1,478 research outputs found

    Correlations between axial stiffness and microstructure of a species of bamboo

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    Bamboo is a ubiquitous monocotyledonous flowering plant and is a member of the true grass family Poaceae . In many parts of the world, it is widely used as a structural material especially in scaffolding and buildings. In spite of its wide use, there is no accepted methodology for standardizing a species of bamboo for a particular structural purpose. The task of developing structure–property correlations is complicated by the fact that bamboo is a hierarchical material whose structure at the nanoscopic level is not very well explored. However, we show that as far as stiffness is concerned, it is possible to obtain reliable estimates of important structural properties like the axial modulus from the knowledge of certain key elements of the microstructure. Stiffness of bamboo depends most sensitively on the size and arrangement of the fibre sheaths surrounding the vascular bundles and the arrangement of crystalline cellulose microfibrils in their secondary cell walls. For the species of bamboo studied in this work, we have quantitatively determined the radial gradation that the arrangement of fibres renders to the structure. The arrangement of the fibres gives bamboo a radially graded property variation across its cross section

    Low temperature properties of holographic condensates

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    In the current work we study various models of holographic superconductors at low temperature. Generically the zero temperature limit of those models are solitonic solution with a zero sized horizon. Here we generalized simple version of those zero temperature solutions to small but non-zero temperature T. We confine ourselves to cases where near horizon geometry is AdS^4. At a non-zero temperature a small horizon would form deep inside this AdS^4 which does not disturb the UV physics. The resulting geometry may be matched with the zero temperature solution at an intermediate length scale. We understand this matching from separation of scales by setting up a perturbative expansion in gauge potential. We have a better analytic control in abelian case and quantities may be expressed in terms of hypergeometric function. From this we calculate low temperature behavior of various quatities like entropy, charge density and specific heat etc. We also calculate various energy gaps associated with p-wave holographic superconductor to understand the underlying pairing mechanism. The result deviates significantly from the corresponding weak coupling BCS counterpart.Comment: 17 Page

    Quantum Critical Superfluid Flows and Anisotropic Domain Walls

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    We construct charged anisotropic AdS domain walls as solutions of a consistent truncation of type IIB string theory. These are a one-parameter family of solutions that flow to an AdS fixed point in the IR, exhibiting emergent conformal invariance and quantum criticality. They represent the zero-temperature limit of the holographic superfluids at finite superfluid velocity constructed in arXiv:1010.5777. We show that these domain walls exist only for velocities less than a critical value, agreeing in detail with a conjecture made there. We also comment about the IR limits of flows with velocities higher than this critical value, and point out an intriguing similarity between the phase diagrams of holographic superfluid flows and those of ordinary superconductors with imbalanced chemical potential.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. V2: Very minor corrections. JHEP versio

    Small Hairy Black Holes in Global AdS Spacetime

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    We study small charged black holes in global AdS spacetime in the presence of a charged massless minimally coupled scalar field. In a certain parameter range these black holes suffer from well known superradiant instabilities. We demonstrate that the end point of the resultant tachyon condensation process is a hairy black hole which we construct analytically in a perturbative expansion in the black hole radius. At leading order our solution is a small undeformed RNAdS black hole immersed into a charged scalar condensate that fills the AdS `box'. These hairy black hole solutions appear in a two parameter family labelled by their mass and charge. Their mass is bounded from below by a function of their charge; at the lower bound a hairy black hole reduces to a regular horizon free soliton which can also be thought of as a nonlinear Bose condensate. We compute the microcanonical phase diagram of our system at small mass, and demonstrate that it exhibits a second order `phase transition' between the RNAdS black hole and the hairy black hole phases.Comment: 68+1 pages, 18 figures, JHEP format. v2 : small typos corrected and a reference adde

    Type IIB Holographic Superfluid Flows

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    We construct fully backreacted holographic superfluid flow solutions in a five-dimensional theory that arises as a consistent truncation of low energy type IIB string theory. We construct a black hole with scalar and vector hair in this theory, and study the phase diagram. As expected, the superfluid phase ceases to exist for high enough superfluid velocity, but we show that the phase transition between normal and superfluid phases is always second order. We also analyze the zero temperature limit of these solutions. Interestingly, we find evidence that the emergent IR conformal symmetry of the zero-temperature domain wall is broken at high enough velocity.Comment: v3: Published version. Figures 5 and 6 corrected. 24 pages, 7 figure

    Supersymmetric Electromagnetic Waves on Giants and Dual-Giants

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    We set up the BPS equations for a D3-brane moving in AdS_5 \times S^5 which preserves two supercharges and with all bosonic fields turned on in the world-volume theory. By solving these, we find generalizations of Mikhailov giants and wobbling dual-giants that include electromagnetic waves propagating on their world-volume. For these giants (dual-giants) we show that the BPS field strength is the real part of the pull-back of a holomorphic 2-form in the ambient space C^3 (C^{1,2}) onto the world-volume.Comment: 18 page

    N=8 Superspace Constraints for Three-dimensional Gauge Theories

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    We present a systematic analysis of the N=8 superspace constraints in three space-time dimensions. The general coupling between vector and scalar supermultiplets is encoded in an SO(8) tensor W_{AB} which is a function of the matter fields and subject to a set of algebraic and super-differential relations. We show how the conformal BLG model as well as three-dimensional super Yang-Mills theory provide solutions to these constraints and can both be formulated in this universal framework.Comment: 34 + 10 pages; added references, minor correction

    p-wave Holographic Superconductors and five-dimensional gauged Supergravity

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    We explore five-dimensional N=4{\cal N}=4 SU(2)×U(1)SU(2)\times U(1) and N=8{\cal N}=8 SO(6) gauged supergravities as frameworks for condensed matter applications. These theories contain charged (dilatonic) black holes and 2-forms which have non-trivial quantum numbers with respect to U(1) subgroups of SO(6). A question of interest is whether they also contain black holes with two-form hair with the required asymptotic to give rise to holographic superconductivity. We first consider the N=4{\cal N}=4 case, which contains a complex two-form potential AμνA_{\mu\nu} which has U(1) charge ±1\pm 1. We find that a slight generalization, where the two-form potential has an arbitrary charge qq, leads to a five-dimensional model that exhibits second-order superconducting transitions of p-wave type where the role of order parameter is played by AμνA_{\mu\nu}, provided q≳5.6q \gtrsim 5.6. We identify the operator that condenses in the dual CFT, which is closely related to N=4{\cal N}=4 Super Yang-Mills theory with chemical potentials. Similar phase transitions between R-charged black holes and black holes with 2-form hair are found in a generalized version of the N=8{\cal N}=8 gauged supergravity Lagrangian where the two-forms have charge q≳1.8q\gtrsim 1.8.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figure

    Pointlike probes of superstring-theoretic superfluids

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    In analogy with an experimental setup used in liquid helium, we use a pointlike probe to study superfluids which have a gravity dual. In the gravity description, the probe is represented by a hanging string. We demonstrate that there is a critical velocity below which the probe particle feels neither drag nor stochastic forces. Above this critical velocity, there is power-law scaling for the drag force, and the stochastic forces are characterized by a finite, velocity-dependent temperature. This temperature participates in two simple and general relations between the drag force and stochastic forces. The formula we derive for the critical velocity indicates that the low-energy excitations are massless, and they demonstrate the power of stringy methods in describing strongly coupled superfluids.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, added a figure, a reference, and moved material to an appendi

    Holographic Superconductors from Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton Gravity

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    We construct holographic superconductors from Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity in 3+1 dimensions with two adjustable couplings α\alpha and the charge qq carried by the scalar field. For the values of α\alpha and qq we consider, there is always a critical temperature at which a second order phase transition occurs between a hairy black hole and the AdS RN black hole in the canonical ensemble, which can be identified with the superconducting phase transition of the dual field theory. We calculate the electric conductivity of the dual superconductor and find that for the values of α\alpha and qq where α/q\alpha/q is small the dual superconductor has similar properties to the minimal model, while for the values of α\alpha and qq where α/q\alpha/q is large enough, the electric conductivity of the dual superconductor exhibits novel properties at low frequencies where it shows a "Drude Peak" in the real part of the conductivity.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures; v2, typos corrected; v3, refs added, to appear in JHE
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