188 research outputs found

    Tratamento de feridas complexas utilizando sistema a vácuo: relato de três casos

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    Treatment of wounds using conventional methods is frequently limited by inadequate local wound conditions, or by a poor systemic clinical situation. Vacuum system may promote faster granulation tissue formation, remove excessive exudate, increase blood flow in the wound, and attract the borders of the wound to the center, reducing its dimension. We present 3 cases of patients with difficult wounds, due to bad local conditions, or poor clinical situation, in whom we used a vacuum system to prepare the wound for the surgical closure. One patient had a pressure ulcer, another had a diabetic foot ulcer, and the third one had an open foot stump. In the 3 cases a significant improvement of the wound conditions was achieved after 7 to 8 days, allowing successful surgical treatment with flap or skin grafts.O tratamento de feridas através de métodos convencionais é, muitas vezes, limitado por condições locais inadequadas, ou por comprometimento das condições clínicas do paciente. O uso de sistema de vácuo teria como vantagens aumentar a velocidade de formação de tecido de granulação, remover secreções da ferida, aumentar o fluxo sangüíneo local, e atrair as bordas da ferida ao centro, reduzindo suas dimensões. Apresentamos três casos de pacientes com diferentes feridas de difícil tratamento, devido a más condições locais ou a condições clínicas desfavoráveis, nos quais usamos um sistema de vácuo a fim de preparar a ferida para fechamento definitivo. Um deles apresentava úlcera de pressão, outro uma úlcera em pé diabético, e o terceiro um coto de amputação de pé com área cruenta. Nos três casos uma melhora importante das condições das feridas foi obtida em sete a oito dias, permitindo o tratamento cirúrgico bem sucedido com retalho ou enxertia de pele

    Utilização da técnica dos retalhos retangulares na correção de sindactilias congênitas da mão

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    The authors analysed a series of 22 patients undergoing surgical correction of congenital hand syndactyly by the rectangular flap technique. Using our evaluation method, we found that good functional and aesthetic results were obtained in 77.3% of the patients, with a complication rate of 13.6%. We concluded that the rectangular flap technique has a simple design, is easily reproducible by in-training staff, has good results, and can be applied on the majority of the syndactyly cases.A sindactilia é uma das mais frequentes deformidades congênitas da mão. Neste estudo, são analisados 22 pacientes submetidos a correção de sindactílias congênitas da mão, utilizando-se a técnica dos retalhos retangulares. Resultados considerados esteticamente e funcionalmente bons foram obtidos em 77,3% dos casos, e complicações ocorreram em 13,6%. A técnica mostrou ser de simples execução, e com resultados favoráveis, podendo ser aplicada na maioria dos casos de sindactílias da mão

    Degloving injuries of lower extremity: proposal of a treatment protocol

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    OBJETIVO: Apresentação e avaliação de protocolo para atendimento de pacientes com ferimentos descolantes dos membros inferiores através da retirada de enxerto de pele do tecido avulsionado e cobertura do leito cruento na fase aguda do trauma. MÉTODOS: Este estudo avaliou retrospectivamente os pacientes com ferimentos descolantes em membros inferiores, em que o tratamento realizado baseou-se em protocolo de atendimento para ferimentos descolantes utilizado em nosso serviço,com pacientes atendidos na Unidade de Emergência. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 21 pacientes. A etiologia do trauma foi atropelamento em 11 pacientes (52,4%) e acidente de motocicleta em 10 (47,6%). Os pacientes foram tratados conforme o protocolo apresentado a seguir: Os pacientes são inicialmente separados em instáveis e estáveis, conforme a condição hemodinâmica. Nos pacientes considerados instáveis (dois pacientes nesta casuística) realiza-se a retirada da pele e acondicionamento em banco de tecidos para enxertia posterior. Nospacientes considerados estáveis (19 pacientes) avalia-se a viabilidade do retalho através de parâmetros clínicos e do uso da fluoresceína. Se considerado viável, faz-se a sutura do retalho à posição original, e, se considerado inviável (todos os 19 pacientes), faz-se a ressecção e emagrecimento do tecido e realiza-se a enxertia da pele em malha com aplicação de curativo a vácuo sobre o enxerto. CONCLUSÃO: Os ferimentos descolantes devem ter seu atendimento padronizado a fim de se obter melhores resultados no tratamento e prevenir necrose da porção desenluvada e assim evitar nova área doadora para enxerto de pele.OBJECTIVE: Degloving injuries on the lowerextremities are often serious injuries. It is difficult to decide on the most appropriate treatment, whether flap repositioning and suturing or converting the avulsed flap tosplit-thickness skingrafting. METHODS: This study assessed patients with degloving injuries in lower extremities, reviewing the epidemiological profile and treatment performed. It is proposed a treatment protocol for management of those lower extremity avulsion injuries. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients were evaluated. The cause of trauma was running over in 11 patients (52,4%) and motorcycle accident in 10 (47,6%). All twenty-one patients had treatment with washing, debridement, resection of avulsed flap and converting the flap to split-thickness graft, in according with the following treatment protocol for management of those lower extremity avulsion injuries that came to our Emergency Unit: Patients were initially classified as unstable or stable (hemodynamically). In the unstable group (two patients),due to the patient condition, flap resection was performed and the skin kept in the tissue bank for later grafting. In the stable group (19 patients), flap viability was assessed using clinical parameters and fluorescein. If deemed viable the flap was sutured to its original position. If deemed unviable (all 19 patients), it was resected and converted to split-thickness skin and mesh grafting with vacuum-assisted device over the graft. CONCLUSION: In order to avoid flap necrosis and to add a new skin donor area is important to recognize the problem in the Emergency Room and to manage properly those injuries

    Tratamento cirúrgico do exoftalmo endócrino por remoção da gordura orbitária: experiência clínica

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    PURPOSE: To report a series of 73 patients with endocrine exophthalmos treated by removal of orbital fat using the transpalpebral approach during the period 1989 to 1999. METHODS: The operation was performed according to the technique described by Olivari. Aesthetic analysis was done preoperatively and postoperatively (more than 6 months after surgery). The number of complications was also observed. RESULTS: The average volume of resected fat was approximately 7.6 mL per orbit. No major complication was observed. In 9 patients with epiphora, all improved. One patient developed postoperative diplopia and 5 complained of temporary diplopia. Appearance improved in 62 patients (85%). CONCLUSION: Surgical removal of orbital fat associated with endocrine exophthalmos provides consistent improvement in appearance with a low rate of complications. Additional procedures may be indicated to improve the cosmetic outcome.OBJETIVO: Apresentamos uma série de 73 pacientes com exoftalmo endócrino tratados pela Divisão de Cirurgia Plástica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, através da remoção da gordura orbitária usando acesso transpalpebral, durante o período de 1989 a 1999. MÉTODOS: A avaliação foi realizada através de análise estética, no pré e no pós-operatório (maior do que seis meses). O número de complicações também foi mensurado. Nove pacientes apresentaram epífora, todos com melhora espontânea. Um paciente desenvolveu diplopia no pós-operatório, e cinco apresentaram diplopia temporária. A aparência melhorou em 62 pacientes (85%). Uma retroposição média de 2,74 mm foi observada, apesar de o método não ser mais considerado relevante para avaliação de exoftalmo. CONCLUSÃO: Esta abordagem, ainda não usada rotineiramente no Brasil, constitui uma nova via de acesso para o tratamento do exoftalmo endócrino. Os resultados foram consistentes, com baixo índice de complicações. Outros procedimentos devem sempre ser realizados, visando à melhora dos resultados estéticos

    NASA Crew Launch Vehicle Flight Test Options

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    Options for development flight testing (DFT) of the Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV) are discussed. The Ares-I Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV) is being developed by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to launch the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) into low Earth Orbit (LEO). The Ares-I implements one of the components of the Vision for Space Exploration (VSE), providing crew and cargo access to the International Space Station (ISS) after retirement of the Space Shuttle and, eventually, forming part of the launch capability needed for lunar exploration. The role of development flight testing is to demonstrate key sub-systems, address key technical risks, and provide flight data to validate engineering models in representative flight environments. This is distinguished from certification flight testing, which is designed to formally validate system functionality and achieve flight readiness. Lessons learned from Saturn V, Space Shuttle, and other flight programs are examined along with key Ares-I technical risks in order to provide insight into possible development flight test strategies. A strategy for the first test flight of the Ares I, known as Ares I-1, is presented

    Efeito da oxigenioterapia hiperbárica na regeneração de lesões experimentais de nervos

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    O oxigênio hiperbárico exerce efeitos comprovadamente benéficos no tratamento de lesões isquêmicas agudas de partes moles e em feridas de difícil cicatrização. Nas lesões neurais por esmagamento, os mecanismos fisiopatológicos assemelham-se aos efeitos dependentes da isquemia tissular. Portanto, a terapia com oxigênio hiperbárico teria participação nos processos de reparação neural, que constitui um dos pontos críticos para a recuperação funcional após as lesões por esmagamento de nervos periféricos. Neste estudo, foram realizadas lesões por esmagamento em nervo ciático de ratos, submetidos à terapia com oxigênio hiperbárico no pós-operatório. Os resultados foram quantificados através de avaliação funcional pelo método de "walking-track analysis". Os índices de recuperação funcional observados não diferiram dos observados no grupo controle. Portanto, verificou-se que a terapia com oxigênio hiperbárico, no esquema proposto, não teve influência na recuperação funcional após lesões neurais por esmagamento.Hyperbaric oxygen has been successfully used on treatment of acute ischemic injuries involving soft tissues and chronic injuries. In nerve crush injuries, the mechanisms involved are very similar to those found in ischemic injuries. Consequently, it is logical to hypothesize that hyperbaric oxygen should improve nerve repair, which is a critical step on functional recovery. In the present study, we created standard nerve crush injuries on sciatic nerves of rats, which underwent treatment with hyperbaric oxygen. Results were assessed by functional evaluation using walking-track analysis. The functional recovery indexes observed did not differ from control group. We concluded that hyperbaric oxygen therapy, in the schedule used, had no influence on functional recovery after nerve crush injuries

    Development of an experimental model of degloving injury in rats

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Os ferimentos descolantes de membros inferiores geralmente se caracterizam como lesões graves e apresentam dificuldades na decisão quanto ao tratamento cirúrgico mais adequado a ser instituído, se reposicionamento do retalho avulsionado ao leito da ferida ou ressecção do retalho, seguido de seu adelgaçamento e enxertia de pele. O propósito deste estudo foi desenvolver um modelo experimental de avulsão de retalhos cutâneos em membros inferiores de ratos e observar a viabilidade do retalho após seu reposicionamento ao leito de origem, com a finalidade de melhor estudar as alterações relacionadas ao ferimento e de testar modalidades terapêuticas em retalhos avulsionados. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 90 ratos Wistar machos, subdivididos em 4 grupos experimentais. Foi delineado um modelo de avulsão de retalhos no membro inferior do rato, baseado em 4 pedículos diferentes: pedículo de fluxo proximal (G1), pedículo de fluxo distal (G2), pedículo de fluxo lateral (G3) e pedículo de fluxo medial (G4). RESULTADOS: A comparação entre as médias de área de necrose do retalho desenluvado evidenciou diferença estatística significativa entre os 4 grupos estudados (P < 0,0001). CONCLUSÕES: O grupo com pedículo de fluxo distal (G2) apresentou maior área de necrose em relação à área total do retalho, sendo o mais adequado para testar agentes terapêuticos no retalho avulsionado

    Inter-domain dynamics in the chaperone SurA and multi-site binding to its outer membrane protein clients

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    The periplasmic chaperone SurA plays a key role in outer membrane protein (OMP) biogenesis. E. coli SurA comprises a core domain and two peptidylprolyl isomerase domains (P1 and P2), but its mechanisms of client binding and chaperone function have remained unclear. Here, we use chemical cross-linking, hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, single-molecule FRET and molecular dynamics simulations to map the client binding site(s) on SurA and interrogate the role of conformational dynamics in OMP recognition. We demonstrate that SurA samples an array of conformations in solution in which P2 primarily lies closer to the core/P1 domains than suggested in the SurA crystal structure. OMP binding sites are located primarily in the core domain, and OMP binding results in conformational changes between the core/P1 domains. Together, the results suggest that unfolded OMP substrates bind in a cradle formed between the SurA domains, with structural flexibility between domains assisting OMP recognition, binding and release

    Integrated System Test Approaches for the NASA Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle

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    The Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV) is being developed by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to provide crew access to the International Space Station (ISS) and, together with the Ares V Cargo Launch Vehicle (CaLV), serves as one component of a future launch capability for human exploration of the Moon. During the system requirements definition process and early design cycles, NASA defined and began implementing plans for integrated ground and flight testing necessary to achieve the first human launch of Ares I. The individual Ares I flight hardware elements: the first stage five segment booster (FSB), upper stage, and J-2X upper stage engine, will undergo extensive development, qualification, and certification testing prior to flight. Key integrated system tests include the Main Propulsion Test Article (MPTA), acceptance tests of the integrated upper stage and upper stage engine assembly, a full-scale integrated vehicle dynamic test (IVDT), aerodynamic testing to characterize vehicle performance, and integrated testing of the avionics and software components. The Ares I-X development flight test will provide flight data to validate engineering models for aerodynamic performance, stage separation, structural dynamic performance, and control system functionality. The Ares I-Y flight test will validate ascent performance of the first stage, stage separation functionality, and a highaltitude actuation of the launch abort system (LAS) following separation. The Orion-1 flight test will be conducted as a full, un-crewed, operational flight test through the entire ascent flight profile prior to the first crewed launch

    Ventral Hernia Repairs: 10 year Single Institution Review at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

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    Abstract Background Definitive repair of recurrent ventral hernias using abdominal wall reconstruction techniques is an essential tool in the armentarium for general and plastic surgeons. Ramirez 1 et al describes the “component separation” technique to mobilize the rectus-abdominus internal oblique and external oblique flap to correct the defect. The recurrence rate of incisional hernias increases to 20% after gastric bypass or extensive weight loss.2 The incidence of ventral hernias after failed recurrent hernia repair increases to 40%.3 It has been reported that utilizing the sliding myofascial flap repair technique, the recurrence rate was reduced to 8.5%.4 Materials and Methods This retrospective institutional study reviews 10 years of myofascial flap reconstruction 1996-2006 at TJUH. Several techniques and prosthetic materials (alloderm, permacol, vicryl, composix) were used in our institutional review by multiple surgeons in this time period. Our goal is to identify risk factors (i.e. smoking, diabetes, obesity, size of defect, peripheral vascular disease, enterocutaneous fistula, infection) that predict or categorize patients that are at increased risk for failure of primary repair, measure the complication rates (i.e. infection, recurrence, seroma, hematoma) and evaluate the techniques and long term effectiveness of several prosthetic materials. Results Three thousand twenty ventral hernia repairs were performed at TJUH between 1996 and 2006. Two thousand three hundred eighty three approximated the rectus abdominus primarily and of these 645 utilized a component separation technique. The recurrence rate for component separations was 18.5% and 83% for primary repairs. The average follow up was 5.49 years. Statistically significant risk factors (p\u3c0.05) for recurrence were obesity (BMI\u3e30 kg/m2), age\u3e65 years, male gender, preoperative infection and postoperative seroma. Conclusion Myofascial flaps are a safe, reliable therapy for recurrent ventral hernias that addresses the population of patients that have failed conventional primary closure and reduce the recurrence rates greater than 40 percent to 18.5 percent in the carefully selected patient population