404 research outputs found

    Random Thoughts on Government

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    Environmental Law -- Private Remedies for Pollution of Navigable Waters

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    Electrophysiological and Electrolyte Changes in Frog Striated Muscle After Irradiation

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    Introduction: Abbreviated In the present work, evidence is presented that radiation injury in excised frog muscle may be very early reflected in a loss of membrane potential which occurs at loci more or less randomly distributed over the fibers available for impalement; i.e., the superficially located fibers. The number and severity of these electrical lesions increase with time and with dose and appear to be strongly influenced also by the temperature of the surroundings. Concurrently, potassium leakage is presumably occurring at these lesions, for in time a net loss of K can be demonstrated by gross analysis of the muscle bath and/or ash. At this time, or shortly thereafter, visible changes are initiated at sites which, according to the evidence presented, correspond largely with the loci of the original electrical lesions. This visible fiber alteration leads to a histological condition similar to that commonly seen in many kinds of muscle injuries and diseases and known as Zenker\u27s waxy or hyaline degeneration, just as described by previous workers for mammalian muscle heavily irradiated in the intact animal. This pattern of events is not uniquely confined to radiation effects but appears to be of some general significance

    Relative biological effectiveness of fast neutrons compared with X-rays: Prenatal mortality in the mouse

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    The effects of fission neutrons and of X-rays on the mouse zygote are discussed. Seven-week-old virgin mice were allowed a 12-hour mating opportunity beginning at 7:00 P.M. Between 1:30 and 4:00 P.M., except where indicated otherwise, the females which had mated (vaginal plug) during the night were either irradiated or sham-irradiated. At the time of irradiation the zygotes were in a pronuclear stage. Sixteen days later the mice were killed and the uteri dissected. The number of dead embryos, live embryos, and gross anomalies were determined. Dead embryos were classified as to stage of development

    The ORNL Space Biology Program Annual report, period ending 30 Jun. 1965

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    High energy proton irradiation on mammalian systems and effects on cataractagenesis, lifespan, and acute lethalit

    An improved microtiter assay for evaluating anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies from sera or plasma

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    BACKGROUND: The anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibody assay is widely used in AIDS vaccine research and other experimental and clinical studies. The vital dye staining method applied in the detection of anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibody has been used in many laboratories. However, the unknown factor(s) in sera or plasma affected cell growth and caused protection when the tested sera or plasma was continuously maintained in cell culture. In addition, the poor solubility of neutral red in medium (such as RPMI-1640) also limited the use of this assay. METHODS: In this study, human T cell line C8166 was used as host cells, and 3-(4,5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) instead of neutral red was used as vital dye. In order to avoid the effect of the unknown factor(s), the tested sera or plasma was removed by a washout procedure after initial 3–6 h culture in the assay. RESULT: This new assay eliminated the effect of the tested sera or plasma on cell growth, improved the reliability of detection of anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibody, and showed excellent agreement with the p24 antigen method. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the improved assay is relatively simple, highly duplicable, cost-effective, and well reliable for evaluating anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies from sera or plasma

    New CHARMM force field parameters for dehydrated amino acid residues, the key to lantibiotic molecular dynamics simulations

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    Lantibiotics are an important class of naturally occurring antimicrobial peptides containing unusual dehydrated amino acid residues. In order to enable molecular dynamics simulations of lantibiotics, we have developed empirical force field parameters for dehydroalanine and dehydrobutyrine, which are compatible with the CHARMM all-atom force field. The parameters reproduce the geometries and energy barriers from MP2/6-31G*//MP2/cc-pVTZ quantum chemistry calculations. Experimental, predicted and calculated NMR chemical shifts for the amino protons and alpha-, beta- and carbonyl carbon atoms of the dehydrated residues are consistent with a significant charge redistribution. The new parameters are used to perform the first molecular dynamics simulations of nisin, a widely used but poorly understood lantibiotic, in an aqueous environment and in a phospholipid bilayer. The simulations show surface association of the peptide with membranes in agreement with solid state NMR data and formation of beta-turns in agreement with solution NMR