6,011 research outputs found

    Utilizing UAS to Support Wildlife Hazard Management Efforts by Airport Operators

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    Wildlife strikes to aviation are a serious economic and safety concern. The purpose of our study is to investigate the implementation of the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) technologies into the airport environment as a tool to identify hazardous wildlife and their habitats. A Qualified Airport Wildlife Biologist (QAWB) can use data collected using the UAS while completing a Wildlife Hazard Assessments (WHA). A WHA provides the empirical framework for the development of an effective Wildlife Hazard Management Plan by the airport operator. A QAWB has helped our team with the development of new data collection methods as well as the identification of species throughout our entire project. Our team has used the DJI Matrice 210 with a Zenmuse X5S camera to collect data. Data has been collected at COE Field (8FA4), a private use, Class G airport. Different strategies to mitigate the risks associated with manned air traffic and remote-controlled aircraft (RCA) were implemented in our study. For example, all team members are properly rated to act as a Remote Pilot in Command (RPIC) of the UAS. Our research findings suggest that UAS could help with the effectiveness of the completion of the WHA by: 1. Reducing the labor, personnel, and time needed to accomplish most WHA tasks. 2. Identifying the location of wildlife activities as well as features that have attracted or have the potential to attract hazardous wildlife species to the airport jurisdiction. 3. Collecting data in areas that are inaccessible or difficult to access and/or observe by ground-based means. 4. Obtaining information of different habitats and wildlife species simultaneously. 5. Allowing the QAWB to not have to traverse difficult terrain

    Domain-wall profile in the presence of anisotropic exchange interactions: Effective on-site anisotropy

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    Starting from a D-dimensional XXZ ferromagnetic Heisenberg model in an hypercubic lattice, it is demonstrated that the anisotropy in the exchange coupling constant leads to a D-dependent effective on-site anisotropy interaction often ignored for D>1. As a result the effective width of the wall depends on the dimensionality of the system. It is shown that the effective one-dimensional Hamiltonian is not the one-dimensional XXZ version as assumed in previous theoretical work. We derive a new expression for the wall profile that generalizes the standard Landau-Lifshitz form. Our results are found to be in very good agreement with earlier numerical work using the Monte Carlo method. Preceding theories concerning the domain wall contribution to magnetoresistance have considered the role of D only through the modification of the density of states in the electronic band structure. This Brief Report reveals that the wall profile itself contains an additional D dependence for the case of anisotropic exchange interactions.Comment: 4 pages; new title and abstract; 1 figure comparing our results with earlier numerical work; a more general model containing the usual on-site anisotropy; new remarks and references on the following two topics: (a) experimental evidence for the existence of spin exchange anisotropy, and (b) preceding theories concerning the domain wall contribution to magnetoresistance; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Utilizing UAS to Support Wildlife Hazard Management Efforts by Airport Operators

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    Purpose of our Study: To investigate how UAS technologies could be safely and effectively applied to identify hazardous wildlife species to aviation operations as well as potential wildlife hazard attractants within the airport jurisdiction

    Magnetic Bio-Derivatives: Preparation and Their Uses in Biotechnology

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    In this chapter, the authors will show different proposals of magnetic bio-derivatives and its applicability in biotechnology. The historical context of immobilized enzymes, as well as highlighting the main advantages and disadvantages of each, will be mentioned. Besides, iron oxides and composite materials will be presented as support for biomolecules immobilization. Composites are effortlessly prepared including many materials capable of providing advantages to the magnetic derivatives. Enzymes covalently linked to these magnetic particles combine their catalytic properties with reaction specificity, reusability, and possible reactor construction. In addition, proteins can also be purified by these magnetic composites containing specific ligands allowing reactors and reuses too. Some characterization techniques used to study the magnetic material and derivative immobilized will be described as well. Altogether, an engaging presentation about the interesting features of magnetic bio-derivatives will highlight their uses in biotechnology field as well as in others

    Directrices para una política sostenible del agua

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    [ES] Este artículo revisa, a la luz de la Directiva Marco del Agua (DMA) y de las conclusiones de las reuniones internacionales ligadas al agua celebradas en los últimos años, las directrices que debe seguir una política sostenible del agua. Al tiempo tiene vocación de sintetizar los artículos que completan el presente monográfico. Algunas de nuestras valoraciones están más desarrolladas en los artículos que siguen. Con todos guarda una buena sintonía. Por ello, lo más singular de esta contribución, es la valoración de alguna característica relevante de la política española que, posteriormente, es comparada con las directrices identificadas. El resultado es un conjunto de reflexiones personales cuyo objetivo es contribuir a encontrar la senda de la sostenibilidad. Dada la complejidad del tema y la multiplicidad de ángulos que el análisis admite, el texto, sin duda, puede animar el debate que hoy se echa en falta. Conviene decir, para concluir, que aún cuando las más de las reflexiones se reCabrera, E.; Roldan Cañas, J.; Cabrera Jr., E.; Cobacho, R. (2003). Directrices para una política sostenible del agua. Ingeniería del agua. 10(3):245-257. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2003.2584OJS245257103ASCE Task Committee on Hydraulic Engineering Research Advocacy, 1996. Environmental hydraulics: new research directions for the 21st century. Journal of Hydrualic Engineering. ASCE. April 1.996. pp 180 - 183.Barraqué B., 2003. La nueva política del agua en Europa, tras la Directiva Marco del Agua. Ingeniería del Agua, volumen 10 nº 3. Septiembre 2003BOE, (Boletín Oficial del Estado) 2001. Ley de Aguas. Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2001de 20 de Julio. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Madrid.Bogardi J.J. y Szollosi-Nagi A., 2003. Las Políticas del Agua en el Siglo XXI. Una revisión tras la cumbre de Johannesburgo. Ingeniería del Agua, volumen 10 nº 3. Septiembre 2003Bonnnin J., 1.984. L'eau dans l'antiqueté. L'hydraulique avant notre ère. Collection de la Direction des Etudes et Recherches d'Electricite de France. Editions Eyrolles. Paris. 1.984Burgi P.H. (1.998). Change in Emphasis for Hydraulic Research at Bureau of Reclamation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, July 1.998, pp 658 - 661CMMAD (Comisión Mundial del Medio Ambiente y del Desarrollo), 1988. Nuestro Futuro Común. Editorial Alianza. Madrid, 1988,1989, 1992COICCP, (Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos), 1975. Política hidráulica. Misión social de los riegos. Publicación póstuma de los discursos de Joaquín Costa. Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. Madrid. 1.975Corominas J., 2000. El papel económico de las aguas subterráneas en Andalucía. Fundación Marcelino Botín. Madrid.Davis C.V., Sorensen K.E. (1.965). Handbook of applied hydraulics, 3ª edition. Mac Graw Hill, New York, 1.965.Garbrecht G., 1987. "Hydrologic and hydraulic concepts in antiquity". Hydraulics and Hydraulic Research. An Historical Review, pp 1 - 22, Publicado por la IAHR y editado por Günter Garbrecht. Balkema. Rotterdam. Holanda.Gleick P.H., 2003 a. On the need for a National Water Commission for the 21st century. Pacific Institute. Oakland. California. USA. www.pacinst.orgGleick P.H., 2003 b. Hearing: Water: Is it the 'Oil? Of the 21st century. Pacific Institute. Oakland. California. USA. www.pacinst.orgGriegg N.S., 1.986. "Urban Water Infraestructure. Planning, Management and Operations". John Wiley & Sons. New York, 1.986GWP (Global Water Partnership), 2002. Dialogue on Effective Water Governance. Global Water Partnership, GWP Secretariat. Stockholm. Sweden. IAHR (International Association of Hydraulic Research), 1.987"Hydraulics and Hydraulic Research. An Historical Review" Publicado por la IAHR y editado por Günter Garbrecht. Balkema. Rotterdam. Holanda.IAHR (International Association of Hydraulic and Engineering Research), 2003. Newsletter 4, Volume 20/2003(Supplement to JHR - Vol 41 - n 4). IAHR Secretariat. Madrid.Kennedy J.F., 1987. "Hydraulic trends towards the year 2.000". Hydraulics and Hydraulic Research. An Historical Review, pp 357 - 362. Publicado por la IAHR y editado por Günter Garbrecht. Balkema. Rotterdam. Holanda.Llamas R., 1997. Declaración y financiación de obras de interés general, mercado del agua, aguas subterráneas, planificación hidrológica. Ingeniería del Agua, Volumen 4, número 3, páginas 33-44, Septiembre 1997Mataix, C., 1975. "Mturbomáquinas hidrúlicas". Editorial ICAI. Madrid. 1.975.Massarutto A., 2003. El precio del agua: ¿herramienta básica para una política sostenible del agua?. Ingeniería del Agua, volumen 10 nº 3. Septiembre 2003Mehan G.T., 2003. Water Challenges in the 21st century. EWRI 2003, World Water and Environmental Congress, ASCE, Filadelfia, Junio 2003Merkel, W. 2003. El Futuro de la Industria de Agua en el mundo. Ingeniería del Agua, volumen 10 nº 3. Septiembre 2003MMA (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente), 1998. El Libro Blanco del Agua. MMA. MadridOWR (Office of Water Regulation), 1999. Water Services Regulation in Western Australia. The Office of Water Regulation, Perth. AustraliaPaz Maroto J. y Paz Casañé J.M., 1969. Abastecimiento y depuración de agua potable. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos Canales y Puertos. Madrid.Plate E., 1987. Opening address. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Research. An Historical Review, página IX Publicado por la IAHR y editado por Günter Garbrecht. Balkema. Rotterdam. Holanda.Raabe J., 1987. Great names and the development of hydraulic machinery. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Research. An Historical Review, pp 251 - 266. Publicado por la IAHR y editado por Günter Garbrecht. Balkema. Rotterdam. Holanda.Rouse, H. (1.963). "History of Hydraulics". Dover. New YorkRouse H., 1987. "Hydraulics' latest golden age". Hydraulics and Hydraulic Research. An Historical Review, pp 307- 314. Publicado por la IAHR y editado por Günter Garbrecht. Balkema. Rotterdam. Holanda.Sahuquillo A., 1989. Posibilidades de utilización y necesidades de gestión de las aguas subterráneas en la Comunidad Valenciana. El agua en la Comunidad Valenciana. Pp 83-100. E. Cabrera y A. Sauquillo, editores. Generalitat Valenciana.Schnitter J., 1994. A History of Dams. The useful pyramides-Balkema. Rotterdam. Holanda. Steel E. W., 1972. Abastecimiento y saneamiento urbano. Gustavo Gili. BarcelonaUE, (Unión Europea), 2000. Directiva 2000/60/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 23 de Octubre de 2000 (Directiva Marco del Agua). Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas, de 22.12.2000.Páginas L327/1 a L327/72UN (United Nations), 1992. Agenda 21: Chapter 18: Protection of the quality and supply of freshwater resources. Conference on Environmental and Development, Rio de Janeiro, Junio, 1.99

    Energy Audit of Water Networks

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    This paper presents the energy audit of a water network, which is obtained from the energy equation in integral form, and its time integration extended over a given period (day, month, or year). The analysis allows accounting for all the energy in the system, showing that the energy balance is maintained. This balance can be used to obtain performance indicators to assess the system from the energetic point of view. From these indicators, it is possible to identify the improvement actions that will make the system more efficient. This energy audit requires a previous water balance and the mathematical model of the network, both of which are necessary to know the energy flows through the system’s boundaries.The writers would also like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for its support through the Research Project No. CGL2008-01910/BTE

    A Systematic Literature Review of Nursing Interventions for Postpartum Depression and their Outcomes

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    Purpose: This study was conducted to bring together studies on the common nursing interventions for postpartum depression (PPD) and their outcomes. It aims to provide interpretation of relevant findings to help further enhance the nursing care of patients with postpartum depression. Design and Methods: A systematic literature review (SLR) approach was utilized to synthesize studies related to the management of postpartum depression and its outcomes. One hundred five studies (105) were initially retrieved from three online databases. Eventually, fifteen studies were included in this review after the screening process on quality and risk of bias assessments. Codes were identified from the included studies and were clustered into themes. Athematic map was formulated to visualize the interconnections of the nursing interventions for postpartum depression and its outcomes. Findings: Nurses caring for patients with postpartum depression usually practice PPD education, perinatal assessment, PPD counseling, nurse-delivered psychotherapy, providing social support, drug administration, complementary and alternative therapy combined with conventional management, and patient referral. These nursing practices for postpartum depression yielded the following outcomes: (1) symptom alleviation, (2) empowerment, (3) positive feedback, and (4) negative outcomes. Conclusions and Recommendations: There is a range of nursing interventions for postpartum depression. This review highlights the significant roles of PPD education and nursing assessment and emphasizes these interventions to be practiced not only after childbirth but also during the prenatal period to identify at-risk patients and provide early intervention. This review also emphasizes the need for more coordinated care and a multidisciplinary approach, including patient referral, to achieve better outcomes in the care of postpartum depression patients. This relates to the acknowledgment of the various factors contributing to the development of postpartum depression and its lack of clear etiology

    Multifunctional P-Doped TiO2 Films: A New Approach to Self-Cleaning, Transparent Conducting Oxide Materials

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    Multifunctional P-doped TiO2 thin films were synthesized by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition (APCVD). This is the first example of P-doped TiO2 films with both P5+ and P3– states, with the relative proportion being determined by synthesis conditions. This technique to control the oxidation state of the impurities presents a new approach to achieve films with both self-cleaning and TCO properties. The origin of electrical conductivity in these materials was correlated to the incorporation of P5+ species, as suggested by Hall Effect probe measurements. The photocatalytic performance of the films was investigated using the model organic pollutant, stearic acid, with films containing predominately P3– states found to be vastly inferior photocatalysts compared to undoped TiO2 films. Transient absorption spectroscopy studies also showed that charge carrier concentrations increased by several orders of magnitude in films containing P5+ species only, whereas photogenerated carrier lifetimes—and thus photocatalytic activity—were severely reduced upon incorporation of P3– species. The results presented here provide important insights on the influence of dopant nature and location within a semiconductor structure. These new P-doped TiO2 films are a breakthrough in the development of multifunctional advanced materials with tuned properties for a wide range of applications

    The spinorial geometry of supersymmetric heterotic string backgrounds

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    We determine the geometry of supersymmetric heterotic string backgrounds for which all parallel spinors with respect to the connection ^\hat\nabla with torsion HH, the NS\otimesNS three-form field strength, are Killing. We find that there are two classes of such backgrounds, the null and the timelike. The Killing spinors of the null backgrounds have stability subgroups K\ltimes\bR^8 in Spin(9,1)Spin(9,1), for K=Spin(7)K=Spin(7), SU(4), Sp(2)Sp(2), SU(2)×SU(2)SU(2)\times SU(2) and {1}\{1\}, and the Killing spinors of the timelike backgrounds have stability subgroups G2G_2, SU(3), SU(2) and {1}\{1\}. The former admit a single null ^\hat\nabla-parallel vector field while the latter admit a timelike and two, three, five and nine spacelike ^\hat\nabla-parallel vector fields, respectively. The spacetime of the null backgrounds is a Lorentzian two-parameter family of Riemannian manifolds BB with skew-symmetric torsion. If the rotation of the null vector field vanishes, the holonomy of the connection with torsion of BB is contained in KK. The spacetime of time-like backgrounds is a principal bundle PP with fibre a Lorentzian Lie group and base space a suitable Riemannian manifold with skew-symmetric torsion. The principal bundle is equipped with a connection λ\lambda which determines the non-horizontal part of the spacetime metric and of HH. The curvature of λ\lambda takes values in an appropriate Lie algebra constructed from that of KK. In addition dHdH has only horizontal components and contains the Pontrjagin class of PP. We have computed in all cases the Killing spinor bilinears, expressed the fluxes in terms of the geometry and determine the field equations that are implied by the Killing spinor equations.Comment: 73pp. v2: minor change

    Preliminary Limits on the WIMP-Nucleon Cross Section from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS)

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    We are conducting an experiment to search for WIMPs, or weakly-interacting massive particles, in the galactic halo using terrestrial detectors. This generic class of hypothetical particles, whose properties are similar to those predicted by extensions of the standard model of particle physics, could comprise the cold component of non-baryonic dark matter. We describe our experiment, which is based on cooled germanium and silicon detectors in a shielded low-background cryostat. The detectors achieve a high degree of background rejection through the simultaneous measurement of the energy in phonons and ionization. Using exposures on the order of one kilogram-day from initial runs of our experiment, we have achieved (preliminary) upper limits on the WIMP-nucleon cross section that are comparable to much longer runs of other experiments.Comment: 5 LaTex pages, 5 eps figs, epsf.sty, espcrc2dsa2.sty. Proceedings of TAUP97, Gran Sasso, Italy, 7-11 Sep 1997, Nucl. Phys. Suppl., A. Bottino, A. di Credico and P. Monacelli (eds.). See also http://cfpa.berkeley.ed