612 research outputs found

    Clostridium difficile colitis in patients after kidney and pancreas-kidney transplantation

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    Limited data exist about Clostridium difficile colitis (CDC) in solid organ transplant patients. Between 1/1/99 and 12/31/02, 600 kidney and 102 pancreas–kidney allograft recipients were transplanted. Thirty-nine (5.5%) of these patients had CDC on the basis of clinical and laboratory findings. Of these 39 patients, 35 have information available for review. CDC developed at a median of 30 days after transplantation, and the patients undergoing pancreas–kidney transplantation had a slightly higher incidence of CDC than recipients of kidney alone (7.8% vs. 4.5%, P> 0.05). All but one patient presented with diarrhea. Twenty-four patients (64.9%) were diagnosed in the hospital, and CDC occurred during first hospitalization in 14 patients (40%). Treatment was with oral metronidazole (M) in 33 patients (94%)and M + oral vancomycin (M + V) in 2 patients. Eight patients had recurrent CDC, which occurred at a median of 30 days (range 15–314) after the first episode. Two patients (5.7%) developed fulminant CDC, presented with toxic megacolon, and underwent colectomy. One of them died; the other patient survived after colectomy. CDC should be considered as a diagnosis in transplant patients with history of diarrhea after antibiotic use, and should be treated aggressively before the infection becomes complicated

    Immunosuppression for liver transplantation in HCV-infected patients: Mechanism-based principles

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    We retrospectively analyzed 42 hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients who underwent cadaveric liver transplantation under two strategies of immunosuppression: (1) daily tacrolimus (TAC) throughout and an initial cycle of high-dose prednisone (PRED) with subsequent gradual steroid weaning, or (2) intraoperative antithymocyte globulin (ATG) and daily TAC that was later space weaned. After 36 ± 4 months, patient and graft survival in the first group was 18/19 (94.7%) with no examples of clinically serious HCV recurrence. In the second group, the three-year patient survival was 12/23 (52%), and graft survival was 9/23 (39%); accelerated recurrent hepatitis was the principal cause of the poor results. The data were interpreted in the context of a recently proposed immunologic paradigm that is equally applicable to transplantation and viral immunity. In the framework of this paradigm, the disparate hepatitis outcomes reflected different equilibria reached under the two immunosuppression regimens between the relative kinetics of viral distribution (systemically and in the liver) and the slowly recovering HCV-specific T-cell response. As a corollary, the aims of treatment of the HCV-infected liver recipients should be to predict, monitor, and equilibrate beneficial balances between virus distribution and the absence of an immunopathologic antiviral T-cell response. In this view, favorable equilibria were accomplished in the nonweaned group of patients but not in the weaned group. In conclusion, since the anti-HCV response is unleashed when immunosuppression is weaned, treatment protocols that minimize disease recurrence in HCV-infected allograft recipients must balance the desire to reduce immunosuppression or induce allotolerance with the need to prevent antiviral immunopathology. Copyright © 2005 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

    Recurrent Hepatitis C in Liver Allografts: Prospective Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy, Identification of Pitfalls, and Observations about Pathogenesis

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    Rationale and Design: The accuracy of a prospective histopathologic diagnosis of rejection and recurrent hepatitis C (HCV) was determined in 48 HCV RNA-positive liver allograft recipients enrolled in an "immunosuppression minimization protocol" between July 29, 2001 and January 24, 2003. Prospective entry of all pertinent treatment, laboratory, and histopathology results into an electronic data-base enabled a retrospective analysis of the accuracy of histopathologic diagnoses and the pathophysiologic relationship between recurrent HCV and rejection. Results: Time to first onset of acute rejection (AR) (mean, 107 days; median, 83 days; range, 7-329 days) overlapped with the time to first onset of recurrent HCV (mean, 115 days; median, 123 days; range, 22-315 days), making distinction between the two difficult. AR and chronic rejection (CR) with and without co-existent HCV showed overlapping but significantly different liver injury test profiles. One major and two minor errors occurred (positive predictive values for AR = 91%; recurrent HCV = 100%) ; all involved an overdiagnosis of AR in the context of recurrent HCV. Retrospective analysis of the mistakes showed that major errors can be avoided altogether and the impact of unavoidable minor errors can be minimized by strict adherence to specific histopathologic criteria, close clinicopathologic correlation including examination of HCV RNA levels, and a conservative approach to the use of additional immunosuppression. In addition, histopathologic diagnoses of moderate and severe AR and CR were associated with relatively low HCV RNA levels, whereas relatively high HCV RNA levels were associated with a histopathologic diagnosis of hepatitis alone, particularly the cholestatic variant of HCV. Conclusions: Liver allograft biopsy interpretation can rapidly and accurately distinguish between recurrent HCV and AR/CR. In addition, the histopathologic observations suggest that the immune mechanism responsible for HCV clearance overlap with those leading to significant rejection

    A Model to Define an eHealth Technological Ecosystem for Caregivers

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    The ageing of world population has a direct impact on the health and care systems, as it means an increase in the number of people needing care which leads to higher care costs and the need for more resources. In this context, informal caregivers play an important role as they enable dependent persons to stay at home and thus reduce care costs. However, long-term continuous care provision has also an impact in the physical and mental health of the caregivers. Moreover, geographical barriers make it difficult for caregivers to accessing psychoeducation as a way to alleviate their problems. To support caregivers in their needs and provide specialized training, technology plays a fundamental role. The present work provides the theoretical basis for the development of a technological ecosystem focused on learning and knowledge management processes to develop and enhance the caregiving competences of formal and informal caregivers, both at home and in care environments. In particular, a platform-specific model to support the definition of the ecosystem based on Open Source software components is presented, along with a Business Model Canvas to define the business structure as part of the human elements of the technological ecosystem

    Daily consumption of a dairy drink enriched with DHA, Vitamins and minerals enhanced nutritional status and cognitive abilities parameters

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    Preadolescence is a period of growth with special nutritional requirements. In this research we investigated the effects produced by a 5-month consumption of an enriched dairy drink on biochemical and cognitive development parameters in children. Methods: 119 children (8 14y) of both genders (male 49%, female 51%) were randomly distributed into two study groups. The supplemented group (SG, n = 60) consumed 0.6 L/day (breakfast, elevenses and teatime) of an enriched dairy drink containing fish oils (high in DHA), oleic acid, carbohydrates (sugar and honey), vitamins (A, B complex, C, D, and E) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, zinc) (Puleva Max®). The control group (CG, n = 59) consumed 0.6 L/day of standard whole milk. Both groups received the same dietary advice and consumed the dairy drinks for 5-moths, in addition to their usual diet. Blood samples and psychometric tests (some subscales of W.I.S.C.-IV of Wechsler and EVALUA of Vidal) were taken at 0 and 5 months. RM ANOVA was applied. Data are expressed as mean±SEM. Results: The consumption of the enriched dairy drink (SG) produced significant (p < 0.05) increases in plasma DHA (20%) and calcium (1.5%). Total proteins (1.9%), transferrine (2.1%), total cholesterol (3.3%) and HDLcholesterol (5.2%), but not LDL-cholesterol, decreased significantly in CG. Regarding psychometric parameters, digits span (working memory test), speed reading and reading comprehension scores showed significant increases in SG at the end of the study (16.8%, 19.1%, and 19.0% respectively) whereas CG only showed higher scores in the reading comprehension test (19.2%). Conclusion: The dietary supplementation with the enriched dairy drink improved the nutritional and biochemical status and a number of cognitive performance markers in children of 8 and 14 years. Supported by Puleva Food SA.Universidad e Granada Puleva Biotech S

    The influence of semantic and phonological factors on syntactic decisions: An event-related brain potential study

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    During language production and comprehension, information about a word's syntactic properties is sometimes needed. While the decision about the grammatical gender of a word requires access to syntactic knowledge, it has also been hypothesized that semantic (i.e., biological gender) or phonological information (i.e., sound regularities) may influence this decision. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were measured while native speakers of German processed written words that were or were not semantically and/or phonologically marked for gender. Behavioral and ERP results showed that participants were faster in making a gender decision when words were semantically and/or phonologically gender marked than when this was not the case, although the phonological effects were less clear. In conclusion, our data provide evidence that even though participants performed a grammatical gender decision, this task can be influenced by semantic and phonological factors

    Transanal total mesorectal excision: a pure NOTES approach for selected patients

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    Background: The concept of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) has stimulated the development of various “incisionless” procedures. One of the most popular is the transanal approach for rectal lesions. The aims of this study were to report how we standardized NOTES technique for transanal mesorectal excision without abdominal assistance, discuss the difficulties and surgical outcomes of this technique and report its feasibility in a small group of selected patients. Methods: Three consecutive female patients underwent transanal NOTES rectal resection without transabdominal laparoscopic assistance for rectal lesions. Functional results were assessed with the Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life scale and the Wexner score. Results: The technical steps are described in details and complemented with a video. All procedures were completed without transabdominal laparoscopic help. The mesorectal plane was entirely dissected without any disruption, and distal and circumferential margins were tumor-free. No major complications were observed. Functional results show a significant impairment after surgery with improvement at 6 months to levels near those of the preoperative period. Conclusions: The performance and publication of NOTES procedures are subject to much discussion. Despite the small number of patients, this procedure appears feasible and can be accomplished maintaining fecal continence and respecting oncologic principles

    Serum calcitonin negative Medullary thyroid carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Medullary thyroid carcinomas (MTC) constitute about 5 to 7 % of thyroid neoplasms. They originate from parafollicular C cells which produce Calcitonin, a hormone which has an impact on calcium metabolism and represents the biochemical activity of MTC. In rare cases pre-operative serum calcitonin can be negative. CASE PRESENTATION: We report on a 73-year-old female patient with a rare case of a serum calcitonin negative medullary thyroid carcinoma who suffered fulminant post-operative course and died of multiple metastasis. CONCLUSION: This case shows that in very rare cases MTCs do not secrete calcitonin making diagnosis and tumour follow-up difficult. To this date, only few reports describing this combination of circumstances were found in the English literature