the technology are confirmed by scientific evidence on which guidelines and clinical recommendations are based. Scientific evidence for medical devices is also increasingly important for decision-making in finance approval from public funds. New technologies in cardiology and cardiac surgery contribute to improved patient QoL, increased treatment effectiveness and facilitated diagnosis. Hence, it is necessary to increase accessibility to such technologies, primarily through the development of clinical recommendations, and education of medical personnel in conjunction with public funding. The aim of this publication is to present the recommendations of leading experts in the field of cardiology and cardiosurgery, supported by clinical research results, regarding the use of the cited innovative medical technologies and solutions leading to their increased availability for Polish patients.

    New paleomagnetic constraints for the large-scale displacement of the Hronic nappe system of the Central Western Carpathians

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    The thin-skinned Hronic nappe system represents the structurally highest tectonic unit in the Late Cretaceous thrust-stack of the Central Western Carpathians. It mostly comprises a Permian volcano-sedimentary sequence and Triassic carbonate sediments which crop out in different parts of the Central Western Carpathians. We carried out a systematic paleomagnetic study on 24 Permian and 20 Triassic localities geographically distributed over 300 km in W-E direction. Several samples from each locality were drilled and oriented in-situ and specimens cut from them subjected to standard paleomagnetic and magnetic mineralogy experiments. The results were evaluated using principal component analysis, statistical evaluation of the characteristic remanences, and applying inclination-only and tilt tests. We documented the pre-tilting age of remanences for the majority of both the Permian and Triassic age groups. However, the latter was interpreted as remagnetized during the Cretaceous Normal Super-Chron in the course of nappe stacking between 90-80 Ma. The Permian group is exhibiting about 70°, the Triassic about 34° clockwise vertical axis rotations with respect to the present north. There is no indication in our data set for oroclinal bending of the Hronic Unit. We interpret the difference in clockwise rotations (about 36°) between Permian and 90-80 Ma as a clockwise block rotation taking place during major extensional and/or compressive events between stable Europe and Africa. Taking into consideration the well-documented counterclockwise rotation observed for the overstep sequences in the Central Western Carpathians and in the Pieniny Klippen Belt, the remagnetization of the Triassic sediments was closely followed by about 94° clockwise rotation. Research in progress will serve to decide if this large clockwise rotation involved the whole Central Carpathian nappe stack or part of this was due to the thin-skinned nappe emplacement of the Hronic Unit

    Exposure status of sea-dumped chemical warfare agents in the Baltic Sea

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    About 50 000 tons of chemical weapons (CW) were dumped to the Baltic Sea after the Second World War. Munitions are located in the deep areas of the Baltic Sea, and there they act as a point source of contamination to the ecosystem. Corroded munitions release chemical warfare agents (CWAs) to nearby water and sediments. In this study we investigated known dumpsites (Bornholm, Gotland and Gdansk Deep) and dispersed chemical munitions, to evaluate the extent of contamination of nearby sediments, as well as to assess the degradation process of released CWA. It was found that CWA-related phenylarsenic chemicals (Clark I, Clark II and Adamsite) and sulfur mustard are released to the sediments and undergo environmental degradation to chemicals, of which some remain toxic. The extent of pollution of released CWAs and their corresponding degradation products reaches more than 250 m from the CW objects, and seem to follow a power curve decrease of concentration from the source. Bornholm Deep is characterised with the highest concentration of CWAs in sediments, but occasional concentration peaks are also observed in the Gdansk Deep and close to dispersed munitions. Detailed investigation of spreading pattern show that the range of pollution depends on bottom currents and topography.Peer reviewe