4,486 research outputs found

    Abundant variation in microsatellites of the parasitic nematode Trichostrongylus tenuis and linkage to a tandem repeat

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    An understanding of how genes move between and within populations of parasitic nematodes is important in combating the evolution and spread of anthelmintic resistance. Much has been learned by studying mitochondrial DNA markers, but autosomal markers such as microsatellites have been applied to only a few nematode species, despite their many advantages for studying gene flow in eukaryotes. Here, we describe the isolation of 307 microsatellites from Trichostrongylus tenuis, an intestinal nematode of red grouse. High levels of variation were revealed at sixteen microsatellite loci (including three sex-lined loci) in 111 male T. tenuis nematodes collected from four hosts at a single grouse estate in Scotland (average He = 0.708; mean number of alleles = 12.2). A population genetic analysis detected no deviation from panmixia either between (F(ST) = 0.00) or within hosts (F(IS) = 0.015). We discuss the feasibility of developing microsatellites in parasitic nematodes and the problem of null alleles. We also describe a novel 146-bp repeat element, TteREP1, which is linked to two-thirds of the microsatellites sequenced and is associated with marker development failure. The sequence of TteREP1 is related to the TcREP-class of repeats found in several other trichostrongyloid species including Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Haemonchus contortus

    Playing a quantum game with a corrupted source

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    The quantum advantage arising in a simplified multi-player quantum game, is found to be a disadvantage when the game's qubit-source is corrupted by a noisy "demon". Above a critical value of the corruption-rate, or noise-level, the coherent quantum effects impede the players to such an extent that the optimal choice of game changes from quantum to classical.Comment: This version will appear in PRA (Rapid Comm.

    Copro-antigen capture ELISA for the detection of Teladorsagia (Ostertagia) circumcincta in sheep: improvement of specificity by heat treatment

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    A copro-antigen capture ELISA for the detection of Teladorsagia circumcincta infection in sheep was developed and evaluated. Experiments with faeces from worm-free sheep, that had been spiked with known concentrations of excretory-secretory (E–S) antigen indicated that a positive signal was generated with 180 ng of E–S/ml. A nested design, based on 8 infected and 8 worm-free sheep, was employed to assess the stages during sample preparation contributing to variation in signal from the assay. This showed that 87% of the variance in the optical density readings (ODs) was directly explained by infection status. Variation between individual sheep within infection groups, and between samples at various stages in the assay, collectively accounted for the remaining variance. Initial evaluation of specificity using faeces from animals carrying a range of monospecific infections indicated cross-reactivity with Haemonchus contortus and Nematodirus spathiger. However, by treating the supernatant from faeces for 20 min at 100°C, the cross-reactive signal was eliminated whilst the specific signal was largely preserved. Heat treatment of faeces from 12 non-infected sheep, 12 sheep with T. circumcincta and 6 with H. contortus resulted in sensitivity being increased from 66.7 to 85.7%, and specificity from 62.5 to 87.5%. OD values showed a significant positive relationship with adult worm burdens, although at low infection intensities there was some overlap between infected and worm-free animals. We discuss the application of CC-ELISAs in facilitating selective chemotherapy of sheep, as a means of avoiding the development of anthelmintic resistance in pastoral regions where sheep are farmed on a large scale

    Effect of implant strategy and Optaflexx administration on feedlot performance and skeletal muscle β-adrenergic receptor and insulin-like growth factor I mRNA abundance

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    Feedlot heifers (1,147) weighing 622 lb were used to evaluate the effects of implant strategy and Optaflexx administration. Implant treatments included Revalor-200 (R200) at arrival, or Revalor-IH at arrival and reimplantation with Finaplix-H on day 58 (RF). Optaflexx (200 mg/heifer daily of ractopamine-HCl) was fed the last 28 days. Treatments were randomly assigned to 16 pens. After 182 days, heifers were slaughtered, at which time carcass data were obtained and semimembranosus muscle tissue was excised for RNA isolation. Optaflexx administration significantly increased average daily gain (0.7 lb/day), feed efficiency (3%), hot carcass weight (10.5 lb), and ribeye area (0.42 square inches); decreased back fat thickness; and improved yield grade. There was no significant treatment effect on the expression of β1-adrenergic receptor (AR) mRNA, but there was a tendency for Optaflexx feeding to increase β2-AR mRNA concentrations. For β3-AR mRNA, Optaflexx treatment numerically increased β3-AR mRNA in heifers implanted with R200, but significantly decreased expression in heifers implanted with RF. Optaflexx also significantly decreased IGF-I mRNA in heifers implanted with RF, but numerically increased IGF-I mRNA in heifers implanted with R200. This data aids our understanding of the interaction between steroidal implants and Optaflexx in feedlot heifers. Knowledge about the modes of action of various growth promotants will aid in designing growth promotion strategies to enhance the efficiency of lean tissue deposition in feedlot cattle

    An assessment of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in sediments and bivalves of the U.S. coastal zone

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    NOAA’s Mussel Watch Program was designed to monitor the status and trends of chemical contamination of U.S. coastal waters, including the Great Lakes. The Program began in 1986 and is one of the longest running, continuous coastal monitoring programs that is national in scope. NOAA established Mussel Watch in response to a legislative mandate under Section 202 of Title II of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) (33 USC 1442). In addition to monitoring contaminants throughout the Nation’s coastal shores, Mussel Watch stores samples in a specimen bank so that trends can be determined retrospectively for new and emerging contaminants of concern. In recent years, flame retardant chemicals, known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), have generated international concern over their widespread distribution in the environment, their potential to bioaccumulate in humans and wildlife, and concern for suspected adverse human health effects. The Mussel Watch Program, with additional funding provided by NOAA’s Oceans and Human Health Initiative, conducted a study of PBDEs in bivalve tissues and sediments. This report, which represents the first national assessment of PBDEs in the U.S. coastal zone, shows that they are widely distributed. PBDE concentrations in both sediment and bivalve tissue correlate with human population density along the U.S. coastline. The national and watershed perspectives given in this report are intended to support research, local monitoring, resource management, and policy decisions concerning these contaminants

    State violence, party formation, and electoral accountability: the political legacy of the Marikana massacre

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    Democratic governments sometimes use violence against their people, yet little is known about the electoral consequences of these events. Studying South Africa's Marikana massacre, we document how a new opposition party formed as a direct result of violence, quantify significant electoral losses for the incumbent, and show that those losses were driven by voters switching from the incumbent to the new party. Three lessons emerge. First, incumbents who preside over state violence may be held electorally accountable by voters. Second, such accountability seemingly depends on the existence of credible opposition parties that can serve as a vector for disaffected voters. Where such parties do not exist, violence may create political cleavages that facilitate the formalization of opposition movements. Third, immediate proximity to violence is correlated with holding incumbents accountable

    Constraining the role of early land plants in Palaeozoic weathering and global cooling

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    How the colonization of terrestrial environments by early land plants over 400 Ma influenced rock weathering, the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and phosphorus, and climate in the Palaeozoic is uncertain. Here we show experimentally that mineral weathering by liverworts—an extant lineage of early land plants—partnering arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, like those in 410 Ma-old early land plant fossils, amplified calcium weathering from basalt grains threefold to sevenfold, relative to plant-free controls. Phosphate weathering by mycorrhizal liverworts was amplified 9–13-fold over plant-free controls, compared with fivefold to sevenfold amplification by liverworts lacking fungal symbionts. Etching and trenching of phyllosilicate minerals increased with AM fungal network size and atmospheric CO2 concentration. Integration of grain-scale weathering rates over the depths of liverwort rhizoids and mycelia (0.1 m), or tree roots and mycelia (0.75 m), indicate early land plants with shallow anchorage systems were probably at least 10-fold less effective at enhancing the total weathering flux than later-evolving trees. This work challenges the suggestion that early land plants significantly enhanced total weathering and land-to-ocean fluxes of calcium and phosphorus, which have been proposed as a trigger for transient dramatic atmospheric CO2 sequestration and glaciations in the Ordovician

    In search of new herbicide chemistries for the prairies

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    Non-Peer ReviewedThere are a limited of herbicide groups for use in western Canada so there is a need introduce different modes of action to manage herbicide resistant weeds. In addition, many broadleaf crops such as chickpea have limited broadleaf weed control options. Sulfentrazone, a Group 14 PPO inhibitor has been screened in a number of broadleaf crops. Chickpea has exhibited excellent tolerance to sulfentrazone, while the tolerance of other broadleaf crops can be summarized as follows: sunflower and fababean (fair to good); field pea, and narrow-leaved lupin (fair); dry bean (poor) and lentil (very poor). Isoxaflutole is a Group 27 carotenoid biosynthesis inhibitor that may have potential for use in chickpea, tame buckwheat, and narrow-leaved lupin. Sulfentrazone effectively controls many broadleaf weeds but is weak on cruciferous weeds such as wild mustard. Isoxaflutole also controls a number of broadleaf weeds but does not control wild buckwheat. Both sulfentrazone and isoxaflutole are soil-applied herbicides with potential to carry-over and injure rotational crops. Preliminary results from field trials indicate that combined low rates of sulfentrazone and isoxaflutole can result in excellent broad spectrum weed control in chickpea. Carfentrazone-ethyl, a contact non-residual PPO inhibitor has been shown to be an effective pre-seed burndown partner for glyphosate. This would allow for the control of volunteer Roundup-ready canola prior to the seeding of broadleaf crops