2,322 research outputs found

    Spatially resolved optical and near infrared spectroscopy of I Zw 18

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    For a long time, I Zw 18 has been recognized as the lowest abundance extra-galactic HII region (with the possible recent exception of SBS 0335-052; Izotov 1989). As such, it is important for many studies, including the determination of the primordial helium abundance. Recent imaging studies of I Zw 18 have revealed a more complex structure to I Zw 18 than the simple two-component model previously assumed. This has given rise to concern about the reliability of chemical abundance measurements derived for I Zw 18. Researchers have obtained long-slit spectra covering the wavelength range lambda 3650 to lambda 10,000, which allow us to measure physical parameters and chemical abundances as a function of position. With these new data we can investigate the SE component, which has not been studied previously, and we can address some of the concerns about abundance uncertainties

    from Notes 2

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    A Labor Lawyer\u27s Guide to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990*

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    On July 26, 1990, in a joyous ceremony on the south lawn of the White House, President George Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 lx into la

    Commissioning, Composing, and Conducting Contemporary Pedagogical Orchestra Music

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    Over the past two years, the University of Oregon Campus Orchestra has commissioned and premiered four new works involving aleatoricism, graphic notation, atonality, and extended techniques. For many of the musicians in this ensemble, which is pedagogically based and open to students from all academic disciplines, these pieces were their first exposure to contemporary compositional techniques. It is essential to provide pedagogical ensembles with new works that both challenge and excite students about contemporary music. Numerous pedagogical advantages result from studying new work, including the focus on color and timbre, the experience of collaborating with a composer, and the expansion of the musicians’ definition of music. In this presentation, we draw from our personal experiences conducting and composing for the UO Campus Orchestra to demonstrate the importance of creating a body of musically engaging contemporary works for pedagogical ensembles, and of introducing such works to these ensembles. We will focus on the collaborative process between conductor, composer, and ensemble, and the challenges faced when approaching this type of ensemble. To do so, we explore two of the pieces commissioned and performed by the UO Campus Orchestra: Cara Haxo’s Out of stone (2016), and Martín Quiroga’s A Quaint Snowfall (2016). We provide suggestions for both conductors and composers who are interested in incorporating contemporary techniques in hopes of encouraging more pedagogical ensembles to commission contemporary compositions. While this presentation is geared towards composing for orchestra, the concepts can easily be applied to the band, choir, chamber, and solo medium as well

    An Exploration of Strategy-Based Reading Instruction Using Expository Science Texts in the Elementary Grades

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    This qualitative exploration was designed to examine strategy-based reading instruction using science expository text in grades 2-5. This study centered on case studies of six elementary teachers and how they used reading strategies during science instruction. Findings revealed that although the teachers’ use of expository text was limited, teachers utilized particular reading strategies that extended and elaborated the students’ oral discussions during science instruction. The classroom conversations about science topics extended the students’ background knowledge of the science concepts that related to science expository text materials in grades 2-5. Further research could include alignment of reading strategy instruction with science instruction using print materials that are matched with the students’ instructional reading levels. Key words: Expository Text; Reading; Classroom Teacher; Comprehension; Strategie

    Small Business E-Commerce Adoption througha Qualitative Lens: Theory and Observations

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    Using approaches consistent with the qualitative research tradition, the authors attempt to understand the motivation behind small business adoption and exploitation of e-commerce. A theoretically grounded model of e-commerce deployment by small businesses owners is presented, which can best be explained by two theoretical lines: an economic evolutionary perspective and a sociological institutional perspective. Further, our findings suggest a tie between owner characteristics, dispositions, traits, and the level of e-commerce integration achieved. We contend that understanding the drivers of e-commerce adoption, policy makers and other help agencies can tailor programs to assist firms with integrating and exploiting e-commerce in a cost effective manner

    Environmental Injustice: Examining How The New York Times Frames the Flint Water Crisis

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    Perceived as one of the current environmental controversies in the United States, the Flint water crisis represents a case of environmental injustice and has attracted public attention and scrutiny. Among mainstream news media outlets, The New York Times is the newspaper that has intensively published news stories addressing the issue. Using qualitative frame analysis as the method, the researchers examined the way in which The New York Times framed the Flint water crisis from when a federal state of emergency was declared in 2016 to the one-year anniversary of this declaration. Examining how the Flint water crisis is framed in a mainstream United States national newspaper is valuable, especially during major national environmental disasters, with holding public officials and government(s) accountable. The researchers found that the newspaper employed four major frames in its coverage: causes and effects, responsibility, remedial efforts, and health crisis. The significance of this research expands and contributes to timely and germane scholarship on coverage and framing of environmental injustice in the print news media. However, a small sample size (N = 29) is one of the limitations of this study

    Spatial distribution of land type in regression models of pollutant loading

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    This paper proposes a method to improve landscape-pollution interaction regression models through the inclusion of a variable that describes the spatial distribution of a land type with respect to the pattern of runoff within a drainage catchment. The proposed index is used as an independent variable to enhance the strength, as quantified by R² values, of regression relationships between empirical observations of in-stream pollutant concentrations and land type by considering the spatial distribution of key land-type categories within the sample point’s drainage area. We present an index that adds a new dimension of explanatory power when used in conjunction with a variable describing the proportion of the land type. We demonstrate the usefulness of this index by exploring the relationship between nitrate ( - 3 NO ) and land type within 40 drainage sub-catchments in the Ipswich River watershed, Massachusetts. Nutrient loads associated with non-point source pollution paths are related to land type within the up-stream drainage catchments of sample sites. Past studies have focused on the quantity of particular land type within a sample point’s drainage catchment. Quantifying the spatial distribution of key land-type categories in terms of location on a runoff surface can improve our understanding of the relationship between sampled - 3 NO concentrations and land type. Regressions that employ the proportion of residential and agricultural land type within catchments provide a fair fit (R² = 0.67). However, we find that a regression adding a variable that indicates the spatial distribution of residential land improves the overall relationship between instream - 3 NO measurements and associated land types (R² = 0.712). We test the sensitivity of the results with respect to variations in the surface definition in order to determine the conditions under which the spatial index variable is useful
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