6,413 research outputs found

    A Simulation Workflow for Membrane Computing: From MeCoSim to PMCGPU Through P-Lingua

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    P system simulators are of high importance in Membrane Computing, since they provide tools to assist on model validation and verification. Keeping a balance between generality and flexibility, on the one side, and efficiency, on the other hand, is always challenging, but it is worth the effort. Besides, in order to prove the feasibility of P system models as practical tools for solving problems and aid in decision making, it is essential to provide functional mechanisms to have all the elements required at disposal of the potential users smoothly integrated in a robust workflow. The aim of this paper is to describe the main components and connections within the approach followed in this pipeline.Ministerio de Industria, Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-89842-

    An evolutionary approach to the delimitation of labour market areas: an empirical application for Chile

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    An evolutionary approach to the delimitation of labour market areas: an empirical application for Chile. Spatial Economic Analysis. Labour market areas (LMAs) are argued to represent a more appropriate policy framework than administrative units for the analysis of spatial labour market activity. This article develops LMAs for Chile by applying an evolutionary computation approach. This innovative approach defines LMAs through an optimization process by maximization of internal cohesion, subject to restrictions of minimum levels of self-containment and population. To evaluate the appropriateness of the LMAs, comparative analyses are performed between alternative delimitations based on different parameter configurations of the proposed method versus administrative boundaries and the most widely used method for official LMA delimitation, the travel-to-work areas method

    Cold Isostatic Pressing to Improve the Mechanical Performance of Additively Manufactured Metallic Components.

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    Additive manufacturing is becoming a technique with great prospects for the production of components with new designs or shapes that are difficult to obtain by conventional manufacturing methods. One of the most promising techniques for printing metallic components is binder jetting, due to its time efficiency and its ability to generate complex parts. In this process, a liquid binding agent is selectively deposited to adhere the powder particles of the printing material. Once the metallic piece is generated, it undergoes a subsequent process of curing and sintering to increase its density (hot isostatic pressing). In this work, we propose subjecting the manufactured component to an additional post-processing treatment involving the application of a high hydrostatic pressure (5000 bar) at room temperature. This post-processing technique, so-called cold isostatic pressing (CIP), is shown to increase the yield load and the maximum carrying capacity of an additively manufactured AISI 316L stainless steel. The mechanical properties, with and without CIP processing, are estimated by means of the small punch test, a suitable experimental technique to assess the mechanical response of small samples. In addition, we investigate the porosity and microstructure of the material according to the orientations of layer deposition during the manufacturing process. Our observations reveal a homogeneous distribution independent of these orientations, evidencing thus an isotropic behaviour of the material

    Influence of charging conditions on simulated temperature-programmed desorption for hydrogen in metals

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    Failures attributed to hydrogen embrittlement are a major concern for metals so a better understanding of damage micro-mechanisms and hydrogen diffusion within the metal is needed. Local concentrations depend on transport phenomena including trapping effects, which are usually characterised by a temperature-programmed desorption method often referred to as Thermal Desorption Analysis (TDA). When the hydrogen is released from the specimen during the programmed heating, some desorption peaks are observed that are commonly related to detrapping energies by means of an analytical procedure. The limitations of this approach are revisited here and gaseous hydrogen charging at high temperatures is simulated. This popular procedure enables attaining high concentrations due to the higher solubility of hydrogen at high temperatures. However, the segregation behaviour of hydrogen into traps depends on charging time and temperature. This process and the subsequent cooling alter hydrogen distribution are numerically modelled; it is found that TDA spectra are strongly affected by the charging temperature and the charging time, both for weak and strong traps. However, the influence of ageing time at room temperature after cooling and before desorption is only appreciable for weak traps

    Pre-notched dog bone small punch specimens for the estimation of fracture properties

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    In recent years, the pre-notched or pre-cracked small punch test (P-SPT) has been successfully used to estimate the fracture properties of metallic materials for cases in which there is not sufficient material to identify these properties from standard tests, such as CT or SENB specimens. The P-SPT basically consists of deforming a pre-notched miniature specimen, whose edges are firmly gripped by a die, using a high strength punch. The novelty of this paper lies in the estimation of fracture properties using dog-bone-shaped specimens with different confinement levels. With these specimens, three confinement variations have been studied. The results obtained enable the establishment of a variation of fracture properties depending on the level of confinement of each miniature specimen and selection of the most appropriate confinement for this goal

    Late Burdigalian (Miocene) age for pectinids (Mollusca-Bivalvia) from the Pirabas Formation (northern Brazil) derived from Sr-isotope (87 Sr/86 Sr) data

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    The faunas of the highly fossiliferous Pirabas Formation belong to the southern part of the biogeographical unit known as "Neogene Tropical America". This unit developed prior to the closure of the Central American Seaway by the Isthmus of Panama. Until now, the age of the Pirabas Formation was inferred only from biostratigraphy. The Sr-isotope (87 Sr/86 Sr) values of pectinid shells from the Pirabas Formation show that most parts of this unit were deposited during the Late Burdigalian (about 16-17 Ma). This result does not contradict biostratigraphic data and it constrains the age of the Pirabas Formation more tightly than do previous estimates of age, it for future, more precise biogeographical comparisons


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    Cowpea or “judía de vaca” variability in the Murcia Region is studied under organic conditions. Fourteen accessions studied are grouped in six well-defi ned cultivarieties, from which four (bisuelo, habichuela, chicharro negro, judía culebra) are related with the sesquipedalis group, while two (caricas del señor y cerigüelos) with the unguiculata group. A detailed description of the species is included. Finally, the importance of these cultivarieties in organic production is discussed in the context of their endangered survival.Se analiza la variabilidad del caupí o judía de vaca en la Región de Murcia, bajo condiciones de cultivo ecológico. Las 14 entradas estudiadas se reúnen en 6 cultivariedades bien diferenciadas, de las cuales 4 (bisuelo, habichuela, chicharro negro y judía culebra) están relacionadas con el grupo sesquipedalis y dos (caricas del señor y cerigüelos) con el grupo unguiculata. Se incluye una descripción detallada de la especie. Finalmente, se destaca la importancia que puede tener el cultivo de estas cultivariedades, en peligro de extinción, en sistemas de producción ecológica

    <em>Study on comparable Labour Market Areas</em>

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    The purpose of the "Study on comparable Labour Market Areas" is to explore the possibility of a consistent statistical classification of the whole EU territory, defined on a functional basis. To be specific, the objectives are to: (1) outline the state-of-art of applied sciences in the field of LMAs; (2) compare the LMA concepts recognised and implemented in each Member State; (3) draw conclusions on relevant best practice; (4) explore the added value of a common definition for the entire EU; and (5) identify possible ways and means of harmonising LMA definitions across the EU

    Informe: Los hospitales de día intramuros para enfermos mentales en Francia Day-care hospitals for mental patients in France.

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    Los hospitales de día intramuros ocupan un lugar predominante en el abanico de la asistencia psiquiátrica en Francia.&lt;br /&gt;Fueron concebidos como estructuras intermedias encaminadas a favorecer la desactivación de ese proceso inexorable, que es la cronificación de los pacientes en psiquiatría.&lt;br /&gt;Su misión primordial es la de preparar y favorecer la reinserción de los pacientes psiquiátricos procedentes del hospital, sin olvidar la dependencia adquirida por el enfermo respecto a la institución durante sus, a menudo, largas estancias en el medio psiquiátrico