618 research outputs found

    Avaliação do tipo de resposta requerida e do procedimento de ensino no estabelecimento de controle de estímulos compostos

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Processos Psicológicos Básicos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Comportamento, 2009.Diversos fatores podem influenciar o controle comportamental por um ou todos os aspectos de um estímulo multidimensional. O presente estudo avaliou o efeito do tipo de resposta requerida durante treino discriminativo de estímulos compostos. Participaram do estudo seis crianças pré-escolares de quatro anos. Todas as crianças realizaram três condições de treinos discriminativos simples simultâneo programadas no computador. A tarefa consistia em identificar um de quatro estímulos compostos por três elementos: cor de fundo, forma e padrão de preenchimento da forma. No treino da Condição Seleção, a resposta de clicar sobre o estímulo composto definido como correto era reforçada. Na Condição Observação, o comportamento de olhar para a tela com os 4 estímulos compostos juntos foi consequenciado. Testes, para avaliar quantas e quais dimensões adquiriram controle sobre o comportamento, ocorreram em cada condição. Os resultados mostraram altos escores nos treinos discriminativos com estímulos compostos que requeriam seleção, demonstrando que o procedimento foi eficaz para estabelecer a aprendizagem das discriminações simples. Em geral, os desempenhos nos testes das condições seleção e observação foram baixos. A Condição Seleção produziu escores significativamente mais altos do que a Observação nas tentativas com os compostos de 3 elementos, mas resultados semelhantes foram observados para estímulos com recombinação de 2 elementos e com elementos isolados. O desempenho na primeira condição de teste foi menor em relação às outras condições, indicando efeito de história com a tarefa. Um procedimento adicional de Treino Discriminativo com Elementos, que alternava na mesma tentativa a apresentação dos compostos e de estímulos apenas com cor, forma ou padrão foi realizada para todos os participantes. A seleção do elemento que aparecia no composto era reforçada. O Treino Discriminativo com Elementos foi efetivo para ampliar o controle elementar de estímulos multidimensionais. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTSeveral factors may influence behavior control by just one or all aspects of a multidimensional stimulus. The present study investigated the effects of the response required during discriminative training of compound stimuli. Six 4 years old kindergarten children participated. All children were exposed to 3 conditions of simple simultaneous discrimination training programmed in a desktop computer. The task consisted of identifying the correct stimulus from 4 stimuli composed by a background color, a shape and a filling shape pattern. During the Selection Condition, mouse click response on the correct compound stimulus was reinforced. During Observing Condition, looking at the screen with all 4 stimuli was reinforced. Both conditions presented the correct stimulus alone at the end of each trial. Tests with individual elements and elements recombined were conducted to assess which and how many dimensions acquired control over behavior in each condition. Results showed high scores in the discriminative training which required the selection response and replicate evidence of the efficacy of the programmed discrimination training. Test performances, in general, showed low scores during both experimental conditions. Test scores in Selection Condition were higher than in Observing during 3 component trials, but similar in both conditions when stimuli were composed by one or 2 recombined elements. Higher scores were found in the second condition, suggesting history effect. An additional procedure of Discriminative Training of Elements (DTE), which alternated in the same trial the presentation of 3-element compound and 1-element stimuli, was conducted with all participants. The selection of the element previously presented in the compound was reinforced. DTE was effective to expand the elemental control by multidimensional stimuli

    Sequential Allocation and Balancing Prognostic Factors in a Psychiatric Clinical Trial

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    In controlled clinical trials, each of several prognostic factors should be balanced across the trial arms. Traditional restricted randomization may be proved inadequate especially with small sample sizes. In psychiatric disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), small trials prevail. Therefore, procedures to minimize the chance of imbalance between treatment arms are advisable. This paper describes a minimization procedure specifically designed for a clinical trial that evaluates treatment efficacy for OCD patients. Aitchison's compositional distance was used to calculate vectors for each possibility of allocation in a covariate adaptive method. Two different procedures were designed to allocate patients in small blocks or sequentially one-by-one. Partial results of this allocation procedure as well as simulated ones are shown. In the clinical trial for which this procedure was developed, the balancing between treatment arms was achieved successfully. Simulations of results considering different arrival order of patients showed that most of the patients are allocated in a different treatment arm if arrival order is modified. Results show that a random factor is maintained with the random arrival order of patients. This specific procedure allows the use of a large number of prognostic factors for the allocation decision and was proved adequate for a psychiatric trial design

    Molecular weaponry:diverse effectors delivered by the Type VI secretion system

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    The Type VI secretion system is a widespread bacterial nanomachine, used to deliver toxins directly into eukaryotic or prokaryotic target cells. These secreted toxins, or effectors, act on diverse cellular targets, and their action provides the attacking bacterial cell with a significant fitness advantage, either against rival bacteria or eukaryotic host organisms. In this review, we discuss the delivery of diverse effectors by the Type VI secretion system, the modes of action of the so‐called ‘anti‐bacterial’ and ‘anti‐eukaryotic’ effectors, the mechanism of self‐resistance against anti‐bacterial effectors and the evolutionary implications of horizontal transfer of Type VI secretion system‐associated toxins. Whilst it is likely that many more effectors remain to be identified, it is already clear that toxins delivered by this secretion system represent efficient weapons against both bacteria and eukaryotes

    "Get out, prejudice!" a project to raise awareness of differences, through the works of author Ruth Rocha

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    The project was developed in a pre-school group linked to the Center for Integral Attention to Children and Adolescents, in the city of Rio Grande - RS. The class consisted of 15 children between 4 and 5 years old and two teachers, one of whom was visually impaired. Most of the children were entering school for the first time and had not yet interacted with disabled people. Thus, seeking to articulate the enchantment of Brazilian children's literature and respect for differences, Ruth Rocha'sworkswerechosen as theguidingprinciplesoftheprojectbecausethey are original andfunnarrativesthatthemedifferentdailysituations, respect for otherness, as well as aspects of the children's imagination. Among the main results achieved, it is not eworthy that this group of children was learning to live with the differences and the needs of the other from an early age, evidenced in a relationship of trust and friendship with the teachers, with no furtherdistinctionbetweenthetwo. Linked to this is the insertion of children intoliteracy practices, including the social uses of writing in their daily lives

    In situ and in vitro comparison of laser fluorescence with visual inspection in detecting occlusal caries lesions

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    The aim of this study was to compare the in situ and in vitro performances of a laser fluorescence (LF) device (DIAGNOdent 2095) with visual inspection for the detection of occlusal caries in permanent teeth. Sixty-four sites were selected, and visual inspection and LF assessments were carried out, in vitro, three times by two independent examiners, with a 1-week interval between evaluations. Afterwards, the occlusal surfaces were mounted on the palatal portion of removable acrylic orthodontic appliances and placed in six volunteers. Assessments were repeated and validated by histological analysis of the tooth sections under a stereomicroscope. For both examiners, the highest intra-examiner values were observed for the visual inspection when in vitro and in situ evaluations were compared. The inter-examiner reproducibility varied from 0.61 to 0.64, except for the in vitro assessment using LF, which presented a lower value (0.43). The methods showed high specificity at the D1 threshold (considering enamel and dentin caries as disease). In vitro evaluations showed the highest values of sensitivity for both methods when compared to the in situ evaluations at D1 and D2 (considering only dentinal caries as the disease) thresholds. For both methods, the results of sensitivity (at D1 and D2) and accuracy (at D1) showed significant differences between in vitro and in situ conditions. However, the sensitivity (at D1 and D2), specificity and accuracy (both at D1) of the methods were not significantly different when the same condition was considered. It can be concluded that visual inspection and LF showed better performance in vitro than in sit

    Empresas estabelecidas e startups : um estudo das capacidades relacionais em programas de aceleração corporativa

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    Orientador(a): Prof(a). Dr(a). Fernanda Salvador AlvesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração. Defesa : Curitiba, 03/03/2022Inclui referênciasResumo: Programas de aceleração corporativa (PACs) estão em ascensão no mundo todo e representam uma nova forma das empresas estabelecidas tornarem-se mais inovadoras por meio do relacionamento com startups. A natureza complementar desses dois atores sugere que ambos podem se beneficiar dessa parceria. Contudo, há muitos desafios em conciliar a forma de trabalho das empresas estabelecidas à das startups, sendo que o desenvolvimento de capacidades relacionais (CRs) pode contribuir para um relacionamento mais frutífero entre esses atores. Sendo assim, este estudo investigou como as capacidades relacionais das empresas estabelecidas influenciam os programas de aceleração corporativa com startups. Como estratégia de pesquisa, utilizou-se o estudo de caso, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com quatro grandes empresas proprietárias de programas dessa natureza e quatro startups aceleradas por elas. Junto a isso, os regulamentos dos programas foram analisados para triangular as informações, trazendo respostas aos questionamentos dessa pesquisa. Os resultados mostraram que para se atingir os resultados esperados com os PACs é necessário comprometimento, vontade de realização de ambos os lados - startups e empresas estabelecidas - e CRs entre os envolvidos. Ademais, as evidências indicam que os PACs diferem de uma relação tradicional de cliente-fornecedor. A ideia é que ambos, startup e corporação dediquem recursos e competências durante um tempo pré-determinado com o intuito de desenvolver soluções e viabilizar negócios em conjunto. Desta forma, buscam-se oportunidades e ganhos mútuos com soluções pensadas, elaboradas e construídas de forma cooperativa. Os resultados ainda sugerem que a existência das CRs durante os PACs potencializa benefícios como aprendizado, mudança cultural, geração de negócios, apoio nas operações das startups e ampliação da capacidade de inovação, por meio do desenvolvimento de recursos idiossincráticos. Além da influência das CRs nos PACs, percebe-se que os PACs também são facilitadores do desenvolvimento e aprimoramento das CRs, pois permitem que as empresas estabelecidas aprendam cada vez mais a se relacionar com as startups e vice-versa. Como contribuição teórica, este estudo abre novas oportunidades de pesquisa para o recente fenômeno da aceleração corporativa ao utilizar a lente das capacidades relacionais para analisar aspectos da cooperação nos programas em questão. Além disso, também contribui na prática para que gestores corporativos e empreendedores das startups ampliem a consciência de quais habilidades precisam desenvolver ou aprimorar para melhorar a cooperação e superar os desafios existentes em tais programas.Abstract: Corporate Acceleration Programs (CAPs) are on the rise around the world and represent a new way for established companies to become more innovative through their relationship with startups. The complementary nature of these two actors suggests that both can benefit from this partnership. However, there are many challenges in reconciling the way of work of established companies with that of startups, and the development of relational skills (RCs) can contribute to a more fruitful relationship between these actors. Therefore, this study investigated how the relational capabilities of established companies influence corporate acceleration programs with startups. As a research strategy, case study was used, through semistructured interviews with four large companies that own such programs and four startups accelerated by them. In addition, the program regulations were analyzed to triangulate the information, providing answers to the questions of this research. The results showed that in order to achieve the expected results with the CAPs it is necessary commitment, will to achieve on both sides - startups and established companies - and RCs among those involved. Furthermore, evidence indicates that CAPs differ from a traditional customer-supplier relationship. The idea is that both startup and corporation dedicate resources and capabilities for a predetermined time in order to develop solutions and enable business together. In this way, opportunities and mutual gains are sought with solutions thought out, elaborated and built in a cooperative manner. The results also suggest that the existence of RCs during CAPs enhances benefits such as learning, cultural change, business generation, support in startup operations and expansion of innovation capacity, through the development of idiosyncratic resources. In addition to the influence of RCs on CAPs, it is clear that CAPs are also facilitators in the development and improvement of RCs, as they allow established companies to increasingly learn to relate to startups and vice versa. As a theoretical contribution, this study opens new research opportunities for the recent phenomenon of corporate acceleration by using the lens of relational capabilities to analyze aspects of cooperation in the programs in question. In addition, it also contributes in practice for corporate managers and entrepreneurs of startups to broaden their awareness of what capabilities they need to develop or enhance in order to improve cooperation and overcome existing challenges in such programs

    A Carência de Efetiva Participação da Sociedade Civil nas Audiências Públicas no Âmbito do Controle Concentrado de Constitucionalidade Brasileiro

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    o artigo visa à análise das audiências públicas em sede de controle concentrado no Supremo Tribunal Federal a partir da promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988. Mediante pesquisa bibliográfica, descritiva, pura, quantitativa e qualitativa, busca-se verificar se estas são instrumentos democráticos de fato ou se são apenas mecanismos de pretensão democrática. Neste trabalho, verificou-se que, diante da necessidade da imagem de um Poder Judiciário legítimo e democrático, corroborada pela crise no sistema representativo, criou-se este fetiche de que as audiências públicas correspondem a uma efetiva participação social nos debates de relevância nacional, entretanto a realidade se mostra diferente