15 research outputs found

    Vaginal Histological Changes Of The Baboon During The Normal Menstrual Cycle And Pregnancy

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    Background: A baboon, a non-human primate, is phylogenetically close to human and has been used to study in detail aspects of reproductive physiology that cannot be studied in humans for ethical reasons.Objective: To determine the histological changes in baboon vagina associated with cyclic variations during normal menstrual cycle.Setting: The experiments were carried out at Institute of Primate Research (IPR), Karen, Nairobi, Kenya.Subjects: Nine adult healthy female olive baboons were used in this study. These baboons were monitored over a period of one year and found to have regular menstrual cycles. The vaginal biopsies were taken at different menstrual stages, fixed in 10% formalin and processed to evaluate histological changes.Results: Observation of the histological sections of the biopsies by light microscopy showed that there were histological changes associated with cyclic variations in female olive baboon. During the luteal phase, menstrual phase and pregnancy the squamous epithelium was very thin. The layer gradually thickens throughout the proliferative phase and was thickest during the ovulation period.Conclusion: The changes in squamous epithelium suggest that the baboon vagina undergoes histological changes throughout the menstrual cycle which may be associated with hormonal variations. The data from this study also suggest that olive baboon is a good model for investigating possible effects of hormonal contraceptives on vaginal epithelium and the mechanism of female heterosexual transmission of HIV

    How Human Brucellosis Incidence in Urban Kampala Can Be Reduced Most Efficiently? A Stochastic Risk Assessment of Informally-Marketed Milk

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    In Kampala, Uganda, studies have shown a significant incidence of human brucellosis. A stochastic risk assessment involving two field surveys (cattle farms and milk shops) and a medical record survey was conducted to assess the risk of human brucellosis infection through consumption of informally marketed raw milk potentially infected with Brucella abortus in Kampala and to identify the best control options.In the cattle farm survey, sera of 425 cows in 177 herds in the Kampala economic zone were sampled and tested for brucellosis using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (CELISA). Farmers were interviewed for dairy information. In the milk shop surveys, 135 milk sellers in the urban areas were interviewed and 117 milk samples were collected and tested using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (IELISA). A medical record survey was conducted in Mulago National Referral Hospital for serological test results. A risk model was developed synthesizing data from these three surveys. Possible control options were prepared based on the model and the reduction of risk was simulated for each scenario. Overall, 12.6% (6.8-18.9: 90%CI) of informally marketed milk in urban Kampala was contaminated with B.abortus at purchase and the annual incidence rate was estimated to be 5.8 (90% CI: 5.3-6.2) per 10,000 people. The best control option would be the construction of a milk boiling centre either in Mbarara, the largest source of milk, or in peri-urban Kampala and to ensure that milk traders always sell milk to the boiling centre; 90% success in enforcing these two options would reduce risk by 47.4% (21.6-70.1: 90%CI) and 82.0% (71.0-89.0: 90%CI), respectively.This study quantifies the risk of human brucellosis infection through informally marketed milk and estimates the incidence rate in Kampala for the first time; risk-based mitigation strategies are outlined to assist in developing policy

    Influence of amyloglucosidase in bread crust properties

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    Enzymes are used in baking as a useful tool for improving the processing behavior or properties of baked products. A number of enzymes have been proposed for improving specific volume, imparting softness, or extend the shelf life of breads, but scarce studies have been focused on bread crust. The aim of this study was to determine the use of amyloglucosidase for modulating the properties of the bread crust and increase its crispness. Increasing levels of enzyme were applied onto the surface of two different partially bake breads (thin and thick crust bread). Amyloglucosidase treatment affected significantly (P<0.05) the color of the crust and decreased the moisture content and water activity of the crusts. Mechanical properties were modified by amyloglucosidase, namely increasing levels of enzyme promoted a decrease in the force (Fm) required for crust rupture and an increase in the number of fracture events (Nwr) related to crispy products. Crust microstructure analysis confirmed that enzymatic treatment caused changes in the bread crust structure, leading to a disruption of the structure, by removing the starchy layer that covered the granules and increasing the number of voids, which agree with the texture fragility.Authors acknowledge the financial support of Spanish Ministry of Economy and Sustainability (Project AGL2011-23802), the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), Generalitat Valenciana (Project Prometeo 2012/064) and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC). R. Altamirano-Fortoul would like to thank her grant to CSIC. The authors also thank Forns Valencians S. A. (Spain) for supplying commercial frozen partially baked breads.Altamirano Fortoul, RDC.; Hernando Hernando, MI.; Molina Rosell, MC. (2014). Influence of amyloglucosidase in bread crust properties. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 7(4):1037-1046. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-013-1084-xS1037104674Altamirano-Fortoul R, Hernando I & Rosell CM (2013) Texture of bread crust: puncturing settings effect and its relationship to microstructure. Journal of Texture Studies. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-4603.2012.00368.x .Altamirano-Fortoul, R., Le Bail, A., Chevallier, S., & Rosell, C. M. (2012). Effect of the amount of steam during baking on bread crust features and water diffusion. Journal of Food Engineering, 108, 128–134.Altamirano-Fortoul R & Rosell CM (2010) Alternatives for extending crispiness of crusty breads. In Proceedings of International Conference on Food Innovation, FoodInnova, 25–29 October 2010, Valencia, Spain. ISBN978-84-693-5011-.9.Arimi, J. M., Duggan, E., O’sullivan, M., Lyng, J. G., & O’riordan, E. D. (2010). Effect of water activity on the crispiness of a biscuit (crackerbread): mechanical and acoustic evaluation. Food Research International, 43, 1650–1655.Castro-Prada, E. 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Crispy/crunchy crusts of cellular solid foods: a literature review with discussion. Journal of Texture Studies, 35, 445–492.Potter, N. N., & Hotchkiss, J. H. (1998). Food dehydration and concentration. In N. N. Potter & J. H. Hotchkiss (Eds.), Food Science (5th ed.). New York: Aspen Publishers.Primo-Martin, C., Van de Pijpekamp, A., Van Vliet, T., Jongh, H. H. J., Plijter, J. J., & Hamer, R. J. (2006). The role of the gluten network in the crispness of bread crust. Journal of Cereal Science, 43, 342–352.Primo-Martin, C., Sozer, N., Hamer, R. J., & Van Vliet, T. (2009). Effect of water activity on fracture and acoustic characteristics of a crust model. Journal of Food Engineering, 90, 277–284.Roudaut, G., Dacremont, C., & Le Meste, M. (1998). Influence of water on the crispness of cereal-based foods: acoustic, mechanical, and sensory studies. Journal of Texture Studies, 29, 199–213.Roudaut, G., Dacremont, C., Pamies, B. V., Colas, B., & Le Meste, M. (2002). Crispness: a critical review on sensory and material science approaches. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 13, 217–227.Rojas JA (2000) Uso combinado de hidrocoloides y alfa-amilasa como mejorantes en panificaciĂłn. Dissertation PhD Thesis. Universidad PolitĂ©cnica de ValenciaRosell, C. M. (2007). Vitamin and mineral fortification of bread. In B. Hamaker (Ed.), Technology of functional cereal products. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Ltd.Rosell, C. M. (2011). The science of doughs and bread quality. In V. R. Preedy, R. R. Watson, & V. B. Patel (Eds.), Flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention (pp. 3–14). London: Academic.Rosell CM, Altamirano-Fortoul R & Hernando I (2011) Mechanical properties of bread crust by puncture test and the effect of sprayed enzymes. In: Proceedings of 6th International Congress Flour. Bread’11, 8th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologist, 12–14 October 2011, Opatija, Croatia. ISSN 1848–2562.Sahlström, S., & Brathen, E. 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    Sustainability of biohydrogen as fuel: Present scenario and future perspective

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    Evidence for expression of endogenous retroviral sequences on primate reproductive tissues and detection of cross-reactive ERVS antigens in the baboon ovary: a review

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    No Abstract. East African Medical Journal Vol. 83(2) 2006: 106-11