1,421 research outputs found


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    Multiple delivery carries a series of psychosocial implications which concern both the parents and the social and health care systems. The possibility of complications increases in multiple pregnancies, as well as the needs for attention and care for both, the babies and the parents. Therefore, information about the evolution of this kind of pregnancies is very important to identify people’s health needs. Objectives: The main objective of this research is to show the evolution of multiple deliveries in Spain, and in the Murcia Region between 1996 and 2008. Additional objectives are to examine those data according to mother’s age at maternity, and to analyze possible consequences of such evolution. Method: Information has been obtained from the National Institute of Statistics and the Murcia Regional Centre of Statistics databases. Results: Multiple births rate has changed form 13.1‰ in 1996 to 18.4‰ in 2008 in Murcia (12.7‰ to 19.4‰ in Spain). The biggest increase has taken place in mothers older than 30 years old. Conclusion: This situation presents important implications for the families and for the health system as a whole. Families need to reach an adaptation and health workers might collaborate giving adequate information and orientation.Los partos múltiples conllevan una serie de implicaciones psicosociales que afectan tanto a los padres como a los sistemas de atención sanitaria y social. La posibilidad de que se produzcan complicaciones se incrementa en el caso de un embarazo múltiple, así como las necesidades de atención y cuidados tanto para los bebés como para los padres. Disponer de información acerca de la evolución de este tipo de embarazos resulta, por tanto, de gran relevancia para identificar necesidades de salud en la población. Objetivos: Este trabajo tiene como principales objetivos presentar la evolución de los partos múltiples entre los años 1996 y 2008, tanto en la Región de Murcia como en España, examinar estos datos en función de la edad de la madre en el momento del nacimiento y analizar las posibles repercusiones de esta evolución. Método: Para ello se ha utilizado la información disponible en las bases de datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y del Centro Regional de Estadística de Murcia. Resultados: En los últimos años se ha producido un importante aumento en el número de partos múltiples tanto a nivel nacional como en las distintas comunidades autónomas, la Región de Murcia entre ellas. La tasa de partos gemelares o de orden mayor ha pasado a ser de 13.1‰ en 1996 a 18.4‰ en 2008 en Murcia (12.7‰ a 19.4‰ en España). El mayor incremento se ha producido en los grupos de madres a partir de los 30 años. Conclusiones: Esta situación presenta implicaciones importantes para el sistema de salud en su conjunto y para las familias. Éstas necesitan conseguir una adaptación en la que puede colaborar de forma decisiva el profesional sanitario proporcionando una información y orientación adecuada

    BR-BCSC Signature: The Cancer Stem Cell Profile Enriched in Brain Metastases that Predicts a Worse Prognosis in Lymph Node-Positive Breast Cancer

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    Brain metastases remain an unmet clinical need in breast oncology, being frequently found in HER2-overexpressing and triple-negative carcinomas. These tumors were reported to be highly cancer stem-like cell-enriched, suggesting that brain metastases probably arise by the seeding of cancer cells with stem features. Accordingly, we found that brain-tropic breast cancer cells show increased stem cell activity and tumorigenic capacity in the chick embryo choriallantoic membrane when compared to the parental cell line. These observations were supported by a significant increase in their stem cell frequency and by the enrichment for the breast cancer stem cell (BCSC) phenotype CD44+CD24-/low. Based on this data, the expression of BCSC markers (CD44, CD49f, P-cadherin, EpCAM, and ALDH1) was determined and found to be significantly enriched in breast cancer brain metastases when compared to primary tumors. Therefore, a brain (BR)-BCSC signature was defined (3-5 BCSC markers), which showed to be associated with decreased brain metastases-free and overall survival. Interestingly, this signature significantly predicted a worse prognosis in lymph node-positive patients, acting as an independent prognostic factor. Thus, an enrichment of a BCSC signature was found in brain metastases, which can be used as a new prognostic factor in clinically challenging breast cancer patients.This work was funded by FEDER (Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional) funds through the COMPETE 2020 Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior under the projects Pest-C/SAU/LA0003/2013, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000029, SAICTPAC/0022/2015 POCI—01-0145-FEDER-016390, and FCT/02/SAICT/2017/030625. A Novartis Oncology grant also funded part of the work, namely, the characterization of the Portuguese series of human brain metastases. FCT funded the research grant of R.C. (SFRH/BD/135831/2018). IPATIMUP integrates the i3S Research Unit, which is partially supported by FCT in the framework of the project “Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274)

    Electrophysiological Heterogeneity of Fast-Spiking Interneurons: Chandelier versus Basket Cells

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    In the prefrontal cortex, parvalbumin-positive inhibitory neurons play a prominent role in the neural circuitry that subserves working memory, and alterations in these neurons contribute to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Two morphologically distinct classes of parvalbumin neurons that target the perisomatic region of pyramidal neurons, chandelier cells (ChCs) and basket cells (BCs), are generally thought to have the same "fast-spiking" phenotype, which is characterized by a short action potential and high frequency firing without adaptation. However, findings from studies in different species suggest that certain electrophysiological membrane properties might differ between these two cell classes. In this study, we assessed the physiological heterogeneity of fast-spiking interneurons as a function of two factors: species (macaque monkey vs. rat) and morphology (chandelier vs. basket). We showed previously that electrophysiological membrane properties of BCs differ between these two species. Here, for the first time, we report differences in ChCs membrane properties between monkey and rat. We also found that a number of membrane properties differentiate ChCs from BCs. Some of these differences were species-independent (e.g., fast and medium afterhyperpolarization, firing frequency, and depolarizing sag), whereas the differences in the first spike latency between ChCs and BCs were species-specific. Our findings indicate that different combinations of electrophysiological membrane properties distinguish ChCs from BCs in rodents and primates. Such electrophysiological differences between ChCs and BCs likely contribute to their distinctive roles in cortical circuitry in each species. © 2013 Povysheva et al

    Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex Involvement in Initial Negative Aesthetic Impression Formation

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    It is well established that aesthetic appreciation is related with activity in several different brain regions. The identification of the neural correlates of beauty or liking ratings has been the focus of most prior studies. Not much attention has been directed towards the fact that humans are surrounded by objects that lead them to experience aesthetic indifference or leave them with a negative aesthetic impression. Here we explore the neural substrate of such experiences. Given the neuroimaging techniques that have been used, little is known about the temporal features of such brain activity. By means of magnetoencephalography we registered the moment at which brain activity differed while participants viewed images they considered to be beautiful or not. Results show that the first differential activity appears between 300 and 400 ms after stimulus onset. During this period activity in right lateral orbitofrontal cortex (lOFC) was greater while participants rated visual stimuli as not beautiful than when they rated them as beautiful. We argue that this activity is associated with an initial negative aesthetic impression formation, driven by the relative hedonic value of stimuli regarded as not beautiful. Additionally, our results contribute to the understanding of the nature of the functional roles of the lOFC

    Follicular lymphoma international prognostic index.

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    The prognosis of follicular lymphomas (FL) is heterogeneous and numerous treatments may be proposed. A validated prognostic index (PI) would help in evaluating and choosing these treatments. Characteristics at diagnosis were collected from 4167 patients with FL diagnosed between 1985 and 1992. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to propose a PI. This index was then tested on 919 patients. Five adverse prognostic factors were selected: age (> 60 years vs or = 120 g/L), number of nodal areas (> 4 vs or = 3 adverse factors, 27% of patients, HR = 4.3). This Follicular Lymphoma International Prognostic Index (FLIPI) appeared more discriminant than the International Prognostic Index proposed for aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Results were very similar in the confirmation group. The FLIPI may be used for improving treatment choices, comparing clinical trials, and designing studies to evaluate new treatments

    Índice de Massa Corporal, Idade, Maturação Sexual e a Incidência de Hiperlordose Lombar em crianças e adolescentes

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    Introduction: Hyperlordosis can cause several degenerative spinal pathologies in children and adolescents. Objective: Determine whether body mass index, age and sexual maturation predict the occurrence of hyperlordosis in children and adolescents. Method: The study analyzed 380 students aged between 10 and 18 years. Body mass index was evaluated using the reference values suggested by the Fitnessgram test battery, and sexual maturation through Tanner’s scale of self-assessed pubic hair growth. Postural assessment was conducted using the DIPA photogrammetry method, version 3.1. (Digital Image Based Postural Assessment) The SPSS 24.0 program was used to analyze the data, and the following statistical tests were applied: chi squared, Mann-Whitney, Fisher’s exact and binary logistic regression. Results: There was statistical significance between hyperlordosis, girls’ age and puberty in boys (p 0.05). Conclusion: The girls’ age and boys’ stage of puberty were associated with the occurrence of hyperlordosis.Introdução: A Hiperlordose lombar pode ocasionar diversas patologias degenerativas na coluna vertebral de crianças e adolescentes. Objetivo: Identificar se o Índice de Massa Corporal, a Idade e a Maturação Sexual são previsores da ocorrência da hiperlordose lombar em crianças e adolescentes. Método: O estudo analisou 380 estudantes entre 10 e 18 anos. O Índice de Massa Corporal foi avaliado por meio dos valores de referência sugeridos pela bateria de testes Fitnessgram e a maturação sexual por meio da auto-avaliação da pilosidade pubiana de Tanner. A avaliação postural foi realizada pelo método de fotogrametria DIPA versão 3.1. (Avaliação Postural Baseada em Imagem Digital). Para análise dos dados foi utilizado o programa SPSS 24.0, tendo sido aplicados os testes estatísticos: Qui-Quadrado, Mann Whitney, Exato de Fisher e Regressão Logística Binária. Resultados: Observou-se que houve significância estatística entre a Hiperlordose lombar e a idade das meninas e a puberdade dos meninos (p0,05). Conclusão: A idade das meninas e a puberdade dos meninos foi associada à ocorrência da hiperlordose lombar.This study was funded by CIEC (Center for Investigations in Childhood Studies), Strategic Project UID/CED/00317/2013, via National FCT (Science and Technology Foundation) funds and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), via COMPETE 2020 – Competitivity and Internalization Operational Program (POCI) under reference number POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562

    Ultraviolet radiation shapes seaweed communities

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