2,855 research outputs found
Alternatives for establishing a surgical airway during the COVID-19 pandemic
Currently doctors and health professionals are facing a challenging pandemic caused by a new strain called 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Human infection with COVID-19 does not yet have the clinical spectrum fully described, and the pattern of lethality, mortality, infectivity and transmissibility is not known with precision. There is no specific vaccine or medication available. Treatment is supportive and nonspecific. In Brazil, as in the rest of the world, the number of COVID-19 cases has grown alarmingly, leading to an increase in the number of hospitalizations as well as in mortality from the disease. Currently, the states with the highest number of cases are, respectively, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Distrito Federal and Ceará. The objective of this work is to offer alternatives in order to guide surgeons regarding the surgical management of the airways in patients with suspicion and / or confirmation for COVID-19 infection
Alternativas para o estabelecimento de via aérea cirúrgica durante a pandemia de COVID-19
RESUMO Atualmente médicos e profissionais da saúde encontram-se frente a uma pandemia desafiadora causada por uma nova cepa denominada 2019 Novel Coronavírus (COVID-19). A infecção humana pelo COVID-19 ainda não tem o espectro clínico completamente descrito, bem como não se sabe com precisão o padrão de letalidade, mortalidade, infectividade e transmissibilidade. Não há vacina ou medicamento específico disponível. O tratamento é de suporte e inespecífico. No Brasil, assim como no restante do mundo o número de casos de COVID-19 tem crescido de maneira alarmante levando a um aumento do número de internações assim como da mortalidade pela doença. Atualmente os estados com maior número de casos são, respectivamente, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Distrito Federal e Ceará. O objetivo deste trabalho é oferecer alternativas a fim de orientar cirurgiões quanto ao manejo cirúrgico das vias aéreas em pacientes com suspeita e/ou confirmação para infecção pelo COVID-19
The trauma and acute care surgeon in the COVID-19 pandemic era
The World Health Organization recognized in March 2020 the existence of a pandemic for the new coronavirus that appeared in China, in late 2019, and whose disease was named COVID-19. In this context, the SBAIT (Brazilian Society of Integrated Care for Traumatized Patients) conducted a survey with 219 trauma and emergency surgeons regarding the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the role of the surgeon in this pandemic by means of an electronic survey. It was observed that surgeons have been acting under inadequate conditions, with a lack of basic supplies as well as more specific equipment such as N95 masks and facial shields for the care of potential victims who may be contaminated. The latter increases the risk of contamination of professionals, resulting in potential losses in the working teams. Immediate measures must be taken to guarantee access to safety equipment throughout the country, since all trauma victims and/or patients with emergency surgical conditions must be treated as potential carriers of COVID-19
Nutritive value and condensed tannins of tree legumes in silvopasture systems
Introducing legumes into C4-dominated tropical pastures, may enhance their sustainability but has some pasture management constraints. One potential alternative is using arboreal legumes, but several of these species have relatively high condensed tannin (CT) concentrations, which negatively impact forage quality. There is limited knowledge, however, on how arboreal legume leaf CT content varies over the year and how this might impact forage quality. The objective of this 2 year study was to assess the seasonal variation of CT and nutritive value for ruminants of the tropical tree legumes gliricidia [Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex. Walp.] and mimosa (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth). The research was carried out in the sub-humid tropical region of Brazil on well-established pastures in which either legume was present with signalgrass (Urochloa decumbens Stapf.). We determined CT and nitrogen concentrations, in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM), and leaf δ13C and δ15N from January to October of 2017 and 2018. All parameters were afected (P< 0.05) by the interaction between legume species and sampling time, with generally higher leaf CT content for mimosa than gliricidia, and both were reduced at the start of the dry season, although much more drastically for mimosa. The IVDOM was strongly afected by CT content and increased at the start of the dry season, coincidentally when C4 grass forage quality typically decreased. There is a marked species efect, with CT from gliricidia impacting IVDOM more than the same CT content from mimosa. While N concentration from mimosa also increased at the start of the dry season, that for gliricidia did not vary over the year. We conclude that although these arboreal legumes have relatively high CT contents, these reduce during the dry season when CT concentrations coinciding with a reduced forage quality as the protein content for C4 grasses is usually inadequate in this season.Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement - CAPES; National Council for Scientifc and Technological Development - CNPq; Pernambuco Research Foundation - FACEPEinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Photoelastic analysis of conventional and locking system for treatment of mandibular angle fractures with a single plate
This photoelastic analysis evaluated stress distribution in different osteosynthesis systems, conventional and locking, used for treatment of mandibular angle fractures with a single plate. Angle fractures were simulated in mandibles made of photoelasti
Soil Co 2 Emission Of Sugarcane Fields As Affected By Topography
The spatial and temporal variation of soil CO 2 emission is influenced by several soil attributes related to CO 2 production and its diffusion in the soil. However, few studies aiming to understand the effect of topography on the variability of CO 2 emissions exist, especially for cropping areas of tropical regions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial and temporal changes of soil CO 2 emission and its relation to soil attributes in an area currently cropped with sugarcane under different relief forms and slope positions. Mean CO 2 emissions in the studied period (seven months) varied between 0.23 and 0.71, 0.27 and 0.90, and 0.31 and 0.80 g m -2 h -1 of CO 2 for concave (Cone), backslope (BackS) and footslope (FootS) positions, respectively. The temporal variability of CO 2 emissions in each area was explained by an exponential relation between the CO 2 emission and soil temperature and a linear relation between CO 2 emission and soil water content. The Q 10 values were 1.98 (± 0.34), 1.81 (± 0.49) and 1.71 (± 0.31) for Conc, BackS and FootS, respectively. Bulk density, macroporosity, penetration resistance, aggregation and oxidizable organic carbon content explain the changes in soil CO 2 emission observed, especially when the Cone position was compared to BackS. The effect of relief form and topographic position on soil CO 2 emission variation was dependent on the time of measurement.6617783ALVENÄS, G., JANSSON, P.E., Model for evaporation, moisture and temperature of bare soil: Calibration and sensitivity analysis (1997) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 88, pp. 47-56BERNOUX, M., CARVALHO, M.C.S., VOLKOFF, B., CERRI, C.C., CO 2 emission from mineral soils following land-cover change in Brazil (2001) Global Change Biology, 7, pp. 779-787BERNOUX, M., CARVALHO, M.C.S., VOLKOFF, B., CERRI, C.C., Brazil's soil carbon stocks (2002) Soil Science Society of America Journal, 66, pp. 888-896CAMPOS, D.C., (2003) Potencialidade do sistema de colheita sem queima da cana-de-açúcar para o seqüestro de carbono, , Piracicaba: USP/ESALQ, 103p, Doutorado(2007) Acompanhamento da safra brasileira de cana-de-açúcar, , http://www.conab.gov.br/conabweb/download/safra/3-levantamento0708-nov2007.pdf, COMPANHIA NACIONAL DE ABASTECIMENTO, CONAB, safra, terceiro levantamento, novembro/. 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Alternativas para o estabelecimento de via aérea cirúrgica durante a pandemia de COVID-19
Atualmente médicos e profissionais da saúde encontram-se frente a uma pandemia desafiadora causada por uma nova cepa denominada 2019 Novel Coronavírus (COVID-19). A infecção humana pelo COVID-19 ainda não tem o espectro clínico completamente descrito, bem como não se sabe com precisão o padrão de letalidade, mortalidade, infectividade e transmissibilidade. Não há vacina ou medicamento específico disponível. O tratamento é de suporte e inespecífico. No Brasil, assim como no restante do mundo o número de casos de COVID-19 tem crescido de maneira alarmante levando a um aumento do número de internações assim como da mortalidade pela doença. Atualmente os estados com maior número de casos são, respectivamente, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Distrito Federal e Ceará. O objetivo deste trabalho é oferecer alternativas a fim de orientar cirurgiões quanto ao manejo cirúrgico das vias aéreas em pacientes com suspeita e/ou confirmação para infecção pelo COVID-19
Reconstrução do padrão e estilo de deglaciação da Geleira Professor, Ilha Rei George, Shetlands do Sul, Antártica
This paper presents the application of glacial geomorphological maps for reconstructing the pattern and style of deglaciation of Professor Glacier, located at King George, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. The geomorphological maps were compiled from aerial photographs and multitemporal satellite images, and were based on topographic profiles derived from a Digital Elevation Model. In these maps several glacial features were identified, such as moraines, meltwater channels and a U-shaped valley. The mapped data indicated that Professor Glacier area, with 0.91 km2 in 2006, showed a total loss of 0.50 km² since 1979, without frontal position advance during this period. The frontal retreat exposed the local environment and makes it susceptible to rapid post-depositional changes. The study may lead to a better understanding of glacial and periglacial processes linked to glacier geomorphology and more specifically to that from Professor Glacier. Moreover, the geomorphological maps produced can be used for monitoring local environmental changes.Key words: glacial reconstruction, proglacial geomorphology, Professor Glacier, King George Island.Este artigo utiliza mapas geomorfológicos glaciais, na reconstrução do padrão e estilo de deglaciação da geleira Professor, localizada na ilha King George, ilhas Shetland do Sul, Antártica. Os mapas geomorfológicos foram elaborados a partir de fotografias aéreas e imagens de satélite multitemporais, além de perfis do terreno derivados de levantamento topográfico. Foram identificadas várias feições glaciais, como morainas, canais de água de degelo e vales em forma de U. Os dados mapeados indicam que a área da geleira Professor, de 0,91 km² em 2006, apresentou uma perda total de 0,50 km² desde 1979, sem que houvesse avanço da sua posição frontal no período. Com o processo de retração parte da paisagem foi exposta e sujeita às alterações ambientais. O presente estudo contribui para um melhor entendimento dos processos glaciais e periglaciais em geral e, mais especificamente, com aqueles relacionados com a geomorfologia da geleira Professor. Além disto, os mapas geomofológicos produzidos podem ser úteis no monitoramento de mudanças locais.Palavras-chave: reconstrução glacial, geomorfologia proglacial, geleira Professor, ilha Rei George
O cirurgião de trauma e emergência na era da pandemia de COVID-19
A Organização Mundial de Saúde reconheceu a partir de março de 2020 a existência de uma pandemia do novo coronavírus que surgiu na China no final de 2019, e cuja doença foi denominada COVID-19. Neste contexto, a SBAIT (Sociedade Brasileira de Atendimento Integrado ao Traumatizado) realizou pesquisa com 219 cirurgiões de Trauma e de Urgências e Emergências a respeito de disponibilidade de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI) e do papel do cirurgião nesta pandemia, por meio de formulário eletrônico. Observou-se que os cirurgiões vêm atuando em condições inadequadas, com falta de insumos básicos assim como equipamentos mais específicos, como máscaras N95 e protetores faciais, para a atenção de potenciais vítimas que estejam contaminadas. Isso eleva o risco de contaminação dos profissionais e causa decorrentes baixas na força de trabalho. Medidas imediatas devem ser adotadas para garantir o acesso aos equipamentos de segurança em todo país uma vez que, todos os pacientes vítimas de trauma e/ou portadores de doenças cirúrgicas de urgência devem ser tratados como potenciais portadores do COVID-19
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