190 research outputs found

    Optimisation of Interface Roughness and Coating Thickness to Maximise Coating-Substrate Adhesion - A Failure Prediction and Reliability Assessment Modelling

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    This paper addresses a novel modelling technique which is based on a multidisciplinary approach to predict the coating-substrate adhesion. It proposes new equations governing coating debondment that combines material science concepts with and solid mechanics concepts. The effects of two parameters i.e. interface roughness λ and coating thickness h on coating-substrate adhesion has been analysed. The reliability of newly developed technique has been validated by comparison with the experimental results

    Structural and micro-anatomical changes in vertebrae associated with idiopathic-type spinal curvature in the curveback guppy model

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    Background: The curveback lineage of guppy is characterized by heritable idiopathic-type spinal curvature thatdevelops during growth. Prior work has revealed several important developmental similarities to the human idiopathicscoliosis (IS) syndrome. In this study we investigate structural and histological aspects of the vertebrae that areassociated with spinal curvature in the curveback guppy and test for sexual dimorphism that might explain a femalebias for severe curve magnitudes in the population.Methods: Vertebrae were studied from whole-mount skeletal specimens of curved and non-curved adult males andfemales. A series of ratios were used to characterize structural aspects of each vertebra. A three-way analysis of variancetested for effects of sex, curvature, vertebral position along the spine, and all 2-way interactions (i.e., sex and curvature,sex and vertebra position, and vertebra position and curvature). Histological analyses were used to characterize microarchitecturalchanges in affected vertebrae and the intervertebral region.Results: In curveback, vertebrae that are associated with curvature demonstrate asymmetric shape distortion,migration of the intervertebral ligament, and vertebral thickening on the concave side of curvature. There is sexualdimorphism among curved individuals such that for several vertebrae, females have more slender vertebrae than domales. Also, in the region of the spine where lordosis typically occurs, curved and non-curved females have a reducedwidth at the middle of their vertebrae, relative to males.Conclusions: Based on similarities to human spinal curvatures and to animals with induced curves, the concaveconvexbiases described in the guppy suggest that there is a mechanical component to curve pathogenesis incurveback. Because idiopathic-type curvature in curveback is primarily a sagittal deformity, it is structurally more similarto Scheuermann kyphosis than IS. Anatomical differences between teleosts and humans make direct biomechanicalcomparisons difficult. However, study of basic biological systems involved in idiopathic-type spinal curvature incurveback may provide insight into the relationship between a predisposing aetiology, growth, and biomechanics.Further work is needed to clarify whether observed sex differences in vertebral characteristics are related to the femalebias for severe curves that is observed in the population

    Supporting families in the context of adult traumatic brain injury

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    Families are fundamental to the wellbeing, quality of life and functional and social outcomes of individuals who sustain traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, the family is often vulnerable and at risk from the challenge of supporting an individual who has been left with long-term neurological disability. Considering the young population often affected, the resulting conditions can have significant emotional and financial burden for families and service providing for their long-term needs. The National Service Framework for Long-term Conditions acknowledges that the whole family is affected by neurological disability and it suggests that a 'whole-family' approach to managing TBI may be useful. This paper will argue that both family systems theory and family-centred care are frameworks that may be helpful in achieving the 'whole-family' approach in practice. However, future research is needed that will assess the efficacy of these and other approaches so that health-care services know the true value of any such intervention.N/

    Psychometric properties of a generic, patient-centred palliative care outcome measure of symptom burden for people with progressive long term neurological conditions

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    Background There is no standard palliative care outcome measure for people with progressive long term neurological conditions (LTNC). This study aims to determine the psychometric properties of a new 8-item palliative care outcome scale of symptom burden (IPOS Neuro-S8) in this population. Data and Methods Data were merged from a Phase II palliative care intervention study in multiple sclerosis (MS) and a longitudinal observational study in idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). The IPOS Neuro-S8 was assessed for its data quality, score distribution, ceiling and floor effects, reliability, factor structure, convergent and discriminant validity, concurrent validity with generic (Palliative care Outcome Scale) and condition specific measures (Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale; Non-motor Symptoms Questionnaire; Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire), responsiveness and minimally clinically important difference. Results Of the 134 participants, MS patients had a mean Extended Disability Status Scale score 7.8 (SD = 1.0), patients with an IPD, MSA or PSP were in Hoehn & Yahr stage 3±5. The IPOS Neuro-S8 had high data quality (2% missing), mean score 8 (SD = 5; range 0±32), no ceiling effects, borderline floor effects, good internal consistency (Cronbach's α = 0.7) and moderate test-retest reliability (intraclass coefficient = 0.6). The results supported a moderately correlated two-factor structure (Pearson's r = 0.5). It was moderately correlated with generic and condition specific measures (Pearson's r: 0.5±0.6). There was some evidence for discriminant validity in IPD, MSA and PSP (p = 0.020), and for good responsiveness and longitudinal construct validity. Conclusions IPOS Neuro-S8 shows acceptable to promising psychometric properties in common forms of progressive LTNCs. Future work needs to confirm these findings with larger samples and its usefulness in wider disease groups

    Three-Dimensional Structure of the Enveloped Bacteriophage Φ12: An Incomplete T = 13 Lattice Is Superposed on an Enclosed T = 1 Shell

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    BACKGROUND:Bacteriophage phi12 is a member of the Cystoviridae, a unique group of lipid containing membrane enveloped bacteriophages that infect the bacterial plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. The genomes of the virus species contain three double-stranded (dsRNA) segments, and the virus capsid itself is organized in multiple protein shells. The segmented dsRNA genome, the multi-layered arrangement of the capsid and the overall viral replication scheme make the Cystoviridae similar to the Reoviridae. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We present structural studies of cystovirus phi12 obtained using cryo-electron microscopy and image processing techniques. We have collected images of isolated phi12 virions and generated reconstructions of both the entire particles and the polymerase complex (PC). We find that in the nucleocapsid (NC), the phi12 P8 protein is organized on an incomplete T = 13 icosahedral lattice where the symmetry axes of the T = 13 layer and the enclosed T = 1 layer of the PC superpose. This is the same general protein-component organization found in phi6 NC's but the detailed structure of the entire phi12 P8 layer is distinct from that found in the best classified cystovirus species phi6. In the reconstruction of the NC, the P8 layer includes protein density surrounding the hexamers of P4 that sit at the 5-fold vertices of the icosahedral lattice. We believe these novel features correspond to dimers of protein P7. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:In conclusion, we have determined that the phi12 NC surface is composed of an incomplete T = 13 P8 layer forming a net-like configuration. The significance of this finding in regard to cystovirus assembly is that vacancies in the lattice could have the potential to accommodate additional viral proteins that are required for RNA packaging and synthesis

    CtIP tetramer assembly is required for DNA-end resection and repair.

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    Mammalian CtIP protein has major roles in DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair. Although it is well established that CtIP promotes DNA-end resection in preparation for homology-dependent DSB repair, the molecular basis for this function has remained unknown. Here we show by biophysical and X-ray crystallographic analyses that the N-terminal domain of human CtIP exists as a stable homotetramer. Tetramerization results from interlocking interactions between the N-terminal extensions of CtIP's coiled-coil region, which lead to a 'dimer-of-dimers' architecture. Through interrogation of the CtIP structure, we identify a point mutation that abolishes tetramerization of the N-terminal domain while preserving dimerization in vitro. Notably, we establish that this mutation abrogates CtIP oligomer assembly in cells, thus leading to strong defects in DNA-end resection and gene conversion. These findings indicate that the CtIP tetramer architecture described here is essential for effective DSB repair by homologous recombination.We thank M. Kilkenny for help with the collection of X-ray diffraction data, A. Sharff and P. Keller for help with X-ray data processing and J.D. Maman for assistance with SEC-MALS. This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship award in basic biomedical sciences (L.P.), an Isaac Newton Trust research grant (L.P. and O.R.D.) and a Cambridge Overseas Trust PhD studentship (M.D.S.). Research in the laboratory of S.P.J. is funded by Cancer Research UK (CRUK; programme grant C6/A11224), the European Research Council and the European Community Seventh Framework Programme (grant agreement no. HEALTH-F2-2010-259893 (DDResponse)). Core funding is provided by Cancer Research UK (C6946/A14492) and the Wellcome Trust (WT092096). S.P.J. receives his salary from the University of Cambridge, supplemented by CRUK. J.V.F. is funded by Cancer Research UK programme grant C6/A11224 and the Ataxia Telangiectasia Society. R.B. and J.C. are funded by Cancer Research UK programme grant C6/A11224. Y.G. and M.D. are funded by the European Research Council grant DDREAM.This is the accepted manuscript of a paper published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 22, 150–157 (2015) doi: 10.1038/nsmb.293

    Role of Glomerular Proteoglycans in IgA Nephropathy

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    Mesangial matrix expansion is a prominent feature of the most common form of glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy (IgAN). To find molecular markers and improve the understanding of the disease, the gene and protein expression of proteoglycans were investigated in biopsies from IgAN patients and correlated to clinical and morphological data. We collected and microdissected renal biopsies from IgAN patients (n = 19) and from healthy kidney donors (n = 14). Patients were followed for an average time of 4 years and blood pressure was according to target guidelines. Distinct patterns of gene expression were seen in glomerular and tubulo-interstitial cells. Three of the proteoglycans investigated were found to be of special interest and upregulated in glomeruli: perlecan, decorin and biglycan. Perlecan gene expression negatively correlated to albumin excretion and progress of the disease. Abundant decorin protein expression was found in sclerotic glomeruli, but not in unaffected glomeruli from IgAN patients or in controls. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), known to interact with perlecan, decorin and biglycan, were upregulated both on gene and protein level in the glomeruli. This study provides further insight into the molecular mechanisms involved in mesangial matrix expansion in IgAN. We conclude that perlecan is a possible prognostic marker for patients with IgAN. In addition, the up-regulation of biglycan and decorin, as well as TGF-β itself, indicate that regulation of TGF-β, and other profibrotic markers plays a role in IgAN pathology

    Mechanomyographic amplitude and frequency responses during dynamic muscle actions: a comprehensive review

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    The purpose of this review is to examine the literature that has investigated mechanomyographic (MMG) amplitude and frequency responses during dynamic muscle actions. To date, the majority of MMG research has focused on isometric muscle actions. Recent studies, however, have examined the MMG time and/or frequency domain responses during various types of dynamic activities, including dynamic constant external resistance (DCER) and isokinetic muscle actions, as well as cycle ergometry. Despite the potential influences of factors such as changes in muscle length and the thickness of the tissue between the muscle and the MMG sensor, there is convincing evidence that during dynamic muscle actions, the MMG signal provides valid information regarding muscle function. This argument is supported by consistencies in the MMG literature, such as the close relationship between MMG amplitude and power output and a linear increase in MMG amplitude with concentric torque production. There are still many issues, however, that have yet to be resolved, and the literature base for MMG during both dynamic and isometric muscle actions is far from complete. Thus, it is important to investigate the unique applications of MMG amplitude and frequency responses with different experimental designs/methodologies to continually reassess the uses/limitations of MMG

    Spinal deformities rehabilitation - state of the art review

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