41 research outputs found

    A model-based extension to HiP-HOPS for dynamic fault propagation studies

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    HiP-HOPS is a model-based approach for assessing the dependability of safety-critical systems. The method combines models, logic, probabilities and nature-inspired algorithms to provide advanced capabilities for design optimisation, requirement allocation and safety argument generation. To deal with dynamic systems, HiP-HOPS has introduced temporal operators and a temporal logic to represent and assess event sequences in component failure modelling. Although this approach has been shown to work, it is not entirely consistent with the way designers tend to express operational dynamics in models which show mode and state sequences. To align HiP-HOPS better with typical design techniques, in this paper, we extend the method with the ability to explicitly consider different modes of operation. With this added capability HiP-HOPS can create and analyse temporal fault trees from architectural models of a system which are augmented with mode information

    Characterizing the localized surface plasmon resonance behaviors of Au nanorings and tracking their diffusion in bio-tissue with optical coherence tomography

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    The characterization results of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of Au nanorings (NRs) with optical coherence tomography (OCT) are first demonstrated. Then, the diffusion behaviors of Au NRs in mouse liver samples tracked with OCT are shown. For such research, aqueous solutions of Au NRs with two different localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) wavelengths are prepared and characterized. Their LSPR-induced extinction cross sections at 1310 nm are estimated with OCT scanning of solution droplets on coverslip to show reasonably consistent results with the data at individual LSPR wavelengths and at 1310 nm obtained from transmission measurements of Au NR solutions and numerical simulations. The resonant and non-resonant Au NRs are delivered into mouse liver samples for tracking Au NR diffusion in the samples through continuous OCT scanning for one hour. With resonant Au NRs, the average A-mode scan profiles of OCT scanning at different delay times clearly demonstrate the extension of strong backscattering depth with time. The calculation of speckle variance among successive OCT scanning images, which is related to the local transport speed of Au NRs, leads to the illustrations of downward propagation and spreading of major Au NR motion spot with time

    An overview of the approaches for automotive safety integrity levels allocation

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    YesISO 26262, titled Road Vehicles–Functional Safety, is the new automotive functional safety standard for passenger vehicle industry. In order to accomplish the goal of designing and developing dependable automotive systems, ISO 26262 uses the concept of Automotive Safety Integrity Levels (ASILs), the adaptation of Safety Integrity Levels. ASILs are allocated to the components and subsystems that can cause system failure and malfunctions that lead to hazards. ASILs allocation is a hard problem consists of finding the optimal allocation of safety levels to the system architecture which must guarantee that the highest safety requirements are met while development cost of the automotive system is kept minimum. There were many successful attempts to solve this problem using different techniques. However, it is worth pointing out that there is an absence of a review that provides an in-depth study of all the existing methods and highlights their merits and demerits. This paper presents an overview of different approaches that were used to solve ASILs allocation problem. The review provides an overview of safety requirements including the related standards followed by a study of the resolution methods of the existing approaches. The study of each approach provides a detailed explanation of the used methodology and a discussion of its strength and weaknesses including the main open challenges