32 research outputs found

    Acrylic bone cements modified with graphene oxide: Mechanical, physical, and antibacterial properties

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    Bacterial infections are a common complication after total joint replacements (TJRs), the treatment of which is usually based on the application of antibiotic-loaded cements; however, owing to the increase in antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, the possibility of studying new antibacterial agents in acrylic bone cements (ABCs) is open. In this study, the antibacterial effect of formulations of ABCs loaded with graphene oxide (GO) between 0 and 0.5 wt. % was evaluated against Gram-positive bacteria: Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus, and Gram-negative ones: Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli. It was found that the effect of GO was dependent on the concentration and type of bacteria: GO loadings ≥0.2 wt. % presented total inhibition of Gram-negative bacteria, while GO loadings ≥0.3 wt. % was necessary to achieve the same effect with Gram-positives bacteria. Additionally, the evaluation of some physical and mechanical properties showed that the presence of GO in cement formulations increased wettability by 17%, reduced maximum temperature during polymerization by 19%, increased setting time by 40%, and increased compressive and flexural mechanical properties by up to 17%, all of which are desirable behaviors in ABCs. The formulation of ABC loading with 0.3 wt. % GO showed great potential for use as a bone cement with antibacterial properties

    Bioactive compounds and techno-functional properties of high-fiber co-products of the cacao agro-industrial chain

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    The cacao shell (CS) and cacao pod husk (CPH), two of the most promising high-fiber co-products of the cacao agro-industrial chain, were evaluated to determine their potential incorporation into food products. This research determined bioactive compounds and techno-functional properties of CS and CPH, and was evaluated the enzymatic inactivation by thermal treatments in CPH. We found that CS is rich in protein, lipids, dietary fiber (48.1 ± 0.3 g 100 gdw−1), and antioxidant molecules such as epicatechin (1.10 ± 0.02 mg g−1) and isoquercetin (1.04 ± 0.09 mg g−1). Moreover, in CS a positive effect of hydration mechanism occur; in fact, it was observed a reduction of Lightness (L∗) value and a remarkable color difference (ΔE∗,18.8 ± 0.7) (CIEL∗a∗b∗ color space), between hydrated and dry CS samples; so, it could be used as a potential natural colorant in foods. CPH resulted equally rich in dietary fiber (35.3–37.4%) and flavonoids (2.9 ± 0.1 mg RE g−1); in this co-product, the rapid enzymatic inactivation by thermal treatments was essential to obtain the highest antioxidant activity and polyphenols content; regarding the techno-functional properties, it was found that CPH flour had high hydration capacity, so CPH can use it as a replacement for emulsifiers or water holding additives while incorporating the fiber and abundantly found antioxidants

    Efecto de la fertilización en la producción de materia seca y extracción de nutrientes en tres accesiones de lippia origanoides h.b.k.

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    An experiment under greenhouse conditions at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia- Palmira to evaluate the relationship among plant nutrition, levels of nutrient uptake and dry matter production of three accessions of Lippia origanoides (Patía, Cítrica and Típica), was carried out. Concentrations of foliar nutrients, absorption and extraction rates (of 5 elements N, P, K, Mg and Ca) and their relationship with the production of each accession were evaluated. A split plot design with 11 treatments and three replications was used. The experimental units consisted of a plant sowed in substrate (peat). Fertilization was done by fertigation using the modified Hoagland and Arnon nutrient solution. The Patía accession showed the maximum dry matter yield (292.0 ± 0.1 g plant-1) with the treatment 8 (Mg decreased), the Cítrica accession yielded 287.1 ± 0.1 g plant-1 with the treatment 9 (Mg increase) and finally Típica accession (255.2 ± 0.1 g plant-1) with the treatment 8. In terms of absorption of nutrients, potassium is the most required element (13.9 kg t-1), followed by calcium (7.9 kg t-1).En las casas de vegetación de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Palmira (930 m.s.n.m. y 26 °C), se estudió la relación entre la nutrición de plantas de las accesiones Patía, Cítrica y Típica de Lippia origanoides H.B.K., los niveles de extracción de nutrientes y la producción y distribución de materia seca (MS). Para el efecto se determinaron las concentraciones de elementos foliares, los niveles de absorción y extracción de N, P, K, Mg y Ca y su relación con la producción de cada accesión. Se utilizó un diseño en parcelas divididas con once tratamientos y tres repeticiones, las unidades experimentales consistieron en una planta sembrada en sustrato (turba). Los elementos se aplicaron con ferti-riego utilizando solución nutritiva de Hoagland y Arnon modificada. Los resultados mostraron que la accesión Patía presentó los mayores rendimientos de MS (292.0 ± 0.1 g/planta) cuando la concentración original de Mg (49 mg/lt) en la solución cambió para 30 mg/lt; en la accesión Cítrica fueron más altos (287.1 ± 0.1 g/planta) con 72 mg/lt de Mg y en la accesión Típica el rendimiento fue mayor (255.2 ± 0.1 g/planta) con la aplicación de 30 mg/lt de Mg. En términos de absorción de nutrientes, el K fue el elemento más requerido (13.9 kg/t), seguido de Ca (7.9 kg/t)

    Ghanaian Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Bean Shells Coproducts: Effect of Particle Size on Chemical Composition, Bioactive Compound Content and Antioxidant Activity

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    The worldwide cocoa bean shell (CBS) generation is estimated at around 900,000 tons. In their composition, this coproduct showed several bioactive compounds like methylxanthines or polyphenolic compounds. Thus, the aim of this work was to investigate the effects of different particle sizes on the chemical composition, physico-chemical, bioactive compounds content, and antioxidant properties of flours obtained from cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) bean shells. The flours obtained from CBS with different particle sizes had high content of dietary fiber (61.18–65.58 g/100 g). The polyphenolic profile identified seven compounds being epicatechin and catechin (values ranged 4.56–6.33 and 2.11–4.56 mg/g, respectively) as the most abundant compounds. Additionally, the methylxanthines theobromine and caffeine were quantified with values ranging from 7.12 to 12.77 and 4.02 to 6.13 mg/g, respectively. For the fatty acid profile, the principal compounds identified were oleic, stearic and palmitic acids. CBS had antioxidant capacity with all methods assayed. For DPPH, ABTS and FRAP assays values ranged between 2.35–5.53, 3.39–11.55, and 3.84–7.62 mg Trolox equivalents/g sample, respectively. This study suggests that cocoa bean shells may constitute a valuable coproduct for the food industry due to its high content in valuable bioactive compounds

    Cacao Pod Husk Flour as an Ingredient for Reformulating Frankfurters: Effects on Quality Properties

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    The cocoa pod husk is considered a source of dietary fiber with a high content of water-soluble pectins, bioactive compounds which should be viewed as a by-product with the potential to be incorporated into food. This study aimed to investigate the effect of adding different cocoa pod husk flour (CPHF) levels as a starch replacement for reformulating frankfurters. Results showed that the addition of 1.5 and 3.0% pod husk proportionally increased the frankfurter's fiber content by 0.49 ± 0.08 and 0.96 ± 0.19 g/100 g, which is acceptable for a product that does not contain fiber. Textural properties and sensory characteristics were affected when substituting the starch with CPHF, either totally or partially, although these samples had higher water content, hardness, and adhesiveness while springiness decreased. Non-adverse effects of nitrite on polyphenolic compounds content were evidenced in samples enriched with CPHF. The incorporation of CPHF did not significantly affect the color parameters (DeltaE < 3). Finally, the panelists indicated a sensation of the unsalted sausage, suggesting that CPHF may have natural mucoadhesion properties. In conclusion, in formulated meat products such as sausages, plant co-products such as cacao pod husks could be a valid new ingredient to improve technological parameters, functional characteristics, and stability

    Bioactive micro-constituents of ackee arilli (Blighia sapida K.D. Koenig)

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    Abstract: Ackee (Blighia sapida K. D. Koenig) is an exotic fruit widely consumed in the Caribbean countries. While there is extensive research on the presence of hypoglycin A, other bioactive compounds have not been studied. We identified and quantified the changes in bioactive molecules (total phenol, ascorbic acid, hypoglycin A, squalene, D: A-Friedooleanan-7-ol, (7.alpha.), and oleic acid), antioxidant potential, and volatile compounds during two stages of ripe. A clear reduction in hypoglycin A, ascorbic acid, and total polyphenols during the maturation process were observed. On the contrary, oleic acid, squalene, and D: A-Friedooleanan-7-ol, (7.alpha.) contents increased about 12, 12, and 13 times, respectively with advancing maturity. These bioactive molecules were positively correlated with radical scavenging (DDPH and ABTS). Solid phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography coupled mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis revealed more than 50 compounds with 3-penten-2-one and hexanal as the major compounds in the fully ripe stage. The results suggested that ripe ackee arilli could serve as an appreciable source of natural bioactive micro-constituents

    Desarrollo de nanocompuestos de quitosano/óxido de grafeno como potenciales andamios para Ingeniería de Tejidos.

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    Uno de los grandes desafíos en el campo de la medicina, ha sido el relacionado con la regeneración del tejido óseo, ya que la pérdida de este, se da de manera constante por diferentes causas tales como, accidentes o enfermedades degenerativas. En esta investigación se desarrollaron andamios poliméricos basados en quitosano reforzado con óxido de grafeno con el fin de estudiar sus propiedades físicas, químicas, y biológicas para evaluar su posible aplicación en regeneración de tejido óseo. Estos se prepararon mediante las técnicas de electrospinning y liofilización. Para el electrospinning se empleó CS comercial con un peso molecular promedio viscoso (Mv) de 144900 g/mol y un grado de desacetilación (DA) de 90 % calculado por análisis elemental y resonancia magnética nuclear protónica (RMN 1H) y GO sintetizado mediante un método modificado de Hummers. Por otro lado, los andamios obtenidos por liofilización fueron preparados con CS extraido experimentalmente del micelio del hongo Aspergillus Niger con un rendimiento del 11,5%, un peso molecular promedio viscoso (Mv) y promedio en peso (Mn) de 18715 g/mol y 6482 g/mol, respectivamente y un grado de desacetilación (DA) de 55,7% y 66,7% calculados por el método potenciométrico y por RMN-1H respectivamente. Tanto los andamios electrohilados como los liofilizados fueron preparados con tres formulaciones que presentaban diferente porcentaje de GO (0, 0.5 y 1 %); estos fueron analizados mediante SEM, FTIR, degradación hidrolítica en fluido biológico simulado, pruebas antibacterianas y experimentación in vivo mediante implantación subcutánea en biomodelos ratas Wistar. Los resultados demostraron que los andamios son biocompatibles, biodegradables y poseen propiedades antibacterianas, confirmando su potencial para ser aplicados en ingeniería de tejidos y regeneración celular

    Effect of Fermentation, Drying and Roasting on Biogenic Amines and Other Biocompounds in Colombian Criollo Cocoa Beans and Shells

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    The composition of microbiota and the content and pattern of bioactive compounds (biogenic amines, polyphenols, anthocyanins and flavanols), as well as pH, color, antioxidant and reducing properties were investigated in fermented Criollo cocoa beans and shells. The analyses were conducted after fermentation and drying (T1) and after two thermal roasting processes (T2, 120 °C for 22 min; T3, 135 °C for 15 min). The fermentation and drying practices affected the microbiota of beans and shells, explaining the great variability of biogenic amines (BAs) content. Enterobacteriaceae were counted in a few samples with average values of 103 colony forming units per gram (CFU g−1), mainly in the shell, while Lactobacillus spp. was observed in almost all the samples, with the highest count in the shell with average values of 104 CFU g−1. After T1, the total BAs content was found to be in a range of 4.9÷127.1 mg kg−1DFW; what was remarkable was the presence of cadaverine and histamine, which have not been reported previously in fermented cocoa beans. The total BAs content increased 60% after thermal treatment T2, and of 21% after processing at T3, with a strong correlation (p < 0.05) for histamine (ß = 0.75) and weakly correlated for spermidine (ß = 0.58), spermine (ß = 0.50), cadaverine (ß = 0.47) and serotonine (ß = 0.40). The roasting treatment of T3 caused serotonin degradation (average decrease of 93%) with respect to unroasted samples. However, BAs were detected in a non-alarming concentration (e.g., histamine: n.d ÷ 59.8 mg kg−1DFW; tyramine: n.d. ÷ 26.5 mg kg−1DFW). Change in BAs level was evaluated by principal component analysis. PC1 and PC2 explained 84.9% and 4.5% of data variance, respectively. Antioxidant and reducing properties, polyphenol content and BAs negatively influenced PC1 with both polyphenols and BA increasing during roasting, whereas PC1 was positively influenced by anthocyanins, catechin and epicatechin

    Exploring the Core Microbiota of Four Different Traditional Fermented Beverages from the Colombian Andes

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    Fermentation is an ancient process used to prepare and preserve food. Currently, fermented beverages are part of the culture of people living in the Colombian Andean Region, and they are a vital part of their cosmology and ancestral vision. Chicha, Forcha, Champús, and Masato are some of the most common Colombian Andes region’s traditional fermented beverages. These drinks come from the fermentation of maize (Zea maize), but other cereals such as wheat or rye, could be used. The fermentation is carried out by a set of bacteria and yeasts that provide characteristic organoleptic properties of each beverage. In this work, the information collected from the metagenomics analyses by sequencing ITS 1-4 (Internal Transcriber Spacer) and the 16S ribosomal gene for fungi and the V3-V4 region of the rDNA for bacteria allowed us to identify the diversity present in these autochthonous fermented beverages made with maize. The sequencing analysis showed the presence of 39 bacterial and 20 fungal genera. In addition, we determined that only nine genera of bacteria and two genera of fungi affect the organoleptic properties of smell, colour, and flavour, given the production of compounds such as lactic acid, alcohol, and phenols, highlighting the critical role of these microorganisms. Our findings provide new insights into the core microbiota of these beverages, represented by Lactobacillus fermentum, Acetobacter pasteurianus, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    Cadena de valor de plantas aromáticas, medicinales y condimentarias. Una industria en pleno desarrollo.

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    This book discusses some aspects related to production (planting, harvesting and harvesting), primary processing (post-harvest conditioning operations for conservation and suitability for further processing into derivatives such as oils, extracts, active ingredients, etc.), secondary processing (packaging, packing and storage operations) and marketing, all through the analysis of market behavior in Colombia and the world. The purpose is to introduce the student to the basic aspects related to the growing industry of aromatic, medicinal and condimentary plants in Colombia.PublishedEn este libro se discuten algunos aspectos relacionados con la producción (siembra, recolección y cosecha), la transformación primaria (operaciones de acondicionamiento poscosecha para su conservación y adecuación para su posterior transformación en derivados como aceites, extractos, principios activos, etc.), la transformación secundaria (operaciones de empacado, envase y almacenamiento) y la comercialización, todo ello a través del análisis del comportamiento del mercado en Colombia y el mundo. El propósito es introducir al estudiante en los aspectos básicos relacionados con la industria creciente de las plantas aromáticas, medicinales y condimentarias en Colombia