51 research outputs found

    Impact of cognitive stimulation on ripples within human epileptic and non-epileptic hippocampus

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    Background: Until now there has been no way of distinguishing between physiological and epileptic hippocampal ripples in intracranial recordings. In the present study we addressed this by investigating the effect of cognitive stimulation on interictal high frequency oscillations in the ripple range (80-250 Hz) within epileptic (EH) and non-epileptic hippocampus (NH). Methods: We analyzed depth EEG recordings in 10 patients with intractable epilepsy, in whom hippocampal activity was recorded initially during quiet wakefulness and subsequently during a simple cognitive task. Using automated detection of ripples based on amplitude of the power envelope, we analyzed ripple rate (RR) in the cognitive and resting period, within EH and NH. Results: Compared to quiet wakefulness we observed a significant reduction of RR during cognitive stimulation in EH, while it remained statistically marginal in NH. Further, we investigated the direct impact of cognitive stimuli on ripples (i.e. immediately post-stimulus), which showed a transient statistically significant suppression of ripples in the first second after stimuli onset in NH only. Conclusion: Our results point to a differential reactivity of ripples within EH and NH to cognitive stimulation

    Sucrose in the concentrated solution or the supercooled “state” : a review of caramelisation reactions and physical behaviour

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    Sucrose is probably one of the most studied molecules by food scientists, since it plays an important role as an ingredient or preserving agent in many formulations and technological processes. When sucrose is present in a product with a concentration near or greater than the saturation point—i.e. in the supercooled state—it possesses high potentialities for the food industry in areas as different as pastry industry, dairy and frozen desserts or films and coatings production. This paper presents a review on critical issues and research on highly concentrated sucrose solutions—mainly, on sucrose thermal degradation and relaxation behaviour in such solutions. The reviewed works allow identifying several issues with great potential for contributing to significant advances in Food Science and Technology.Authors are grateful for the valuable discussions with Teresa S. Brandao and Rosiane Lopes da Cunha during this research. Author M. A. C. Quintas acknowledges the financial support of her research by FCT grant SFRH/BPD/41715/2007

    Epidemiology, Molecular Characterization and Antibiotic Resistance of Neisseria meningitidis from Patients ≤15 Years in Manhiça, Rural Mozambique

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    BACKGROUND: The epidemiology of meningococcal disease in Mozambique and other African countries located outside the "meningitis belt" remains widely unknown. With the event of upcoming vaccines microbiological and epidemiological information is urgently needed. METHODS: Prospective surveillance for invasive bacterial infections was conducted at the Manhiça District hospital (rural Mozambique) among hospitalized children below 15 years of age. Available Neisseria meningitidis isolates were serogrouped and characterized by Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST). Antibiotic resistance was also determined. RESULTS: Between 1998 and 2008, sixty-three cases of confirmed meningococcal disease (36 meningitis, 26 sepsis and 1 conjunctivitis) were identified among hospitalized children. The average incidence rate of meningococcal disease was 11.6/100,000 (8/100,000 for meningitis and 3.7/100,000 for meningococcemia, respectively). There was a significant rise on the number of meningococcal disease cases in 2005-2006 that was sustained till the end of the surveillance period. Serogroup was determined for 43 of the 63 meningococcal disease cases: 38 serogroup W-135, 3 serogroup A and 2 serogroup Y. ST-11 was the most predominant sequence type and strongly associated with serogroup W-135. Two of the three serogroup A isolates were ST-1, and both serogroup Y isolates were ST-175. N. meningitidis remained highly susceptible to all antibiotics used for treatment in the country, although the presence of isolates presenting intermediate resistance to penicillin advocates for continued surveillance. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show a high rate of meningococcal disease in Manhiça, Mozambique, mainly caused by serogroup W-135 ST-11 strains, and advocates for the implementation of a vaccination strategy covering serogroup W-135 meningococci in the country

    A Systems Model for Immune Cell Interactions Unravels the Mechanism of Inflammation in Human Skin

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    Inflammation is characterized by altered cytokine levels produced by cell populations in a highly interdependent manner. To elucidate the mechanism of an inflammatory reaction, we have developed a mathematical model for immune cell interactions via the specific, dose-dependent cytokine production rates of cell populations. The model describes the criteria required for normal and pathological immune system responses and suggests that alterations in the cytokine production rates can lead to various stable levels which manifest themselves in different disease phenotypes. The model predicts that pairs of interacting immune cell populations can maintain homeostatic and elevated extracellular cytokine concentration levels, enabling them to operate as an immune system switch. The concept described here is developed in the context of psoriasis, an immune-mediated disease, but it can also offer mechanistic insights into other inflammatory pathologies as it explains how interactions between immune cell populations can lead to disease phenotypes

    VLPs and particle strategies for cancer vaccines

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    Chromosomal translocation products engender new intracellular therapeutic technologies.

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    Chromosomal translocations occur in leukemias, lymphomas, sarcomas and some epithelial tumors and some generate unique fusion proteins. These translocation products may provide tumor-specific targets for the development of new therapeutic strategies tailored to a malignant cell