54 research outputs found

    Le frittage flash (SPS) : de la réactivité à l'assemblage de batteries tout solide

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    La technique de frittage flash (SPS) connait depuis 2004 un essor important au niveau national. Caractérisée par des temps de traitements thermiques très courts, elle a récemment démontré des potentialités intéressantes comme nouvelle voie de synthèse et réalisation en une étape d'objets finis, comme les batteries " tout solide ". Les travaux présentés visent la détermination des paramètres " machines " et " matériaux " gouvernant les phénomènes aux interfaces au cours de la densification ainsi que leur influence sur le comportement des objets obtenus. L'étude du comportement de différents mélanges pulvérulents cuivre/V2O5 confirme l'augmentation importante de la cinétique de réaction par utilisation du SPS. Cet effet est relié à l'application d'une pression constante durant le traitement, le mode d'élévation rapide de la température par pulses de courant n'apparaissant pas significatif. A l'opposé, l'étude de mélanges moins réactifs indique que la rapidité des traitements thermiques permet la réalisation d'assemblages denses de composites et ouvre la voie à l'assemblage de batteries " tout solide " en une étape. De tels accumulateurs permettraient d'importantes améliorations en termes de sécurité, un fonctionnement à très haute température et l'utilisation de matériaux d'électrode à haut potentiel (limite à 4,5V en liquide). L'étude de la mise en forme des différents constituants d'une batterie " tout solide ", permettant d'extraire les critères généraux garantissant un assemblage optimum par frittage flash, a été réalisé dans un système modèle (Cu) possédant un électrolyte solide bon conducteur à température ambiante. La microstructure des poudres et les paramètres de frittage ont un rôle crucial sur la qualité des interfaces électrode/électrolyte et donc sur les performances électrochimiques. Ces dernières ont été contrôlées en configuration Cu-métal ou Cu-ion. Alors que dans le premiers cas, la croissance de dendrites à l'électrode négative génère des pertes de contact importantes et irréversibles à l'interface Cu/électrolyte, les batteries symétriques Cu-ion montrent une réversibilité sur une trentaine de cycles confirmant la faible dégradation des interfaces électrode/électrolyte. L'extension de ces résultats au système Li-ion potentiellement plus intéressant met en avant l'existence de limites intrinsèques aux matériaux notamment en termes de conduction ionique. L'optimisation de la mise en forme, notamment par diminution de l'épaisseur de la couche d'électrolyte, a permis de s'affranchir de ces limites et de réaliser des batteries Li-ion " tout solide ", nous permettant l'utilisation de matériaux à haut potentiel (LiCoPO4), ouvrant la voie à la réalisation de nouveaux générateurs électrochimiques plus performants.The Spark Plasma Sintering technique has known a significant growth since 2004 at a national level. Characterized by very short heat treatment duration, it has recently shown interesting possibilities as a new synthesis route and one-step realizations of assembled devices, such as "all inorganic solid state batteries". The aim of this thesis is to determine the "machine" and "materials" parameters that govern interfaces phenomena during the densification and their influence on the behavior of obtained objects. The study of the behavior of different powder mixtures of Cu/V2O5 confirms the significant increase in the reaction kinetics by using the SPS. This effect is related to the application of a constant pressure during treatment ; the rapid rise in temperature mode by current pulses does not appear significant. In contrast, the study of less reactive mixtures indicates that the rapid thermal processing allows the production of dense composites and opens the door to the one-step assembly of "all inorganic solid state batteries". Such accumulators allow significant improvements in safety, operation at high temperatures and the use of high potential electrode materials (limited to 4.5 V in liquid). The study of the making of various components of "all inorganic solid state batteries", enables to extract the generals criteria guaranteeing an optimum assembly by Spark Plasma Sintering, was perform on a model system (copper), known to have a solid electrolyte with high conductivity at room temperature. The powders microstructure and sintering parameters have a crucial role on the quality of electrode/electrolyte interfaces and therefore on the electrochemical performances. These interfaces were controlled in Cu-metal and Cu-ion batteries configurations. While in the first case, the growth of dendrites at the negative electrode generates important and irreversible losses of contact at Cu/electrolyte interface, the Cu-ion batteries show good reversibility on thirty cycles confirming the low degradation of electrode/electrolyte interfaces. Extending these results to the potentially more interesting Li-ion system highlights the existence of inherent materials limitations in terms of ionic conduction. The shaping optimization, by reducing the thickness of the electrolyte layer, has overcome these limitations permitting the assembly of Li-ion "all inorganic solid state batteries" and allowing the use of materials with high potential (LiCoPO4), paving the way for the realization of more efficient new electrochemical generators

    All-solid-state silver batteries assembled by Spark Plasma Sintering

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    Bulk-type Ag0.7V2O5//Ag6I4WO4//Ag0.7V2O5 all-solid-state batteries have been assembled in one step by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). Their electrochemical performances were compared to the ones of similar solid state cells assembled by cold pressing, as reported in the 90s. The cold-pressed all-solid-state batteries with thick composite electrodes (above 400μm) display poor electrochemical properties explained by an important cell polarization associated to poorly defined electrode/electrolyte interfaces. In contrary, the thick batteries obtained by SPS exhibit excellent reversibility without any need of pressure load during cycling. The behavior lies on the well-defined interfaces and a good mechanical aspect, which are kept upon cycling. During the charge/discharge cycles, the electrochemical formation of AgxV2O5 does not display a drastic volume change, preserving the electrode/electrolyte interfaces. The structural evolution of AgxV2O5 upon cycling is discussed in comparison to the known phases synthesized by solid state reactions. The obtained results on silver batteries allow a general reflection on the development of all-solid-state Li-ion technology by SPS

    Hepatic Stem-like Phenotype and Interplay of Wnt/β-Catenin and Myc Signaling in Aggressive Childhood Liver Cancer

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    SummaryHepatoblastoma, the most common pediatric liver cancer, is tightly linked to excessive Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Here, we used microarray analysis to identify two tumor subclasses resembling distinct phases of liver development and a discriminating 16-gene signature. β-catenin activated different transcriptional programs in the two tumor types, with distinctive expression of hepatic stem/progenitor markers in immature tumors. This highly proliferating subclass was typified by gains of chromosomes 8q and 2p and upregulated Myc signaling. Myc-induced hepatoblastoma-like tumors in mice strikingly resembled the human immature subtype, and Myc downregulation in hepatoblastoma cells impaired tumorigenesis in vivo. Remarkably, the 16-gene signature discriminated invasive and metastatic hepatoblastomas and predicted prognosis with high accuracy

    Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome associated with COVID-19: An Emulated Target Trial Analysis.

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    RATIONALE: Whether COVID patients may benefit from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) compared with conventional invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) remains unknown. OBJECTIVES: To estimate the effect of ECMO on 90-Day mortality vs IMV only Methods: Among 4,244 critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 included in a multicenter cohort study, we emulated a target trial comparing the treatment strategies of initiating ECMO vs. no ECMO within 7 days of IMV in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (PaO2/FiO2 <80 or PaCO2 ≥60 mmHg). We controlled for confounding using a multivariable Cox model based on predefined variables. MAIN RESULTS: 1,235 patients met the full eligibility criteria for the emulated trial, among whom 164 patients initiated ECMO. The ECMO strategy had a higher survival probability at Day-7 from the onset of eligibility criteria (87% vs 83%, risk difference: 4%, 95% CI 0;9%) which decreased during follow-up (survival at Day-90: 63% vs 65%, risk difference: -2%, 95% CI -10;5%). However, ECMO was associated with higher survival when performed in high-volume ECMO centers or in regions where a specific ECMO network organization was set up to handle high demand, and when initiated within the first 4 days of MV and in profoundly hypoxemic patients. CONCLUSIONS: In an emulated trial based on a nationwide COVID-19 cohort, we found differential survival over time of an ECMO compared with a no-ECMO strategy. However, ECMO was consistently associated with better outcomes when performed in high-volume centers and in regions with ECMO capacities specifically organized to handle high demand. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    On determining unknown functions in differential systems, with an application to biological reactors.

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    In this paper, we consider general nonlinear systems with observations, containing a (single) unknown function φ. We study the possibility to learn about this unknown function via the observations: if it is possible to determine the [values of the] unknown function from any experiment [on the set of states visited during the experiment], and for any arbitrary input function, on any time interval, we say that the system is “identifiable”. For systems without controls, we give a more or less complete picture of what happens for this identifiability property. This picture is very similar to the picture of the “observation theory” in [7]: Contrarily to the case of the observability property, in order to identify in practice, there is in general no hope to do something better than using “approximate differentiators”, as show very elementary examples. However, a practical methodology is proposed in some cases. It shows very reasonable performances.
As an illustration of what may happen in controlled cases, we consider the equations of a biological reactor, [2,4], in which a population is fed by some substrate. The model heavily depends on a “growth function”, expressing the way the population grows in presence of the substrate. The problem is to identify this “growth function”. We give several identifiability results, and identification methods, adapted to this problem

    Le frittage flash (SPS) (de la réactivité à l'assemblage de batteries "tout solide")

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    TOULOUSE3-BU Sciences (315552104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Relationship between the microstructure of MOX fuel pellets and their dissolution behaviour

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    International audienceL'abstract porte sur les liens pouvant être établis entre la microstructure (distribution U/Pu mesurée par mcriosonde électronique) de combustibles MOX pour REL et RNR et les résidus issus d'essais de dissolution de ces mêmes combustibles

    In situ nano-indention in a CEA Atalante facility nuclearised SEM

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    International audienceNuclear fuel (UOx and MOx) fabrication processes use powders. In order to control their behavior at all step of processing (transport, crushing, attrition, mixing, filling, etc), we have to know their mechanical properties at microscopic scale. Most of the development are performed by compucting simulation that’s needs input data to calculate agglomerate breakage energy an d mechanism. To answer those requirements (and also for other projects), CEA of Marcoule has implemented an nano-indentation device from Alemnis (Switzerland) in a nuclearized SEM devoted to powders. This presentation will first discuss about the choice of the device and the modifications done on it to use it in a hot lab. In second part, some results obtained on UO2 an U/PuO2 agglomerates will be presented

    Parlez-nous de... la Recherche-création comme dialogue entre les arts et les sciences

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    International audienceDe plus en plus utilisé dans le monde universitaire, le concept de « recherche-création » renvoie aujourd’hui à des réalités multiples impliquant différents acteurs : artistes-chercheurs, collectifs de travail, partenariats hybrides…Quels sont les enjeux de ces collaborations interdisciplinaires, qui font le pari d’une fécondation réciproque entre recherche académique et création artistique et entre méthodes scientifiques et liberté(s) créative(s) ? Et quelles sont les questions épistémologiques, théoriques et artistiques qu’elles soulèvent ?À travers les expériences artistiques et scientifiques de nos invités, l’objectif de cette table-ronde sera d’apporter des pistes de réflexions sur ce que recouvre aujourd’hui le champ de la « recherche-création » : quels ont été les cheminements intellectuels et les évolutions qu’a connues leur pratique ? À quels défis ont-ils été confrontés lors de ce processus ? Et en quoi leurs différentes démarches et intentionnalités s’éclairent réciproquement ?Les invités conviés à présenter leurs expériences de recherche-création sont issus d’horizons très divers : Mathilde Chénin présentera la démarche de recherche-création telle qu'elle se déploie à partir de l'expérience collective des ateliers bermuda à Sergy dans l'Ain, Yesmine Karray évoquera les résidences d’artistes de macsuPlanet et du Centre national chorégraphique de Caen, et enfin David Gauthier interviendra au sujet du réseau national Art+Université+Culture.Cette réflexion, qui se veut ouverte à tous, fera la place belle aux interactions et aux échanges avec le public