1,130 research outputs found

    Contribution of Collaborative Work to Teacher Reflection and the Transformation of Pedagogical Practices of School and University Science Teachers // Contribución del trabajo colaborativo en la reflexión docente y en la transformación de las prácticas pedagógicas de profesores de ciencia escolares y universitarios

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    Poor results of science learning, both at school and university, have led us to acknowledge the need to transform our teaching. Currently, reflection and collaborative work with colleagues are conceived as being key factors in the process of the transformation of practices. Based on the experiences of a group of school and university science teachers working on action-research, we describe the contribution that collaborative work has on reflection for the transformation of practices. The main aspects are the recognition of strengths and weaknesses, listening to and learning from the experience of others, and the discussion of specific classroom practices. On the other hand, these reflections contribute to the transformation at different levels: the teacher, classroom teaching practices, and the school community. The fact that it is a diverse group that includes both school and university teachers generate enriching reflections that help to transform practices in both areas. These reflections not only benefit the school system, but also science teachers education, and provide insights on a new University-School relationship // Los deficientes resultados de aprendizaje en el área de las ciencias, tanto en el ámbito escolar como universitario, nos han llevado a la necesidad de transformar nuestra enseñanza. En la actualidad, la reflexión y el trabajo colaborativo con colegas se conciben como claves en el proceso de transformación de las prácticas. A partir de la experiencia de un grupo de docentes escolares y universitarios de ciencia que realiza una investigación-acción, describimos la contribución que tiene el trabajo colaborativo sobre la reflexión para la transformación de las prácticas. Destacan aspectos como el reconocimiento de debilidades y fortalezas, el escuchar y aprender de la experiencia de otros y la discusión de prácticas concretas de aula. Por otra parte, estas reflexiones contribuyen a la transformación en diferentes niveles: del profesor, de las prácticas del docente en el aula y de la comunidad escolar. El hecho de que sea un grupo diverso, que incluye a profesores tanto del sistema escolar como universitario, genera reflexiones enriquecedoras, que ayudan a transformar las prácticas en estos dos ámbitos, beneficiando no solo al sistema escolar, sino también a la formación de profesores de ciencia, y dando luces acerca de una nueva relación universidad-escuela

    Principios de Desarrollo Profesional Docente construidos por y para Profesores de Ciencia: una propuesta sustentable que emerge desde la indagación de las propias prácticas / Principles of Teacher Professional Development built by and for Science Teachers: a sustainable proposal that emerges from the inquiry of self-practices

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    La transformación de las prácticas de los docentes en el área de ciencias, tanto a nivel escolar como universitario (incluida la formación inicial), constituye una necesidad urgente si pretendemos alfabetizar científicamente a la población. Este estudio muestra una propuesta de cinco principios para el desarrollo profesional docente en ciencias, que emergen desde la indagación colaborativa de las propias prácticas de un conjunto de docentes de educación primaria, secundaria y universitaria, quienes trabajan hace cuatro años en un proceso de desarrollo profesional conjunto. Estos principios incluyen la construcción de una visión común acerca del para qué enseñar ciencias, la indagación de las prácticas a partir de las particularidades de la educación científica, la reflexión individual y colectiva sobre las prácticas, la valoración de la autoridad de la experiencia para el aprendizaje docente y la promoción de un ambiente de desarrollo profesional que involucre diversidad de contextos y niveles de enseñanza. // The transformation of teaching practices in the area of sciences, both at school and university levels (including initial training), is an urgent need if we intend to achieve scientific literacy in the population. This study shows a proposal of five principles for teacher professional development in sciences, emerged from the collaborative inquiry of self-practices in a group of primary, secondary and university teachers, who have been working together for four years in a professional development process. These principles include the construction of a common vision on the purpose for teaching sciences; the inquiry of practices starting from the distinctive features of scientific education; individual and collective reflection on practices; the valuation of the authority of experience for teacher learning; and the promotion of an environment of professional development involving diverse contexts and teaching levels. Implications for professional development are discussed

    Hierarchical colour image segmentation by leveraging RGB channels independently

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    In this paper, we introduce a hierarchical colour image segmentation based on cuboid partitioning using simple statistical features of the pixel intensities in the RGB channels. Estimating the difference between any two colours is a challenging task. As most of the colour models are not perceptually uniform, investigation of an alternative strategy is highly demanding. To address this issue, for our proposed technique, we present a new concept for colour distance measure based on the inconsistency of pixel intensities of an image which is more compliant to human perception. Constructing a reliable set of superpixels from an image is fundamental for further merging. As cuboid partitioning is a superior candidate to produce superpixels, we use the agglomerative merging to yield the final segmentation results exploiting the outcome of our proposed cuboid partitioning. The proposed cuboid segmentation based algorithm significantly outperforms not only the quadtree-based segmentation but also existing state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms in terms of quality of segmentation for the benchmark datasets used in image segmentation. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Coilin Phosphomutants Disrupt Cajal Body Formation, Reduce Cell Proliferation and Produce a Distinct Coilin Degradation Product

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    Coilin is a nuclear phosphoprotein that accumulates in Cajal bodies (CBs). CBs participate in ribonucleoprotein and telomerase biogenesis, and are often found in cells with high transcriptional demands such as neuronal and cancer cells, but can also be observed less frequently in other cell types such as fibroblasts. Many proteins enriched within the CB are phosphorylated, but it is not clear what role this modification has on the activity of these proteins in the CB. Coilin is considered to be the CB marker protein and is essential for proper CB formation and composition in mammalian cells. In order to characterize the role of coilin phosphorylation on CB formation, we evaluated various coilin phosphomutants using transient expression. Additionally, we generated inducible coilin phosphomutant cell lines that, when used in combination with endogenous coilin knockdown, allow for the expression of the phosphomutants at physiological levels. Transient expression of all coilin phosphomutants except the phosphonull mutant (OFF) significantly reduces proliferation. Interestingly, a stable cell line induced to express the coilin S489D phosphomutant displays nucleolar accumulation of the mutant and generates a N-terminal degradation product; neither of which is observed upon transient expression. A N-terminal degradation product and nucleolar localization are also observed in a stable cell line induced to express a coilin phosphonull mutant (OFF). The nucleolar localization of the S489D and OFF coilin mutants observed in the stable cell lines is decreased when endogenous coilin is reduced. Furthermore, all the phosphomutant cells lines show a significant reduction in CB formation when compared to wild-type after endogenous coilin knockdown. Cell proliferation studies on these lines reveal that only wild-type coilin and the OFF mutant are sufficient to rescue the reduction in proliferation associated with endogenous coilin depletion. These results emphasize the role of coilin phosphorylation in the formation and activity of CBs

    Human papillomavirus infections in women seeking cervical Papanicolaou cytology of Durango, Mexico: prevalence and genotypes

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    BACKGROUND: HPV infection in women from developing countries is an important public health problem. Therefore, we sought to determine the prevalences of HPV infection and HPV genotypes in a female population of Durango City, Mexico. Also to determine whether any socio-demographic characteristic from the women associated with HPV infection exists. METHODS: Four hundred and ninety eight women seeking cervical Papanicolaou examination in three public Health Centers were examined for HPV infection. All women were tested for HPV DNA PCR by using HPV universal primers. In addition, all positive HPV DNA PCR samples were further analyzed for genotyping of HPV genotype 16, 18 and 33. Socio-demographic characteristics from each participant were also obtained. RESULTS: Twenty-four out of four hundred and ninety-eight (4.8%) women were found infected by HPV. HPV genotype 16 was found in 18 out of the 24 (75%) infected women. Two of them were also coinfected by HPV genotype 18 (8.3%). In the rest 6 PCR positive women, genotyping for HPV genotypes 16, 18 and 33 were negative. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of HPV in women of Durango City is low; however, most infected women have high risk HPV genotype. The women who were studied showed low frequency of risk factors for HPV infection and this may explain the low prevalence of HPV infection. The high frequency of high risk HPV genotypes observed might explain the high rate of mortality for cervical cancer in our region

    A fluorogenic cyclic peptide for imaging and quantification of drug-induced apoptosis

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    Programmed cell death or apoptosis is a central biological process that is dysregulated in many diseases, including inflammatory conditions and cancer. The detection and quantification of apoptotic cells in vivo is hampered by the need for fixatives or washing steps for non-fluorogenic reagents, and by the low levels of free calcium in diseased tissues that restrict the use of annexins. In this manuscript, we report the rational design of a highly stable fluorogenic peptide (termed Apo-15) that selectively stains apoptotic cells in vitro and in vivo in a calcium-independent manner and under wash-free conditions. Furthermore, using a combination of chemical and biophysical methods, we identify phosphatidylserine as a molecular target of Apo-15. We demonstrate that Apo-15 can be used for the quantification and imaging of drug-induced apoptosis in preclinical mouse models, thus creating opportunities for assessing the in vivo efficacy of anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer therapeutics

    Perspectives for next generation lithium-ion battery cathode materials

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    Transitioning to electrified transport requires improvements in sustainability, energy density, power density, lifetime, and approved the cost of lithium-ion batteries, with significant opportunities remaining in the development of next-generation cathodes. This presents a highly complex, multiparameter optimization challenge, where developments in cathode chemical design and discovery, theoretical and experimental understanding, structural and morphological control, synthetic approaches, and cost reduction strategies can deliver performance enhancements required in the near- and longer-term. This multifaceted challenge requires an interdisciplinary approach to solve, which has seen the establishment of numerous academic and industrial consortia around the world to focus on cathode development. One such example is the Next Generation Lithium-ion Cathode Materials project, FutureCat, established by the UK’s Faraday Institution for electrochemical energy storage research in 2019, aimed at developing our understanding of existing and newly discovered cathode chemistries. Here, we present our perspective on persistent fundamental challenges, including protective coatings and additives to extend lifetime and improve interfacial ion transport, the design of existing and the discovery of new cathode materials where cation and cation-plus-anion redox-activity can be exploited to increase energy density, the application of earth-abundant elements that could ultimately reduce costs, and the delivery of new electrode topologies resistant to fracture which can extend battery lifetime